• 3 days ago


00:00We're coming to the end of the Cathedral in Crisis campaign, what's the reaction been like over the
00:05past couple of months since it's been since it's been running? Well I think it's been a real mix
00:11but one of the things that we've been overwhelmed with has been the fact that we've had over a
00:15thousand nearly some thousand people who've donated to this campaign and that's an extraordinary
00:21response and those donations have varied hugely in size from £10 in an envelope from some lady
00:29somewhere to gifts of £1,000 and sometimes a little bit more but it's that kind of
00:37mix that's really struck us that sometimes something like a thousand people have
00:42cared enough to do this from the great gifts to the small ones and that's really overwhelming and
00:48quite touching in some cases that people have wanted to do support the Cathedral and found
00:53this a place that is deeply meaningful and important to them. At the moment we're around
00:58about the two-thirds mark so we're approaching £200,000 so we've got a little bit to do we've
01:04got another chunk of that money to get in we're optimistic that we're pursuing various kind of
01:11contacts and conversations and we hope that we will get there. There was obviously an initial surge
01:17but we're still really hopeful and expectant that we will get to that target if we possibly can.
01:23Obviously since the start of the campaign we've had a lot of people saying that the
01:27Church of England perhaps should be putting more more money into cathedrals like Peterborough
01:31across the country what what do you think do you think that the church should be should be doing
01:35more to support? There's huge demands it has to be said on the church at the moment you know
01:41there are not only 42 cathedrals which are each of them in their own way very you know have you
01:46know placed quite significant financial costs and demands there are 42 diocese many of those
01:53diocese are running deficits you know church going is not the kind it doesn't generate it
02:00hasn't got the numbers that we used to have so having to meet some of those needs. There's
02:05recently been a concern about the fact that the pensions of clergy have been reduced you know
02:10most clergy have you know have sacrificial ministries during their lives and a decent
02:17pension is one of the things that helps kind of recompense them for that in later life so
02:23there are huge demands on the Church of England so I think we can obviously it would be lovely
02:29if they were able in a position to support us a bit more but I think you know the idea that
02:33the it's an illusion to think that they have you know so much money that they could just
02:38sort out all these problems overnight.
