• 2 days ago
Well it's a nice day...

How to play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emL0VvBnaMQ

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Olivia Sui // https://www.instagram.com/oliviasui/
Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/
Tommy Bowe // https://www.instagram.com/tomeybones/
Angela Giarratana // https://www.instagram.com/angelagiovanagiarratana/

WHO YOU DON’T SEE (usually)
Director: Spencer Agnew
Editor: Rock Coleman
Director of Programming, Smosh Games: Spencer Agnew
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00:00We're playing Q's and Q's again and I'm so excited because it's the best game ever and we're playing with three people who've never played
00:07Guys this game is about like describing a color and that person trying to figure out what color you're talking about the person who gets
00:14Closest to the color that you were assigned gets the most point. I love it. I love colors
00:19It's about thinking literally and also not literally
00:22But you want to help each other out, right? Yeah. Yes. Yeah team
00:26Yeah, we all want a lot of points as in all games. We all want the same thing
00:33Points are good. I
00:37Have played this before I've never played before I play this war with some friends and I thought I was the first person to
00:42Discover it. So I ran up to Spencer and pitched it that we should do it
00:45And he's like we've done it multiple times on the channel without you. So
00:49But you played this privately solo privately
00:52With friends my friend played this with her family in a dark room and I was like, that's how you can't see that
00:59Legal funny. Yeah legal. Well, it's our first time playing it ever ever. I think this group specifically it's gonna be good
01:06It's gonna be really fun. I feel as if we all live in a like a color
01:10Bizarro space. Yes, I live in black and white
01:16So you guys ready yes, okay, we're gonna start I don't want to go first
01:22You go. I've never done this before perfect. Okay, great. Okay, and those are our little markers a little
01:28Yeah, I can move some of them over here. Each of us have a color. Okay, I'm great. I just pick from the top inside
01:34Hi, hello. Yeah, okay, and
01:37Then we'll close. Oh, we'll shut our eyes. We'll shut our eyes. You can check the board
01:41I don't like I don't like these colors. Can I do it again? Yeah
01:44I'm gonna shut my eyes when you're ready. I'm shutting my eyes now
01:47I'm shutting my eyes now because I'm having some solo time over here. You guys aren't looking at me, right? No
01:57When people ask you guys your favorite color, do you give them just a standard color?
02:00Is it like a fun color like mine's purple magic about majesty purple
02:06Majesty my purple. It's not the gayest shit. I've ever heard. Yeah
02:11Okay, what's your favorite color purple majesty purple purple mountain majesty purple mountain majesty
02:17Yeah, the difference between purple majesty and purple mountain majesty. No difference. They're the same
02:21I feel as if purple mountain majesty is like a little darker. No, it's like a little brighter. It's a little brighter. That's misty
02:31All right, okay, I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I'm up
02:34I'm up. I'm up. All right seer first word. All righty. Yep. Yeah tomato
02:41Good Tommy goes first. Oh my that's great
02:47Yeah, that's good I'm just gonna go right next to it
02:52I'm feeling
02:53Tomatoes are being different though. Yeah, it could be our little tomatoes are red
02:57Some are kind of a little bit red less than red. Okay. Now you're allowed to give us two words two words
03:02It can't be light or dark
03:05Okay, I'm gonna go with
03:09Roma tomato Oh
03:11Roma Roma tomato Roma Roma Roma
03:15Roma Roma
03:29He's all gonna put exact I'm gonna do this
03:32Okay, I feel like maybe I should have been down there. No, I like a dark aromas lighter
03:37I don't know what kind of tomato that is. So it looks like this. It's like a tomato to me
03:41It looks like this. Excuse me. Can you do it for me? The cameras over here for me? Oh, yeah
03:52So why are you ready for this? Yes. I don't think I did a good job
03:58We're warming up
04:00Ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong us are in there. Then you did a good job
04:07It's darker than I thought
04:10I I don't I didn't know how else to it's okay. Describe it. That's
04:14It was that one too. I was like this game is hard
04:18Okay, but that's not bad. You got a point. Okay, someone's in here
04:23You're red. I got you got two points. I got two cuz you're close by and then I got one point
04:29Yeah, me and you got one all the points that round and then live. Yeah, I just want to say what's on the card?
04:34I I feel like it's more rich. Yeah, I agree with you Roma, but yeah now's Roma. Okay, so we're off to the races
04:43So when we shut our eyes, we'll like look really really close. Oh, yeah. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Okay. All right, right
04:49That was good though. Thank you. You got points. Okay, there we go. Okay second round. Ooh
04:55Okay, okay, okay, okay, hold on. Okay
04:59Eyes have been shut the whole time just nice to like confirm it, you know
05:03What's fun about this game is everyone has a different idea of colors, you know, I'm a person and some people are colorblind
05:10That's so true. Yeah, what if you did this with feels I was trying to go out track with oh my god, like sadness
05:18No, no, no, no. No, I mean like
05:20Like you can open your eyes. Do you guys have synesthesia?
05:26Well, you can hear colors like you hear something and you're like, that's red. Yeah, like I know it like immediately like
05:32I don't think I have that. Okay, you ready for your first word?
05:37Why it's cheese
05:39Shit, why it's cheese cheese
05:44Cartoon cheese, we can't say okay. We can't say European cheese. We can't say who's first
05:53Oh, I'm so we're gonna go this way
05:55So you're first you place first cheese cheese
06:00It'd be so fun to have someone on the cast it's just like full
06:03Yeah, what if I just talk like this the rest of my life? I would love it. I'd love it, too
06:07I actually think that it's very fancy and fun
06:12It's a lot of fun to talk like Leah it's when your mouth dips down a slide and then comes right back
06:16Yeah, it feels like I'm like I'm juggling marbles in my tongue
06:20Feels like there's like a like a little like a little bug back there a little bug
06:25Keep it balanced. It's like holding on for
06:29Cheese yeah, cheese
06:32No, my suggestion was cheese and I thought of no, that's good. No, that makes sense. No, I know that's smart
06:38I did not mean to react that way
06:40No, I think it's awesome. I'm sorry
06:45Interpretation, I'm gonna go back no interpretation. Oh, you're good. I am so can I move much now?
06:51It's the board you're done just think about cheese like you meant yellow cheese, you know and
07:01Olivia's already thinking outside the box
07:04So good for who's in case who's in cuz we should play hose and bro, okay
07:13Sayings all right
07:16Dude, I completely fucked up. No, you didn't it's okay. It live. I think it's hilarious. It's great. I know this is
07:23This is where we need to think and and I like spent so long looking for the perfect shade of no, I know I saw
07:30Shade of moldy blue, that's great. Okay
07:34the two-word
07:36suggestion is
07:37going to be
07:39lightly grilled
07:43Lightly grilled
07:45Okay. Okay. Does that mean lightly grilled cheese? Oh, uh
07:50Lightly grilled if the first suggestion was cheese lightly grilled second suggestion is likely lightly grilled. Oh my god
07:56Grilled cheese really throws a wrench in it for me
07:59Cuz I'm like, but it's not girl cuz it's great. Oh
08:06Remember both words in there what dude lightly grilled cheese
08:16That's not the that if you get bread and cheese look like that it'd be scary
08:46Yeah, damn it that was a good one, but he said like that
08:50It's tough. Here's the thing my brain is like yes to it all so I go I could see that I could see that
08:54I can see you know, like
08:56We ready for yeah. Yes. He's reveal. Yes, please. Can you just pretend?
09:04All right, oh, oh there's there that would be bad what cheese is that
09:11I can't look. I can't look at this
09:18It was this one Oh
09:20It's like the perfect like my picture of like grilled cheese. I understand where everyone went
09:25Also, it's like these are kind of that too like, you know because of the gradient of it all
09:29So I thought of light like a lighter color. That was me. That was good. That was really good
09:34What are the points well done?
09:37Points I get one point
09:39Angela gets two points. Sorry three points
09:43Cuz you got in the two and then one on the one
09:46Amanda you get it looks like two points also, and then Olivia gets one point
09:51Oh, yeah, cuz it's right there we go gotta love this game so much fun so much so fun
10:01Much of my eyes just cuz okay. Yeah, I'll shut my eyes too. Just cuz you want a little rest
10:05I want to shut my eyes and have a little rest close your eyes. That's a closed
10:10Okay, you know what? I'm not even gonna overthink it. Okay, great. Okay, you ready for this?
10:13Yeah, eyes are open. You guys be friends with me if my feet were these yes
10:16Yes, thank you. You would have trouble walking but I'd be friends with you and that would be absolutely you know
10:20And I'm coming down the road
10:22Okay, go on tongue a
10:27Tongue could be anything cuz sometimes you drink like a blue drink and your tongue is blue back to blue live
10:31That's you thinking outside the box girl
10:35Look oh god, I'm overthinking it. I'm trying to
10:41Yeah, I see that are you thinking like a healthy person's tongue or someone Wow have that's what I'm saying
10:46There's so many different types under
10:48To act like there's one color of a tongue is so stupid. It's hey, yeah, I said don't do this to yourself. No, they're nodding
10:59You know if you stick your tongue out you can kind of see it in your peripheral
11:04Yeah, that's what I was doing lick the board oh wow look my tongue
11:11I'm a darker tongue everyone else
11:14I'm just built that way
11:25Yeah, I feel like that's the color of a tongue like someone who's like in their 10s fit 20s
11:31Thousand Island, but not going in and out
11:38You added a lot there and I just a thousand Island, that's all I said
11:41No, I didn't say that one and I was
11:48That might even get more
11:53Right, right, right my tongue
11:56God, this just makes you want to eat in and out
11:58Can we have enough for lunch, please? That would be nuts, too. Okay. All right
12:05I'm not the one from in and out. Where did you put? Okay right there
12:08People are gonna hate me that I cheated like that. Yeah, you can't do stuff like that
12:12Not here, you know how serious we are about rule not here. Not now
12:25We're all not on the same page
12:28To me that's in and out. I deserve this really to me. This is in and out
12:34You do okay. Let's do it. Okay, I was warming up
12:39Respectfully, it's all good. I'm gonna suck, too
12:48Okay, whoa, that's that's not thousand Island three points for a man
12:57Because if you would have said thousand Island and didn't do the and now I would have gone to one of these bitches
13:01Yeah, I was trying to just like move it up. Like I was just like trying to just what is that?
13:04So you could've said like red
13:07Ketchup and mayo, right?
13:08So white and red was to take those pins and move them up, which is more pink
13:15That's good you got a point the in-and-out one is like oh
13:19I don't I don't go to in-and-out that often. Unfortunately, I think their fries are so far
13:24They are subpar and I agree with you. We're gonna get shot for that
13:27See, I will I will not say that is this you get two points and then one point so three points total and Angela gets
13:32One point for having someone in the box one and then that's it. Yeah. Yes
13:39It's freaking hard this is so hard you're not seeing what we're seeing imagine me running to say hi
13:46That's so cute
13:48Okay, you guys ready? Yeah. Yes
13:53See foam is
13:55The way that you did that a part of the part of it as well. We're gonna get actor II don't do this
14:01No, that's just me
14:03See pal. Oh my god. I literally don't know if seafoam is green or blue. Neither. Do I? Oh great. I picked a great word
14:10I'm gonna go here cuz when I picture like that was an island dressing when I picture this see it and I picture a
14:17Light phone, please. What Sam there? Oh
14:20My god, I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this right now. I am all over the place. I'm gonna go down over here
14:25Oh, that's like green
14:27Can we have two words, please my braces were seafoam green growing up I had I had seafoam green
14:33How long did you braces to?
14:35One year one year to only one year. Did you have both bottom and top? Yeah, I just bought him Wow even weirder to be honest
14:43Wow, I was like, there's just color. Oh, yeah. Your top is amazing. You have great top. I think
14:53We were trying to give you some time
14:58All right, have you guys did that? Oh your teeth are fantastic
15:02cute way
15:04So you take your time my thing with braces? No, I
15:08It was like such a like a what color you pick right? Yeah
15:13Did we ever think about like the glue that they used was it
15:18Toxic homes one word right any of the stuff we put in my art room. What even is it? Okay. Okay, okay
15:25Okay, okay. Okay
15:27Okay, okay. Okay. Okay
15:30Sage seafoam sage
15:39I think I
15:40Yeah, no, I'm sticking with it. No, so it's you first. No, I did it sage seafoam
15:45Not the thousand not the in-and-out kind say see not the in-and-out. See so it's you first. Yeah. Yeah to go back
15:51Can we just talk for a bit? Are you guys thinking like the thing? Yeah, like like Oh like like maybe like gray
15:57Oh, or the sage you put in a turkey. Oh
16:00Okay, so both of those are sage
16:03There's there's
16:05Let's let's have a dialogue. Oh, yeah, it can be dried or fresh because it is a plant when it's a plant
16:11It's most likely green. Oh, you're so right dried. It's a like a white sage
16:17seafoam. Oh
16:20Okay, well, I'm I liked that I'm going to keep it closer to where I started I'm gonna put it here
16:28Hey, she's
16:30Sage life is very hard. It's a sage see there's nothing you can do
16:35Yeah, not everything's under your control actually can't control anything
16:41Totally what so should we close our eyes?
16:45No, please I need to know it'd be so stupid. Okay for me it's gonna be some shit over here. Oh
16:57Sage to me is like a silver
17:02Green that's sage to me. I did. I'm sorry guys. No, you didn't it's the same shit. I did. We're all being
17:12But then people have key lime that's really green and it's like the fake you said key lime I'd be over here
17:17So yeah, I'd be all the way. I didn't do it. He lime. I leave in my fridge for too long. Okay? Yeah
17:23You me after key lime
17:27Amanda you got one point and you get two got two
17:31But you guys know sage sage
17:34Thanks guys really hard. It's really hard on myself. Awesome. I love this game so much
17:38It makes my brain
17:40It just makes me like relaxed. Yeah. All right. I wasn't relaxed then but yes, I feel that in between. Yes
17:47Close your fucking eyes. Okay, it's hard not to like self
17:52Okay, my word is
17:55Perry Winkle
17:58Perry Winkle Perry Space Winkle Perry
18:01Winkle Perry Winkle
18:03How we Winkle my favorite colors Perry Winkle very close to purple mountain magic majesty. Okay. All right, who's me Tommy?
18:10Unfortunately, I don't know what that mean. I'm going to guess
18:20Perry Winkle
18:29My next word
18:34Two words, right? Yeah
18:38Baby shower. Oh
18:41Okay, I chose a
18:44Full body because it's perfect. It makes it more cuz it was specific
18:48All right. I think I see where I would go
18:52Wanna go not to gender it but girl or boy
18:56You can't say that God. I'm between this one of this one. Huh? Huh? You want this, huh?
19:02No, don't don't you just choose? Oh my god. Okay. That's what I literally what I was gonna pick
19:08So I'm gonna go right here. That means we're cooking. Let me yeah
19:12The brace and it is
19:26Well agreed
19:29Three points for Angela two points for me three points for Amanda and three points for Olivia
19:37This was like that was a man
19:39Yeah, that is so baby shower. Yeah, we're warm
19:45That was like hey, sorry. Hey, all right, Tammy this one's kind of tough, but I wanted to give myself a toughie, right?
19:52Tough is hard for the first time. I'm tough on myself
19:56Let's do
19:58Tara Cotta
20:01I love terracotta. What do you mean? It's hard. What even is that? What are my wedding colors? Oh
20:07Okay, it's very hard
20:09What and that's fine. It's already said and now that you said that it's fine. I might mean something else
20:15I might mean something completely different terracotta. Okay, who's next? Is it me? I don't know. Yes
20:21It's me. Yeah, okay terracotta, huh? Holy shit
20:26Not sure is terracotta it is a color right? Yes
20:31Where we is it also a fab, right? It's like a material. I thought so we can't okay terracotta
20:39Where are you going?
20:41That's what?
20:44Put it there. No, it's fine. Who cares. It doesn't matter you go you go. I wasn't gonna put it there. I mess up
20:48Go on you
20:51This is awful continue
20:53It's okay. Your second your second word will get a second word. We'll get us right course, right? Yeah. Oh, yep
21:00So I did something I was wrong. Hey, nobody's wrong and no one's
21:05Two different people think terracotta is two different colors, man. I suck about issue
21:10I don't think about my honest today size of an acorn rattling around in my big old skull. I said terracotta
21:15What do you think? What do you think? I'm over here means
21:18Terracotta. Oh, yeah, some beautiful terracotta for dummies terracotta for dummies black and yellow book whatever happened
21:27Okay terracotta for dummies, oh
21:29Shit, and now you now you go back with you with your blue original go back with your book
21:34I thought terracotta was like a like a blue. I don't love to look up what I met
21:42Okay, oh shit, all right
21:45Second new words to new words. No, my original what you put it down. It's done. We need to set a rule
21:54Angela you you can't do this. It doesn't mean anything. He's wrong. I mean anyway
22:01Okay, it's a very upsetting to me. We will course-correct in a big way. Oh
22:05Clay shit. Yeah, that's what terracotta is clay shit clay clay shit
22:11But some brides think it's pink and it's not pink you can paint terracotta any color you like
22:24What you were clay when you said shit, okay, he said dumb brain I was kind of like almost pretty much there clay shit
22:37So you're guys still in the purple, huh?
22:43Why nailed it? She got it. She got can nailed it. No way. No way today doesn't suck
22:50Wait, you didn't you got it?
22:55Be to clay shit
22:57Oh shit, honestly terracotta is a lot of different things, but he's so glad I said it wasn't pink
23:03It's it's you know when you go to a museum and you look at like ancient clay
23:11Brides think it's pink
23:13Well, look at where I put it. Okay, I got three points. Olivia got three points
23:19Amanda got three points and Angela got two points
23:24Wow, we do. Oh, so actually you did. Well, yes
23:27Great. Sorry for screaming into my mic. Ready? Sounds is great subway. Oh
23:34Yeah, the train or the sandwich place don't say anything don't say anything oh wait
23:40I'm trying to have she been to New York City
23:49I know. Oh, I know what you're doing. What I know what you're doing. Yeah, I'm eating fresh over here. Yeah
23:55Yeah, I know what you're doing. I mean, I think that's what her head is going to I
24:00Sure turn up. Oh, it's better. Okay. The problem is subway has two colors and it's I know I know
24:05Yeah, and here's the thing
24:07I want to go with the other subway, but I don't see the other subway on here because we're not playing with this shit
24:12Right. Well, it could also be the subway stops have that really dark green like railing going down into it in New York
24:19But is this New York and we there's always their subways. Oh, I think you're right. I think it's a sandwich spot
24:25Yeah, you said two colors. The other color isn't on the board. So that's true. I can't wait for the second. Here we go
24:31there we go, I went with the crowd and if I'm wrong and
24:35I think the next word. Yeah
24:41That's not a word
24:49Sprite cap. Oh, oh, okay. You guys were correct. Is that me?
24:55Yes, that me Sprite cap. Awesome. Very nice. Well done
24:59Remix bright remit. No, not don't say the real you can't you're confused
25:04You've already done enough
25:07But why would she say remix
25:09Shit, I kind of like forget
25:13Whatever. Oh
25:15Shit. Oh
25:16It's wrong. It's wrong. But I think the Sprite remix could be something like this
25:25We can't we can't I'm saying me because I I have a headache what?
25:31You're not oh you guys were right about subway. Oh
25:39No, that is correct, I'm just trying something in the middle of everything that is correct, please reveal to me what it is I
25:46Don't tonight's not right that much. So it's
25:49Stop stop. What's what's what's what's what? No way. Did he get it? No way. Oh my god
25:56Tommy on the money, babe. Wow
26:00Yeah, baby. Yeah
26:03Right color wait, no or right this counts. Yes four points for me one point one point for Angela what?
26:11Yeah, cuz only one in the Wow
26:14One point for me and one point for Olivia. Thank you. Wow
26:21Shut your eyes. They're shots. I
26:25Love when people say tease with a soft like tea. It's like shots. They're shot
26:30Do you guys think that you'll get braces it as adults? No, my teeth are just gonna be gnarly for my bottom teeth are
26:37Because I don't wear retainers. No, no, okay. I want to do a character here with headgear. So okay big thing a headgear
26:48You were very confident should we go back to our discussion
26:56Tara copper
27:00I'm gonna say something whatever say something. That's good
27:07You don't want to say what you're about to say because it could be interpreted so many different ways
27:11But how I see it originally I'm like, oh, yeah, of course Wow grape. Oh
27:15We've done this. Okay half no, but this is change up my word. No, no this I go right? It's me Angela first
27:23Dude, I could be like, I'm just gonna go red grape. No like like like like um rotten grape
27:29No, like, you know the real actual because cartoon grapes are here and grape grape is like over here
27:34There's they're actually like a rudder. Yeah, but I'm just gonna go like, oh my god red grapes
27:39Angela, you're right. Oh, right. It's like a yeah like the grapes. I know she's eaten or over here, right? Yes
27:46You're absolutely, right
27:47I'm trying to read but I'm gonna just go great like grape soda, right?
27:54Okay, I'm going to go right here I'm not gonna give anything your watch is saying it's time to stand and you know
28:01Please do it. I've actually never had a purple grape
28:05No one has real right but like grapes in pictures
28:14And that's crazy
28:18Could be like over in here, I know like a green grape
28:23Second it's time to stand
28:28Stand up for your words. Oh my gosh
28:32Concord grape. Oh
28:35Okay heard like those concord grapes
28:38concord grape or a concord grape like someone's about to flag a
28:44Concord by another cow I I
28:47It's hard being from a different part of this world
28:50Which is right East Coast, yeah, oh don't make this up get bonkers great actually, yeah
28:56I should have said something else
28:59If you know, you know, but if you don't you're I'm a concord grape concord grape
29:04It's a very idiot. Why cuz I should have known should have known what cuz that she's playing with dumbasses
29:11No, because none of you guys are from where I'm from. I'm from Florida from Florida though
29:16So you should I know an acorn acorn rattler. I don't think you would as you know from her angle
29:22she's looking like
29:24Like a somewhere dark like right somewhere
29:39Okay, anything anything somewhere dark somewhere like really concord concord
29:45Hair is so long and gorgeous lush. I know I'm hurrying I can feel the pressure. I'm gonna just go over here
29:53I'm going here
29:57That's so awesome you guys thank you you guys are I'm gonna go healing it I wouldn't here
30:08So conquer grape is like a juice and it's also a jelly and I don't think it's that good for you
30:12But it was in the East Coast. We don't really care if it's good for you
30:17Kidding how many points you get?
30:23None but Angela got one point I got really close and now I'm like, is that even that's not even a good Concord grape
30:30It's okay. Well, look at all these all these purples are in the same little one. Yeah, that was hard. That's hard
30:36That was hard
30:37Wait, is is I were you joking is a Concord grape on East Coast thing?
30:42Yeah, it's like a tight isn't it like a title of juice and a jet and jelly. Oh
30:47I'm not upset. Okay. This is the next round. Yes. Yeah, we're doing do we want to do sounds or character monologues?
30:53I think character monologues. Yeah, okay sentence as a character sentence one sentence
30:58I think you could you could like physically deliver it as well and your sound of voice and your body. I love this
31:04Okay, um, if you don't do it right we'll guess no I can't
31:17She doesn't even go here. Oh my god love that. Oh my god. Oh my god me first. I think that's you first
31:24Or is it the shirt that Damien's wearing in the scene because he's wearing like an off-pink see yellow a bit pink
31:31She's new go here. It's like a salmon II I'm gonna go I'm gonna go this cool
31:39All right, okay second sentence
31:54Anything okay. Okay. Okay. Okay
31:59And no
32:02I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna say two words. Okay, perfect. Actually. No my super sweet 16. Okay
32:11So it's me, yeah, yeah my super sweet 16
32:18Many I super sweet 16
32:30Was thinking that to
32:32Okay, here you go. Here's the box go just rip it off rip it off rip off the band-aid
32:41You killed it three points for little gray, yeah
32:45Good job two points for both of you. And oh, sorry. I get four points because of this guy over here
32:50Oh, yeah, and live this three points. Great. Okay
32:55Sorry, it took so long. No, that's great. Great job. That was awesome. Oh, got it. My
33:01God, I'm sorry. This fell out of my pocket and scratched something. I thought it was a bug. Everything's fine today sucks
33:08It's just the back. All right, I've got one. Hold on. Let me just make sure I'm close my eyes
33:11I don't want to see my shirt. Okay, I
33:14Think the back is fine. Close your eyes. I won't close eyes
33:19That's what I do cuz then you get the correct, okay, I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it my best shot, okay
33:25All right. Hold on. Oh
33:29My god
33:33Here's the sentence
33:36Well, it's a nice day, oh
33:41Nice yeah do it one time. Okay?
33:44Well, it's a nice day
33:47Little sarcastic, but also a little bit genuine. No. Oh, it's a nice. I think this yeah
33:52I thought sarcastic but cuz cuz he says well, that's feel sarcastic, but I think it's genuine
34:01That's a nice day. Oh
34:04Well, it's a nice day. Maybe it's someone who guarded
34:23Okay, great second sentence, let's see
34:27I'm very proud of my daughter. Oh
34:31That's you live I'm very proud of my daughter I'm very proud of my daughter Oh
34:43Shit that's good
34:45I'm very proud. It's a nice day. She's outside. She's an outside lady. I'm very proud of my daughter
34:53I'm very proud of my daughter
35:02I'm very proud of my daughter
35:05Whatever all right proud of my daughter
35:10One of you is one square away and you got it on the first sentence what?
35:19The pink isn't
35:21No way
35:31It's perfect, it's like a it's like adult sunshine a little bit this one counts. Oh, that's yes. So that's um
35:37Two three points for Angela. Oh, I won't and one point for me. Wow. Good job
35:41I was I think she was out in the garden be one. Okay, one two, good job Ange. Good job Ange
35:47Well done. Okay one round two down
35:55It's gonna look at my guys
35:57Okay, here we can guys open. Okay, one round two down one round two down ready? Yeah pressure for you. Whoa
36:08Tuesday, how are you? Oh
36:11Socks, I'm gonna add a voice
36:14Tuesday, how are you? Great?
36:17Yeah, are you going there's a me Tuesday, it doesn't matter cuz we're all I mean sure I'll go I'm gonna go here
36:27It's Tuesday, how are you?
36:29Going to be right here. Okay. Oh you go
36:34My mine is gonna be right here. And then my other one is going to be
36:39Okay, it's Tuesday, how are you mine's gonna be like shit trash it's Tuesday, how are you?
36:45Great great. Look at my face. She's a are you? Oh, okay dead in the eyes dad
36:54Can I pivot one more time
36:57Okay, I'm gonna pay that too I'm gonna go over here cool and I'm feeling
37:01Can free for all just go with it like this actually, okay
37:05Tuesday, how are you?
37:07Hmm. She's a are you?
37:09And actually I'm moving my first guy over here
37:13Kind of like black it's like oh, yeah, it's like roulette
37:17Susie how are you? No, I'm not frowning
37:21You're dead
37:23You're dead
37:26That means someone asked how are you doing and the answer was it's Tuesday. Oh
37:32It's like
37:33Mustardy nasty. Yeah. Yeah, just do what you need to do. You know, I think I'm gonna go this process. I'm gonna go like anywhere you want
37:43Whatever I don't care. Yeah
37:47Okay awful way to end this, okay
37:53Give me a second. Oh
37:56None of us are it's other way Tuesday. How are you?
38:13Okay, okay
38:15Like yeah, that's okay. That's okay. There's no zero points round
38:21Angela you know you won. Thanks Tuesday. How are you Tuesday? How are you?
38:28Because he's like 20 yeah, he's gloomy
38:32I had a second sentence. I'd probably be like, um this weekend. I think I might go see the water
38:40Helped you
38:43You still blew me away with getting mine one off with the first that was crazy and you're excellent at guessing colors
38:48Yeah, you are very good. Yes, you do have some seizure. Yeah, you have some anesthesia. Yes. I'm done anesthesia
38:55Yes, I see. So I'm never good at anything. So this feels good. That's not
39:00No, I didn't like okay. Um
39:05Well, that was music use if you want to see us play with different people different styles
39:11Or you just want it to be played the way it was meant to be played
39:15Let us know in the comments and we'll do all of it or not. I play with sounds just sounds. Yeah
39:21Thanks for watching we'll see you later. Bye. Bye
