• 2 days ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) seharian menguat pada perdagangan Kamis (20/3/2025). Sore ini, indeks ditutup melesat 70,01 poin atau 1,11 persen ke 6.381,67.

Sebanyak 318 saham menguat, 286 saham melemah, dan 353 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp11,2 triliun dari 16,1 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00Indekargasam Kabungan
00:05Indekargasam Kabungan is still closed in the green zone.
00:08The power is limited,
00:10where the power is still significant above 1%,
00:13exactly at 1.11%,
00:16and closed at level 6,381.674,
00:21where throughout today's trade,
00:23Indekargasam Kabungan has not been able to maintain its position at level 6,400.
00:28The highest intraday today is at 6,446.889,
00:33the lowest intraday at 6,305.3694,
00:37and open at 6,372.611.
00:40Let's go straight to the first graph,
00:42we will try to see the position of the closing of several other indexes,
00:46such as MNC36, Jakarta Islamic Index, and also ILQ45.
00:53MNC36 is weak at 0.78%,
00:56Jakarta Islamic Index is strong at 1.98%,
00:59and ILQ45 is weak at 0.21%.
01:03Next is the sectoral movement rotation.
01:06The next graph shows that technology is still leading in strength at 9.84%,
01:11and steel is still strong at 2.49%,
01:14finance is still weak at 0.95%,
01:17and primary consumption is at 0.62%.
01:20There is no change in sectoral movement rotation,
01:22same as the first closing session this afternoon.
01:25Next, Samsung today experienced significant strength,
01:29which entered the top gainers' range.
01:31PTRO was closed strong at 2.700%,
01:34TPIA was also weak at 7.050%,
01:37WIFI from technology was strong at 2.050%,
01:40and MSIN was closed strong at 9.30%.
01:43The last graph, Samsung today became a heavyweight,
01:47BBNI was closed weak at 4.080%,
01:50BRIS was closed strong at 9.00%,
01:53Telkom was closed weak at 2.390%,
01:57and Aces was closed strong at 5.05%.
02:00That concludes our second closing session,
02:02and I hope it can be a reference for you,
02:04especially in the face of trading in the coming days.