• 4 hours ago
Let it rip! Join us as we countdown the most intense and unforgettable battles from the Beyblade franchise. From fierce rivalries to championship showdowns, these matches pushed our favorite bladers to their absolute limits. Which epic clash between legendary bit-beasts will take the top spot?
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 20 Beyblade Battles.
00:11To be clear, we'll be focusing on the original trilogy for this list, so if you're looking
00:15for Metal, Burst, or X, let us know in the comments and we'll see what we can whip up.
00:2520. Tyson vs. Daichi – Beyblade G-Revolution
00:33The third saga of this epic spin-off series opened with a bang. When the new kid in town
00:38set his sights on the champ, we didn't expect him to stand a chance, at least until we heard
00:43the name of his blade, Strata Dragoon. It certainly lived up to its namesake, as it
00:55gave Tyson a good thrashing. However, thanks to a little bit of advice from Kai, Tyson
01:09was able to utilize the space around him and head into the eye of the storm with a
01:13devastating final blow. Sorry, Daichi, you're playing with the big boys now.
01:2319. Tyson vs. King – Beyblade V-Force
01:31King and Queen had proven quite difficult to overcome in the final arc of V-Force, and
01:36it finally came to a head when Tyson went one-on-one with Uriel's master. But where this
01:45one gets really interesting is when Dr. K attempts to take matters into her own hands.
01:51She takes cheating to a whole new level by sniping Tyson's Dragoon from up in the rafters.
01:57Unfortunately for her, King isn't one to rely on underhanded tactics like this,
02:07and wants a decisive victory against his opponent. When the battle finally returns
02:11to an even playing field, it's an absolute clash of the titans,
02:15but it couldn't end any other way than with Tyson on top.
02:1918. Max vs. Michael – Beyblade
02:32When the Blade Breakers landed in the old U.S. of A.,
02:35there was one question on everyone's lips. What the hell was up with Michael's Beyblade?
02:40Yes, the leader of the All-Stars was a fierce fighter in his own right,
02:50but it was time for best boy Max to prove to his mom that he didn't need her statistics and
02:55technology to bring home the crown. Trigle's bizarre gimmick truly met its match in the
03:01impenetrable defense of Dracile. Despite all the data suggesting it was a pointless struggle,
03:14Max is able to score a home run by using Michael's power against him.
03:2317. Rey vs. Crusher – Beyblade G-Revolution
03:28Rey had a bit of a rough go of it in G-Revolution.
03:37Yeah, he racked up some impressive wins, but a lot of the time he was a bit of a jobber.
03:42So, when he was matched up against the overwhelmingly powerful Crusher,
03:46who was fueled by his need to save his sick sister, we didn't have very high hopes for him.
03:58And now he's taking down the house!
04:00Despite that, Rey and Trigger pushed Crusher's gigas to its absolute
04:05limits in a battle that saw the Stone Arena crumble to dust.
04:16Yes, Rey ultimately lost the battle, but even so,
04:19he showed Crusher what it means to be a true blader.
04:2316. Max vs. Mistel – Beyblade G-Revolution
04:40Yeah, you're going to be seeing a lot of the Bega League bouts in this list. What can we say?
04:45They're just that damn good. For this match,
04:48things were looking very bleak for the Blade Breakers.
04:53They were already two points down in the competition against Boris' Squadron,
05:03and if Max lost this one, it would be game over.
05:14The two water elemental Beyblades clash in what is easily the coolest arena in the show's history.
05:21A submerged, ancient-looking structure,
05:23it's one of the few times where we're relieved to see a Bey battle end in a draw.
05:3815. Rey vs. Lee – Beyblade
05:41I have to prove to Lee that I'm not the same Beyblader that I was when I was on the White
05:46Tiger team. The end of the Blade Breakers' stop in China saw two old friends become fierce enemies
05:52in this high-stakes showdown. When Lee and Tyson weren't able to decide a winner in their bout,
05:58it was up to Rey to finish the job.
06:04Galleon chipped away at Trigger using some of the techniques Rey missed out on
06:08by leaving their hometown. But Rey fought back by showing off what he picked up by expanding
06:14his world. By the time this deeply personal bout comes to an end, Lee was finally able to forgive
06:26Rey for leaving their team behind. 14. Tyson vs. Garland – Beyblade G-Revolution
06:39Oh yeah! Sonic Boomerang Slam!
06:42Incorporating kickboxing into Beyblading sounds like a deadly combination,
06:47and Garland showed that that was indeed the case when he faced Tyson in the Justice 5 tournament.
06:53Give no quarter to an opponent you respect! Go, Apollon!
07:00It's got to be some of the most brutal punishment Tyson endures in the series,
07:04as each blow from Apollon to Dragoon seems to have an effect on him too.
07:09But the real story happening in this battle is that of Tyson trying to convince Garland
07:14that he doesn't need to follow his family's codes and should instead blade the way that he wants to.
07:20That's the stuff, Garland! You haven't seen anything yet, Tyson!
07:24If anyone battles for the love of the game, it's Tyson Granger.
07:28And in the end, he proves that fun is the true core of Beyblading.
07:33Unbelievable! Apollon has been knocked! We're out of the game!
07:42It looks like your Dragoon is starting to suck wind.
07:45No way! He's trying to psych me out.
07:48The final battle of the original series had everyone on the edge of their seats
07:52for an epic one-on-one battle between the leaders of the Blade Breakers and the Demolition Boys.
07:57Oh, yeah! This might be my toughest battle ever,
08:01but I'm really going to enjoy watching you go down!
08:05But this time around, Tyson isn't just fighting against Tala and Warborg.
08:09He's fighting for his life. Because of the dimension-hopping clash between Warborg and
08:14Dragoon, the arena drops to sub-zero temperatures.
08:18Whoa! I-I'm toast!
08:19Of course, Titan's burning determination is enough to melt any ice that Tala can conjure.
08:29It's a vicious back-and-forth battle,
08:31and by the end of it, Tyson has truly earned the title of World Champion.
08:34We do have a winner! Look! The new World Beyblading Champion is Tyson!
08:42Number 12. Kai vs. Max. Beyblade G-Revolution.
08:46Whoa! No small talk here! Kai and Max are getting right down to business!
08:50It was tough to choose between their battle in the regionals and this one,
08:54but ultimately, we can't deny how hype the second one-on-one
08:58bout between Draceel and Dranza is. It's the ultimate battle of calm versus fury,
09:03with Max's tranquil ocean waves matched against the fiery assault of Kai.
09:08That was close, but you haven't gotten me yet, my friend!
09:12Max is stronger than I thought.
09:14What's awesome about this battle, though, is despite the arena having the deadly electrical
09:19gimmick, the two former teammates refuse to utilize it as they want to fight with
09:24their own strength alone. It's a very narrow victory for Kai, with Dranza barely able to
09:34stick inside the stadium. It just goes to show that despite his cheery outlook,
09:39there's a force to be reckoned with inside Max.
09:48Number 11, Tyson vs. Kai. Beyblade.
09:51Looks like we're about to get started, so good luck.
09:57Good luck, huh? You should keep it, because you're definitely going to need it, birthday boy.
10:02While the first series had us hooked from the very first episode, it wasn't until this battle
10:07that people realized how good things were about to get.
10:10Fire arrow now!
10:12Kai's not about to let this one slip away.
10:14The final match of the regional tournament, this best of three is relatively basic,
10:19but it is in actuality one of the most important battles of the entire series.
10:24The future Blade Breakers would be placed inside a steel cage,
10:28where being hit with a ring out would result in some nasty damage.
10:38The match is the perfect starting point for Tyson and Kai's rivalry that would
10:43span the rest of the series, and we can't help but look back at it with a smile.
10:47It all comes down to this moment, didn't it?
10:49Oh! Kai's Beyblade has rolled off the lip and out of the dish!
10:53Number 10, Kai vs. Rey. Beyblade G-Revolution.
10:58No matter who gets in my way, I will be victorious.
11:03You Have To Feel Sorry For Rey is the only main character that has lost
11:06way more of his battles than he's won, sometimes in the most ridiculous ways possible.
11:12I know that we lost, but it doesn't matter. If we stick together, we'll never lose.
11:17You're right, Rey. White Tiger X is a real team!
11:21However, we can safely say that even though he once again failed to score a victory,
11:26he shone like a lightning bolt in this semi-final match.
11:29Seriously, it gets to the point where he almost goes Super Saiyan.
11:33Ahh! A White Tiger X! Trigger Attack!
11:42Alas, he's still no match for Kai's secret technique,
11:45one that managed to cleave a boulder in half, somehow.
11:48Kudos for trying, Rey. At least you'll always be the resident ladies' man.
11:52We are so totally proud of you, Rey.
11:55Thanks, Mariah.
11:56Don't forget this.
11:58Number 9, Tyson vs. Zio. Beyblade V-Force.
12:03Beat him! Crush him! Burning Cerberus!
12:10The final match of this sequel series had been built up to no end.
12:15You were our friend, Zio. I still don't understand why you left and turned against us.
12:21Why had Zio suddenly flipped out? Why was he trying to take down Tyson and company?
12:26What the hell was up with his creepy scientist dad?
12:30Well, we eventually found out that Zio was a robot.
12:38You heard that right. A robot. One who was trying to take the power of the bit beasts
12:43in order to become human. Considering he was armed with an incredibly powerful bit beast of his own,
12:49it's a miracle that Tyson didn't end up getting the Terminator treatment.
12:54Hey, we're buds, and just because you don't have a pulse doesn't mean we can't be friends.
12:59Number 8, Rey vs. Brian. Beyblade.
13:03Good luck, my friend.
13:07In the closing chapter of the original series,
13:09it was up to the Blade Breakers to take down Boris' nasty squad, the Demolition Boys.
13:22With Kai losing the first round, the pressure was on Rey to keep the lads in the game.
13:28But it wouldn't be easy. Rey took an absolute beating from his opponent,
13:32who used underhanded tactics to directly hurt his opponent throughout the bout.
13:40Unlucky for Brian, when Rey has that look on his face, there's absolutely no way he's gonna quit.
13:46Yes, as we mentioned, the final battle between Tala and Tyson was metal in its own right,
13:52but it was following up from this display of raw emotion.
13:58Number 7, Tyson and Daichi vs. F-Dynasty. Beyblade G-Revolution.
14:23A two-on-two match is always a great way to liven things up,
14:26though it's fair to say that Tyson and Daichi had their work cut out for them,
14:30since they were clashing with two siblings who, when united, turned into a powerhouse.
14:41However, despite their Cirque du Soleil routine, F-Dynasty still couldn't stop
14:45our favourite dragoon duo from pushing forward and achieving victory.
14:50They may have put on quite the performance,
14:52but Julia and Raul just couldn't measure up to good old bro-mance.
15:01Number 6, Tyson vs. Brooklyn. Beyblade G-Revolution.
15:11The final match of the original saga, and wouldn't you know it, it's the most
15:15The final match of the original saga, and wouldn't you know it,
15:18it's the most insane one of the bunch.
15:27After losing to Kai, Brooklyn's psyche is fractured beyond repair,
15:30causing him to lose control of his bit-beast. Consequently, reality itself gets turned on
15:35its head, which forces Tyson to literally finish the match while flying.
15:45It's definitely out there, and has a hefty moral serving about
15:50good sportsmanship being the be-all and end-all, but it's still a hell of a high note to go out on.
16:05Number 5, Tyson vs. Max. Beyblade G-Revolution.
16:09I know I'm gonna win this. I know I have what it takes. I won't let my team down.
16:13Ah, Max, the nice guy. The lad. The one everyone can rely on,
16:18and never does anything unexpected, at least until this match.
16:27After the Blade Breakers break up so each can have a chance at becoming champion,
16:32Max goes head-to-head against his old comrade, and boy, does he bring his A-game.
16:39Full power!
16:44Dispensing the niceties, Max's unbeatable defense and improved Beyblading skills
16:50really do a number on Tyson, but once again, failed to land the finishing blow.
16:54Geez, imagine what would happen if he ever got angry.
16:58By the way, I'm glad a friend of mine won.
17:00I hope I don't sound like I'm bragging, but I couldn't have done it without you.
17:04Ha ha ha ha.
17:06Number 4, Tyson vs. Kane. Beyblade V-Force.
17:11It's over. Tyson can't win this battle now. His body can't take the strain.
17:16By far the highlight of the second series, the Blade Breakers found themselves fighting
17:21dark reflections of themselves when going up against Team Psychic,
17:25a group of individuals who came equipped with robotic versions of their bit beasts.
17:30As the final challenge, Tyson had to overcome Kane,
17:33whose sanity had started to diminish after his cyber-dragoon went full-on berserk.
17:39You're very lucky, Tyson. You're about to see what happens when the strongest
17:43blader and the strongest bit beast come together. Ha ha ha ha.
17:47It's a deadly confrontation that finally saw the end of the cyber-bit beasts and
17:52set the stage for the future showdown with Zio, one that almost cost Tyson his head.
17:57I can't! No!
18:03As you fight the darkness all around, no way I'll give up.
18:09Number 3, Kai vs. Brooklyn. Beyblade G-Revolution.
18:14This is such a complete waste of my time.
18:16This says you're wrong. So watch and learn.
18:20Big deal.
18:21There is no other way of saying it, Kai got royally battered in this match.
18:33Despite his impressive skills, he was woefully underprepared to take on the force
18:38of Vega's ultimate blader, Brooklyn.
18:41I need more energy.
18:43Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
18:49With the strength of his bit beast, the laid-back pretty boy managed to push Kai to the very edge,
18:55severely wounding him in the process. However, in the mother of all comebacks,
18:59Kai bested his foe after declaring his adoration for the sport.
19:03That's why I have to win this battle.
19:06Because Beyblading means more to me than you could ever understand.
19:10It's not just a game to me.
19:13Honestly, Kai went through the ringer so badly on this one,
19:17we thought he actually kicked the bucket by the end of it.
19:20My days of blading are over.
19:28Number 2, Kai vs. Blade Breakers. Beyblade.
19:32Look down there!
19:38It's Kai!
19:39After turning his back on the team in exchange for the power of Black Drancer,
19:44Kai fully embraced his role as a villain,
19:47to the point where he was happy to try and steal his allies' bit beasts for himself.
19:51Zip it and fight! I'll let my blade do the talking.
20:00With a frozen lake serving as their battleground, Kai almost succeeded in his mission,
20:05until he discovered that not even he can compare to the Blade Breakers' teamwork.
20:10Who are we?
20:11Blade Breakers!
20:13Yay, Kai!
20:18After getting his ass kicked and his worldview shattered, Kai ends up doing a total 180
20:23and finally starts to embrace team spirit. Took him long enough.
20:27Besides, dude, black was never really your color.
20:31Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get
20:37notified about our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or
20:42all of them. If you're on your phone, make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications.
20:48Number 1, Tyson vs. Kai. Beyblade G-Revolution.
20:53I'm just warming up.
20:54Yeah, same here, Kai.
20:56Boy, Brad, this is the ultimate fighting battle of all time!
21:01If you thought spinning tops weren't dangerous, just wait until you see this.
21:05I've got to give you credit, Tyson. You're tougher than I thought.
21:09But every dog has its day, and it's time to put you back in the doghouse.
21:13With the championships coming to a close, it's down to these two long-term rivals to take the
21:17prize. As it happens, the overwhelming power of Dragoon and Dranza essentially destroys the
21:23stadium, forcing Tyson and Kai to battle it out inside of a pit, with nothing more than their
21:29competitive spirits and some serious arm flailing to see them through to the end.
21:39As expected, Tyson once again manages to reclaim his title as the world champion.
21:44Let's just hope they didn't charge him the repair bill for the stadium.
21:48Well, it's not what I wanted. But if I have to lose to anyone,
21:52I'd want it to be Tyson. Way to go, buddy. You deserve the win.