• 18 hours ago
Chia-Lin Simmons, CEO of LogicMark LGMK, was recently interviewed by Benzinga.

LogicMark is a leading provider of personal emergency response systems (PERS), health communications devices and IoT technologies to create a connected care platform. Its products help keep at-risk populations – young and old – safe.

Ms. Simmons spoke about the need to bring PERS into the modern age and the incredible ways in which AI can enhance user experience.


00:00Hey, Zingers, it's Dan Lee, and should I have a wonderful guest for you today?
00:05It is the CEO of LogicMark, a NASDAQ company in the personal safety and health tech industry.
00:11The great Shailen Simmons.
00:12It's always great to be with you, Shailen.
00:14It's good to be with you, Dan.
00:16Well, let's talk about LogicMark.
00:17I know that you, you know, traditionally have been a hardware company.
00:21When you joined the company, you did not produce a new product since 2015.
00:25How do you square this with your push into AI now?
00:28Talk to us about your strategy here.
00:31Well, Dan, what a surprise, right?
00:33The type of company that's in the I've fallen, I can't get up space is in AI.
00:38Who would have thought?
00:39Yes, and so we have actually been very active in terms of development of health technology that we think needs to be much more modernized.
00:47After all, we're really taking care of our loved ones.
00:49And that's really almost more than 25% of Americans in the United States at 65 and over.
00:55So our strategy here is that this industry needs to be modernized.
01:00These technologies need to be modernized.
01:02And so what better way to do it than to basically make them more connected?
01:06And most importantly, utilize AI in a way that's really conducive, which is in the health care vertical.
01:12So, you know, I wanted to talk to you about how LogicMark's expertise in, as we talked about, health care, medical safety, et cetera, fit with AI and LLMs.
01:23Yeah, absolutely.
01:24I mean, today, everybody's spending all their time talking about DeepSeek and, you know, asking them questions about how to plan their holidays and all of that.
01:31And that's really great and important.
01:34But really, where AI and LLMs shine and machine learning shine is really in a health vertical.
01:40I mean, we really hear about all of the innovations around things like being able to look at, you know, screens and sort of pictures of breast mammograms, for example, and finding cancer five years ahead.
01:53And so think of that application in the health care side for us specifically.
01:56And so our expertise here is that the capability for us to basically look at pattern differentials.
02:03And so we're really actually monitoring, remote monitoring, basically a patient from far away on behalf of their caretakers, both professionally as well as personal ones.
02:14And so we apply that AI to basically look for and recognize patterns, giving us a capability to sort of start looking at changes in pattern that may actually give us a prediction or capability to sort of look at and build upon the possibility of a fall or an adverse sort of situation on a personal safety front.
02:34And so all of that monitoring data allows us to basically help you help yourself.
02:41So it really is fascinating stuff, especially what you guys are able to take with that information to really help people.
02:48And, you know, when you look at it like this, you know, as far as logic goes, when you consider yourself in AI first company at this point.
02:56Yeah, I would say that, you know, we are ironically in that sort of, as I mentioned, the old school, I fall in and can't get space, I fall in and can't get up space.
03:06But really, we're AI first company.
03:09We are utilizing AI to apply to doing much better around, you know, actually reacting to falls.
03:16And so applying AI so it's actually self-learning so that we can actually understand whether or not something happens in a sort of fall detection goes off, that it's actually a fall, but not a false positive.
03:27And the false positives are actually some of the things that drive people from not wanting to wear one of these, because I mean, who wants to wear a product that suddenly screams out, Mrs. Becker, are you OK?
03:38When the reality is, is I, you know, maybe Mrs. Becker just sat down too quickly, for example.
03:42And so we utilize AI and ML to basically continuously learn and understand whether or not, you know, utilizing a sensor or some that would, you know, where that's around a room or that you're wearing.
03:56And, you know, we actually own the patent around things like multi-sensor fall detection.
04:00Right. And so giving us an opportunity to basically be better at reacting and understanding what's a real versus a not real fall.
04:08But the really the beauty here from an AI application and being an AI first company, for example, is actually the ability to basically start making predictive analytics, the capability for us to basically look at that data.
04:21And for the AI to sort of think about, you know, is this a probability that you could fall within the next three to six months?
04:26Because that's, you know, being able to save somebody from that first fall or even a second fall is crucial for health success and personal safety success.
04:35It absolutely is. And to further this point, how are you leveraging AI and Logic Marks expertise to create an edge?
04:42What sets you apart?
04:44Yeah, so I would say that, you know, prior to us coming to this company, this company had, you know, a good body of patents.
04:52But what we really how we're really set apart is that we actually have interlocking patents at this company.
04:58So since the time that we've been here, we filed and have obtained, you know, patents.
05:04You know, we filed over, I think, 20 plus patents at this company, many of which are AI machine learning sort of oriented.
05:12And so and when we talk about the edge here is what it is.
05:16It's that we don't just file for reactive technology and predictive technology AI patents.
05:21We file for, you know, sensing, environmental sensing, for example, because we know that we actually need to understand whether or not how hard it is when you fall.
05:30So the vibrations of things, you know, make a difference, for example, or that we understand that a lot of this data has to be able to basically transfer from somebody who may not be part of your care village.
05:43And so what happens when you share that data with somebody, we need to actually have it in blockchains and tokenized, for example.
05:50And so having it tokenized provides you a safety.
05:54So all of our patents, you know, we have things like game theory, understanding like you and maybe a professional caretaker and whether or not your interests are aligned so that you actually get better taken care of.
06:06You know, that's an area of fraud detection even.
06:09And so all of these patents interlock to basically provide what I would say is a body of technology that allows people to actually, you know, for the elderly age and grace and for the rest of us to actually move around in our world today with a sense of safety and security.
06:26And so and they actually have, you know, what's really interesting is extensions into other categories outside of health and technology as well, because, you know, some of these things are fairly universal, for example, fraud detection and tokenization from hardware.
06:41That is, I think, technology and licenses that could be utilized and licensed to other people in other industries as well.
06:48So, you know, I think you explain that beautifully and obviously maintaining that edge is important.
06:53As we discuss, how are you maintaining this edge and how are you working to defend your position at Logic Market?
07:00Yeah, absolutely.
07:00Well, so we consider ourselves a startup with the ticker symbol.
07:05We've said that sort of time and again.
07:07And so part of that and part of the reason why people are shareholders and investors in this company is that you're actually investing in a tech company.
07:14And so we continue to maintain this edge by actually developing, you know, amazing patents and continue to grow that patent technology.
07:21But most important, roll out that technology so that people can actually utilize it.
07:27You know, again, the best defense is basically putting up the sort of interlocking walls of block off for competitors.
07:35So it's very difficult for them to actually have better fault detection than we do because we actually have to lock on a patents to ensure that we actually have multi sensors in order to ensure that your elderly loved one are safe.
07:50And so how we do that is to basically continue to grow our patents, continue to sort of make that patents and utilize those patents in our technology to basically make that available for everyone.
08:01And most importantly, defend our patents.
08:04To ensure that nobody's encroaching on our, I think, special sauce.
08:10Can't have that happen.
08:11Shylynn Simmons, the CEO of Lodgemark, always a pleasure talking with you.
08:15That was absolutely fascinating conversation.
08:17Thank you so much for joining me today.
08:19Thank you so much for inviting me, Dan.
08:21Always a pleasure.
