• 2 days ago
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) menerbitkan Kebijakan Pelaksanaan Pembelian Kembali Saham yang Dikeluarkan oleh Perusahaan Terbuka dalam Kondisi Pasar yang Berfluktuasi Secara Signifikan atau buyback saham tanpa melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS).

Kebijakan ini dikeluarkan dengan pertimbangan bahwa perdagangan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia sejak 19 September 2024 mengalami tekanan yang diindikasikan dari penurunan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) per 18 Maret 2025 sebesar 1.682 poin atau minus 21,28% dari Highest to Date.


00:00Thank you for tuning in to IDX Season Closing, and next we will talk about a topic that was successfully put together by our production team,
00:14where the Financial Services Authority allows open companies or METs to do buybacks without having to get a permit from the General Contractor's Council,
00:22where OJK stated that this step was taken as part of the regulator's efforts to maintain the stability of the capital market amid global economic pressure and increasing volatility.
00:38The Financial Services Authority announces the policy and allows open companies or METs to do buybacks without having to get a permit from the General Contractor's Council.
00:53The policy is set in Article 7 of the OJK Regulation No. 13 of 2023, and aims to provide flexibility for METs in facing volatile market conditions.
01:07OJK evaluates significantly fluctuating market conditions as the basis for companies to do buybacks without RUPS.
01:16Previously, on March 18, 2025, the index of joint share prices was corrected by more than 5 percent, which caused the stock market to apply a 30-minute trading halt.
01:33Meanwhile, in the latest PERS conference, the Executive Head of the Capital Market Monitoring, Derivative Finance, and the OJK Carbon Stock Exchange, Inar Nojayade explained
01:43that the policy of buybacks without RUPS must also comply with POJK No. 29 of 2023 on the purchase of stocks again by open companies.
01:57There is a determination that buybacks without RUPS will not be valid for six months since the date of the letter was issued by the OJK on March 18, 2025.
02:07The OJK stated that this step was taken as part of the regulator's efforts to maintain the stability of the capital market amid rising global economic pressures and volatility.
02:18Next, based on the above, we announce the policy that open companies can buy stocks again or buybacks without the approval of the Joint Comprehensive Agreement on the Holding of Stocks in accordance with the determination of POJK No. 13 of 2023.
02:44Buybacks without RUPS must also comply with POJK No. 29 of 2023 on the purchase of stocks again by open companies.
03:00The determination of the condition of the market that fluctuates significantly, which is the basis of the implementation of buybacks without RUPS,
03:09took place until six months after the date of the letter was issued by the OJK on March 18, 2025.
03:19As an example, the policy of buybacks without RUPS is not a new thing.
03:27The OJK has previously implemented similar policies in 2013, 2015, and 2020, especially in the face of economic shocks due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
03:37Furthermore, the OJK is also committed to continuously monitoring and evaluating this policy in a collaborative manner to ensure its effectiveness in maintaining market stability.