• 2 days ago
Thanks so much to KiwiCo for sponsoring today’s video. Use my code FARMHOUSE at my link: https://www.kiwico.com/farmhouseYT for 50% off your first monthly crate.

Sources I mentioned in this video:
Brent Hull Youtube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/@UCUuvM8Irrn-dk8j65QpzIQg
New House Old Soul Series- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQxhVZQ5mlQ&t=111s
Design video on enclosed porch for our home- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUpg4yeVysw&t=220s
New Old House book- https://amzn.to/3Drn8V3 (This is an affiliate link. As an Amazon Associate, I make a commission on qualified purchases.)
Free Farmhouse Plans by Jay Osborne- https://www.freefarmhouse.com/
Podcast update I shared on our build- https://amzn.to/3Drn8V3


Learn how our family supports ourselves full-time on our homestead with our blog and Youtube channel with in my FREE Youtube success masterclass: https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/masterclass-registration-youtube

Farmhouse Favorites Sourdough (50+ pages with all of my sourdough recipes)- https://withered-breeze-7467.ck.page/9aea28a530

Business inquiries: farmhouseonboone@select.co


00:00Thanks KiwiCo for sponsoring today's video. More on them in a bit. As many of you know,
00:04our family is currently working on building a farmhouse on acreage that we purchased last
00:10spring. I shared this with you all last November. We are currently working on that project, so the
00:17basement is fully in. We had to wait in a break in the weather for it to be warm enough for us to
00:23actually pour that concrete. We are also doing a barn, so this is something that we're really
00:29excited about. As this homestead takes shape, there will be so many things that we'll want to
00:33do. We have a potential plan for another building, but that might be years down the road. Of course,
00:38we want to add garden beds and hopefully that will be sooner. There's just a lot of ideas and
00:43possibilities. There's fencing that needs to be done, so this is something that's going to take
00:47shape over many, many years. But in the very near future, we will actually be building the main
00:52dwelling place, our farmhouse, that our family of 10 will move into hopefully later this year. So
00:58I've been excited to share with you the design that I have poured over and obsessed over the
01:05last year. Last summer, I think, was when I really gave this all of my thought, which is really
01:12interesting the way this whole process works. I'm kind of just learning as I go with the whole thing,
01:17but long before the house comes out of the ground, so to speak, there is thought and consideration
01:25and there's dreams and then at some point decisions have been made and you actually move forward on
01:31the project. So this in my head is fully built, like I have the whole place laid out and how it's
01:37going to look probably five years from now and especially how the house is going to look by the
01:43end of this year. Last summer, I was already obsessing over this and it's funny because at
01:48this point, I feel like I haven't really given it a ton of thought in the last couple months, like
01:53the floor plan and the basic design. Those decisions have been set and now I'm moving on to
01:59where are we going to get our cabinetry from, what range am I going to select, trim, floor color,
02:06all of that is what I'm actually planning right now. But the basic design and layout and floor
02:11plan, that all came together mostly last summer. So I'm excited to share with you how it came about
02:16and then what we are doing for our floor plan, so what this farmhouse is actually going to look like,
02:21how it's going to function, and how we're going to make it look old. So I shared in the video where
02:28I was sharing that we were moving from our last farmhouse, that we purchased a larger farm with
02:33a creek that we think will really serve our large family well over the coming years, a lot better
02:39for various reasons than our last property did, that we wanted to make a house that would look
02:45old. I kind of shared the evolution of that, like how we wrestled with the decision and eventually
02:49came to terms with this is what we were going to do and I shared this book New Old House because
02:54I ordered this book when we first started thinking about this well over a year ago. I wanted to be
03:01convinced that I could have a house with character even if it was a new build and through various
03:08people that I follow online, various YouTube channels, various books I've read, I am convinced
03:13that's possible in one way or the other and it's just a matter of how far you want to take it to
03:18make the story of the home believable. One of my friends actually referred me to Jay Osborne and he
03:26makes these farmhouse plans. There is a website called freefarmhouse.com where Jay Osborne offers
03:35these farmhouse plans that are based on farmhouses that he's seen across the country and so this one
03:42is called American Farmhouse. They're free architectural plans that I was really drawn to
03:48because it looked like a genuine old farmhouse even though it's brand new and if you follow him
03:55over on Instagram, you can search Jay Osborne or free farmhouse, you can see people that have
03:59actually built this American Farmhouse. Adorable. But what I found happening when I was actually
04:06trying to design off of this plan was there were several things I was like moving around like okay
04:11well on our property when you look this certain way, this is the pretty view so I want my kitchen
04:17on this side. We're gonna have to swap that and then I need the house a little bit bigger so we
04:21can put this addition off the back. Especially for our large family, this American Farmhouse
04:26is a much smaller house. If that's great for your family, this might be the perfect resource that you
04:33need because it's also made to be added on to. So you can start with the basic farmhouse and then
04:39you can add an addition off the back. I've seen people on Instagram add an addition off the side,
04:44add a garage off the back. So if this suits your family and your property, beautiful work and I
04:49also love that and he includes suggestions for materials. He also offers this southern
04:55farmhouse option and this is the one that I started actually obsessing over and drawing
05:02the plans over. So I poured over this book and again I started adding things like we need this
05:09still and I feel like this kitchen's on this side but yet on our property it'd be better if it was
05:13on this side. And again I came up with a plan that I thought would be really nice which I scribbled
05:19out on the sheet. Lovely, lovely rendition where I basically have the house divided with a central
05:28hall so that's kind of an old house feature and then adding a dining room on one side because it
05:34didn't have enough space for just a big enough kitchen dining, at least for what I wanted. Like
05:39I said this would be plenty for a lot of families and then I got the idea of what if we did a one
05:44story addition off the back that mirrored the front porch but it housed a lot of the like the
05:51guest bathroom, the laundry room, the mud room, the pantry. Actually I think at that time I didn't have
05:56a pantry. I had a mud room there with a pantry built into the kitchen. Anyways that's where my
06:00brainstorming was going. The southern farmhouse with my scribbles was where we were last I would
06:08say spring and then Luke did some searching on YouTube and he started searching for new houses
06:15that look old and he came across someone named Brent Hall. Many of you when I shared my original
06:20video saying that we wanted to build a new old house recommended Brent Hall because maybe you've
06:25looked for new old house stuff on YouTube or Instagram or you've come across some of his
06:29content on the Build Network. Also I saw he was on my friend Jill Winger's Old Fashioned On Purpose
06:34podcast talking about building quality classic homes. She called the podcast Creating a Timeless
06:41Home in an Instant Age and I think I even listened to that episode but I kind of forgot but then Luke
06:46came across a show on YouTube called New House Old Soul and I got hooked on Brent's content.
06:53Everything from his design videos so he takes clients homes and then he redesigns them for a
06:58few little tweaks that a lot of times they're not proportioned correctly and he actually studied
07:04historic preservation and so he studies symmetry and design so that things are beautiful and
07:10timeless and we've lost that art in modern building. I pored over his content, I watched
07:17multiple videos, I started listening to his podcast and I became convinced that I wanted to see if
07:22Brent could actually help me with this design because though I had like pretty good chicken
07:28scratch stuff out here, I changed a lot of things about this southern farmhouse plan to fit our
07:34needs and I was worried that I was going to mess up proportion. So you can use something
07:40like this as a starting point, this New Old House book, it kind of talks about designing within
07:45certain parameters. So basically like it says, invent within the rules, create new designs within
07:50the rules of a style, invent within the traditional language of architecture. So taking what has
07:54already been done and then kind of building within that and it also talks about telling a story,
07:59scripting a story about growth over time, imagining changes made by alterations and additions and that
08:06is what Brent talked about on his content. He talked about crafting a narrative and a story
08:10with his home. So basically maybe putting one thing that we're going to do and I'll share about this
08:14shortly is there's going to be an exterior chimney but then we're going to put an addition
08:19off of that that's going to be a sunroom but the chimney will be inside of that so it will look as
08:24if that was an addition that happened later which is really what gives houses a story when you feel
08:30like it didn't all happen at one time. It was kind of built on which is how an old farmstead would be.
08:36Trying to craft that story in a new build is something that is a principle in this book and
08:43then also something that Brent talks about a ton and so I sent him this chicken scratch plan and
08:48said I want something like this but I really don't want to mess up the proportions. I want it to have
08:54old house character and I feel like you could really help me with this. So I reached out to him
08:58on Instagram and he was excited to help with the project so he actually was in my same state for
09:05visiting a relative. He was able to actually come to the farm and stand in the location where the
09:10home would be. He was able to really get a scope for where the driveway would come in and how the
09:14whole property would lay out and why the kitchen should be on this side of the house and the front
09:20porch view that we will get. So Brent Hall and I have been working in collaboration to design this
09:26house over the last almost a year at this point and it's finally going to come together. So let
09:31me share with you a bit about the actual house plans and why we made some of the choices that
09:37we did. Living in town these past several months especially in the wintertime while working on our
09:42farmhouse build has been a little tough especially with eight kids running around. I love that KiwiCo
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10:31around the house sourcing different items. They can spend time completing them on their own. So
10:37it gives the older kids something fun and challenging to do and then for the little ones
10:41it gives something that you can work on with them side by side. They will meet them at their
10:46development level and help them learn in a hands-on way. My older kids love KiwiCo labs. This
10:51time they were able to make a laser speaker which somehow hooked up to the music they were playing
10:57and made lights come out. Pretty darn cool. The middle boys loved doing the color discovery and
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11:22farmhouse to get 50% off your first month. I will leave it linked down in the description box below.
11:27So the idea that I told Brent was I want this to look like a simple Missouri farmhouse that has
11:33been sitting on this farm for the last hundred years. I really went back and forth on what exactly
11:39that would look like because a lot of the houses around here when I drive down the back roads I
11:44mean I see these kind of houses all the time. They're designed more like a T so there's like a
11:50smaller house up front with sort of a T addition off the back and I see this over and over again
11:57and it is primarily the types of farmhouses that I see around here. Like I said it's kind of what
12:02Jay Osborne shows here in this American farmhouse book which was inspired by a farmhouse he saw
12:08in Virginia but because of the way our property lays out and I think that you'll see when I start
12:13showing you a lot of the progress shots the view is really to the front of the house whereas it's
12:22tree-lined from the back so we have a large you know several acres of woods behind the house
12:27and a lot of the open space which we're on the top of a hill so we can see a really lovely view
12:33is from the front porch area and then the sunroom that we're doing. The view on the other side of
12:38the house isn't as great the view from the back isn't as great and so I really felt like
12:43though I feel like most of the farmhouses we see in Missouri do have that T shape I want to
12:49capitalize as much on this broad view from the front as possible and the the view to the west
12:56as we can and so that is why we ended up doing the central hall idea just because the layout worked
13:02out so much better for our family and for the property that it is on. So basically the main
13:07level of the house is divided in let's just say four quadrants there's a central hall down the
13:13middle now it was going to be that you would go all the way through that hall to the back door
13:19but because of the clearance of the stairs it's actually going to be more of like a foyer area
13:25and then there will also be sort of that same thing across the back we just won't walk underneath
13:29the stairs which for decorating purposes I really like having more rooms. I like certain things to
13:34be sort of open concept but also to have the option to close things off and you know to not
13:40have everything all be the same room. It will have sort of an entryway with stairs uh going up to
13:45the second floor and then to the right will be a living room. Now we are sourcing doors from old
13:52farmhouses. There was actually a farmhouse on a property that my dad owns that was very much
13:57beyond repair at the time when they bought the property and so they were taking that down so
14:03Luke salvaged out of that house several old doors that will go into our house. I'm still on the
14:08lookout for pocket doors because we're going to put pocket doors in that living room area
14:12and then to the left is the dining space and then the kitchen so basically the bottom if you divide
14:19it into four quadrants you have kitchen, dining, then you have me and Luke's bedroom, and you have
14:25the living room. We were going to make all four of those equal because that is originally what I saw
14:29sort of historic precedent for but we felt that we needed more space for our large family in the
14:34living room than the bedroom for me and Luke so none of these rooms are going to be massive. The
14:39living room in this new house is going to be smaller than the living room in our old house
14:43and it was so funny because while we were designing this we were still living in our old
14:47house and I had the tape measure out constantly. People in my family started joking like everywhere
14:52I went I was measuring things. I was measuring porches, I was measuring width of houses, I was
14:56measuring how big people's living rooms were, getting a gauge for like kitchen sizes and so I
15:01obsessed over this but this living room is going to be a lot smaller than the living room in our
15:06last house but there were some spaces in our last house that felt a little vast and very difficult
15:12to decorate. A lot of things had been opened up so like our living room had a really massive opening
15:18now this wasn't originally that way but it made it difficult to decorate because I didn't really
15:22know where to put furniture because there was also quite a few windows on all walls and then a
15:28really large opening and so there weren't enough places to put couches whereas this although
15:33smaller, cozier, I think will have enough seating when it's all said and done and so much of this
15:38is just very theoretical until it's all up and I'm like okay I can see this now but I did do a ton
15:44of measuring, a ton of taping out just to see okay yes this is different than what we currently have
15:49but I think it'll work better in some ways and of course with every house build something I've
15:53noticed with this whole process is that you cannot have it all. I was telling somebody this the other
15:58day, we wanted a sunroom on this side of the house but I also want to have a massive window to look
16:04out from my kitchen sink out to like where the kids would be playing and although I still have
16:09the window and I have the sunroom, of course having the sunroom cuts into that window. There was
16:15compromises like this just all over the house because it's just not possible, a lot of things
16:20overlap, you can't have everything and so we made the best decisions that we could and I know there'll
16:25be things that I'm like oh man I wish this was a little bit bigger, this is a little bit smaller
16:28but the bedroom that we have on the other side of that living room, it'll be pretty small but it can
16:33fit a king-size bed, it's going to have a walk-in closet which is going to be really nice and a
16:39bathroom which is great. We haven't had a bathroom in our bedroom for many years now like a you know
16:46just like an ensuite bathroom so we're excited to have that. One of the concepts that I was trying
16:52to create in my little chicken scratch drawing here that I gave Brent was creating what would
16:57look like a back porch to mirror the front porch but that originally got closed in, that was going
17:03to be the story and if you watch Brent's content you're going to see he likes to craft a story with
17:08all of the designs that he does because this is what helps to give them character. He actually
17:14made a video about our build because he was inspired by a home that he saw when he was on a
17:21vacation, he saw a porch that had been closed in at one point and that's what we're trying to make
17:27it look like happen. So there was a front porch, there was a mirror image back porch and then at
17:32one point the family decided that they were going to close in that back porch so that they could
17:36have additional square footage. That back porch area will house a pantry, a laundry room, a mud room,
17:43a guest bathroom, a bathroom for me and Luke and a closet. One of the ways that we're going to make
17:50this more believable as a back porch that was closed in, the plan is to have flooring in there
17:59that looks like a wood porch floor that is painted. We also plan to put beadwork on the ceiling
18:05to have that exterior siding and then of course all of the beautiful windows. Now I went and
18:11visited my friend Kristen Hoffman last fall in Nebraska and she had a little closed in porch
18:17room that had painted floors and I made a mental note like this is what makes it have so much
18:23character. I knew that it was an old porch and at one point it was closed in to serve as a family
18:28smud room. That's the same look that we're trying to go for. I'm going to link Brent's video because
18:33I feel like you'll get such a better visual for how we're going to make this look like an enclosed
18:37porch. One thing we really wanted that we don't have at this house, we put in at the last house
18:43and that we had at the previous house, our house on Boone Street, wood stoves. We love heating with
18:48wood. Now we really debated on, like originally I pictured a central wood stove like we had in our
18:54last house. Something that sits in the middle of the house, heats the whole house, but in the style
18:59with the central hall that we were going for, two exterior chimneys really made a lot more sense.
19:05And what this will do is put a wood stove in the kitchen and then over in the living room. Now
19:11because the living room and our bedrooms are back-to-back, we can also tie into that same
19:18chimney another wood stove. One of the little things that I was like was sort of like, oh I
19:23imagine having a beautiful mantle in the center of the room in our living room. I realized, okay well
19:30that would only be possible if the chimney was not central with the chimney on the other side
19:35of the house, the kitchen side of the house, because to make it centered on that living room
19:39room, it would have to move forward quite a bit. And so this would make for a corner wood stove,
19:45which when I first thought about it I was thinking, I really don't want that. I want a wood stove or
19:50a fireplace in the middle of the room that you can have a mantle on. And I know I've looked up
19:54several pictures on Pinterest, you can still put a mantle both on a corner fireplace and also on a
20:00wood stove of any kind. You could also just put the wood stove like kind of in the corner, so very
20:05off-centered with the mantle around it. Still playing with that, but I do love wood stoves
20:10because they're cozy, you can gather around them, and definitely the idea of a corner wood stove in
20:15the living room has grown on me. It'll be cozy over there in the corner and we can kind of
20:19put the couches sort of centered around the room. I feel like some things are very straightforward
20:25with decorating, so like if there's a fireplace central on the room, it's the focal point, you
20:29know exactly where to put your couches and all of that. But I know that we will work with this,
20:33and that's just another one of those things where it was more important to me to have the chimneys
20:37central and to have the wood stove be in the corner, and then that gives us the opportunity
20:42to also have a wood stove in our bedroom, which we think is going to be really really cozy. Now
20:47originally if you look back at the first rendition of this whole thing, because this house has a
20:54little bit more square footage than the southern farmhouse, we decided to make it 50 feet across
20:59instead of the 40 feet across that the southern farmhouse is. I didn't think that we were going
21:05to do the little addition on the side that I originally kind of tacked on my little scribble
21:10drawing of a dining space, an additional dining space to provide more space here in the southern
21:16farmhouse plan. But as we thought about it more and more, we really like having, especially with
21:22a lot of kids, with homeschooling, with being home all the time, having little areas where
21:28someone can go escape and read a book, maybe shut a French door or something is really nice for us.
21:34Plus we really hope to be the house that hosts. As our kids get older and they start moving out,
21:40our oldest is 16, you know so she's nowhere near moving out, but we know that you know in five
21:45years we're going to start having kids move out, they'll eventually get married, they'll have kids,
21:50we're going to have a house full and we want to host. I want to invite my sisters and all of
21:56their kids, I want to invite my kids and my kids' kids, and that is our vision for the property. And
22:02so to have another space where we could have another dining table, though not necessary, you
22:08can 100% host without that. You can all gather around, you can put tables outside, it is totally
22:17doable and we've done it to host even when you don't have that situation. But this was just, you
22:21know, we're starting from scratch. We're able to add things on at this point and so we decided that
22:27we did want to go ahead and add that sunroom. One, because it's a beautiful view on that side of the
22:31house looking out those windows, it'd be another place where we could put in a large table, and
22:37then also being able to have that chimney enclosed and have the back side of that brick in that
22:42addition room, to me I just thought that would add so much character. Also because there'll be a wood
22:47stove tied in on the other side of that in the kitchen, that radiant heat will come out of the
22:51back of the bricks and we'll kind of reclaim that. And then another reason why we really wanted that
22:56space was to give us an exit out of the kitchen. So as the plans currently stand, there was a front
23:02door and a back door. Now that we have that little sunroom, we're going to put a door off the back of
23:07that, so that's a quick way to get out of the house from the kitchen side and it'll create a
23:11little courtyard area. So I love when homes have cozy little walls, so you know you have the the
23:16back of the sunroom, you have the back of the house, the pantry part, and then in here you have a
23:22little area where you could put a little gravel patio, some tables, some string lights. We thought that
23:26would make for a really lovely area. Plus most of our life is going to happen on that side of the
23:33house. The driveway will pull up on the other side of the house and then on that west side we will have
23:38everything for the kids to play, we'll have the barn and we'll have a quick exit from there and
23:43then in the warmer months we'll have a table out there right off the kitchen that we can you know
23:48head out there and make food. Eventually I want somewhere to maybe put a barbecue pit so something
23:52covered, I don't know. We'll have to cross that bridge when we get there. So many decisions being
23:56made. Now another thing that this house will feature and almost something that I thought, oh this is too
24:01big, is a massive pantry. Now it just worked out because with the way we have that back porch
24:09enclosure, the portion that sits off the kitchen, you know what lines up with the kitchen, it makes
24:16sense for it to be a pantry and borrowing from that to give space to say like the mudroom which
24:22I'd really like to be a little bit larger wouldn't work with the central hall design so therefore
24:27huge pantry. Not super sad about it. One thing that we're going to do is put a large fridge and
24:34a large freezer so probably about double the space that we currently have. Basically like the size of
24:40our current fridge, just fridge, and then the size of our current fridge, also a freezer. Because it's
24:45such a large pantry, putting it in there just a few steps away from the range and the island,
24:51I think that's going to be a really beautiful but also extremely functional space. Now upstairs in
24:57the house is all function. We just have four bedrooms, two baths. They are not super huge
25:03rooms. Basically that's going to be 1250 square feet because a lot of the square footage is
25:09happening in those additions downstairs. So since it's just mirroring the main portion of the house,
25:15there'll be 1250 square feet devoted to four beds and two baths. Not that that's tiny but they're
25:21not massive rooms which is actually something I'm looking forward to. In our last farmhouse,
25:26the way it was organized, there was very massive bedrooms to the point where you could have fit,
25:31I mean, five, six beds and I didn't really know how to decorate them because I couldn't, you know,
25:38arrange five or six beds. It was great, lots of space, fabulous. This is going to be more rooms
25:43but smaller rooms which was kind of what I was hoping for when designing from scratch. With a
25:47lot of kids, having separation isn't necessary but it is really nice. So like in our current house
25:53that we're living in while we're building, we have all of our boys kind of in one spot. It's doable
25:58but I really would like to put, you know, these two boys would do great, you know, together in this
26:04room and these two would do better here and I'm definitely looking forward to having like four
26:08distinct bedrooms with doors. And then one thing that we wanted to do from the very beginning
26:14because you can do it eventually, you could kind of design the house that it can support eventually
26:19finishing an attic. We decided we're going to do that from the very beginning. Now it's not going
26:23to have a bathroom, it's not going to be all the separation. Basically you're going to walk upstairs
26:28to the attic and then there's going to be a room to the right and a room to the left and again just
26:32having rooms to be able to do whatever we decide to as functions change throughout the years. Like
26:37right now we need a sewing room for our girls. In this house it's kind of just everywhere in the
26:42main level because there's nowhere else to stash it and so it can be a mess and just having a place
26:47where they can create without, you know, me being like, okay I need to clean up because it's in the
26:52main room of our house will be really nice. I also thought about putting like a podcast studio
26:58up in the west room of the attic because then I can look out and see kids playing while recording
27:05a podcast episode. So it will likely for now be a sewing room and an office, so we'll see. But we are
27:10excited to have just additional space. Now this house will have a basement. Both of our first two
27:15houses had basements, but I'm interested to see what it's like having a new house basement. Just,
27:20I don't know, I think that you'll use it maybe in a little bit of a different way. Now it's not a
27:23walkout basement, but we are putting in steps from the exterior that you can enter into a door into
27:29the basement. So I think Luke wants to put his workout stuff down there. We will probably in the
27:34basement have maybe like a ping pong table or something like that, I don't know. It's going to
27:38be I feel like more usable space than our last houses. Like the last house I devoted to pantry
27:44because I didn't have a very big pantry. In this house, my pantry will be big enough that I don't
27:49believe I'll be making a pantry in the basement, and so it'll probably be just more like storage
27:56and recreational type of stuff. So we'll see how that shapes up. All right, well we're super excited
28:00to build this new old farmhouse. And of course it's a new house, we know, but we're trying our best to
28:07at least give it character. And honestly I'm just so excited to get to the farm. I don't really care
28:12what kind of house at this point, I mean I'm super excited to make this house beautiful. This is a
28:17passion of mine to design and being able to devote my brain space to thinking through layouts and
28:24working with someone like Brent Hall to bring a vision to life is super exciting, but ultimately
28:30we are just beyond excited to be out at the farm. We've been spending so much time out there
28:35walking through the woods before all the ticks come out, coming soon, and poison ivy. The boys have
28:41found I think five or six deer antler sheds. We just really enjoy rural life. I will leave links
28:49for resources down below if you want to check out Brent Hall's content and just get inspired on how
28:54maybe you could add some character to the house that you live in right now that you can do, or if
28:59you're thinking about a new build and you want to apply some of his wisdom, you can check it out
29:03there. And then anything else, any books I talked about, I'll leave down below. I'm sure you all
29:07will have plenty of questions and maybe if you do, I will do another episode like this. And of course,
29:11I will share with you along the way any changes that we make or any issues we run into. I think
29:18that this whole thing is just going to be such a learning experience. It feels good at this point
29:24to have several decisions made. I'm no longer obsessing over the floor plan. That's done. Right
29:29or wrong, it's done. We made a lot of changes. We made it work, I believe, the best for our family.
29:35We've decided where it's going to go. Oh my goodness, what a decision. That was such a hard
29:40decision. We staked it out several spots. You angle it this way, you angle it that way. Which way should
29:47it be square? With the woods? With the front of the hill? I mean, we had other people come out, stand in
29:52it. What do you think? Is it for a while there? In my head, it like, I was afraid where we had it
29:57staked was kind of cocked the wrong way. That's made. The basement is in. That decision checked
30:02off my brain. And I'm moving into some of the more fun decisions, like some of the design
30:07decisions. I mean, I'm far from like paint colors and all of that, but just some of those things
30:11that you have to order right now to get them ready for the build. We have the foundation poured for
30:16the barn, so that was a decision because how far should it be from the house? And our last property,
30:21the barn and the house were 160 feet apart. So there's a little bit of historic precedent, but
30:26there's plenty of old farmsteads where the barn and the house are 100 feet, 75 feet, 200 feet. So we
30:32kind of picked something. We picked 130 feet because when we were standing in the kitchen area
30:37of the house, we liked how far that seemed. And then how far back to set the barn to the woods.
30:42Basically what we landed on was putting a road that goes behind the house and then there's enough
30:50space between the back of the barn and the woods to carry that road to it, but not much more space.
30:55That way we still have the barn set back a little bit, so it won't completely block the view from
30:59the house. To have even just those big decisions, the layout of the property made, means that we can
31:04move into some more fun ones and we're really excited to bring you along.
