00:00:00Previously on Australian Survivor
00:00:04Boom Squad!
00:00:06Alliances have been forged
00:00:08The neighbour came up with liquid graduates
00:00:10And gone up in flames
00:00:12Are we in an alliance or not?
00:00:13You know what?
00:00:14I'm over it
00:00:16But the buddy system has prevailed
00:00:18I can't lose you, you're my friend
00:00:20No, we're perfect
00:00:21Everybody's got a little dynamic joint and I'm the lone wolf over here
00:00:26And with no right or die to protect him
00:00:29I think we just all dunked on Pauly
00:00:30I agree
00:00:31Pauly was an easy target
00:00:33Oh, I didn't even know that happened
00:00:36Miles and Laura wanted to break up the buddy system
00:00:40I would like a PD
00:00:41Yeah, 100%
00:00:42But Logan wanted it her way
00:00:44Every time I put a boat out there, it gets dismissed, it gets parked
00:00:48Having this has me feeling very protected and I want to take out Pauly
00:00:53She's just dead settle, Pauly
00:00:54She's dead settle
00:00:56Despite having no soldiers in his army
00:00:59I'm gonna play this
00:01:00Miles went to war with his advantage
00:01:03You get to steal an idol
00:01:09I want to make myself a new buddy, so I'm gonna play this for Pauly
00:01:13Using Kristen's idol to send home her closest ally
00:01:19So sorry, I couldn't save you
00:01:21There's a reason for that
00:01:2411 are left
00:01:26Did you know about that?
00:01:27I may have
00:01:28Who will be going home tonight?
00:01:43Miles, stop pounding in my ear, please
00:01:48I'm furious
00:01:50I do not believe them
00:01:51I do not trust them
00:01:52No one has listened to me since week one
00:01:54I've said this from the start
00:01:55And I keep getting pushed back on my decisions to say
00:01:58We need to get one of them out
00:01:59And look what's happened today
00:02:00Every time I have an idea about one of these people, it's pushed back
00:02:02And look at the **** they keep doing
00:02:04I don't know, it's frustrating
00:02:10Miles, you were doing so well
00:02:13I know, I got sick of everyone stupid
00:02:16Is Kristen here somewhere?
00:02:18Oh, you guys want to be friends now
00:02:20What is going on?
00:02:22You don't need to touch me tonight
00:02:24Yeah, thank you
00:02:25Okay, I don't know what you think I did
00:02:27Yeah, okay, okay, thank God
00:02:29And I'm just fiddle-farting around
00:02:30And no one's happy to make any sort of like actual decision or hard choices
00:02:34And so I figured, I'd make a hard choice
00:02:35I'd step on a bunch of people's toes
00:02:37You ruined your alliance
00:02:38We were all on your side
00:02:40Okay, I'm... Miles had an advantage
00:02:43Yeah, in contrast, you took Kristen's idol, that's fine
00:02:45But then why did he have to take our feed each night?
00:02:48I think he just wanted to have fun
00:02:49So, one person who's my ****
00:02:52Blows up his whole alliance until he beats you and us
00:02:55Yeah, good luck with that
00:02:57That's what I didn't want right now
00:02:58He's facing the wrath of that
00:03:00I'm furious with you because you...
00:03:01I just gave you my trust
00:03:03After you burned me the first time
00:03:04I gave it back to you and you've done it again
00:03:06Logan, you're here playing survival
00:03:08So what?
00:03:09We play as a team in some things
00:03:11You have burned me
00:03:12Consider this, you have burned me
00:03:14We literally...
00:03:14Take that, that's all I'm saying to you
00:03:16You have burned me
00:03:22Can you just explain to me what the thought process was?
00:03:24Or if there was any thoughts?
00:03:26I'm going to be honest, Logan
00:03:27We haven't built up a huge amount of trust, you and I
00:03:30And we're not...
00:03:31But you have with Laura
00:03:32I have with Laura, absolutely
00:03:34So she's just as blindsided as I am
00:03:38Yeah, I know
00:03:38But Laura's smart and she's rational
00:03:41She'll get over it, that's my...
00:03:42Oh, I'm not smart or rational
00:03:44No, no, it's that we don't...
00:03:45No, it's that we don't have that trust built up
00:03:48And that's just a fact
00:03:48Well, we have no trust nowadays
00:03:49I know, I know
00:03:50But we had never built it in the first place
00:03:52Just this whole game
00:03:53I do not feel like we've been necessarily aligned
00:03:55Just like on various things
00:03:57That's so fine
00:03:58I'm so happy to not work with you
00:03:59If you don't want to work with me
00:04:00I feel completely blindsided by you
00:04:02So that's chill
00:04:04I'm happy you got to have your big move back
00:04:06All good then
00:04:08Travel council tonight was crazy
00:04:11And a lot of people are really upset at me
00:04:14That being said
00:04:15I think it actually puts me in an all right spot
00:04:20That was the sickest shit
00:04:25Here's the thing
00:04:26That's not my second idol at home
00:04:30That's not your second boy
00:04:32Come on, man, you're the f***ing greatest
00:04:35You have the f***ing jungle rat
00:04:37I mean, it's so bad
00:04:40So we have all the options in the world
00:04:45Can we just stop and appreciate that
00:04:47This couldn't have gone better
00:04:49I will be getting one of them now
00:04:51I'm gonna be fine
00:04:52I need that
00:04:55Here's the thing
00:04:56Have I probably torched my prospects of being here?
00:04:59Yeah, probably
00:05:01Was it so totally worth it?
00:05:03A hundred percent
00:05:05Five hundred thousand dollars for that moment
00:05:07And that reaction
00:05:08Sure, let's go
00:05:10No, I always say the best
00:05:11We're gonna be friends for life
00:05:13That's what I'm talking about
00:05:4920, 25, 30 days
00:06:14And I'm still here
00:06:17Today's a new day
00:06:19The sun is shining and I'm excited
00:06:22We're ready
00:06:22We're ready
00:06:24I've woken up on the beach with a new lease on life
00:06:31The whole prospect of moving forward in the game is colourful with optimism
00:06:37I pledge my allegiance to the miles
00:06:40The magnificent miles
00:06:42Anything you need, I'm your man
00:06:44100 percent
00:06:45I've got your back
00:06:46110 percent
00:06:47You saved my game
00:06:48You saved my life
00:06:49I am the two to his one
00:06:53Brand new day
00:06:56He is the Jack to my Rose
00:06:58I'm his Romeo to his Juliet
00:07:03No one's ever coming
00:07:04No one's ever coming
00:07:07That's how we're involved
00:07:08We gave someone like the jungle rat that much power last time
00:07:12This is an opportunity to like take a bit of agency
00:07:15Out of control
00:07:16Yeah, 100 percent
00:07:18Paulie had no one
00:07:19He owes me his life and he knows it
00:07:21This is unreal
00:07:23Now I've got him as a locked in number
00:07:26I am your total number two
00:07:28I will never write you leave now
00:07:31Unfortunately for Paulie, I don't see him in my long-term plans
00:07:37I'll work with him
00:07:38But if cutting him is a better option, I'll cut him
00:07:42People have underestimated me
00:07:44Because I've got a good strategic mind for this game
00:07:46Because I'm not afraid to make big moves and everyone could see that
00:07:49Last night, Miles kicked it into first and I'm ready to rev this game
00:07:54I'm ready to absolutely pelt it
00:07:58It's time for everyone to wake up
00:08:01Because the jungle rat has become the king of the rats
00:08:16So last night's tribal, I sent a message that I'm willing to play
00:08:21But this move puts a huge target on my back
00:08:26Now I do have allies
00:08:29And I think my best end game is with the graduates
00:08:35And so today I'm gonna be doing my best work to bring the old band back together
00:08:42What's that?
00:08:44Oh, this is good
00:08:44This feels like a chess triangle
00:08:46It's a triangle of power
00:08:49I have this idea, right?
00:08:51Our biggest threat right now is that the girls all unite and then they take us out, right?
00:08:56Laura and Logan are targeting us
00:08:57I know
00:08:58I think Kristen hates me
00:09:01I had this idea and I want to run it by you guys
00:09:04I want to get the graduates back together
00:09:09There we go
00:09:10I was waiting to hear that from you
00:09:12The main people here now are Kaz
00:09:15And Zara
00:09:17Together we completely control the game
00:09:19Oh, that's great
00:09:21Oh, I love that we're all thinking the same thing
00:09:25Getting the graduates back together is such a smart move
00:09:29But since the alley vote, we haven't really done anything
00:09:39On top of that, I don't think Karen really trusts me
00:09:42Uh, how's it going?
00:09:44We're thinking something
00:09:45Right now, I am in threat management mode
00:09:48And what I want are people who played really big games
00:09:50And you, Karen, we're down to go, graduates
00:10:01Nobody knows about the graduates except the graduates
00:10:04Nobody knows we're in the line
00:10:05Nobody would even think the five of us are in the line
00:10:07Nobody thinks Karen and I are in the line at all
00:10:09We are going to win
00:10:11We are going to run over this game
00:10:14Like, full run over
00:10:15Let's think of everyone trying to be friends with everyone
00:10:17Let's draw some lines in the sand
00:10:21It makes the most sense
00:10:24Okay, I want to take out one of the pairs
00:10:28And one of the buddy systems this time
00:10:30And a different buddy system next time
00:10:32Because then the buddies are just rubbish
00:10:33And then we eat everyone alive
00:10:36My preference would be Logan
00:10:39Just because I've already told Logan that I'm not working with her
00:10:43We need that idle plot
00:10:45We're in a line
00:10:49You might have to convince Kaz of that
00:10:59There is one person who I may not be able to repair a relationship with
00:11:03And that's Karen
00:11:05We were in an alliance
00:11:07I had a hidden immunity idle
00:11:09And Kaz didn't like that I hid it from her
00:11:12You want to help?
00:11:14I've got a lot of work to do to get that trust back with Karen
00:11:17To get the graduates back together
00:11:22Before the idle play
00:11:25You were 100% my number one ally in the game
00:11:28Because you and I were 100%
00:11:32Right now I think that we haven't talked for a long time
00:11:35And we need to reconnect
00:11:40Because then after the idle thing
00:11:42I was like oh she hates me
00:11:44No it's because I had that little seed of doubt
00:11:46And then the idle got played and then I went boom
00:11:51Going forward we are never in competition with each other
00:11:54Like you and I have the biggest incentive to work together in this game
00:12:00And I don't mind if you trash me behind my back to get close to people
00:12:03That's so fine
00:12:04Just communicate it with me
00:12:06And like I'm not going to trash you
00:12:08Because I don't want to and I don't need to
00:12:12I don't need to
00:12:15Let's just go with graduates
00:12:21I think it's the best play
00:12:23And look if you don't think it's the best play and even
00:12:25No no it is the best play I'm just like not like
00:12:29Yeah the miles factor just worries me
00:12:33Last night reshuffled everything
00:12:35Like are you okay with Miles just throwing these things out of the bag?
00:12:38Like the whole like my whole shtick is if you have an alliance
00:12:42You have to be clear with what information and advantages you have
00:12:47In my mind it was fine
00:12:50Like yeah you had an advantage it was a secret you used it
00:12:53You didn't get out one of our alliance members
00:12:55So it's all good
00:12:57And that's my thought process
00:12:59I know that you feel differently
00:13:01But he's taught me he wants to move forward with the graduates
00:13:05Let's just go go go go go
00:13:09Oh my god
00:13:11AJ come on
00:13:13I'm very happy to go along with your plan
00:13:16At least your face
00:13:20Every single time we have a plan
00:13:22We get to the 11th hour and they want to flip it
00:13:25The graduates it's not an alliance anymore
00:13:27It's a dictatorship of two
00:13:29Miles and AJ calling the shots
00:13:33And I'm sick of being told what to do
00:13:35It's time to elevate the game
00:13:42And get rid of a big power player
00:13:46One of those two has to go
00:13:48We're all the graduates
00:13:50I'm going to be the professor
00:13:51And class is dismissed
00:13:52We're done
00:14:05Come on in
00:14:23What the
00:14:26What's like a battle
00:14:28What's it called like dodgeball sorry
00:14:30What is under that box
00:14:32A box
00:14:33I'm not sure
00:14:35That's a Laura
00:14:38That was quite the tribal last night
00:14:40Some words were shared
00:14:43That's what I'll say
00:14:44But this morning I think we're all feeling
00:14:47Ready to go
00:14:47I think that Miles ripped the band-aid
00:14:49And now we're all rearing
00:14:50Let's do this
00:14:53After a big night at tribal
00:14:54What are you hoping for today
00:14:56Anything but drama under that box Jonathan
00:15:00As long as it comes with fries
00:15:02I wouldn't mind that
00:15:03All right
00:15:04Are you ready to get to today's reward challenge
00:15:07Okay for today's challenge
00:15:10You're going to be divided into two teams
00:15:13Tethered in pairs
00:15:14You're going to race to get your team ball
00:15:15And attempt to land it in a goal
00:15:17First to do so scores a point for their team
00:15:19First team to four wins reward
00:15:22Want to know what you're playing for
00:15:24Winning team will enjoy good old-fashioned
00:15:29American feast
00:15:32Yes I love wings
00:15:34Mac and cheese
00:15:35Onion rings
00:15:37And of course milkshakes to wash it all down
00:15:41What are you playing for
00:15:42I need it
00:15:43All right let's draw up the teams
00:15:45Let's get to it
00:15:51All right
00:15:53After our rock draw
00:15:54On the blue team
00:15:55We have AJ
00:15:57And then we have
00:16:02And Kristen
00:16:04And on the red team
00:16:09And Zara
00:16:10Okay red team you're picking first
00:16:12Get him
00:16:14All right blue
00:16:16Let's go
00:16:17Come on up
00:16:18Go basketball man AJ
00:16:20Good luck
00:16:22Good luck
00:16:24I can be dolphin diving and pulling
00:16:26While you run
00:16:26But only up to you
00:16:27Up to you
00:16:28Oh he's gonna try to make it swim
00:16:31All right
00:16:33Here we go
00:16:33Hands on the ring to start
00:16:36First round
00:16:37We have Kate and AJ for blue
00:16:39You got this guys
00:16:40Taking on Logan and Kaelin for red
00:16:43Survivors ready
00:16:46Go guys you got this
00:16:47You need to get all the way over the other side
00:16:50To pick up your team ball
00:16:51Okay ready jumping over
00:16:53Get back to the middle before you can shoot
00:16:55Look at him
00:16:56Kaelin the fish
00:16:58Dragging Logan
00:17:02Instructing her how to get through that water quickly
00:17:08Need to get over to your side before you can shoot
00:17:13Blue get back first
00:17:17Lays it up for the first shot
00:17:19Comes up short
00:17:21Logan having a shot now
00:17:25Their ball's in the no shoot zone
00:17:27That opens the window for blue
00:17:29Can they close it out?
00:17:31AJ going for the shot
00:17:35And he lands it
00:17:37Taking the first point
00:17:38Nicely done
00:17:40Blue leads one zip
00:17:43Your running is so impressive
00:17:45I'm getting pulled behind by the end
00:17:46I'm like
00:17:53All right next round
00:17:55We have Morgan and Zara for red
00:17:59Taking on Kristen and Karen for blue
00:18:02Bringing the point home
00:18:03This is for the burgers
00:18:04And the milkshake
00:18:06Survivors ready
00:18:11Both teams on a high stepping through the water
00:18:15Kristen's dragging
00:18:19Really wants that burger
00:18:20And milkshake
00:18:22Red gets to their ball first
00:18:26Blue slowing down
00:18:30Red gets back first
00:18:32Can they get off that shot?
00:18:35Here goes Morgan
00:18:38Oh lucky
00:18:40That opens the window for blue
00:18:46God sent
00:18:47Around the rim for Karen
00:18:49Right into the hands of red
00:18:56Morgan tossed the ball out of their reach
00:18:59Oh that's fine
00:18:59That's right back where we need to go
00:19:01Morgan takes another shot
00:19:05She does it
00:19:06She pulls it off
00:19:08Putting red on the board
00:19:11We're tied
00:19:12One each
00:19:13We are planned for
00:19:17How's my hair?
00:19:22We have Laura and Zara for red
00:19:24Taking on brand new besties
00:19:26Pauly and Miles for blue
00:19:29Boys just powering through the water
00:19:32Sorry I got caught on the thing
00:19:34Take a breath
00:19:34Take a breath
00:19:35Pauly lines it up
00:19:36Takes a shot
00:19:38And he does it on his first shot
00:19:42Blue leads
00:19:45Dynamic duo
00:19:46Survivors ready
00:19:48We have Morgan and Kalen for red
00:19:52Kate and AJ for blue
00:19:59Every point is one step closer
00:20:01To win that all-american feast
00:20:05AJ for blue
00:20:06Line it up take your time
00:20:10And he lands it
00:20:12Extending that lead for blue
00:20:18All right
00:20:21Playing to Thor
00:20:22We have Laura and Morgan for red
00:20:25Taking on the dynamic duo
00:20:27Pauly and Miles for blue
00:20:30In one Pauly in one
00:20:32Blue can win it right here
00:20:33Red needs to win it to stay in it
00:20:35Okay girls
00:20:36Survivors ready
00:20:41Yes boys
00:20:42Again the boys just powering through that water
00:20:45Power through power through
00:20:47You can smell those burgers
00:20:53Yeah get back get back
00:20:55Morgan dragging Laura through the water
00:20:58Red has really closed the gap
00:21:00You got it you got it let's go guys
00:21:02Pauly going for the win
00:21:08Comes up short
00:21:17Morgan dragging Laura
00:21:20Scoop up their ball
00:21:22Tosses it out of the way
00:21:23But she tosses it back into their zone
00:21:25Thanks Morgan
00:21:29Going again
00:21:34Now they're in no man's zone
00:21:35I've got the ball
00:21:39Miles does the right thing, he tosses it behind him.
00:21:43Now Blue has a big window, while Red fetches their ball.
00:21:52And he does it!
00:21:56Blue, win the war!
00:22:05All right, Blue team, congratulations.
00:22:07Your American Feast will be waiting for you.
00:22:09Head on out, enjoy.
00:22:11Thank you, LB.
00:22:13Thanks, guys.
00:22:14Thank you, guys.
00:22:15OK, you've got a crazy track record with the rewards.
00:22:18I feel like you've been on, like, almost every reward.
00:22:20So crazy.
00:22:28It's like we're out for afternoon tea.
00:22:32Oh my gosh, guys, it's giant!
00:22:36It's actually giant!
00:22:38Oh my god!
00:22:40Holy chicken wings!
00:22:42Oh my freaking god!
00:22:45I cannot believe my eyes.
00:22:47I'm seeing beef burgers, I'm seeing chicken burgers,
00:22:49I'm seeing mac and cheese.
00:22:50Who wants a strawberry milkshake?
00:22:54Oh my god!
00:22:55I'll take chocolate.
00:22:56We haven't had something sweet in 30 days.
00:23:00Great teamwork today.
00:23:01Everyone absolutely smashed it.
00:23:03Best reward ever!
00:23:04It's the best reward ever!
00:23:06I'm so excited to make myself sick from this food.
00:23:11Oh my god.
00:23:13Oh my god!
00:23:15What the heck was that?
00:23:17That is the best taste I've ever tasted in my life.
00:23:20Oh, there's whipped cream.
00:23:21Oh my god.
00:23:22Oh my god.
00:23:23What a great day.
00:23:24This is the feast that we all deserve.
00:23:29While we're here, does anyone want to propose a plan for tomorrow?
00:23:34Not really.
00:23:36Miles, when you say no to that, it sounds like it might be one of us.
00:23:39Not necessarily.
00:23:40It's just that a big group of six, especially a big group of six
00:23:43that has so many different connections out, right?
00:23:46It's a lot harder to control the flow of information there
00:23:48than if you're having individual chats with the people targeted.
00:23:51You know what I mean?
00:23:53Can I ask everyone a question?
00:23:55Is there anyone that you don't want to win immunity?
00:24:00Oh, I don't want the information to be, you know,
00:24:03spread across too many people.
00:24:04No, but everyone knows that Logan, like,
00:24:06because it was very publicised last night.
00:24:08I want Logan there as an option to vote out.
00:24:10I'm sure she would go, yeah, that makes sense.
00:24:12I'd also like to get out Miles.
00:24:13Like, it's fine.
00:24:14He's with you.
00:24:16Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's gunning for you.
00:24:19I'm dead centred.
00:24:21I'm sure.
00:24:24I don't know if they have numbers to get you.
00:24:26We'll see.
00:24:27Kristen may be plotting her revenge right now as we speak.
00:24:31I can speak for Kristen.
00:24:33I think she doesn't want to get revenge on you.
00:24:36If there was someone she wanted to get revenge on,
00:24:38right in front of her.
00:24:40AJ's hit the nail on the head.
00:24:47I feel like AJ is like my janitor.
00:24:49Like, I've made this massive mess
00:24:52and AJ's been left to clean it up.
00:24:55What it means is that I can play a little bit chaotically
00:24:58and get away with it.
00:25:01Kristen has turned out that Logan has an idol.
00:25:08Where did she get the idol from?
00:25:09No, but I was...
00:25:10I didn't give it to her.
00:25:11She hasn't made that public in front of me.
00:25:12Where did she get it from?
00:25:13I was out of the loop.
00:25:14Apparently, Braun Beach.
00:25:18My plan is to get Logan out with an idol in her pocket.
00:25:22Logan is someone who rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
00:25:25But to make her even more viable of a vote,
00:25:27I've told everyone that Logan has an idol.
00:25:30It'll give everyone else an opportunity to jump on board.
00:25:33Logan is very hardline.
00:25:35Logan's my way or the highway.
00:25:38That is not a number you want on your side.
00:25:45It is incredible how quickly things change.
00:25:48Now, everybody seems to want to work with me.
00:25:52I sit here on my throne.
00:25:54I'm having the best time out here I could be.
00:25:57I'm living the absolute survivor dream.
00:26:00Do they think that they're having these strap chats back at camp?
00:26:04Oh, Laura and Logan.
00:26:05Logan and Laura.
00:26:06Logan and Laura will be...
00:26:07Walking around, getting into...
00:26:08They'll probably be...
00:26:10Yeah, for sure.
00:26:18All right, so we need firewood and...
00:26:25I have been on the losing side of everything for so long.
00:26:29All right, I'm going to put the water in
00:26:31and we'll get the beans going on ASAP
00:26:33so then we can get the coconuts on.
00:26:35But losing today isn't all bad.
00:26:40Without AJ and Miles, I can take advantage of the situation.
00:26:48Look, I'm not on a vengeance plan, but...
00:26:51I dislike Miles.
00:26:52I've disliked him from the start, but he's still here.
00:26:54I don't think he's got any more dumb moves in store
00:26:56because I think it's just his ego getting in the way
00:26:58of him wanting to play.
00:26:59I realistically don't think there is something else
00:27:01that he could do.
00:27:03But it's not threatening to me, he's just very annoying.
00:27:06So who is this?
00:27:07More what I'm thinking is that was a massive move
00:27:10and we need to counteract with another massive move.
00:27:14If we don't start striking, we're going to get left behind.
00:27:19So we're putting the numbers on AJ and then splitting on Miles.
00:27:25Break up the buddy sister.
00:27:29No-one wants any more of these chaotic but dumb moves
00:27:32from Miles and AJ.
00:27:34I don't understand Miles and I don't trust him.
00:27:38I haven't just made up a crazy plan yesterday
00:27:40and told you to jump on board with me
00:27:42while I drive us off a bridge.
00:27:44These people are going to side with me.
00:27:46I think that's going to be the best way.
00:27:49Let's get them.
00:28:10My plan is to get AJ and Miles, but obviously I don't have him.
00:28:16It's going to be absolutely brutal.
00:28:19It's going to be fun, Miles.
00:28:21It's going to be fun.
00:28:25It'll be interesting to hear what Caleigh and Miles come back with.
00:28:27Yeah, be smart about that.
00:28:33Caleigh and Zara are talking about something.
00:28:37Hopefully they'll come back with what we want anyway.
00:28:42She just wigs me out, man.
00:29:14Come on in
00:29:21My gosh
00:29:24Come on
00:29:28But I like it
00:29:31Current how are those burgers?
00:29:33Incredible. I think I ate about 10 was violently ill. I nearly needed to be hospitalized
00:29:40So Logan when you came in you looked pretty worried about this challenge today
00:29:45This challenge is my worst nightmare. I hate water. I hate choking on water. This is just this is not fun
00:29:50This is not for me. Sorry. I'm terrified
00:29:53Shall we get to it?
00:29:59Thank you, thank you
00:30:02Once again immunity is back up for grabs
00:30:07Today's challenge is gonna test your ability to stay calm when every fiber in your body is telling you otherwise
00:30:15You're gonna take a spot in the water
00:30:17Under a metal grate as the tide comes in the water will rise and your breathing space will decrease until eventually
00:30:27It's gone
00:30:29Last person still hanging on wins immunity and is safe from the vote loses tribal council
00:30:34Where somebody's gonna become the 13th person voted out?
00:30:39Let's get to it
00:30:45All right, here we go everyone take up that position under the metal grates
00:31:06Everyone's in position for immunity
00:31:15This challenge is now on
00:31:20Classic survivor challenge
00:31:23The one that everyone fears the most
00:31:28If you're not comfortable in the water, this one is gonna be tricky
00:31:41Kristen what do you call someone who's doing this challenge?
00:31:48Bob it's a bobbin. Yeah
00:31:57We're floating in Samoa
00:32:02And we're close to drowning
00:32:08I hate all of this
00:32:15Remarkably chatty given what's about to come
00:32:19How you doing that miles I'm actually all right it's it's kind of peaceful when you get into it
00:32:27Also kind of really want this one because I think I've put a bit of a target on my back last tribal
00:32:34So I wouldn't mind that necklace
00:32:42Well, I don't believe me
00:32:49There it is the surges you got to watch out for
00:32:57The water rises it starts to splash over the people's eyes
00:33:02Getting close to their mouths
00:33:07And you're trying to time it right waiting for that surge to recede so you can take a breath a
00:33:14Couple people going under
00:33:19Here's a cupboard
00:33:22Now there's sensory deprivation adding to the panic
00:33:27This is getting socky
00:33:30As that water creeps up the chat has died down
00:33:53After 45 minutes Kate gets a mouthful of water can't hang she's out of the challenge. That's hot
00:34:07Big surge and another one. They're only gonna get worse
00:34:17Tricky part is you don't know when that surge is coming. You don't know how long that surge is gonna last for
00:34:27After almost 50 minutes Laura's out
00:34:36AJ is out
00:34:42Everyone going with different techniques
00:34:46Balls with the snorkel miles doing my job for me big wave
00:35:01Wow now we're into this challenge
00:35:06Pauly has had enough. He's out of the challenge
00:35:12We still have seven left
00:35:14Kalen Zara miles
00:35:17Kristen Logan
00:35:20Morgan and Karen
00:35:22At this point you have no idea how many are still left in the challenge
00:35:28They're all in the water they're cooked
00:35:31What a level slowly creeping up
00:35:35Chatter is stopped
00:35:39Taking it seriously now
00:35:42even miles
00:35:44You know miles is serious when he's not talking
00:35:49Everyone is under on that surge and it is a long one. This is gonna sort people out
00:36:02After almost 65 minutes
00:36:17Kristen is out
00:36:23Legs come on legs Logan super worried about this challenge still in it
00:36:32This is fight-or-flight right here
00:36:39You fight through that panic, would you run away from it Logan's had enough
00:36:55Zara right behind
00:37:00Now we're down to three
00:37:03Kalen Karen
00:37:05Now we're down to three Kalen Karen mile
00:37:22That says goose
00:37:26It sounds like a whale
00:37:29I mean, there's no way we can beat this day
00:37:35I don't know man, Kaz is putting on a good show
00:37:38Yeah, that's true
00:37:42An hour and ten minutes
00:37:46Fewer and fewer opportunities to take a breath
00:37:52Want to make every one of them count
00:37:55another surge
00:37:58And another surge on top of that surge
00:38:05After an hour and ten minutes and a hell of a battle and some great commentary
00:38:14It's out of the challenge
00:38:16Now we have a survivor showdown between Kalen and Karen
00:38:26Hale and breathing
00:38:28He really is part animal isn't it
00:38:31And Kaz is mine is just a steel trap. Yeah, she's a tough chick man. She's
00:38:40Karen under for a long time now. Oh, she's
00:38:50Looking for an opportunity to take the next breath
00:38:56Is she gonna find it she's been out never too long
00:39:09It's all about timing hour and 15 Kalen and current still in it, you know that Kalen
00:39:17He loves it in the water
00:39:19The current not gonna let him take that necklace that easily
00:39:28This is incredible
00:39:39Big surge
00:39:51After an hour and 17
00:39:53And Kalen wins
00:40:21Kaz is this some kind of superpower you want to tell us about breathing on the water? Yeah
00:40:27The fish in another life, maybe maybe I just wanted to be this guy well you almost did it
00:40:36Kayla we know what your superpower is. Come on over
00:40:45Second individual immunity win. How's that feel? Yeah, I feel pretty relaxed
00:40:50Well, congratulations you are safe tonight as for the rest of you tribal council tonight
00:40:55We're one of you will become the 13th person voted out
00:40:58first member of our jury
00:41:06See you tonight
00:41:09Kalen has one which is fantastic for my game. We're wanting to send AJ home tonight. He causes too much chaos
00:41:17I'm determined that today's D-Day and the first member of the jury is gonna be AJ
00:41:41I'm so happy seeing Kalen wearing that necklace while he's wearing it. The people I want out aren't I
00:41:49Feel very powerful sitting pretty at the top of this tribe
00:41:53After talking to the right people, I've got the numbers to do what I want
00:41:58First I'm gonna fill you in on the on the plan. Yeah plan is a five-four split against Logan and Laura
00:42:04All right, but Logan bacon, sorry
00:42:07Target number one for tonight is Logan. I'd love to send her home with an idol in her pocket
00:42:12Target number two is Laura if Logan plays a idol the votes end up on Laura
00:42:19Who is everybody in on this look pretty much ever. Yeah. Yeah, sorry. You like it
00:42:24She plays it for herself. The door goes on and at least you've broken up the door. Yeah, exactly
00:42:29We're telling Laura Morgan that we're going on Christianity. All right
00:42:36This is the most confident I've been so far in this game I
00:42:40Am king of the rats and I've got my little rat subjects scurrying around
00:42:45Creating my plan for me. So the girls are voting Logan and the boys are voting war
00:42:52I would love if we send
00:42:56Good to be compadre
00:42:58Everyone is wanting to work with me and we can all have a fun dramatic time and then send Logan packing with an idol in a
00:43:19Miles he thinks he's the king of the jungle
00:43:22he's walking around with a smile from ear to ear thinking he's so cocky and arrogant and
00:43:28It's disgusting. I hate it. He's connection to AJ needs to be destroyed
00:43:34And tonight I'm finally getting my way
00:43:39AJ goes home
00:43:45So we need to think about
00:43:54It's a very kind of pivotal vote tonight
00:43:57What are we actually doing?
00:43:59So we're doing the five three on so who's five is three doing five on AJ
00:44:03Which is the five the five is us to Robin Kate Kristen and then three is one two and Kate
00:44:08Oh, I'm just almost and for miles
00:44:12Yeah, I think that those two will be happy sitting on the jury together and order AJ today miles tomorrow
00:44:17I'm gonna see you later, and I trust you guys completely
00:44:27So it's a five three split we're going on AJ the three on miles we are leading the charge on this one, okay, cool
00:44:34Yeah, that's everything should be fine. Yeah, so I know that I'm going for a
00:44:38You're ready, right? Yeah, yeah, cool. There's Chris to know the plan not a hundred percent. Yeah, yeah talk to Kristen
00:44:50So you're on and if we've got the numbers we have yeah, we have eight
00:44:55five of us and then the other three
00:44:59Should I like it
00:45:01Tonight is about revenge, baby. I have been waiting to write down AJ's name
00:45:06I've been making sure that if I put those two letters on a piece of paper
00:45:11It wasn't gonna blow back in my face, but today's D-day, baby, and AJ is walking out that door
00:45:18Everyone is all good. We stick to the plan
00:45:27So what are we gonna do?
00:45:32Yes, I like it
00:45:37Logan thinks she holds the power on this tribe at the moment
00:45:41But to be honest with Logan there's way too much drama, and she's trying to take on way too much control
00:45:47So she needs to be a food it
00:45:52And I prefer that yeah, I prefer that much more than a day. Yes, I mean come on in
00:46:01What are you guys thinking
00:46:04Yeah, well I know it's my preference what AJ's my preference to see anything fun
00:46:14Kristen wants AJ out which is a part of Logan's plan, but that's not the plan that we decided yesterday
00:46:23Are you guys
00:46:25Okay, if I join you all
00:46:27Of course I cannot join you yeah, I'm yeah come on in
00:46:32Do you we talking about the plan or I just cracked a coconut so cup I'll cut give me one second
00:46:37Yeah, I'll be right back. Yeah, I need to catch up you okay
00:46:42You've both heard a plan
00:46:44What a plan fill me in okay?
00:46:48So I got told it's five four speed five on Logan four on Laura
00:46:58Well you haven't heard that
00:47:03What's up?
00:47:04Five on the living for a lawyer, and they're very new yeah
00:47:08No, okay
00:47:10What were you thinking? I have been told a
00:47:14Few different things, so I'm just trying to understand where everyone's been told
00:47:24I'm with you guys
00:47:27But I didn't want to tell Kristen because Kristen came up to us saying the other plan which was you guys
00:47:35That's interesting
00:47:38That's why I was that's why I was shutting up because I was like yeah, you know I wasn't sure if she was in it
00:47:43Yeah, maybe she isn't
00:47:46Okay, you know so do we have enough numbers if she's not I don't know I
00:47:53Thought the plan was solid
00:47:55But I think something's off if there's a big switch on the boats. I go home if everyone's lying to me. I go home
00:48:12Kate was like so Kristen's came up to us and said that the plan was splitting on you and while you're going home
00:48:21Shouldn't probably haven't heard the main plan
00:48:23Yeah, I think it's fine
00:48:25What we don't want to do is it's going to a paranoid death spiral like I just think it's finally came Morgan
00:48:30I'll with us here with us
00:48:33Zara with by all accounts is very very excited to get out Logan with an island
00:48:38Karen I think it's with us and even if she's not there's nothing individually that she can do
00:48:44There's no way
00:48:52We're going into quite an easy vote on Logan and Laura
00:48:58Both of them, I'm none the wiser and they think we're splitting on AJ and miles
00:49:04Classic blind site lined up and ready to go
00:49:11It's just got me thinking
00:49:14If Logan is such a public target that everyone wants to get out why not keep her
00:49:22Why don't we just bluff get Logan to play her idol flush an idol
00:49:28And then we send AJ home
00:49:35This program is brought to you by a HM feeling bewildered by your health insurance a HM make things more black and white
00:49:42With a HM you're good
00:49:52Not far enough away
00:49:55Waiting for my side the big public target for tonight's vote is Logan
00:50:04And who has an idol Logan
00:50:08And everyone apparently is on board with it
00:50:12She would have been my first votes not to go home, but yeah, yeah, I know
00:50:16What would he open?
00:50:21I just I know I just want to get more control of this situation
00:50:27And you're gonna work in Laura once away
00:50:31I'm weighing up the move to get rid of AJ
00:50:36We don't even need that many votes
00:50:38We already know that Laura and Logan are voting for AJ. I get Kristen to flip her vote to AJ. I
00:50:45Flip my vote to AJ
00:50:48Now we've got four votes on AJ. I just let Logan know. Hey, it's coming your way
00:50:55Play your idol. Maybe AJ goes home
00:51:00Yeah, my preference would be a vote on AJ and miles
00:51:05Yeah, they're like so loaded up on who Bruce at the moment
00:51:11Like I don't want to plan too far ahead, but I feel like that's a solid yeah, I'm happy to work for the numbers
00:51:17the merits of getting AJ out is that I
00:51:21Remove probably one of the best strategic minds in the game
00:51:24And on the other hand me saving Logan. I have someone that owes me their life. Essentially. I like the setting home
00:51:31It'll be hilarious
00:51:35The con is
00:51:37My alliance gets blown up and I lose one of my number one people in the game. Yeah
00:51:46Right now the only thing person I'm a hundred percent loyal to is probably yeah, it's you that's about it
00:51:53Zara would want my head on a spike. I think she'll murder me
00:51:59What to think about?
00:52:14Game is ramping up
00:52:18Tonight there seems to be a really clear majority and
00:52:23AJ has no idea what's going on. Please. Just don't
00:52:30So things are changing and it's all because of the opportunity
00:52:33Yeah, so don't stress too much about me on this
00:52:36The only problem is that I am feeling like it's all of just a little too easy. I
00:52:44Need to talk to miles
00:52:50Nervous about this one
00:52:52That's kind of what the fun's all about. I
00:52:56Do want to work with miles. However last night showed how chaotic he is
00:53:00But I know that I can read miles and I can tell if he's telling the truth or not
00:53:05I'm gonna be completely honest with you. People are really annoyed after last rival. Yeah, okay
00:53:12It's just if you're ever gonna do anything here
00:53:14I know that you didn't get a chance to tell me but you have to tell me in the future
00:53:17Yeah, you really really do. Yeah, what's AJ saying over there? Um, I think it's pretty much all of us from Kristen
00:53:28Good good. Just I can't protect both. Okay
00:53:34I'm going to protect you. Okay, I cannot protect a day. Yeah, I'm standing and I am
00:53:40I really appreciate I'm protecting you here. I do think that he's telling the truth and
00:53:45Miles is definitely trusting me this afternoon
00:53:49Unfortunately for him. He's gonna get a very rude awakening tonight when we take him down a notch
00:53:53Take away his best buddy and put him straight back at the bottom of this tribe
00:54:00I'm feeding Laura a whole heap of nonsense tonight
00:54:07While I am very close with Laura, I'm ready to take that trust and destroy it
00:54:11I don't know if she's eating it up
00:54:13But hopefully it doesn't matter in a worst-case scenario Logan plays her idol and Laura's the one who goes on
00:54:21In the way I get to take one of them out Laura and Logan don't know what's coming for them
00:54:32Everyone is all good. We stick to the plan. Just don't let AJ in your head. Okay, cool. Perfect
00:54:38Great. I mean anything changes keep us updated
00:54:46Feel this crazy sense of calm tonight
00:54:50Because I feel like I'm finally getting my vengeance on AJ and everything is gonna be right in the world
00:55:00We're going to Christen, okay, cool. Yeah, are you splitting?
00:55:03So we have a split vote, but I don't want to put a name out there because yeah, I'm scared
00:55:09Yeah, I think it's really hard right now to throw out more extra name. Exactly. Yeah, so we're going to Christen. Okay
00:55:15You guys in the plane?
00:55:17Well, I just got told Christen that's all I've been told yeah, sorry, yep, yep, yep
00:55:21You can as long as we have majority on Christen. Yeah
00:55:27Yeah, all right, honestly, it doesn't bother me as long as we're strong yeah, okay. Yeah, perfect
00:55:44Feel like we both don't believe each other this is the whole competition. I just like
00:55:48Like mm-hmm. We're having this talk, but I don't think either of us believe if something goes astray at tribal
00:55:54This is my secret little weapon, and I'm so excited that she probably doesn't need to be used tonight
00:56:05Majority's plan is currently under threat and it's all down to little old me and what I can weasel up in the midst of tribal
00:56:16Right now the three targets are AJ
00:56:19Logan or Laura and
00:56:22Depending on which Alliance I go with I can send either one of them home
00:56:26I feel a lot of powerful one person to have
00:57:00Absolutely gorgeous
00:57:02So miles
00:57:04Last tribal you made a big move
00:57:08What was the fallout when you got back to camp?
00:57:11Yeah, so while the move itself was dramatic. I'd say the reaction when I got back to camp was even more dramatic
00:57:19There were a lot of people who were quite upset that I stuck my head a bit above the pack
00:57:27Tonight we'll see whether other people join me or someone just tries to chop it off
00:57:35Wow so AJ is that true a lot of people were upset with that move a
00:57:41Lot of people were definitely upset some at miles summit me
00:57:48But was miles move so why were they mad at you?
00:57:56I think a lot of the time I'm associated with miles so even if he does something
00:58:01Sometimes I just cop it guilty by association guilty by association
00:58:09Laura could a move like that put a big target on you moving forward. Oh for sure
00:58:15To miles I say you know the toes that you step on today could be attached to the asses you have to kiss tomorrow
00:58:25Miles what would you say to that?
00:58:29It was a message right I feel like everyone has been playing this game a little bit either scared or complacent so far
00:58:40People have been really afraid to draw lines in the sand to draw battle lines
00:58:45I was like okay. Well. I'll step on everyone's toes and now everyone's toes a fair game
00:58:51So Morgan do you agree with miles that things were feeling a bit complacent they were
00:58:59It is time that we start stepping things up. I'm just nervous that when they don't go someone's way. There's drama at night
00:59:10Right or if it doesn't go your way
00:59:13Completely you could be going home. You could be and that's quite scary for everyone right now
00:59:17But at the same time you just got to trust in the people that you've made good connections with and hope that they pull through
00:59:23on the night
00:59:26So Kate a move like that can really open up the game did it feel like that today
00:59:32Absolutely, I think it's made everyone a little bit more paranoid because it's not so straightforward anymore. It's everywhere
00:59:38It's all over the place, so it's interesting to see what's gonna happen tonight. I
00:59:43Think a lot of people are fair game now
00:59:46You want to see big moves you want to see interesting moves you want to see things that capture attention I
00:59:54Think there's people that'll be surprised by the boat
00:59:58Well Zara, this is your jury pool
01:00:10How do you how do you think that's gonna affect your game
01:00:15Well I mean it's not about the pool anymore, it's about the order that they're gonna sit over there, so that's what we're thinking about now
01:00:38Yeah, we're all thinking about it
01:00:41And Laura do you think whoever ends up over on the bench tonight will set the tone of the jury oh
01:00:49for sure that first juror has
01:00:51Probably the most say out of everybody that joins them because they'll have biases
01:00:56We're all in a buddy system
01:00:58So everyone's got someone that they probably might vote for to win over someone else purely based on how we've played this game
01:01:06So I think that I think that it's really really important that that first juror
01:01:10He's chosen wisely
01:01:14Kristen do you do you think this group of people can form an impartial jury in a hopeful way? I'll say yes
01:01:29Logan a are you worried that people on the jury might hold grudges
01:01:34Absolutely, I think there's a lot of people that I'm
01:01:37Sitting next to that are not gonna walk out of this game feeling happy about it and
01:01:43the worry is you put someone there, and they could poison the pond and
01:01:48Every jury you send after that might get a taste of that bitterness
01:01:54And Kate that really is the tricky part of the game
01:01:57How do you put people on the jury and still get them to vote for you at the end?
01:02:02We're all adults. We're not in high school
01:02:04I feel like if you're holding grudges
01:02:07I mean, maybe you shouldn't be here because there's gonna be votes on you eventually
01:02:12And we just can't get butthurt about it
01:02:18What about you miles my vote, I think is a little bit different
01:02:30Was a big good move or a big dumb move
01:02:38Karen do you think the person going home has a sense that something is coming or could we see another blindside? Oh hard to say
01:02:55Really know
01:03:04Zara what's the vote about tonight for you? I think it's a continuation of what miles started the other night
01:03:14We'll call it the breaking up of the buddy system
01:03:16All right, well, I think it's time to find out
01:03:23It is time to vote
01:03:36It is time to vote
01:03:46Miles you're up
01:04:00At the start of the game you wanted to vote me out because you thought I was a threat and you were scared of me
01:04:08Well, you're right to be scared
01:05:03Really hope you listen to me
01:05:17I'm gonna count the votes
01:05:36If anyone has an idol and you want to play it now be the time to do so
01:05:54I've had a bit of an icky feeling today Jonathan, and I'd rather be safe than sorry
01:06:00Because whilst the jury sounds lovely
01:06:04already getting a turn out here I
01:06:08Might have to play this bad boy for myself just in case I
01:06:12I could be wrong. I prefer to be safe. I'm sorry. We're gonna find out
01:06:22This is a hidden immunity idol and any votes cast for Logan will not count
01:06:31Read the votes
01:06:35First vote Logan does not count
01:06:42Logan does not count
01:06:49Logan does not count
01:06:55Logan does not count
01:07:01Logan does not count
01:07:06Logan does not count. Hey, hey, come on. It's not that hot
01:07:12AJ that's one vote AJ
01:07:22AJ two votes AJ
01:07:33Two votes AJ one vote Laura
01:07:40We're tied two votes AJ two votes Laura one vote left
01:07:51Thirteenth person voted out first member of our jury Laura
01:08:01Need to bring me a torch
01:08:17Yeah, they did they ever invade of us shit
01:08:22It's yours it's a bit of a nasty one guys
01:08:33Laura the tribe has spoken
01:08:41Okay, we'll see you over there
01:08:44Love you, Laura
01:08:54Well when you're making moves at this level it's either a master stroke or a strikeout
01:09:01Grab your torches head back to camp. Good night
01:09:18Sunday night, I owe you my life as Karen put herself in the firing line. No one very
01:09:25Little bit suspicious. It was whispering pepper. Absolutely. Don't trust Kaz at all
01:09:30She's too smart or will she pull the trigger when you weaponize Logan?
01:09:34She is a nuclear warhead on her biggest move yet. She will destroy everyone in her path
01:09:42And a twist
01:09:44That's the game on its head. The question is you feel what?
01:09:54Think they were trying to get out a threat. Clearly they were gunning for Logan and Logan had the idol and I didn't
01:10:06Which is next on the buddy hit list I
01:10:09Feel so sorry to those guys right now that are going to have to face the wrath of Logan now that a BFF is gone
01:10:17Think these guys may have made a big mistake