• 3 days ago
Menteri Keuangan pastikan fundamental ekonomi kuat meski proyeksi pertumbuhan turun. Hal ini menanggapi turunnya proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional yang dikeluarkan salah satu lembaga keuangan internasional.


00:00The Ministry of Finance assures that the economy is fundamentally strong despite the projection of declining growth.
00:10This is considered to be a decline in the projection of national economic growth issued by one of the international financial institutions.
00:19The government says the domestic economic situation is still under control,
00:22although capital outflow continues to occur in the last few weeks.
00:26The Ministry of Finance says the situation in the country is still strong,
00:29like a trade surplus indicator that again surpluses in the next 58 months.
00:35In addition, the Ministry of Finance says the Purchasing Managers Index continues to grow above 50 points,
00:40indicating that the industrial situation remains under threat of export deficit.
00:45Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati explains that various fundamentals in the domestic economy are still showing a positive situation.
00:53It is a principle that will continue to be implemented.
00:58And of course, the management of the BUMN can also explain to the public
01:06so that they can have confidence in the company.
01:12If there is a private company that is active in this field,
01:18of course it is specific to that company.
01:22However, I emphasize that the foundation of private companies that go public must continue to be updated to the market
01:33so that the market has an assessment of fair and good valuation.
01:41That is our commitment together.
01:45Previously, the government has also provided various stimulus in maintaining the current domestic economy.
01:51Various stimulus such as THR grant, aircraft tariff discount,
01:54up to free food programs are expected to help the economy remain solid at the end of the first trimester.
