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👉 Code créateur EpicGames: FuzeLeVrai
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👕Acheter les peluches Didier:
📚 Ma BD "Fuze et Didier":
Monteur : DofMine
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👉 Code créateur EpicGames: FuzeLeVrai
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00:00It's possible that my addiction to Territorial I.O. has been brought back to
00:04This game is too addictive
00:06But the problem is that I'm still and always bad
00:09Damn, I'm being attacked!
00:10You know what? I may have a solution to stop being so bad
00:13Today, I'm going to pay a pro of
00:16so that they teach me how to win
00:17To me, the world empire!
00:18You see this youtuber, Beefer, who made a video about me
00:20Well, he is very strong on this game and he often wins
00:23Last week, I reacted to his video believing that he was American and that I had made enemies again
00:28Oh yeah, he's really getting on my nerves
00:30He says,
00:30Well, no offense, but you are bad, the Fuse, so I'm going to smoke you
00:34But on Skip, you told me he was French
00:36Hello guys and welcome back to another video on
00:40No, no, it's not possible!
00:42No, but I refuse to believe that this is a French accent
00:44Or the guy is Shakespeare, it's not possible
00:46So I went to see him on his Discord to check
00:48And he is really French
00:49Okay, that's perfect, today we're going to answer the question
00:51Can I win with the help of a professional?
00:54So, what do you advise me as a starting point?
00:57As a starting point, I would say Finland
01:00Finland and Russia, it's often not bad
01:01Like there, more towards the water or not?
01:03Because I usually go towards the water
01:04Do you want to watch a video of a guy who looks like he's going to defenestrate himself?
01:07And then continue, continue the bots, don't hesitate, all those you can
01:11Okay, okay
01:11In fact, during the whole call with Beefer, I was relatively soft, in voice
01:14It's not my fault, I have a sore throat
01:16So I avoid pushing too much on my voice
01:18But it's true that the video would have been really boring
01:20So I'm going to use all the advice that Beefer gave me during our two hours of game
01:23To try to win my first game
01:26Well, the first advice he gave me was to start playing on the green areas
01:29Why? Because the green areas are areas that are not mountainous
01:32And who says not mountainous areas says that we can expand relatively quickly
01:35So what I have to do too, and that I clearly didn't do before
01:38Is that in fact, when I expanded, I spammed too much
01:40In fact, I spammed click
01:41Which means that I didn't have time to stack enough troops
01:44There, now, I'm a little calmer
01:46I'm going a little more chill
01:48But at least it allows me to have a lot more troops
01:49Look, the guy next to me, he's almost the same size as me
01:52And yet he has twice as few troops
01:53Knowing that there, in fact, if I press space, I see the area in which I am
01:56There, you see that we are in an extremely mountainous area
01:59Which is both an advantage because to expand, it's a little complicated
02:02But an advantage because to steal me from the field, it will also be very complicated for the others
02:06There is also another thing that I didn't do before
02:08It's that, in fact, look what's going on
02:09It's that when I kill a bot
02:10Here, I'm going to kill the bot
02:12You'll see, something's going to happen
02:13Hop, it sends me a little message
02:14You have conquered stuff
02:15And you have won 9000 gold
02:17In fact, that's the most cheated technique at the beginning of the game to try to make money
02:21Me, I was just based on my troops that were farming money
02:24Here, on my workers
02:25But in fact, it's not at all the best strategy to adopt
02:27The best strategy is simply to steal from the territory
02:30And to recover the gold from the territories that we recover
02:32There, for example, you see that I attacked a guy who is a little too powerful
02:35Long live Tiller there
02:36Oh no, no, oh there, I almost said a crazy thing
02:38I almost said a crazy thing
02:39What do you mean, bro?
02:40But here, it's better that I avoid attacking people who have too many points
02:43And that I rather focus on bots that have very, very few troops
02:46And that I can capture very easily
02:48So there, it's his case
02:49And I won 12000 gold
02:51In fact, we are rather on a good start of the game, by the way
02:53The first thing I'm going to do is that I'm going to build a port as soon as I can
02:56In the first video I made on Open Front
02:57I thought that the ports were what allowed to send boats
03:01In reality, the ports have a much more strategic utility
03:03I'll show you that right after
03:04But for now, I'm trying to get as many bots as possible
03:07There, you see, I'm doing pretty well
03:09Here, I get gold a little bit everywhere
03:10And there, I have enough to create a port here
03:14In fact, the advantage of the port is that it allows you to make gold exchanges with your allies
03:17For example, I can ask an ally with the guy who has a catastrophic nickname above me
03:21And if he ever accepts
03:22The boats will make exchanges between our two ports
03:25And it will bring me gold without me doing anything
03:27So that's really extremely practical
03:29I'll keep getting bots
03:30You see, he accepted the trade
03:32And normally, there you go, there are little boats that start from his port and come to mine
03:36And that will bring me gold
03:37You received 28000 gold to have traded with...
03:41Well, listen, everything is going well here
03:42We are really very, very good
03:43We have 63000 points
03:44I'm going to start building a city
03:45So, the little trick is to build cities in the mountains
03:48Why? Because it's much more difficult to recover a mountain than to recover flat land
03:53And so, if I put my cities in the mountains, it's harder to recover
03:56Well, the heretics here, look, they have a city
03:58We can maybe try to steal it
03:59It can be one of the strategies
04:00What I'm going to do is that I'm going to build another city
04:02Because in fact, you see, the more cities I build, the more expensive it is
04:04At first, it cost 250,000, my last city
04:06Now it costs 500,000
04:08So, to save 500,000
04:09I can try to attack the heretics
04:11Oh no, he grilled me, the guy
04:13Well, I have a little bit of money
04:13Because, suddenly, there is this guy who was above me
04:16He was a little faster than me
04:17He recovered the city of the heretic
04:19But well, he offers me an alliance
04:20I'm going to accept it
04:21That way, we're going to be able to trade
04:23And we're going to be able to earn gold
04:24Well, I'm a little bit stuck
04:25I think I'm going to have to attack my neighbors
04:28So, him, I think he's still a good person that I can potentially attack
04:32I'm going to betray him
04:33I'm sorry
04:34It's not very crazy to betray
04:35Because, suddenly, look, we have the kind of little swords
04:37The little traitor symbol
04:38But unfortunately, here, I'm a little bit forced
04:41Because he was dying
04:42There is the Saudi Arabian on the side
04:44That I'm going to be able to attack
04:44Because they really don't have a lot of troops
04:46And here, at this point, we're 8th in the game
04:48And we're maybe going to pass 6th
04:50We're really not bad
04:51Trade Money Man
04:52Actually, I can maybe try
04:53Already, he has a pig that interests me
04:55I'm going to...
04:55Ah no, I can't attack him, he's an ally
04:57Ah, but the heretics, look, she's not dead, actually
04:59They were really attacking me, zoom zoom, over there
05:01Well, would I attack this guy?
05:04Trade Money Man
05:05Because he's blocking me a little bit, I feel
05:07Look, I can maybe recover this territory
05:09It will allow me to recover a pig in addition
05:11And in addition, he can't really defend himself, I feel
05:13It's quite a good attack that I'm doing
05:15Look, I recovered his pig
05:17I just need to... hop
05:18I'm sending a little bit of troops by boat here
05:20Because I don't want him to recover the territory
05:23By sending me by boat in stealth mode
05:25I think we're not bad
05:26We're 7th in the game
05:27We have 1 million gold
05:29We have a lot of troops
05:30Frankly, it could be worse
05:31Here, the question I'm asking myself is
05:33Who should I attack?
05:34Kiwi below, he seems to be quite weak
05:36Look, he doesn't have a lot of troops anymore
05:38Hop, I'm going to get him a security outpost
05:40Hop, and a 1
05:41And now, I'm being attacked by someone
05:43Ah, look, look, there's a guy attacking me
05:45It's him
05:45So, I'm going to recover the pigs
05:47Come on, let's recover the pigs
05:48And I'm going to ask him for an alliance
05:50So that he doesn't try to get them back
05:52There you go
05:53Hop, little alliance
05:54In addition, we'll be able to trade if you want, bro
05:56But don't attack me, please
05:57Damn, he keeps attacking me
05:58He's annoying
05:59Well, it's a bit complicated here
06:00Because I'm fighting on two fronts
06:02The front of Kiwi and the front of N...
06:06Damn, I have to be careful with the nicknames
06:07Because there are always catastrophic things
06:09I think we're not bad here
06:10Keep attacking me
06:11But really, the guy is in good shape
06:13Damn, I'm being attacked in every direction
06:14Well, usually when it's like that
06:16The advice that Beefer gave me
06:17Is that you really shouldn't panic
06:19You shouldn't try to counterattack too much
06:21Because it's by counterattacking that you get smoked
06:23And you have to put a maximum of defense posts
06:26The advantage of defense posts
06:27Is that it makes the work of others very difficult
06:29To try to come and conquer territory
06:31Especially if they are in the mountains
06:33It's all the more difficult
06:34So here, quick, quick, quick
06:35Generate, please, the defense post
06:37It would be really good
06:38I'm really being attacked
06:39But in every direction
06:40He's unbearable
06:42There's even Baguette attacking me
06:43Seriously, I'm being respected by no one
06:44But you see, despite the fact that everyone is attacking me
06:46Since I have defense posts everywhere
06:48In real life, I...
06:49I manage to hold on pretty well, just so you know
06:51I'm getting territory on Baguette
06:52But there's also...
06:53No, but it's not possible
06:54Everyone is on me
06:55I'm alone against the world
06:57Well, something he told me too, unfortunately
06:58Is that having Fuse in my nickname
07:00It doesn't help me
07:01Generally, there are people who like to focus the youtubers
07:03And I'm no exception
07:04The problem is that I would like them to not recover my two cities
07:06Because if they recover my two cities
07:08Yeah, I'm in trouble
07:09Well, the fact is that I have 1,600,000 dollars left
07:11What I'm going to do is build a missile silo
07:13And I'm going to send a little missile on him
07:16He really blew my balls during the whole game
07:18Oh no, no
07:19Well, okay, I think I lost
07:20Okay, well, this first game
07:21We're going to say it was a warm-up game
07:23But if you compare it to my last video on Open Front
07:26You see that it's really day and night
07:28And again, with Beefer
07:29I had managed to get the crown for a good part of the game
07:31So that's a good omen
07:33So here we are on the map of Russia
07:35The specificity of the map of Russia is that
07:36Apparently, it's pretty good to settle around Siberia
07:39Especially in this spot
07:40Why? Because this spot is a plain
07:42You see that everything is green
07:43It means that it is very easy to spread out in this area
07:45And we are surrounded by mountains
07:47Which means that technically
07:48In fact, we are a little bit protected by everything around
07:50Well, except him there
07:51He annoys me a little bit
07:52That is to say that he really charcoal
07:54Wow, he goes so fast
07:55It doesn't matter because you see that
07:56In fact, he spam clicks
07:57He goes extremely fast
07:58But he is also extremely weak
08:00I'm not going to try to attack him right now
08:01Because I remind you that my goal at this stage
08:04He offers an alliance
08:05I'm not going to accept the alliance
08:06Because I think I'm going to attack him later
08:07But at this stage
08:08I remind you that my main goal
08:10It's just to kill the bot
08:12To get as much gold as possible
08:13So I'm going to attack this guy a little bit later
08:15And anyway
08:16I have enough to do with all the bots around me
08:18You see that it's still going very, very fast
08:20Since the bots are quite weak
08:21It's still free money
08:23I must not spam too fast
08:24Because it's true that I recover a little bit too quickly from the territories
08:27And him, on the other hand, he's going to annoy me
08:28Because if he recovers the bots that are next to me
08:30It's not going to do it there
08:32He's blocking me a little bit
08:33It's not catastrophic
08:34Because I still have Viking Union just below
08:36And again, he's trying to catch him too
08:38I have more troops than him
08:39So it's still manageable
08:42There I can maybe do a masterclass
08:43That is to say that I can cut a part of the territory of this player
08:46And suddenly he will lose a very large area
08:48I wouldn't do that in normal time
08:49Obviously, it doesn't attack in the right place
08:51It's great
08:52I'm just going to cut his territory
08:53And no, it's not me who's going to recover
08:55It's the Babylon
08:56I have the sum
08:57And besides, he full send me
08:59Well, since he has full send
09:00I'm going to try to recover the territory quite easily
09:02It really weakened me, by cons
09:04It stinks
09:05That is to say that I am really very, very
09:07I can easily be attacked
09:08I'm still going to try to recover the territory
09:09Because the goal is to finish it
09:11And to recover his gold
09:12Bim, I won 24k gold
09:14It's not bad
09:15And the guy next to me, I have a little bit of the sum
09:16Because suddenly he ends up having the crown
09:17Which is a situation a little bit dangerous
09:19I'm going to ask him for an alliance
09:20Because I don't want to have problems
09:21And I'm also going to install a defense post on the side
09:23Just to dissuade him from attacking me
09:24I'm going to put a city in the center too
09:25The advantage of the city is that it gives me 25,000 population maximum
09:28Or more
09:29And the chance I have is that I still have a lot of bots
09:31A little bit everywhere, right, left
09:32He's really good because he has access to the sea here
09:35And he has access to the sea there
09:36Ok, we're going to fight
09:38I'm going to try to recover the territory that is a little bit next to him
09:41Because he shouldn't be able to extend too much
09:43It's a little dangerous
09:45He has twice as many troops as me
09:46It doesn't suit me at all
09:47The advantage is that he attacks Mongolia
09:49Mongolia is a country that is quite solid
09:50I may be able to recover the crumbs
09:52And recover gold
09:53And I will also install a small port right here
09:56I attack two countries at the same time
09:57It's a little dangerous
09:58But we are not bad at all
10:00We are not bad at all
10:01We are 8th
10:02We have a good amount of gold
10:03A good amount of troops
10:04And I will be able to build my second city
10:06And small defense posts a little bit everywhere
10:08I'm really afraid of him
10:10In fact, I'm stuck between the two biggest of the server
10:12It's as simple as that
10:13It's a little bit the sauce
10:14I can maybe try an attack that is extremely smart
10:16But basically if I manage to cut him here from the rest of his territory
10:19You saw what's going on
10:20He loses the territory
10:21It's a little dangerous too
10:22So I'm going to avoid
10:23And there my goal
10:24In order to gain gold
10:25It would be to find other people on the coast
10:27Who are quite easy to become friends
10:29For example him
10:30In order to be able to make exchanges
10:31And to earn gold
10:32Because there I'm a little bit stuck
10:33I would really like to have access to this guy
10:35Peace and trade
10:36Because peace and trade
10:37He is still quite fragile
10:38Come on, we're going to betray the friend on the side
10:40Anyway, from time to time you have to attack
10:42It's beautiful
10:43It's very beautiful what I just did
10:44Look, I just cut his territory in two
10:45Well, it's the guy
10:46It's Guild who is next to him
10:47Who has recovered the territory
10:48But there I hurt him very badly
10:49I hurt him very badly
10:50I will wait to restock the troops a little bit
10:51I will put defense posts
10:52In order to be sure to be able to defend the territory that I stole
10:54But we are really not bad
10:56Another thing that Beefer taught me
10:57It's that apparently when we attack in this game
10:59We are seriously advantaged compared to the rest
11:01That is to say that it is better to be an attacker than a defender
11:04That's pretty interesting
11:05I'm going to accept his friendship request here
11:07Guild, he annoys me a little bit
11:08He stole me a little bit all my progression
11:10And since he has no defense
11:11I'm going to get rid of it quite easily
11:13He attacks me the KTO there, the brother
11:15I'm going to finish Guild
11:16And I'm going to defend a little bit here
11:17No, I have no money to defend, damn
11:19There, I'm a little bit in the sauce
11:20Because people, they try a little bit to attack me
11:22I add defense posts a little bit
11:24A little bit here to defend myself from KTO
11:26And I'm going to try to become friends with Mayan Empire
11:29Because it scares me a little bit
11:31If he attacks me, I'm in the sauce
11:32After the problem of this kind of game, unfortunately
11:34It's that the peace treaties, they're not worth much
11:36In fact, in reality
11:37However, in fact, the Mayan Empire
11:38I'm telling myself
11:39He has a big green zone
11:40That is to say an area easily attackable
11:41And he has almost no defense posts
11:43So it's relatively easy to attack him
11:45So Parzo, Parzo
11:46Look, he stole me a city there
11:47I'm going to try to get it
11:48And I'm going to add a defense post
11:50Damn, I don't have the money to buy a defense post
11:52And I'm going to accept his alliance request
11:54So he can't attack me behind
11:55Although he already has the symbol
11:56In fact, everyone has a traitor symbol here
11:57It's too much
11:58Look, look
11:59He attacks me back
12:00Olala, KTO who fullsend me
12:02Everyone who fullsend me
12:03Ok, I think we're at the end of the game
12:04But damn, it's not possible
12:05I don't have a chance
12:06Well, maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm a huge traitor
12:09But I have the sum
12:10Well people, it was a hell of a video
12:11And I really think I've progressed on Open Front
12:14Now what I propose to you
12:15It's that if you want to see the entire games we did with Beefer
12:18I'm going to upload them on the FuseClip channel
12:20Yes, it's been a while since I posted on it
12:22But it's my bonus channel
12:23I'll put the link in the description
12:25But in the meantime, if you liked the video
12:26You know the song
12:27The blue thumb
12:28The subscription
12:30Hi everyone, it was Fuse
12:31See you next time
12:32See you