Porsche - Sebring Circuit Breakdown
00:00All right so here we are I'll be starting a lap at Sebring a lot of
00:10bumps I can tell you starting the lap I'm probably going from fifth to sixth
00:14gear how can I open up that turn one as much as I can so I'll be as close to the
00:19wall as possible and then it's a high committing turn one but also you don't
00:23want to overdo the entry nice and a lot of flow into the corner bringing a lot
00:27of minimum speed and back on power you're down to fourth now you're
00:32probably on the exit going up to fifth again getting the car set up for turn
00:35three it's like a medium heavy braking you fight the rear end a little bit and
00:40then you're trying to squeeze in as much as you can to keep it tight to that turn
00:45three down to second or third gear and now I'm feeling that inside curb now I'm
00:50placing myself to turn five also a light braking down to second gear and I want
00:56to pick up the power as progressively as I can and that's always a tight exit
01:00as well up to third fourth fifth sixth and then heavy braking to seven there's
01:06a lot of bumps on the way and I'm trying to rotate the car as best as I can on
01:11second gear and then back to full throttle third fourth fifth there's a
01:17small kink to the right small kink to the left pick up fifth gear and then
01:21another medium heavy braking into turn 10 right now there's a little bit of
01:26fighting of the rear end and I try to be as close to the apex curve as I can
01:31probably doing second gear as well now I transfer the weight to the rear back on
01:36power not too aggressively as well because there is a kink so I go from
01:41second to third to fourth and now I start to open the wheel again and placing
01:46myself to 13 medium to light braking keep that trail braking as much as I can
01:51turn right third gear back on power there's some bump on the exit there
01:56probably just go up to sixth gear as I go to this double left hander kink and
02:01now another heavy braking to 14 down to third gear now I place myself near that
02:06you know inside curb keep as tight as possible it's a very tight line back on
02:11power aggressively now back to 15 and 16 it's a very quick transition try to
02:16hook up on that curb as much as I can and then a very progressive back down on
02:21power on the back straight just almost goes to seventh gear reaching almost
02:26near 300 kph to turn 17 which is probably the hardest corner in the track
02:31you don't want to be too aggressive on the way in so it's a pretty medium heavy
02:35braking and I'm trying to trail brake as much as I can down to third try to hold
02:40on the line there's a big bump under the bridge and now I go again very
02:45progressively back on power third fourth fifth next to the tire wall and that's a
02:50lap around Sebring