00:00All right, so the uh, the chicago bulls 38 33 for phoenix right now six minutes left in the second quarter
00:06The bulls are eight and a half in game total 220 and a half
00:10uh right now
00:11Uh, that's the bulls game. How about last night? Uh, yeah, tracy morgan. Uh
00:17Yeah collapsed on the court threw up on the court. He said it was food poisoning
00:22So yeah bad omen for the for the knicks, you know when tracy morgan's uh going down throwing up court side
00:27Uh paul, but yeah, it seems like the knicks are sort of going through a little bit of a uh
00:32It's not the best like atmosphere, right? You know heart and tibido. We're getting into it all the time
00:36Now, what do you think about the knicks moving forward now?
00:38And you know what the broad's saying it's like it's inevitable that they're going to get hurt
00:41It's just like you can't have good things because I thought the knicks the legs lineup is good, bro
00:46And they're all there, but they're not all there
00:48And it's not all it's not it's never going to mesh together. I don't think it's almost going to be like the new sixers
00:53Or something I think paul