"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Breaking News, Rabu (19/03/2025) dengan Tema Respons Kebijakan Mengantisipasi Volatilitas Perdagangan Saham".
00:00Index Price Decline in the Last Few Months
00:05Index Price Decline in the Last Few Months
00:18We have observed volatility and decrease in the index price in the last few months.
00:27Ladies and gentlemen,
00:32Before we get into the policy,
00:35we would like to start by giving an overview of the current financial market conditions
00:42where we see that the risk factors in the global financial market are still quite high.
00:52Among them are uncertainty in the US government's tariff policy,
00:59the escalation of trade wars,
01:02the indication of US pre-economy cooling off,
01:06and also geopolitical dynamics.
01:09On the domestic side,
01:12the economy still shows a relatively solid growth prospect,
01:17supported by strong domestic consumption,
01:21and growing investment.
01:24However, there are a number of challenges that we face that are no less complex.
01:31In addition, we note that the financial sector's synergy from the beginning of this year
01:40remains solid,
01:41even though global and domestic challenges still exist.
01:47We also believe that overall,
01:50the fundamental conditions of companies and emissions are still good.
01:57In connection with this,
01:59we at OJK take priority policy steps
02:04in line with the government's steps
02:07to accelerate growth and strengthen the stability of the Indonesian capital market.
02:14In this context,
02:16we direct the financial sector to play a role in promoting growth.
02:23We continue to conduct assessments with the SRO
02:27and also coordinate with market players
02:30to prepare various strategic steps in line with the current challenges
02:37as a form of mitigation against fluctuating market conditions
02:43and also where OJK in these conditions
02:47implements various policies
02:50in order to maintain stability by providing protection
02:54and also space for investors to make decisions.
03:01Ladies and gentlemen,
03:02Distinguished media friends,
03:04The Financial Services Authority
03:06is committed to taking policy steps on handling,
03:10volatility, stimulus, and relaxation
03:14for open companies
03:16to mitigate and reduce significant market fluctuations
03:23and potentially put pressure on the stability of the capital market.
03:29The main basis for implementing these policies
03:32is POJK 13 in 2023
03:37on policies to maintain energy efficiency
03:40and also the stability of the capital market
03:43in a significantly fluctuating market condition.
03:49As we know,
03:51stock trading in the Indonesian Stock Exchange
03:54since September 2024
03:57has experienced a significant decline
04:00with a decrease of 1,682 points
04:08or minus 21.28% from the highest to date.
04:17By observing these things,
04:19the Financial Services Authority sets other conditions
04:24as intended in Article 2,
04:27G-POJK No. 13, 2023
04:30as a significantly fluctuating market condition.
04:37Then, based on the above,
04:40we announce the policy that
04:44open companies can re-buy stocks
04:49or buybacks
04:51without the approval of the General Meeting of Stockholders
04:55in accordance with G-POJK No. 13, 2023.
05:03The implementation of buybacks without approval
05:05must also comply with G-POJK No. 29, 2023
05:13on the re-purchase of stocks issued by open companies.
05:19The establishment of a significantly fluctuating market condition
05:23that becomes the basis of the implementation of buybacks without approval
05:27will take place until six months after the date of the letter issued by the General Meeting of Stockholders,
05:33which is March 18, 2025.
05:39Ladies and gentlemen,
05:43with the relaxation policy of buybacks without approval,
05:47we hope to give a positive signal
05:51that companies have good fundamentals
05:55and provide a market confidence to investors
05:59as well as provide flexibility for open companies
06:03in performing corporate actions
06:07to reduce stock price pressure.
06:13This policy option is one of the policies
06:16often issued by the EJK in the capital market sector
06:20and in practice can provide flexibility for the issuer
06:25to stabilize the stock price in high volatility conditions
06:31and increase investor confidence
06:33as it was issued in 2013, 2015 and 2020
06:41during the COVID-19 pandemic.
06:46We understand that the current market conditions are full of challenges.
06:50However, we are confident that with close cooperation between regulators,
06:56market players and all stakeholders,
07:02we can get through this phase well.
07:05As regulators, we will also continue to monitor and evaluate
07:11and ensure that all policy steps are implemented transparently
07:18and can maintain balance in the market
07:22for the implementation of the buyback policy without roops.
07:28We will continue to monitor the implementation of this policy
07:31and be open to input from various stakeholders
07:36to ensure that the benefits can be felt by all market players.
07:43Ladies and gentlemen,
07:47through this forum, we also reaffirm our commitment
07:51to continue to create a fair, transparent and efficient financial ecosystem
07:58for all parties.
08:00With this step, we hope that confidence in the Indonesian capital market
08:06will be stronger and our competitiveness at a global level will increase.
08:14We also invite all stakeholders
08:17to convey accurate and accurate information to the public
08:21because this is an important element in building investor confidence
08:26and maintaining the integrity of the capital market.
08:31We also invite all investors to pay attention
08:36and consider their investment decisions carefully.
08:41In conclusion, we all want a growing and developing capital market.
08:47Together, let's build confidence, protect investors
08:53and ensure that the capital market remains the main pillar of the national economy.
09:02That concludes today's press conference.
09:06Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
09:23To conclude, we will take a group photo first.
09:26We would like to invite all journalists and photographers to take a group photo.
09:38We would also like to invite the representatives of the 1st and 11th DPR RI
09:43as well as the Chief Executive Officer, KPI and the Chief Executive Officer of KSAI
09:48to take a group photo.