• 2 days ago
12 of the most annoying Pokémon across the main series video games
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Pokemon videos about new Pokemon games, retro Pokemon games, or just Pokemon in general!

Edited by KeeLoker! https://twitter.com/KeeLoker
Mytey subscribe animation by Spoody: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtT-Ff9o7Ygj0dUu8wGiXcw



00:00Pokemon are so annoying.
00:03Well, some of them are.
00:05These are 12 of the most annoying Pokemon to deal with
00:08when playing through a Pokemon game.
00:11This list is in no particular order,
00:12except for the very last one,
00:14which is definitely the most annoying.
00:17Those of you younger viewers
00:18who've only played newer Pokemon games
00:20like Sword and Shield or Scarlet and Violet
00:22probably don't find wild Pokemon very annoying.
00:25What's the big deal?
00:26Just go around them.
00:28But those of you closer to my age
00:30with sage wisdom of years gone by
00:34likely recall the dark places
00:38and the wet places.
00:41Caves and bodies of water.
00:43I am talking about cave and surf Pokemon.
00:46Most entries will be broader categories like this,
00:49but I'll provide specific examples.
00:51Unlike dry outdoor routes,
00:53every tile of caves or water is a potential encounter spot.
00:56So you are constantly being mobbed by wild battles
00:59you don't care to participate in.
01:01Zubat, Geodude, Tentacool, and Wingull
01:04have earned places in the annoying Pokemon Hall of Fame
01:07because you're trying to just get somewhere,
01:09then diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly did,
01:11did, did, did, did, you hear the Pokemon cry,
01:14you run away, take three more steps,
01:16diddly diddly diddly diddly did, did, did, did, did.
01:19It's so irritating.
01:21Repels, of course, solve this problem,
01:23assuming you have high enough level Pokemon,
01:25but early to mid game, you may not be able to afford them.
01:28And then when they run out,
01:30you have to stop what you're doing
01:31and go into your bag and use another,
01:33assuming you're playing before they added
01:35the repel run out would you like to use another feature.
01:37Once the games went 3D,
01:39they seemed to scale back the frequency
01:41of random cave and water encounters,
01:43at least from my own impression.
01:45And of course now Pokemon games
01:47mostly don't have random encounters at all.
01:49But if you go back to 2D, pack repels.
01:54That's not to say the newest Pokemon games
01:56are completely free from annoying wild Pokemon though.
01:59Sure, most of the time,
02:00if you don't want to battle wild Pokemon, you don't have to
02:03but Scarlet and Violet have one glaring exception,
02:07or should I say vaulting exception,
02:11that being Veluza.
02:14Originally, this entry was gonna be wild Pokemon
02:16that chase you like Sneasel or Sharpedo
02:19in Scarlet and Violet.
02:20But Veluza is so much worse
02:22that it had to have this entry to itself.
02:25This stupid fish is outrageously aggressive and fast.
02:31If it sees you, it gives chase at blinding speeds,
02:34forcing you to dodge not only it,
02:36but the crowds of other Pokemon in the water.
02:39And then if it does catch you, which it likely will,
02:43you're pretty much forced to knock it out.
02:45That's because in Scarlet and Violet,
02:47running from a Pokemon does not make it disappear.
02:50So if you flee from the Veluza,
02:53it'll simply start chasing you again.
02:54And the final reason Veluza is worse
02:56than other chasing Pokemon is because of where it is.
03:00It's all over the West Coast of Paldeia,
03:02but the primary place it ruins your day is Cassaroia Lake,
03:06the aquatic lag tree thicket.
03:09I never thought of a good lag pun name
03:11like I did for the thicket,
03:12but if you have one, let me know in the comments.
03:14Cassaroia Lake, to this day, runs infuriatingly slower
03:18than other parts of the map.
03:20So when a Veluza catches you,
03:22the whole process of killing it and leveling up your team
03:25becomes even more annoying
03:26because it takes more time than it should.
03:29If you value your sanity,
03:31pretend you're in Jaws and stay out of the water.
03:34It's not just Pokemon that won't leave you alone
03:36that can be annoying though.
03:38Oddly, the opposite can also be a pain.
03:40Pokemon that flee are not very fun to try to catch.
03:44There are three main examples of this that I'm gonna cover.
03:47The first is Abra.
03:49In most games, Wild Abra only know Teleport,
03:52so if you don't catch it on the first turn,
03:54throwing a Pokeball while it's at full health,
03:56it will Teleport and be gone forever.
03:59Okay, yes, there are ways to stop it,
04:01like putting it to sleep, but that's still risky
04:04and you may not have the resources to do that.
04:07Most of the time you're catching an Abra,
04:09you have two or fewer Gym Badges.
04:11The next example is Roaming Legendaries.
04:14There have been many over the years
04:15and because they flee at the end of the first turn,
04:18in general, the mechanics have changed,
04:19so there have been times where they fled sooner.
04:22They become the de facto use your Master Ball Pokemon.
04:25It's kind of annoying, but it's way worse in games
04:27that have multiple Roaming Legends, like Platinum,
04:31which has five.
04:33You can only throw your Master Ball at one of them.
04:36This forces you to chase the other Pokemon
04:38all over the region and try to catch them
04:40with specific strategies to prevent them from fleeing.
04:43It's a huge pain.
04:45The final example of fleeing Pokemon
04:47is in Legends Arceus.
04:49Arceus, if there's a Pokemon you wanna catch,
04:52let's say a Shiny, you have a pretty good chance
04:53of doing that if the Pokemon is aggressive or neutral.
04:57You can do so out of battle, even when it notices you,
04:59but if that goes poorly, you can enter battle
05:02and try to catch it more traditionally.
05:04But some Pokemon run away when spotted,
05:07vaporizing into a puff of smoke if they get too far away.
05:11Even if you enter battle with them,
05:13they can run away and fully disappear.
05:16This is super annoying when trying to catch the Pokemon
05:18in general, but can be devastating if it's a Shiny.
05:22I am less scared of trying to catch a Shiny Alpha
05:24than I am of a Shiny tiny little baby.
05:27So pro tip, if you hear the Shiny noise,
05:30immediately save your game.
05:31It might respawn if you fail it.
05:34And speaking of that, I really miss that noise.
05:37My first Shiny in Legends Arceus was a Carnivine
05:39that I only found because I heard the noise
05:41when flying overhead.
05:43It was so exciting and I would have carried on
05:45and missed it otherwise.
05:46But that noise has helped me find several Shinies
05:49that I otherwise would not have noticed.
05:51And then they removed it.
05:53In Scarlet and Violet, wild Shiny Pokemon
05:56just look different.
05:57They do not sparkle nor make a noise when they appear.
06:01This sucks.
06:02So I am naming Shiny Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet
06:06as the next annoying Pokemon on this list.
06:09If you haven't Shiny hunted in these games,
06:10let me walk you through why it's so annoying.
06:13Because there is no audible marker,
06:15you are forced to stare at the screen nonstop,
06:18keeping your camera on a swivel
06:20and giving yourself an eye strain headache.
06:22You can't run too fast or you'll breeze right past one.
06:25If the Shiny is a very different color, you might be fine.
06:28But if it looks really similar to the normal color
06:30like Slowpoke or Paldean Tauros,
06:33you have to closely inspect every one.
06:36You can use auto battles, sure, they won't kill a Shiny
06:38so you can clear out the normal ones,
06:40but that's still an extra step.
06:42This all makes the process a lot more stressful
06:45and less fun than it was in Legends.
06:47Now I know there are some explanations out there
06:50for why they removed the sound.
06:52Something about like,
06:53it has to do with the way Pokemon spawn,
06:55like there's too many and they despawn too quick
06:57so you'd hear the noise and then the Pokemon despawns
06:59before you can see it, something like that.
07:02But I don't care.
07:06Spawn the Pokemon better.
07:08It worked in Legends Arceus.
07:10Why didn't you just do it the same in Scarlet and Violet?
07:13I do want to give a kudos to those of you
07:15who do Shiny hunt regularly
07:16because I simply do not have the patience for it,
07:19especially in a game where I can't even look
07:21at a YouTube video on my other monitor.
07:23And if this video is on your other monitor right now
07:26or maybe a TV in the background,
07:28hey, hey, look at me, hello, you, hey, hi.
07:33I don't have anything to say,
07:35just wanted more attention.
07:37The last few entries have focused on wild Pokemon
07:40so let's shift gears to trainer Pokemon.
07:42Years ago, I coined the phrase,
07:44if it's not 100% accurate, it's 50% accurate
07:47to express my dismay toward Pokemon moves
07:50that had any chance to miss.
07:52Few things feel worse than doing nothing on your turn
07:55so I am using the 100% accurate move almost every time.
07:59So when the enemy Pokemon makes it so
08:02none of my moves are 100% accurate,
08:05I want to pull my hair out.
08:06Pokemon have two ways of lowering their chances
08:09of being hit, boosting their evasion
08:11or lowering the opponent's accuracy.
08:14If your Pokemon has its accuracy lowered,
08:16switching out just clears that problem.
08:18But if the enemy Pokemon boosts its evasion
08:21with moves like Double Team or Minimize
08:23or an ability like Sand Veil, you're likely stuck with it,
08:26thus making this entry evasiveness-boosting Pokemon.
08:30Now, there are ways around this infuriating strategy,
08:34you're just not likely to have them in most playthroughs.
08:38The first is a forced switch move
08:40like Roar, Whirlwind, or Dragontail.
08:43Today, Roar and Whirlwind bypass accuracy checks
08:45to always hit, but in Gen 5 and earlier,
08:48they could still miss just like any other move
08:51and thus are affected by Double Team.
08:53Dragontail has always been able to miss
08:55and in fact is only 90% accurate, and thus 50% accurate.
09:00But even ignoring their accuracy problem, who uses these?
09:05Dragontail I get, it does damage,
09:08but I've never had Roar or Whirlwind
09:11on a playthrough Pokemon.
09:13The second strategy is using an attack that never misses,
09:16like Aerial Ace or Shock Wave.
09:18There is a decent chance you have one of these
09:20in your party at some point, but it's far from guaranteed.
09:23You're also less likely to have one later in the game
09:26since these moves are not very powerful
09:28and are likely to be replaced by stronger ones.
09:30Evasiveness-boosting is so annoying
09:33because it takes strategy out of the battle
09:36and turns it just into a stupid luck crapshoot.
09:39There are three infamous boss battle examples of this
09:42that I have experienced a lot of pain with
09:44and lost to as an adult.
09:46The first is Wan's Kingdra in Emerald.
09:49It's already tough to kill
09:50since it's only weak to Dragon, no fairy yet.
09:53So if it gets off a couple Double Teams,
09:55you may never hit it enough times to win.
09:58The second is Candice's Frostlass in Platinum.
10:01Not only does it have Double Team,
10:03but it has the ability Snow Cloak,
10:05which boosts evasion in the permanent hail
10:08that her Abomasnow likely set up before.
10:11If Frostlass gets up just one Double Team in the hail,
10:15a 100% accurate move goes down to 60%.
10:19It's an absolute nightmare.
10:21And this last example is from a fan game,
10:23but such a big deal that I had to mention it.
10:26We can't forget when Dr. Fuse
10:28lost to Koga's minimizing Chinook in Infinite Fusion,
10:32a battle so mentally taxing
10:34that when he finally won...
10:36Take that, you worthless pile of garbage!
10:51Should probably take a break for the day.
10:53Evasion can take a battle past the barrier of annoying
10:56and into difficult territory though.
10:58So let's discuss something that really is just annoying.
11:02Grinding your team before the Pokemon League.
11:05It's never been fun.
11:07In most games when doing this,
11:08the Victory Road is the go-to place.
11:10It has the highest level wild Pokemon after all.
11:13Grinding here is never particularly enjoyable,
11:15but it's generally straightforward,
11:17especially for your grass or water types,
11:19since they can easily blast through
11:21all the rock and ground types found in the cave.
11:23Well, they used to be able to.
11:27I'll never forget trying to grind my team up
11:29to battle the league
11:30in my first playthrough of Pokemon White
11:32and discovering the Bulldores,
11:34what should have been easy Pokemon to blast through,
11:37all required two turns to KO thanks to Sturdy.
11:42This annoyed me so much that Sturdy Pokemon,
11:46from Gen 5 onward, are an entry on this list.
11:49In the past, Sturdy was completely useless.
11:52It made the Pokemon immune to the very small group
11:55of one-hit KO moves,
11:56Fissure, Horn Drill, Sheer Cold, and Guillotine.
12:01But in Gen 5, they buffed it,
12:02so it still does what it used to do,
12:04but also functions like a built-in focus sash.
12:07If the Pokemon would be knocked out
12:09from full health in one hit, even by a regular move,
12:12it instead lives with one HP.
12:15Look, I understand Sturdy needed a boof.
12:18A boof.
12:20Look, I understand that Sturdy needed a buff.
12:22It was genuinely terrible before,
12:25but this buff has personally annoyed me.
12:30Now, so many Victory Road Pokemon,
12:32like Graveler, Onix, Lairon, and Boldore,
12:35now require two hits to KO,
12:38when previously, one Surf would do the trick.
12:41It's not changing the fate of the battle.
12:44It's just doubling the time it takes.
12:46Sturdy Pokemon also become a pain in boss battles too.
12:50Marshall's Sock or Olivia's Probopass come to mind
12:53as particularly annoying.
12:55You could argue this is more difficult than annoying,
12:57but considering these Elite Four members
12:59and their full restores,
13:01you could end up having to land a hit
13:02strong enough to one-shot,
13:04like four times, to actually beat the Pokemon.
13:08No Sturdy, and they're not so darn annoying.
13:11Sturdy's a more modern annoyance,
13:12so let's go back and cover one that's old.
13:15I won't spend too much time on this
13:16since I discussed it in my 12 Broken Battle Mechanics
13:19That I'm Glad Are Dead video,
13:20but this one is just so annoying
13:23that I have to discuss it again.
13:25Binding moves, like Whirlpool or Wrap,
13:28damage the target, then trap them for a few turns,
13:31dealing recurring damage.
13:33The duration and damage per turn have changed over the years,
13:36but that's not important for this.
13:38What is important is that today,
13:40bound Pokemon can still move,
13:42but in Gen 1, both the user and the target
13:46are forced to sit there for several turns
13:48while the attack plays out.
13:50You're just watching.
13:52Like, five turns happen, and you can't do anything.
13:55This makes any Pokemon with a binding move in Gen 1
13:59a nightmare to fight.
14:00I have played through Gen 1 a single time.
14:03In a particular battle with a Wrap-using Bellsprout,
14:07I originally wrote Wrapping Bellsprout,
14:09but that is not what it was doing.
14:11♪ Man down, call an ambulance, tell them breathe ♪
14:13Scarred me so badly that I still shudder
14:16when I think about it to this day.
14:18It took like 10 times longer than any battle should.
14:21Thank Arceus they fixed that quickly in Gen 2.
14:24Speaking of being trapped in battle,
14:25there are other ways that can happen.
14:27You can use moves like Block or Mean Look,
14:29and of course there are abilities that do this too.
14:32Magnet Pull traps Steel-types,
14:34and Shadow Tag traps all Pokemon,
14:36except Ghost-types, which have been immune
14:38to trapping since Gen 6.
14:40Using these to your advantage
14:41could help you catch roaming Pokemon
14:43like I mentioned earlier,
14:44but they're super annoying when turned against you.
14:47You could of course be Parish-trapped by WolfieVGC,
14:51but in normal playthrough gameplay,
14:53it's far and away the most common and most annoying
14:56when it's just a random wild Pokemon.
14:59You're on your merry way,
15:00running from any wild Pokemon in your path,
15:02until suddenly you cannot run.
15:04This entry is not about the trapping methods
15:06I've already mentioned though.
15:08The moves give you a chance to run first,
15:10Magnet Pull only works on Steel-types,
15:12and very few wild Pokemon have Shadow Tag.
15:15I'm not covering these to instead focus
15:18on the most common occurrence of this,
15:20Arena Trap Pokemon.
15:22Diglett, Dugtrio, and Trapinch all have Arena Trap,
15:25which traps all Pokemon that are not floating,
15:27or Ghost-types after Gen 6 as mentioned earlier.
15:30It's only three Pokemon that have this ability,
15:33but they are far more common
15:34than the other trapping situations,
15:37appearing in many places across many games.
15:40Trying to get through Diglett's cave
15:42or the Hoenn Desert can be so irritating,
15:44since if a single Diglett or Trapinch shows up
15:47that has Arena Trap, you're likely forced to deal with it.
15:50You cannot lead with your Electric-type,
15:53because if it doesn't have a wide move pool
15:55and it gets trapped, you just,
15:56you may not even be able to damage the Diglett.
15:59I don't want to pretend like these burrowing Pokemon
16:01are the only annoying trapping ones though.
16:03There are two specific Pokemon
16:04that deserve their own entry.
16:07They're nowhere near as common in the wild,
16:09in fact being quite rare,
16:10but when you encounter them,
16:12they can be far more damaging.
16:15Why not?
16:16And Wobbuffet.
16:18They have Shadow Tag,
16:19which traps you into the battle as I've already mentioned,
16:21and that of course is annoying on its own,
16:23but then because of their movesets,
16:26you are now stuck in a gambling with your life mode.
16:29Will they use Safeguard and do nothing?
16:32Or will they use Counter or Mirror Coat,
16:34which could do nothing if you pick the right type of move,
16:37or could obliterate your Pokemon
16:39if you fail to knock the Wobbuffet out?
16:42Or will they use Destiny Bond,
16:43killing your Pokemon no matter what
16:45if you kill the Punching Bag?
16:47Every turn could be completely safe
16:50or the end of your Pokemon,
16:53which makes them so horrible to deal with
16:55in randomizer Nuzlockes.
17:02Why did you speak?
17:07How did it?
17:09My happiness!
17:17Another specific Pokemon earned its place
17:19on this list long ago,
17:21because dealing with it in just one game
17:23made it one of my least favorite Pokemon of all time.
17:27And I'm not talking about Miltank.
17:29Whitney's Miltank is just brutally difficult.
17:32This Pokemon is more of a nuisance,
17:35a constantly reappearing one.
17:38That Pokemon is Watchog in Unova.
17:41The first Watchog you encounter in black and white
17:43is Lenora's.
17:44Hypnosis can completely lose you the battle if it lands,
17:47and it can still do a ton of damage with Retaliate too.
17:50This battle made me start to dislike Watchog,
17:53but it was after this battle when it really drove me nuts.
17:57Watchog's Gen 5 level-up moveset has Hypnosis,
18:00Confuse Ray, and Super Fang all in succession.
18:04So many Watchog you fight will have all three
18:08of these extremely annoying moves.
18:11Not only could you go to sleep,
18:12but you'll get confused while you sleep.
18:15So you wake up, hurt yourself,
18:16then get put back to sleep.
18:18And then on top of that,
18:19even if you have a super defensive Rock or Steel type,
18:22its HP gets halved with one Super Fang,
18:26forcing you to use potions
18:27after almost every Watchog fight.
18:30You're never gonna lose to it,
18:32but fighting it is just so grating.
18:36And you're gonna fight it a lot
18:38because Plasma Grunts love this thing.
18:4214 Grunts have it before the league.
18:45You see this stupid thing so many times,
18:49and every time it's a pain.
18:51A lot fewer Grunts have it in black two and white two,
18:54and it's barely been in any other game since.
18:56But in black and white,
18:57do not go through those games without a good fighting type
19:01because otherwise Watchog is gonna ruin your day.
19:04This final entry before the most annoying of all
19:07focuses not on wild Pokemon or Pokemon you battle against,
19:10it's trainer Pokemon you battle with.
19:13Let's see if you're familiar.
19:15Does this image trigger any kind of emotion in you?
19:19Annoyance, irritation, violent malice?
19:23If just seeing this pisses you off,
19:25then you know this entry is NPC raid partners.
19:30But mostly Martin Solrock.
19:32This mostly applies to Sword and Shield.
19:34Raids are in Scarlet and Violet,
19:36but in my experience,
19:37I don't notice bad raid partners as much
19:39since everyone is moving at once.
19:41But in Sword and Shield, since you all take turns,
19:44you can see exactly what your partners are doing.
19:47Some are solid, but others are just too weak.
19:50Pikachu, Magikarp, and Togepi mostly stink.
19:54Sure, they might help,
19:55but they die so easily once they use up their focus sashes.
19:59So they will often lose you the raid
20:01even if your Pokemon stay healthy.
20:04It is insane that they let them be partner Pokemon
20:07in higher star raids.
20:09But Martin Solrock is on another level of annoying.
20:14All these two do is cosmic power,
20:17cosmic power, cosmic power,
20:19boosting defenses, never helping defeat the boss.
20:23If they use a damaging attack,
20:25it makes international headlines.
20:28I think they probably intentionally made raid NPCs
20:31kinda bad to encourage you to play with other people.
20:35But sometimes I don't wanna deal with that,
20:38especially if I'm playing the game
20:40years after it was the most recent one.
20:44So I'm trying to avoid one hassle
20:45and you stick me with another,
20:48an old man and his stupid rock.
20:50And now for the final entry,
20:52the most annoying kind of Pokemon in my experience.
20:56Before I cover it though, if you've watched this far,
20:59consider subscribing to the channel.
21:01It seems you don't find me annoying.
21:04I hope.
21:05Trying to catch legendary Pokemon
21:07is always generally annoying.
21:09The chances are just so low for most of them
21:12and thus much of it comes down to luck.
21:14But there are things that can make it worse.
21:16I already discussed roaming legendaries,
21:18but there's another category.
21:20Imagine you spend time whittling down a legend's health,
21:23maybe all the way to one HP using False Swipe.
21:26Maybe the legend has good defenses
21:27so it takes quite a while.
21:29You're finally ready to just huck Pokeballs
21:32until you succeed,
21:33and then the legendary heals itself back up.
21:37Legends that heal are by far
21:40the most annoying Pokemon to deal with.
21:42Here are three specific examples,
21:44each getting progressively worse.
21:46In Gen 3, all three members of the weather trio
21:49will know Rest if fought at level 70.
21:51So that's Groudon and Kyogre in post-game Emerald
21:54and every Rayquaza fight.
21:56This fully heals them and sure, puts them to sleep,
21:59but it's only a brief nap of two turns.
22:02Now you might be thinking,
22:03oh, just stall out Rest's PP.
22:05It only has five.
22:07And you're right, you could stall out its PP,
22:10but it does not have five.
22:12It does today, but until Scarlet and Violet,
22:15Rest had 10 PP.
22:17So it's gonna take you a while to do that.
22:20The next example is Mewtwo in Gens 1 and 3,
22:23plus Lugia and Ho-Oh in Gen 2.
22:26They all infuriatingly know Recover,
22:29healing up half of their health immediately.
22:32Like Rest, you can stall the PP,
22:34but again, Recover only has five in Gen 9.
22:38It had 10 for a while, but in Gens 1 to 3,
22:41when these battles occur, it had 20.
22:45It would take ages to stall that out,
22:48because it's 20 turns,
22:50but it's not using Recover every time.
22:52These two examples are both super annoying,
22:55but in theory, you can stall out the healing move's PP,
22:59maybe by using Spite.
23:01So it may take a while, but you can do it.
23:04But this final example,
23:05by far the worst type of legendary healing
23:09is the kind that never ends.
23:13Kyogre in Alpha Sapphire,
23:15Palkia in Shining Pearl,
23:16and Tapu Fini in the Alola games all know Aqua Ring.
23:22With just one use of the move,
23:25they begin to regain 116th of their max HP every turn
23:30for the rest of the battle.
23:33They get harder to catch at the end of every turn.
23:36You cannot throw a Poke Ball when it has one HP
23:40unless you do so before the first use of Aqua Ring.
23:43Sure, you can use Heal Block,
23:45but that only lasts five turns.
23:47And if you mess up once, Aqua Ring is getting set up.
23:49Side note, because I know someone's gonna mention it,
23:51Xerneas does have Ingrain
23:52when trying to catch it in Sword and Shield,
23:54but that's in Dynamax Adventures.
23:56So it's affecting the battle when trying to defeat it,
23:59but it is not affecting the chance to catch.
24:02I chose to make healing legends the top spot on this list
24:04because the first time I encountered
24:06an Aqua Ring legendary, Tapu Fini in Pokemon Sun,
24:10and this is how the battle ended.
24:11You are terrible,
24:12and I am going to now use my Master Ball on you
24:14because this is the most annoying battle I've ever had.
24:18And there you have it.
24:19Can't get more annoying
24:20than the most annoying battle I've ever had.
24:22Thanks so much for watching,
24:23and if you enjoyed, check out my video that I mentioned,
24:2512 Broken Battle Mechanics That I'm Glad Are Dead.
24:29There's some really insane stuff in there,
24:31and it's absolutely for the best
24:33that they are not in the game anymore.