• yesterday
In this video, we expose the harsh reality behind Israel’s impact on America. Far from being a trusted ally, Israel has become the U.S.'s most dangerous enemy, quietly undermining American interests while playing into the hands of global rivals like China and Russia. Through hard facts, we reveal how Israel's actions are eroding U.S. power and threatening its future. Don’t miss this breakdown of the true cost of America’s relationship with Israel.


00:00Hello everyone and welcome to Busy Politics.
00:09Today we're going to talk about a topic that's often mentioned, but not fully understood.
00:14Most people know by now that Israel is not only a financial burden to the United States,
00:20but also undermines America's interest and reputation on the global stage.
00:25But beyond these general ideas, few realize just how deep the damage Israel has been inflicting
00:31on the U.S. really is.
00:34In this video, we'll explore two clear examples, backed by solid data, showing how Israel is
00:42not only harming the U.S. interests, but also playing right into the hands of its biggest
00:49rivals, China and Russia.
00:52In fact, what if I told you that China and Russia are actually cheering for Israel to
00:59succeed in dragging the United States into a war with Iran?
01:05What if I told you that Putin and Xi see Israel as a key asset in their strategic rivalry
01:14with the United States?
01:16Now, I know this might sound counterintuitive at the beginning, but let's break it down
01:21because once you see the full picture, it starts to make a lot of sense.
01:27You may have noticed that during the past 11 months of Israel's barbaric genocide in
01:32Gaza, China and Russia have kept a remarkably low profile.
01:38Strange for superpowers, isn't it?
01:41But there is a reason behind that, and the reason is, Israel is doing precisely what
01:47China and Russia wanted, not to Palestine, but to the United States.
01:57While this ongoing genocide isn't the main focus of this video, just notice how it played
02:02right into the hands of Putin and Xi, distracting the United States from advancing its strategic
02:09interest in South China Sea and Eastern Europe, only to drag it back to the Israel's quagmire
02:15in the Middle East.
02:17Consider this for example.
02:19In the 4 months leading up to October 7th, Blinken visited 15 countries, all of them
02:27tied to US competition with China in South China Sea and Russia in Eastern Europe, and
02:33none of them was in the Middle East.
02:36This is because the region hasn't been of a strategic importance to the United States
02:41for years now.
02:42But after October 7th, Blinken started hopping from one Middle Eastern country to another,
02:47visiting 12 in total.
02:50This indicates a distraction, not a shift in priorities, but a distraction in US foreign
02:57But here is where it gets more intriguing.
02:59The data shows that Israel's actions aren't just distracting the United States from focusing
03:03on its own real rivals, but it actually boosts China and Russia's economic and geopolitical
03:12Let me give you two clear examples of how this is unfolding.
03:24The first one takes us back to March 19th, 2003.
03:28At that time, the US was dominating the global economy with $11 trillion in GDP, 7 times
03:35larger than China's $1.6 trillion.
03:40America had everything it needed to keep thriving economically.
03:44But here is where things get interesting.
03:48Behind closed doors, the Israeli lobby had different plans to the United States.
03:54They were on a mission, and their mission was to exploit the panic mood in the US after
03:589-11 to drag the United States to fight one of Israel's enemies, a country that had nothing
04:05to do with 9-11, Iraq.
04:09Peter, this is the site of the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
04:12Oh, so Saddam Hussein did this?
04:15The Iraqi army?
04:17Some guys from Iraq?
04:19That one lady who visited Iraq that one time?
04:21Peter, Iraq had nothing to do with this.
04:22It was a bunch of Saudi Arabians, Lebanese and Egyptians financed by a Saudi Arabian
04:25guy living in Afghanistan and sheltered by Pakistanis.
04:29So you're saying we need to invade Iran?
04:31And because Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, the lobby had to work tirelessly to achieve
04:38this cynical game.
04:40So they ramped up pressure on the Bush administration, amplified the neocons' message through the
04:45media, and they even helped in faking evidence of WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction.
04:53But to top it off, Israel's current Prime Minister, Netanyahu, appeared before Congress
04:59cunningly urging Americans to sacrifice their children and resources to fight Israel's war
05:07by promising enormous positive reverberations on the region.
05:11In this September 2002 congressional hearing, Netanyahu openly called for war on Iraq and
05:18insisted that a US military invasion would be hugely beneficial for the entire Middle
05:24If you take out Saddam, Saddam's regime, I guarantee that it will have enormous positive
05:31reverberations on the region.
05:33I watched his entire testimony and I swear I felt like I was watching a bunch of clowns.
05:39Not a single congressman asked the most obvious and logical question, like, Mr. Netanyahu,
05:46if you truly believe this war is for a good cause, why aren't you fighting it yourself?
05:53You have your own army, one of the strongest in the world.
05:56Israel is in the Middle East.
05:58Iraq is in the Middle East.
05:59So why aren't you leading the charge?
06:02Why come all the way across the ocean to ask another country to send its own children
06:07to fight your battles against your enemies for you?
06:12It doesn't make any sense.
06:14Unfortunately, America took the bait.
06:16On March 20th, 2003, President Bush sent American men and women to fight Israel's war in Iraq.
06:25But here's the twist.
06:27While America was consumed with the war in Iraq, China seized the opportunity to expand
06:32its economy, unchallenged.
06:36Why unchallenged?
06:37Because the US government poured all of its focus, energy, and resources into winning
06:42the war in Iraq, leaving China free to capitalize and take full advantage of the situation.
06:49And the results?
06:50By the time the Iraq war was over in 2011, China's economy had skyrocketed, growing
06:56by an astounding 370%.
07:00Meanwhile, the US economy barely managed a 40% increase.
07:08In other words, while America was fighting Israel's war in Iraq, China's economy
07:14grew 9 times faster.
07:18Let that sink in.
07:23The Harvard study found that the Iraq war cost the United States over 3 trillion dollars.
07:31To put that in perspective, that's twice the size of China's entire economy on the day
07:37America fell for Israel's trap and went into Iraq.
07:42Imagine if the US invested those trillions in American infrastructure, American education,
07:49and American healthcare.
07:51But no, instead of spending it on building America, the Israel lobby steered the US government
07:58into spending it on destroying Israel's enemies.
08:03That's the true cost of the Israel lobby, not just the billions in yearly aid that goes
08:09to Israel, but the trillions that this relationship with Israel is costing this nation.
08:16Now here's a question, how naive would we have to be to think that China would even
08:21consider stepping in to stop Israel's genocide or stop Israel from continuing its destructive
08:28effect on the United States?
08:31Just think about it, I can easily picture President Xi praying to all the gods he doesn't
08:36believe in for Israel to succeed in dragging the United States into another war in the
08:43Middle East.
08:45Because this would be China's golden ticket to become the strongest economy in the world.
08:52And the Chinese know that Israel isn't just the only state capable of making that happen,
08:59but the only state that's actively working to make it happen.
09:04We have to stop this country, the chance of death to Israel.
09:07Iran is Iran, Iran is Iran, Iran is Iran, Iran is Iran, Iran is Iran, Iran is Iran.
09:14Let's switch gears to see how the Israel effect plays right into the hands of Russia as well.
09:21Remember 2022 when Russia invades Ukraine and the US rallied the world around the principles
09:26of international law and the rules based international order, you know the story?
09:31The global reaction to that invasion was exactly what the US hoped for.
09:36A huge advantage for the United States that was captured perfectly in the UN General Assembly
09:42votes where 143 countries stood with the United States to condemn its rival Russia, effectively
09:50isolating Russia on the global stage.
09:53But then, to Russia's great fortune, the Israel effect kicked in.
09:59Fast forward to December 12, 2023, two months into Israel's genocide in Gaza, the world
10:06watched in horror as Israel barbarically violated all the principles of international law and
10:15In response, an emergency session at the United Nations was convened to vote on stopping Israel's
10:23To Russia's advantage, 151 nations stood with Russia and China and voted to halt Israel's
10:35Only 7 countries voted with the United States and Israel for the continuing of the genocide.
10:42Now I know this is just a vote in the United Nations, but think about what this means for
10:48the US standing on the global stage.
10:50In just one year, the US went from leading a global coalition, effectively isolating
10:55Russia, to being isolated and stuck in an awkward 5% tiny minority of states, all due
11:04to the magical Israel effect.
11:08That's what happens when you associate yourself with Israel.
11:13So taking all of that in consideration, let's be realistic here.
11:16China and Russia aren't going to risk their interests to stop Israel from distracting,
11:22undermining, and bankrupting their main rival.
11:25Sure, they'll occasionally vote and speak against Israel to distance themselves from
11:30its barbarism, but they will always adhere to Napoleon's strategic advice.
11:37Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.
11:41That's it for me.
