• yesterday
00:00Why would you buy the team to just break it up?
00:03Well, I don't know, maybe he looks at it as an investment.
00:05He is supposedly a Celtics fan.
00:07They're really pushing that in the globe.
00:09But I don't know.
00:11My fear would be it's a new guy and you don't know how he's going to act.
00:15And yeah, there could be moves coming.
00:17It's not going to affect the team this year.
00:18No, we don't know yet.
00:19But longer term, that has to be a concern.
00:21Yeah, we don't know.
00:21I don't know.
00:22You know, does he listen to people there that say,
00:25look, here's how much money we're currently making on a year-in and year-in basis.
00:30And trips to the finals and, you know, playing X number of, you know,
00:35playoff games versus just being at the top of the league and like just sort of
00:39that whole thing versus, all right, you know, if we make one round of the playoffs
00:43or if we're not as good, like here are the years where the team has struggled
00:47and what the revenue looked like versus the years that it was, it was really good.
00:51We don't know, right, as people are texting already.
00:53Robert Kraft tells you every single day that he was a fan of the team.
00:57And then it's not exactly spending on the team.
00:59That's a good point.
01:00That's not necessarily the greatest thing to hear because it's all about what you do with it.
01:05Like, are you a fan?
01:06You sat on the wooden bleachers?
01:07Like, awesome.
01:08I watched them at the old garden.
01:10I watched Red light up his victory cigar at the old garden.
01:13I grew up on Byrd and Parrish and McHale, but now I'm trading Jalen Brown and Drew Holiday.
01:18We don't know yet.
01:19I was, I wasn't a rich man then and now I know how to make money.
01:22And so, yeah, I mean, that, that absolutely would be my concern.
01:25I'm not telling you he's going to do it, but the whole thing about this sale is,
01:30all right, the Celtics are on course.
01:31Look at what they have.
01:32They have the whole roster.
01:33They've spent all the money.
01:34We didn't know if they'd spend the money, but they spent the money and great.
01:36Now, how many championships are they going to win?
01:38Then boom, you turn after they win the title.
01:41They go on the parade.
01:42It felt like the next day they're up for sale.
01:44Up for Kraft.
01:45And our fear immediately was, oh crap, maybe this thing won't be kept together.
01:48Now the sales official $6.1 billion.
01:51That's a big investment.
01:53Who knows if the guy wants to build his own stadium and what other,
01:57you know, how much more money he needs to pour into the thing.
02:00So this would be my pitch though.
02:03So this would be my, my, I guess my hope would be,
02:07all right, you need to at least maximize this run with this roster.
02:10And if you don't want to year in and year out be flying over the luxury tax, I get it.
02:16Like it is a business.
02:16You are trying to make money.
