• vorgestern
Law & Order: Organized Crime ist ein Spin-off des Law & Order-Serienuniversums. Darin kehrt Elliot Stabler zurück und führt eine Elite-Taskforce an, die die mächtigsten Unterwelt-Syndikate der Stadt Stück für Stück auseinandernehmen will.

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00:00Let's be father for I've said I've promised people that I would save them
00:07but I have not been keeping my word I'm gonna do everything I can to stop it so
00:13I guess we should add prideful defiance to my list of sins huh
00:19Eli it's been an honor to watch you grow up to be the man that you are today I
00:30need you to go undercover there's a new player in town and they don't play by no
00:35rules Jesus we got another victim here this looks like an outbreak of serial
00:42murders never get comfortable with violence not like some guys I'll do it
00:47needs to be done
00:52stay down
00:56sorry to pick him up side
01:02guys Jetson trouble where is she
01:08do not make me bury you
