• vor 4 Stunden
Die von Guy Ritchie für Netflix produzierte Doku-Serie Millennium Diamon Heist beleuchtet die Geschichte einer Gruppe Krimineller aus South-East London, die im Jahr 2000 einen Diamanten im Wert von 200 Millionen Pfund stehlen wollten. Ihr durchdachter Plan ging aber nach hinten los.

Mehr dazu:


00:00Are you all sitting comfortably?
00:02It'll be July 2000.
00:04We had a team. The target was Millennium Star.
00:09Don't know anything about diamonds, but a bit of a mistake putting it where it was.
00:12The Millennium Dome.
00:14Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
00:17There was this general feeling of failure about it.
00:20I just thought it was crap, to be honest.
00:22It was shit.
00:23The only exciting thing was the diamonds.
00:26These were first class professional armed robbers.
00:29Gentlemen, fucking hands on the windscreen!
00:32I thought it was a publicity stunt by some film company.
00:35Maybe Guy Ritchie or somebody.
00:39Me and my sister were my dad's world.
00:41I adored my daughters.
00:42I decided to myself, this was going to be my last job.
00:47We needed to figure out how we were going to get inside the vault,
00:51get the diamond and then get away.
00:55If we can pull it off,
00:56it was going to be the biggest heist of all time.
01:00Oh, by the way.
01:02What they didn't know was that we were following them.
01:04Whatever plan they had, the flying squad would be waiting for them.
01:13So, what are your thoughts on the police?
01:16Um, I think they're all a bunch of...
01:23You can't help but be impressed by their balls.
01:27But even the best laid plan...
01:30can go wrong.
01:33This was a big, exciting...
01:37You're fucking right.
