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00:00what is going on guys welcome back to the channel it has been quite a bit
00:05since I've uploaded I just woke up and I figured today right now is the time to
00:10bring another upload to you guys and kind of explain a lot that's been going
00:13on mainly with the Corvette my relationship my life this channel just
00:18all kinds of stuff I've got to give you guys some explanations because being
00:22gone for a month off of YouTube after like six years of uploading regularly
00:26has caused some people to go into like a frenzy I have had people taking the
00:29worst assumptions possible and putting them all over the internet based on
00:34everything that's been going on with my life and so I figured it's it's it's
00:37definitely time that I need to explain a few things firstly firstly let me just
00:42jump right into it I can't keep this car I know that sounds so stupid because I
00:46just finished this car if you guys have been following the channel for a bit you
00:49guys know that about a year ago I bought this for I bought this car about a year
00:54ago for my ex-girlfriend and since then we have been building it from crashed
01:00front to back and just recently got it rebuilt and I know that term is
01:04definitely sticking out to a lot of you guys so I can't really ignore it I yes
01:08Ian just broke up quite a crazy topic of conversation to be honest with you and I
01:13know a lot of you guys are wanting to know exactly what happened and all the
01:16details and I'll give you a little bit more in-depth explanation for why all
01:20this stuff panned out the way that it did but not on this channel I'm gonna do
01:24it on my timeout channel on a story time episode on the Ducati coming up
01:28very very soon so make sure you guys go to the timeout YouTube channel hit
01:31subscribe there turn notifications on it's coming in literally just a few days
01:35from right now but since this is the car YouTube channel I wanted to focus on the
01:39car so that's what this video is we're gonna talk all about the Corvette what
01:44is going on with this thing why I literally financially physically and
01:47mentally cannot keep this car and what I'm going to do with it from here
01:52because it is not staying stock for long I promise you that much welcome to
01:56it I can't even believe this is real life right now I've been in such a
02:00freaking mental shock and everything that has gone on for like literally the
02:04last 90 days that I've kind of just been like in my own little shell you know I
02:09went through like this point of sadness I went through this point of all kinds
02:12of stuff but realistically after working through it all I'm happy I didn't record
02:16because I was just in a low spot and I've made you guys watch me in low spots
02:21through the years and looking back at old videos it's very cringy I have made
02:25videos whenever I've been super depressed I've made videos whenever I've
02:28been super insecure I've made videos around friends that really weren't
02:33friends and had been lying behind my back the whole time and you know it's
02:38just hard being around those certain scenarios and it shows on video that I'm
02:43visibly uncomfortable and without people understanding why I'm uncomfortable it
02:47just looks like I'm an asshole or I'm insecure or I'm always trying to be
02:53better than everybody else and I actually can looking at it from third
02:57party without understanding the story I actually get it so I can't be mad at you
03:01guys I understand a lot of you guys say that I've changed I get it it's not just
03:06because of money though I'll let you know that much because a lot of people
03:09have the misconception whenever they say you've changed you've changed everybody
03:13thinks that it's because of the money but they don't realize that the money is
03:16actually the thing that changes the outside surroundings and your
03:21situations which ultimately changes you but not the money itself you having
03:27money is more likely to change the way that your friends your family your
03:31colleagues and anybody else that you meet is going to view you it's not going
03:35to change you as much but what will change you is the way that people treat
03:39you the way that people lie to you the way people manipulate you the way people
03:43will start to take from you just because you have something and that is
03:46the exact thing that starts to change you not exactly the money it's actually
03:51people's treatment of you once you start to get things that they want but don't
03:55want to put in the work for but I digress that exact topic though is why I
04:01have kind of separated my way from a lot of different people through the last few
04:05years is just I would say that my standards for life my standards for
04:10loyalty my standards for treatment of other people my standards that I hold
04:13myself to and what I want out of life and where I'm trying to go in my life
04:17and my dreams and my loyalty to my own dreams and I just think that my
04:24standards for a lot of different things are different from other people and I'm
04:27not saying that as in a sense of like my standards are better than other people
04:31or worse I view everybody is very equal and I think that what is going on and
04:38has been going on the last few years is just simply that I have a lot of
04:44ambition for very huge goals and if I look around at the world I understand
04:50that not everybody has those same goals the same aspirations the same ambitions
04:55and definitely not everybody will do whatever it takes to make sure that they
04:59can accomplish their goals at any cost and I I firmly understand that not
05:05everybody is that way and a lot of the time I feel actually insane but that is
05:09what my whole brand is representing is don't lose sight through all the trials
05:14tribulations through friends leaving you through breakups through family issues
05:18through your own issues through mental troubles through whatever that the case
05:22is don't give up do not stop keep smiling keep your chin up keep working
05:31and push through it because you're gonna make it through it it's all just
05:35a test to see if what you want is actually what you want because in order
05:39to get to these huge heights that you want to achieve you have to understand
05:43that the universe is based on yin and yang without bad there's no way to have
05:47the good okay so if you're trying to pursue these giant heights please please
05:52please understand that if you want to be here and this is where you're at right
05:57now before you can get here you've got to go to the exact opposite you've got
06:00to go to the lowest of lows of lows in order for the universe if you will
06:05whatever you believe in God you know anything to actually give you that
06:08higher level of life that you're requesting but you've got to go through a
06:12lot of changes because where you're at right now is not going to be enough to
06:17maintain the life that you want and that that is what I had to learn so much and
06:23that's why a lot of you guys look at me and you think that I have changed and
06:26the truth is is because I have I have changed into such a more healthier
06:31version of myself that it shocks a lot of you guys watching and looking at me
06:35because I don't look the same I smile more I'm happy and a lot of you guys
06:40think that it's fake enthusiasm instead of just understanding holy crap this guy
06:45has literally shifted from somebody that was so depressed he was like I don't
06:50know to where now it looks like I'm actually animated and smiling on camera
06:53and I think a lot of you guys think that this is fake which is so sad to be I
06:58actually like the more I started reading comments I couldn't even be mad at
07:02everybody else for being like this guy's changed he's so fake now I literally had
07:08to realize that you guys sadly don't even know what it looks like for me to
07:11just be genuinely happy that broke my heart dude that topic that thought is
07:17crazy to me I've been filming videos for eight years now and I just really
07:21started watching back through some of the old videos of last month just to
07:25realize that I have been so unhappy in the things that I've been doing I've
07:29been lacking fulfillment and truly I had to realize that it's been because of me
07:34in this process of change from a super unhealthy fat just bad morals bad
07:41decision-making that person into this person I've lost 70 pounds I am in shape
07:48I've been going to therapy I feel mentally amazing I'm happy the only
07:53thing that has shifted is that I no longer align with the same morals values
07:58and ethics that I did before so all the people that I surrounded myself with as
08:03this person whenever I shifted into being a good person no one wants to hang
08:08out with me because I'm not that person whenever somebody brings up doing
08:12something stupid I may not be as interested in doing that anymore just
08:18because of the fact that I have now learned empathy and I've learned how to
08:20think about other people's feelings and thoughts and emotions which takes time
08:24you know I grew up you guys started watching me at 19 I'm 26 literally one
08:30week away from being 27 I can't even believe that I just realized that one
08:34week from today on the 24th I will be 27 years old enough talking about that I'm
08:39gonna go into way more depth about these situations of what happened with my
08:42friends and what happened with Jess why we broke up but I just want you guys to
08:45understand absolutely no hard feelings towards anybody involved in these
08:48situations okay a lot of people may have hurt me a lot of people may have done
08:52wrong to me and it has taken me a while to actually digest and process all that
08:57stuff to understand that these people are just human beings that made bad
09:01decisions whenever they were hurt themselves and I would be the pot calling
09:05the kettle black if I was mad at anybody for that because if I look back at my
09:08life I know firmly that I have made tons of decisions in times where I was hurt
09:13that I probably shouldn't have but again that's part of the human experience
09:18that's what we're here for we're here to make mistakes as long as we learn from
09:21them and progress and we're supposed to be changing every day so I encourage you
09:25guys to do the same that's really about all for the old Corvette here why can I
09:30not keep this car I mean did theory I technically probably could but not
09:34easily and I'll explain that so something I never exactly explain to you
09:38guys is that whenever I bought this Corvette wasn't just as easy as that as
09:42you guys can probably remember I was struggling pretty good financially
09:45whenever we bought this I was being very pressured at the moment between either
09:48buying a ring or buying a car you know for my ex and this is weird this is so
09:53weird to talk about basically I was getting pressured into buying either a
09:56car or a ring to show that I was really I don't even know I don't even know why
10:01looking back on the problem of what I was doing realistically I think that I
10:04knew that this relationship was already just going to crash and burn essentially
10:09and me trying to buy a ring was kind of my way to hopefully fix all that
10:14scenario you know but whenever the decision was made that we shouldn't get
10:19a ring and we should get a car at first I was like okay yeah that'll be fun
10:23that'd be a nice project for us but then something started to feel off over the
10:26next few months and then it became to where I was kind of the only one working
10:30on the car and then it became to where things just started to progress and just
10:33change and change and change and I could tell that the mentality shifted from
10:37we're in this together everything you know and it just started to slowly just
10:41kind of wither away and over the few months it just didn't feel like there
10:46was a lot of fulfillment around this project for anybody else other than
10:50myself which sucks but looking back at it I think that that was kind of
10:56naturally just happening because the inevitable was I guess bound to happen
11:00and I didn't see it at the time I didn't know that we were right around the corner
11:04from you know most of this work was done because of me I must say this was
11:09one of the biggest headaches that I have gone through in my entire life
11:13literally and I must say that this took a lot out of me over the last year main
11:17reason being number one this car was not purchased with cash from my bank account
11:22okay whenever we bought this car this car was $35,000 I didn't have
11:26$35,000 to spare we just started a giveaway which means that I spent all of
11:30my money on the giveaway car which I always do by the way I don't want you
11:34guys thinking that I'm like super rich I literally spend every single penny that
11:39I have reinvesting back into this channel into these giveaways into music
11:43and if you think I'm lying ask people that used to work with me that used to
11:46be a point of contention because they wanted to have more of that money for
11:50themselves but instead I would dump it into things like giveaway cars parts for
11:55cars on the channel building out nice spaces for us to film in and things like
12:00that rather than either a handing the money out to everybody else or be saving
12:06it in a stockpile for myself which also leads to issues I learned that I really
12:10need to start stockpiling cash for a rainy day because you never know when
12:14those are coming up learned but anyway I didn't have any money at the time so
12:18what did I do well I'm obviously really really wanting to do something special
12:22with my girlfriend at the time you know and I'm really trying to get close with
12:26her and trying to do a project together because we had never done it and although
12:30it didn't exactly go well at all and it ended up and really just me doing the
12:35whole thing I took out a loan and I bought the car again let's rewind a
12:39little bit the car was $35,000 didn't have it just spent all my money I took
12:44out a loan to buy the car okay right so now you're caught up with that so after
12:48we buy the car we have this agreement that we're gonna work really really hard
12:51to get everything paid for and at first it was really great and slowly that just
12:56started withering away and tapering away and just evolving into just nothing
13:02except for my effort really going towards getting this car done I could
13:05kind of tell that there was something going on and I definitely started to get
13:08stressed out about it so this car was a good point of contention between us for
13:11a while because I felt like I had the weight of this whole rebuild and this
13:16whole car situation on my shoulders and the car wasn't even going to be for me
13:20so that kind of sucked at the moment to be fair but either way we got the car
13:25done I know what you guys are thinking well hang on you just said you didn't
13:29even have any money you had to take the loan to buy a wrecked car you idiot you
13:33bought a total car off a copart with a loan okay so how'd you buy all the car
13:38parts whatever we bought the car I own video said I think it's gonna be five to
13:43ten thousand dollars and I'll have this thing fixed up realistically I'm
13:47thinking I'm gonna stick with my guns I'm gonna say five thousand dollars
13:52buddy did you know that whenever you rebuild cars like this you have to have
13:56OEM parts you have to have OEM parts new OEM headlights they cost literally my
14:06budget alone so let's fast forward as you guys see there's a lot more than
14:10just headlights on this car we have new airbags frame rails bumper fenders a new
14:18windshield and every single sensor on the front end oh and whenever you get in
14:24a crash in a car did you know that you can't just replace one of the airbags
14:28that popped they all have to get replaced in the entire car all of them
14:32and did you know that the seat belts both have to get replaced too and did
14:35you know that the seat belts are gonna cost you about a thousand dollars but
14:39either way I learned a lot during this rebuild this car between all of the parts
14:43and having to take it to Chevy themselves to have the frame rails
14:47inspected I literally spent $45,000 $45,000 on parts to repair this car I
14:59bought the car on a loan for $35,000 and then swiped credit cards for
15:08$45,000 in parts so full transparency to you guys right now full
15:16transparency to you guys right now I've got about $80,000 into this car that
15:23needs to get paid off and I know you guys are just thinking oh well that's
15:26easy sell it so it's a little bit more tricky than that unfortunately so this
15:31is a rebuilt car which is fine it was rebuilt better than the factory
15:35standards you know Chevy rebuilt it themselves they pulled parts off the
15:39assembly line at the Corvette plant and sent them to us this thing is literally
15:43better than what a new c8 would be off of the factory this one this they
15:47actually paid more attention to this one putting it together you know it was
15:50hand-built either way it doesn't change it the car has a rebuilt title now not a
15:54salvage title though which is good we actually got into a rebuilt title so
15:58it's got a rebuilt title which is fine except for the fact that people don't
16:03view that as the same value as a clean title because of the cars history you
16:07know it's kind of like a girl who never mind that's too soon
16:11anyway so when I called a few dealer buddies of mine I was like hey I have
16:15this Corvette it's so beautiful what would you give me for it all of them
16:19were like I don't know I can give you 40 I can give you 45 and I was just like oh
16:23no that's really not good because obviously I you you remember the part
16:27where I said like $80,000 in debt you know to pay off yeah okay so whenever
16:34they mentioned the 40 to 45 thousand dollars I wanted to throw up and for a
16:38while I didn't even know what I was gonna do I think that's one of the
16:41biggest reasons that I kind of stopped uploading is I just needed to take time
16:43to reassess everything and to look around and just kind of clean house in a
16:48way and get things set up and figure out a few things really for myself for the
16:52channel for my life financially just all kinds of different stuff I've been a
16:57pretty bad financial buying for a good bit now and it has not been fun
17:01whatsoever but I'm learning to stop over extending myself for others because as
17:06soon as you do they're gonna leave inevitably and leave you with the
17:09burdens of everything that they kind of asked for in a way which is wild but
17:14I've learned that is literally how it's gonna go time after time after time
17:18after time after time after time after so anyway I have adjusted I'm learning
17:22I'm growing I'm changing and I hope you guys can be patient with me as I grow
17:27and change and again I just want to remind you guys that I'm trying to
17:30change into a very very much better version of myself I'm trying to optimize
17:35myself my life trying to become healthier eat healthier be healthier
17:38mentally and it does take a little bit of time and of course I'm going to go
17:42through changes because I need to break the bad habits and the bad cycles and
17:46the bad things that I was stuck in for so many different years so I appreciate
17:50you guys so much for understanding that at least and so aside from the fact that
17:55I am upside down like crazy in this car last reason that I can't keep this car
18:00is just because of the memories I have tied around this thing once you guys
18:03hear the album that I have coming out and once you guys hear the story time
18:06once you guys kind of just get a little bit more understanding of what's been
18:09going on for the last few years between me and my friends and me and my
18:14girlfriend and me and a lot of different people I guess around me in life you'll
18:18start to understand really why things have happened the way that they have and
18:21why I have become the person that I have and I think you guys will actually
18:24really appreciate the person that I have become compared to who I was I think that
18:30all of this stuff has absolutely happened for a reason and I think that
18:34it's going to result in the best possible outcome for everybody involved
18:38everybody that I used to work with is literally right where they want to be
18:42Poe streams video games now Jess you know she's Caleb he's making good money
18:48he's working construction now he's still working on music on the side too Daniel
18:52has been working at a plant manufacturing sim racing rigs which he
18:56has always loved so that makes me happy Doug always wanted to be part of a big
19:01performance shop he now works at Houston at Hell Horse Performance who built two
19:04of our cars if you guys will take a second to get out of your shoes and look
19:07at it from everybody else's perspective you kind of can see that these changes
19:11have been the best thing for everybody involved but I do understand how as a
19:14viewer it's kind of like the cast of your favorite TV show broke up even
19:18though you guys are probably not friends with the same people that you were ten
19:21years ago either it's just kind of one of those things that's just got you guys
19:24probably like well dang and I understand because truthfully I feel the same way
19:29as you guys I wish that a lot of things wouldn't have panned out the way that
19:32they did but that's just life that's just life but enough talking as you guys
19:37can see the Corvette is fully assembled again we've got all the front end put
19:42together and I gotta let you guys in on a secret I actually already took this to
19:45get inspected off camera and it passed literally since buying this car the
19:50inspection was the number one thing that I was the most stressed about and scared
19:53that it just wouldn't pass and then we'd be stuck with this car as a paperweight
19:57turns out it passed inspection with flying colors they were so impressed at
20:01how this car was rebuilt he said most people have to come multiple times just
20:04to get past but the way that we did the car and kept up with all the papers
20:08first try it passed and everybody there was so so impressed with this thing it
20:12made me seriously happy I was so stoked so long story short once it passed
20:16inspection I finally was able to go apply and get registration which I did
20:20and get a title which is being mailed here today but that means for the first
20:25time the c8 is actually legal and ready to drive on the street and I have waited
20:32until now to take you guys with me and go see what it's like taking this car on
20:35the street is probably one of the most bittersweet moments that I've ever had
20:38I'm so happy that it's finished it's been the biggest headache but I'm just a
20:41little sad at the outcome it's not the way that I expected it to go it's not
20:45the way I wanted it to go and I'm still not exactly happy with it but I
20:49understand and trust in God that everything happens for a reason and so
20:53with that I'm confident and how everything is gonna go from here
21:06but while the car warms up I guess I can go ahead and spoil the surprise for you
21:09guys as you can tell where I'm going I can't keep this car I can't trade it
21:12into a dealership and even though the car is so incredibly nice and has no
21:16issues now there's just so many bad memories around this thing it's just
21:19hard to look at but right now if you go but right now if you guys go to
21:27it' you can go grab entries in to win either my ex's dream
21:32car or our 800 horsepower BMW m4 giveaway this car ends in literally a
21:40week and a half from right now literally no time at all just days left in to win
21:45this stick shift 800 horsepower built BMW m4 from PQ performance out in
21:51California but again we're down to the last few days of that giveaway and just
21:54to spice it up a notch we threw in the Corvette as well so every purchase not
21:58only is gonna get you entered in to win the BMW but also the Corvette giveaway
22:01as well so two for one but only if you purchase in the next like week and a
22:05half two weeks so probably should hurry over to it' dang dude I haven't
22:08had a GoPro on my head in a hot minute let's go ahead and pop the trunk don't
22:12make me go pop the trunk just because I'm feeling spunky today we're gonna
22:16take the roof off of this thing this is the first time the roofs ever been off
22:19all Corvettes have the same roof removal system I swear from like c5 up I love
22:25that you can do this by yourself oh hey she looks kind of mean with the roof off
22:30okay just out of curiosity which car would you prefer would you rather have a
22:34c8 Corvette or BMW m4 that's really tough I feel like this could possibly be
22:39a better daily driver only because it's an automatic you know I love the fact
22:43that it's got the roof option obviously too to pull off and I can't lie the BMW
22:48is pretty cool too but it just makes a lot of power because it's got twin
22:51turbos on it you know maybe if we threw a little boost on this thing I might
22:55like it a little more too my next question is should we do twin turbos on
22:59this baby or should we do a supercharger on it well before we get into that I'm
23:03gonna tell you about today's video sponsor offside offside is a free app
23:06that allows you to get cash back on purchases you make every single day like
23:10gas groceries dining restaurants but the gas station is where I use it the most
23:14using upside is simple just make a purchase like normal open the app claim
23:18an offer and that's it you're getting cash back with over a hundred thousand
23:21locations on the upside out you're guaranteed to always have cash back just
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23:35year and if you download the upside up and use the code it's just a six you're
23:38gonna get 25 cents back for every single gallon on your first tank of gas we
23:42would have already made a few dollars just from filling this car up we've been
23:44working with upside for years and a ton of you guys have bought tons of car
23:48parts even for me using upside cash back I really love working with these guys so
23:52again go download the upside app it is free use the code it's just a six and
23:56you'll get 25 cents back for every single gallon on your first tank of gas
24:00but now let's go ahead and get out but now let's go ahead and get out driving
24:06this thing oh my gosh do we are out on the road in the freaking Corvette oh I'm
24:12already seeing a little bit of rain droplets oh my god it better not start
24:15raining on me well I gotta say it always rains whatever good stuff happens on
24:19this channel for whatever reason yeah yeah it's definitely picking up raining
24:22oh god okay I'm so happy that we are finally getting into the warmer months
24:26dude it has been winter time for too long it has been too cold dude car stuff
24:31is so hard to make happen in the winter time and I apologize sincerely sincerely
24:36for being gone so long I just needed a break I needed a break to recalibrate
24:40myself and I appreciate you guys for the patience and understanding that I am
24:44just a real person I'm a human being I'm not just like a movie character you know
24:48so thank you guys for the understanding
24:56this thing is fun man this is seriously the most bittersweet drive I have
25:01probably ever had on this channel this is crazy I don't even know what to say
25:06I am so excited because of the fact that the car is done but the situation is
25:10just so strange dude would not have expected this but in the same sense I
25:15guess I could I seriously can't even believe it this car is rolling down the
25:20road you know the thing that shocks me the most is that it's actually a lot
25:23more comfortable than I was expecting suspension rides good the steering feels
25:27very very nice this is the only mid-engined car that I've ever had other
25:31than a McLaren now that I think about it
25:35dang it feels good I bet with an exhaust this car would just be so freaking nice
25:39we got to get that exhaust put on soon so as I was saying I'm trying to decide
25:43right now with boost district between doing either a supercharger kit or a
25:46twin turbo setup on this car and I really need you guys help you guys
25:49remember boost district sent us over a supercharger for postcard we got it all
25:53supercharged that car was a blast but now boost district's been wanting to
25:57work with us but they want us to go in person to go see them in Texas so I
26:00really want to bring the car all the way out to Texas make a bunch of content out
26:04there and get either a supercharger or a twin turbo kit put on this thing I'm
26:07just not sure what to do the supercharger would be nice for a
26:09giveaway car being that it'd be very tame you know it's very easy to daily
26:13drive supercharger sound good but I can't lie to you man the twin turbo
26:18setups it's just something about them there's just ah I just I love them so
26:22much it's just something about having the adjustability of power on the fly
26:26the sound of the turbo spooling
26:31don't get it twisted though this car is stock it moves I forget how light these
26:36Z8's are DCT trans just so fast golly I woke up in the mood to hit some
26:43turns so I guess we're gonna go out to the mountain real quick take the car out
26:46just make sure that everything's feeling good you know we kind of did just swap
26:50out every single thing on the front end although the suspension never got
26:53touched I'm kind of stunned you would never know that this car has ever been
26:57wrecked in fact when the inspector had it up on the rack and we were looking
27:00underneath the car he couldn't even find any like evidence of damage whatsoever
27:04which I was super happy about so let's talk about what is coming up for the
27:08channel because I know you guys are probably wondering a lot of you guys
27:11have probably seen that I've been dropping music heavily and kind of
27:13promoting it a lot and so I just wanted to clarify that I have zero intentions
27:17of stopping the car YouTube side of things in fact I only want this to go
27:20even further music is just something that I've always been passionate about
27:24since day one long before even cars were even a passion of mine so that's kind of
27:28interesting and just going along with the don't lose sight message I would
27:30feel like a failure if I didn't pursue every goal of mine with the fullest
27:35effort and music is just one of those things that I've always set my mind that
27:38I wanted to do I've always wanted to have a music career and finally I have
27:42decided that I'm going to take it absolutely serious and try to get it to
27:46stand hand-in-hand with the car channel so that way I can do both on the car
27:50channel side of things look how big that Raven is no that's not a Raven what is
27:54that what on the car channel side of things you guys love whenever we take
27:57road trips and we go out we race the cars around the country and we go to
28:00different tracks but financially that's hard to do it costs so much money the
28:05cars are expensive to maintain even just new tires are expensive you know so
28:09paying for gas the hotels and all of that stuff on top of the cars is just
28:14crazy expensive but what if we put music in the mix to to where music and cars
28:20can pay for these trips we could go on tour do some pop-up concerts around the
28:24country and also race cars and go to tracks and have car meets and things
28:29like that I don't know I could really see that being extremely awesome and
28:32being real very soon especially when this new album comes out on my 27th
28:36birthday if you guys want please click the link down in the description below
28:40go pre-save the album for me it costs nothing it's a hundred percent free just
28:44click the link down below pre-save it for me and all that does is whenever it
28:48drops on the 24th you'll get a notification saying hey come listen to
28:51it and I'm telling you guys these 11 songs mean the absolute world to me
28:56we've only dropped seven song EPS before this is my first ever solo album I
29:01played the instruments on all of these songs I did all the vocals I wrote them
29:06all myself produced them all really just the entire process on my own so
29:10this project to me is like my baby it means the world to me it would mean even
29:14more to me if you guys would go pre-save it using that link down below because
29:17like I said I really think that music is gonna be the thing that allows me to
29:21take this car channel to the very next level and it's also something different
29:25from what every other car youtuber is doing I don't know another car youtuber
29:30or even youtuber in general that is trying to mix in vlog content with music
29:34and music creation that's just insane to me I think that would be so cool I
29:39want to get back into drag racing heavy I want to take the black car to the track
29:42more I still want to take the GT 350 and start drag racing it as a stick car but
29:47if I'm being honest with you guys it's been hard to do that because I don't
29:50really have any friends around here that like drag racing I don't even know any
29:53friends that have drag cars except for my friend Sean but he's in Louisiana and
29:57he's got a whole construction company so he realistically doesn't drag race that
30:01much anymore I'm just in this weird point of life because I feel like I'm
30:04getting to the point where I'm like actually turning into an adult you know
30:07so like none of this stuff you just don't have the same habits that you
30:10would as a teenager and I'm sure a lot of you guys are probably going through
30:13the same stuff as me right now in life too so you probably know what I'm
30:15talking about I had plans of building a drag car for a while but that kind of
30:19fell through Justin used to have a drag car but he sold it and he had plans of
30:23building another but I think that kind of fell through even our local drag
30:26strip here in Atlanta that we had it closed down so it's just like what that
30:30think they flattened it built like apartments or condos on it or something
30:33so I don't really know what's going on with the drag racing world but things
30:36just feel so different than it did six seven years ago which I guess I mean I
30:39get it things change every day the world is constantly evolving but dang man I
30:44didn't expect it to be so different so quickly but I don't know maybe you guys
30:47have some suggestions for me what can I do to get that car back on track you
30:51know I want to get out and go race some more maybe you guys know some events
30:54that I can go to it would just be weird pulling up at some events solo dolo no
30:58you know Poe broke his ankle so he's been I can't even really get him to go
31:02to the track with me so just thinking about that man that's I think one of the
31:05biggest things that's made YouTube creation so weird for me and for a bit
31:09now is just my whole like equilibrium kind of got thrown off I was used to
31:13making videos around a bunch of other people you know kind of feeding off of
31:16everybody and quite abruptly all of that is gone so it's a weird thing to get
31:22adjusted to but I've been honestly adjusting well since we've been on the
31:25topic of mental health and everything like that this whole entire freaking
31:29episode so far I just want to remind you guys mental health is the absolute
31:33most important thing in your entire life okay I mean that's so seriously a lot of
31:38people sleep on mental health and even me for a long time I did not take mental
31:41health as seriously as I need to and it's very clear you can watch my old
31:45videos you can tell that I did not take mental health nearly as serious as I
31:48need to and I will let you know it will affect every single aspect of your life
31:53one of the hardest things that I had to learn is that I needed to focus on my
31:56mental health more than I focus on anybody else and that's tough for me
32:00because I realistically love helping people I love being there for people I
32:04love doing everything I can for people giving them opportunity giving them
32:08their dreams if I can hand them their dreams on a golden platter for even a
32:12stranger I would do that just because I love seeing people happy but what I
32:16started to realize is that if you don't prioritize yourself and put yourself
32:19first you'll start to lose your capacity to give if you think of yourself as a
32:24bank of energy and you want to give energy to other people well if you're
32:28not building your energy up and you have completely depleted yourself to nothing
32:32then there is no way for you to be able to give anything to anybody else because
32:37you don't even have anything to give you know what I mean like you can think
32:39about it even financially if you want to help your friend and you want to do good
32:43things for him you probably shouldn't give him $100 you should teach him how
32:47to make $100 and then for yourself you should make $100,000 so that way
32:52whenever your friend needs help you have the capacity to give him $1,000
32:55instead of just $100 you definitely could have given him your first hundred
32:58dollars sure but in building yourself up first you really allow yourself to have
33:02so much more capacity to give just simply because you have more to give you
33:06have nothing it's hard to give anything whether that be energy whether that be
33:10money anything at all you can't give anything if you don't have anything and
33:13if there was anything in the world that I could push over to you guys it is that
33:16exact thing always make sure to focus on your mental health especially if you're
33:20the type of person that likes to give and you like to do good for other people
33:23don't do more for others than you do for yourself always remember that do not do
33:28more for others than you do for yourself and furthermore if you see people that
33:33aren't willing to do for themselves here's the key don't expect them to do
33:39for you if they aren't working hard on themselves they're not gonna work hard
33:44on you if they are not working to build themselves up in order to have the
33:47capacity for them to give things to you then you definitely don't need to be
33:52giving all that you have to somebody that won't even build for themselves and
33:56that right there that was that that's my biggest learning lesson that's what I
34:00needed to learn that's all that it is I just really needed to separate myself
34:03from people that don't like doing for themselves for people that want to sit
34:08and complain from people that want to act like everything is bad and people
34:12that have excuses and I just needed to find myself for a bit and remind myself
34:16who I am and being around people that aren't that way for so long made me lose
34:21myself for a while and I started to be such a pessimist on camera and every
34:26time a problem was thrown my way instead of being myself and being excited about
34:30the problems that were being thrown my way I was stressed thinking that I
34:35couldn't solve them because I had people in my ear telling me you can't do it
34:39that's too hard that's too much even this car had so many people doubting me
34:43saying there's no way to fix this these parts aren't going to be readily
34:46available well I'm the type of person that I'll get the Corvette plant to get
34:51them off the assembly line and sent to me you understand me and the only thing
34:55stopping me over the last few years has been my own lack of self-discipline to
35:01realize whenever there are people around me that do not hold themselves to the
35:05same standards I can't even say that I don't even want I don't want to see I
35:10don't want it to seem like I'm trying to think that I'm above anybody because
35:13that's not it at all it's really not it's just whenever you find out that
35:17you're in a position where you're giving more to people financially emotionally
35:20physically mentally in any way if you're giving more than you receive ever
35:26and the excuse is always just because oh well you have more than me well the
35:31reason why I have more than you is because I spend time to build my
35:36inventory to be able to give you do not spend time to work to make extra
35:42anything in order to help give it to me so I can't continue giving everything to
35:48you because we are equals I was in your shoes and still I'm in your shoes today
35:52I just feel like I have a lot bigger driving force than what most people that
35:56I've ever been around have most people like to settle they like to be okay they
36:01like to be comfortable they like to be complacent I don't none of that is fun
36:04for me yes theory said it best but seek discomfort I love that I love it I love
36:10being in an uncomfortable scenarios that push me to be more I don't like to
36:15settle I like to achieve goals I like progression that is what drives me that
36:19is what brings me fulfillment it's change I know you guys say that I've
36:23changed you hate change I love change and I think you should start to love
36:27change too we need to normalize that I think you probably don't feel fulfilled
36:31right now in your life if that's the case because you're not making changes
36:34to where you want to be there's probably something that you want to be
36:37someplace you want to be but for some reason you're afraid to make the changes
36:42that it takes to get there because of how people will look at you or is your
36:45girlfriend gonna leave you or your friends not gonna talk to you anymore
36:48let me be the one to let you know that through God and through yourself you've
36:52got it you'll be okay and it is absolutely worth it my mom asked me all
36:58the time is all this even worth it don't you just want to work a normal job no
37:03like no part of me wants that at all this is absolutely worth it being able
37:08to have the capacity to work for myself and give to other people and give away
37:13cars and change people's lives and impact my family impact the world that's
37:19what I'm here for whether I have friends whether I have a girlfriend whether
37:23whatever I don't care like I genuinely don't I'll do this shit on my own if I
37:28have to it does not bother me do you know why because my goals are more
37:32important than my fears my passions outweigh the things I am afraid of that
37:39is the message of don't lose sight that's the point there are too many
37:43things out in the world that you could go get right now if you just took fear
37:47and threw it out the window everything that you're being told that it's too
37:51hard just like rebuilding this car apply yourself watch what happens whatever
37:55everyone around you is afraid of doing something have the confidence to do it
37:59and just do it prove them wrong and watch what happens to your life keep
38:04that habit and keep those cycles going watch what happens to your life and
38:08before you guys get upset at me and say that everything has changed and oh
38:12things are so different yes look at why it's because I've had
38:17self-discipline I haven't given up I've cared about myself I've cared about
38:21others I've cared about this channel and progression is taking place the feeling
38:26that I feel right now is unbeatable indescribable I feel like I have
38:31conquered a mountain that has been taller than any mountain I've ever seen
38:36and at the bottom of the mountain whenever I told everyone I was getting
38:39ready to climb that everybody said you're going to fail you're going to die
38:43you're gonna be by yourself I'm not going up there with you you're gonna
38:47have to go alone and all those people that ditched me along this path and all
38:52those people that doubted me and all those people that said that everything
38:56that I wanted to do couldn't be done and then had to watch me do it it just
38:59makes it even more bittersweet for me I'm so happy at the way that things have
39:04happened it has showed me so much about life and about people and if you guys
39:07see me on my own so much from this point it's realistically because I'm waiting
39:11until I find people that are like me that don't settle that want to push
39:17further that want to see change that want amazing things for their life don't
39:21want to make excuses that don't want to show up late for places that don't want
39:26to complain about whatever the case may be afraid of what people may say I just
39:30don't want any of that anymore it's not me and I want to show you guys who I am
39:34I really do this shit did not get here because of every single other person
39:39that was around me I hate to say it they assisted they helped they made
39:43everything so much easier on me and it means the world to me but let me explain
39:47something whenever things are easy and I'm comfortable and I have a bunch of
39:51people around me making everything happen for me let me explain to you what
39:55happens I become less of a savage I become less of a warrior I become more
39:59soft I become easier to tell oh that's gonna be too hard or that's not gonna
40:03happen because I'm not used to doing everything for myself so now I'm
40:07believing what they say because that's their job point being not everybody in
40:11life is meant to stay around each other you're meant to learn from people and I
40:15will just say I have learned more than what I can even explain to you guys in
40:21the last few years about life about people in general and even more so about
40:28myself man I have truly like this sounds nuts and I don't even mean it this way
40:32but I have truly like falling in love with the person I've become and I hope
40:35you guys can do the same for yourself it's so important I've learned in life I
40:39didn't like the person that I used to be and it was so clear to see I didn't like
40:42who I was because I knew that I wanted to be more and wanted to go further and
40:45I knew that I was surrounding myself around the wrong people I knew that
40:48these people had the wrong values the wrong morals and they didn't align with
40:51where I was trying to go but I cared too much about people that I sacrificed my
40:56goals my ambitions and a lot of opportunities for myself in order to
41:00keep people that I didn't even need to have around in the first place and so
41:03yeah just to clarify I have absolutely zero negative feelings towards anybody
41:08I have nothing but love for everybody I've ever had in my life even still I
41:14hold no grudges towards anybody I wish them all the best in an ideal world I
41:18wish we could all still be at the same table but sometimes you got to eat at
41:21different tables and I still again I hope that they I still wish that they
41:24get I don't know truth be told though I am a firm believer in the whole
41:28everything happens for a reason thing and I truly think that this is going to
41:32be for the best for everybody involved long term and I think for you guys the
41:37reason why the adjustment has been a little bit weird is just because as an
41:41audience it kind of sucks to watch all of this you know we used to have really
41:44great content whenever everybody was super intertwined I guess whenever we
41:49were back in Louisiana some bad stuff happened that I'll talk about on the
41:52timeout channel on a story time episode coming up but it kind of just changed
41:57everything forever inevitably and it was kind of out of my control if I'm being
42:02honest but that's okay I've worked some mysterious ways right I've stopped being
42:08frustrated and just started trusting hasn't steered me wrong yet it's just
42:12been taking me a bit to get my bearings back against that stuff that happened
42:15years ago but I've really been working through it now more than ever and I
42:20realized that the reason why I had trouble working through it before it's
42:23just because I kind of was keeping a lot of my burdens around still trying to
42:29work through them all instead of just cutting ties and knowing when to fold
42:33them you know got to know when to hold them you got to know when to fold them
42:36I've been too good at holding on to everything and not good enough and
42:40letting go of stuff that I know I need to whether that be people, trauma, cars
42:47I'm really learning I'm becoming a much healthier version of myself every single
42:52day I've been going to church for whatever that's worth you know I've been
42:56working out a ton and finally pursuing my own passions and taking my own advice
43:00about not losing sight I gave up on so many of my own passions for so long just
43:05because of the fact that I was trying to work so hard for everybody else and not
43:10really caring enough about myself really finally started doing the things that I
43:14love again because I don't have anybody around telling me no that's not gonna be
43:18fun or I'm hot or this is boring I'm finally looking forward to every single
43:24day when I wake up I love it man I love that feeling I've been waking up at like
43:28637 a.m. every morning and I really feel like all of these changes that you guys
43:33are kind of shocked by right now are going to be the exact things that define
43:38my future and steer me away from a path of failure to a path of very major
43:42success and I feel like I can kind of speak that into existence I can just
43:46feel it coming I really can I don't know I feel like I have a whole new mindset
43:51on the entire world so all in all I do apologize about the delays and uploads
43:56just remember I'm a human being and I'm in my early 20s now getting to my late
44:0120s and I've been going through a lot of changes since starting this channel at
44:0519 years old and I promise you that who I was five years ago was not really a
44:10great person and I look back and see the hate that I was getting from a lot of
44:14different outside places tonight it really makes sense I had too much pride
44:18in so many different ways and I think that's natural for anybody in their
44:22young 20s making a ton of money being wronged by a bunch of people I mean dude
44:27come on now like I just became super insecure depressed overweight I didn't
44:33have any confidence for a long time and that's why I say now with all the
44:37changes I've been making and caring about myself and being able to actually
44:41be happy I already know what is coming next just makes sense it's just
44:48inevitable I encourage you guys heavily to get more invested into the Bible and
44:52if you don't like the Bible I understand like I get it everybody's got their own
44:55views but if not look into the laws of the universe and in fact either way
45:00whether you like the Bible or not look into the laws of the universe really
45:03understand them from a scientific standpoint and it will change your life
45:06that's the I wish I really wish I could just get so many people to take my word
45:11on that like you know you don't want to download my music cool that's fine if
45:17you don't even want to watch another one of my videos that's fine but if I
45:19could change your life for the better right now the only way that I could say
45:22to do it is to look into the laws of the universe learn self-discipline and
45:25pursue the things that you want that make you feel happy and fulfilled that
45:30you know are right and whenever people do you wrong one thing I will heavily
45:34suggest is learning how to not do them wrong back learning how to have zero
45:41vengeance in your body instead channel that energy into yourself and watch what
45:46happens learn how to forgive learn how to move on learn how to come to peace
45:50with things beyond everything that I've been talking about this episode that
45:53might seem a little negative I just want to say thank you guys so much you got to
45:58understand that it almost makes me emotional but like seriously you guys
46:02have been the sole thing that has driven me so hard to really be able to find
46:07myself you know to really be able to like elevate myself to find success in
46:11life to feel fulfillment to I don't know this channel has really been my
46:16biggest outlet for the last nearly decade of my life and it's kind of like
46:20this channel in a way has been my therapy you know it's been my everything
46:24it has been my life it has been the best thing that's happened to me it's caused
46:27the worst things to happen to me and it has been so amazing the entire way it's
46:33been a roller coaster look at this beautiful car man look at these all
46:37these beautiful cars Kia to life is crazy that's for sure despite the ups
46:43and downs trials and tribulations you got to remind yourself every day why you
46:48started why you can't give up and where you're headed to that's the whole
46:53purpose of don't lose sight I never would have thought whenever I made that
46:57saying so many years ago we developed this whole brand I just never ever ever
47:02ever could have imagined how much of an impact those words would mean on me for
47:06the rest of my life really between everything I've been talking about today
47:09in this video and now it is my time to show you guys what it actually looks
47:15like to not give up and not lose sight despite anything gotta be a man of my
47:18word I guess from this point so time for the biggest glow up that I have ever had
47:23in my entire life and I've been so nervous for it but I can feel it coming
47:28and I hope you guys are gonna be around for it it's this is gonna be a great
47:32year it really is with that being said guys that is gonna be a wrap for today
47:36I hope you guys are on your journey to glow up at the same time in the same
47:41ways that I am because this is gonna be a huge year for me for you guys I'm so
47:45pumped for it I can feel it that's a wrap for today's video guys thank you
47:49so much smash that like button subscribe if you have not already and with that
47:52being said I'll see you guys next video