• anteayer
Things Like This (2025)
00:00So I'm on my way
00:02Does love exist like romantic love or am I just meant to be single forever. All right, I'll be honest. You're a mess
00:09I love you find something that makes you happy. Well, I met a cute guy
00:15Are you okay? Oh
00:19That's just so embarrassing it's embarrassing there's a huge issue here I think I actually like him
00:25And I'm not sorry
00:27What do you mean that you're gonna see him again tonight I almost broke your nose
00:31I know but he stayed with me the entire night. I mean, how sweet is that?
00:36I like you and I'm trying so hard not to yeah, that's what liking someone is like
00:42It's terrifying. All you want to do is run. So you feel it, too
00:50Maybe one day soon to be more than just an assistant around here, but don't let your stupid heart get involved
00:56No one else or you're fired
01:00Hasn't even texted you or anything. Nope. Anyway, I'm gonna go get drunk. Do you mean you're gonna go get a drink?
01:06I mean what I mean
01:08Can't go through life and love expecting the worst to happen because you might be scared when the best love finds you
01:14Let's go talk to me
01:18You meet someone you shared a kiss with in middle school and then they randomly pop back up into your life again things like this
01:23Don't just happen
01:29No not for falling in love