• 2 days ago
Nilai tukar (kurs) rupiah pada perdagangan hari ini kembali ditutup melemah 103 poin atau 0,63 persen ke level Rp16.531 per dolar AS (USD). Hal ini juga sejalan dengan sentimen global dan domestik.

Pengamat Mata Uang Ibrahim Assuaibi mengatakan, pelemahan rupiah salah satunya dari The Fed secara luas diperkirakan akan mempertahankan suku bunga tidak berubah pada 4,5 persen setelah penutupan pertemuan pada hari Rabu nanti, di tengah ketidakpastian yang terus berlanjut atas ekonomi AS di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Donald Trump.


00:00We move on to other trading indicators that show that the exchange rate of rupiah continues to correct by weakening to the level of 16,500 per US dollar.
00:17Quoted from the RTI data until the RABUS trade earlier, the rupiah weakened to 0.52% at the level of 16,505 per US dollar,
00:26where before the rupiah was opened deep at 0.67% at the level of 16,530 per US dollar in RABU this morning.
00:35This position is the worst weakness since February 28, 2025, while the US dollar index rose slightly to 0.09% to 103.24 in the RABU trade this morning.
00:49The rupiah weakened in the middle of foreign capital in the domestic financial market, aggressively out of the country's debt and stock, with the total selling value this week reaching 3.82 trillion rupiah.
01:01Meanwhile, on the other hand, investors will admire the announcement of the Central Bank of the United States, the Fed, and the statement of Governor-General Jerome Powell
01:09on the prospect of the future policy in the current economic condition and consider the potential impact of US trade policy under US President Donald Trump.
01:20We will immediately update how the exchange rate of rupiah is moving towards the next major currency.
01:25You can watch the graph on your television screen.
01:29The exchange rate of rupiah to the US dollar is at 16,516 rupiah.
01:34Then to the euro at 17,969 rupiah.
01:38Poster link at 21,447 rupiah.
01:41And in Japan at 110.29 rupiah.
