• avant-hier
Bande annonce "SuperGrave"


Bande-annonce en partenariat avec notre fournisseur pour la promotion du programme


00:00Thanks for taking him, Seth.
00:01No, no problem.
00:02I can't imagine what you're gonna do without each other next year.
00:05Evan told me you didn't get into Dartmouth.
00:07You gonna miss each other?
00:08No, I don't miss each other.
00:09Yeah, I'm gonna cry myself to sleep every night.
00:11Me too.
00:12When I'm out partying.
00:13Go to school, boys.
00:15Take care of those.
00:24I never see you at parties or anything.
00:26Saturday was actually a crazy night for me.
00:28Seth's parents were throwing this party.
00:29We could get together, cocktail casual.
00:31And then we went to a nightclub.
00:33You got in.
00:33We got right in.
00:34That sounds like a lot of fun.
00:38You would have loved it.
00:39It's my brand new fake ID.
00:41Wait, you changed your name to McLovin?
00:43Doesn't even have a first name, it just says McLovin.
00:46This guy's either gonna think here's another kid with a fake ID
00:48or here's McLovin, the 25-year-old Hawaiian organ donor.
00:52I am McLovin.
00:54Hello, Mindy.
00:57Okay, I'm gonna need to see some identification.
00:59Makes me feel young again.
01:05Ethnically, was he like...
01:09Was he African?
01:10No, he was like you.
01:12He's Jewish.
01:13So we have an African Jew wearing a hoodie.
01:16Tonight is our last party as high school people.
01:20You know when you hear girls saying like,
01:22oh, I was so gone last night, I shouldn't have slept with that guy.
01:25We can be that mistake.
01:35Hey, Becca.
01:39Oh, shit!
01:44I love you.
01:45I love you.
01:46Why don't we say that every day?
01:47Why can't we say it more often?
01:48I just want to go to the rooftops and scream,
01:50I love my best friend, Evan.
01:57You're like the coolest person that's ever talked to me,
01:59and I blew it.
02:00Come on, you can blow it.
02:01I think maybe...
02:04What the...
02:14That is bona fide badass.