John Cena unleashes an unrelenting diatribe on the WWE Universe before The American Nightmare crashes the scene to call out his antics. Catch WWE action on Netflix, Peacock, USA Network, CW Network, Sony India and more. #WWERAW
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00:30John Cena!
00:32John Cena!
00:34John Cena!
00:36John Cena!
00:38John Cena!
00:40John Cena!
00:42John Cena!
00:44John Cena!
00:46Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome John Cena!
01:00John Cena!
01:02John Cena!
01:04John Cena!
01:06John Cena!
01:08John Cena!
01:10John Cena!
01:12John Cena!
01:14John Cena!
01:16John Cena!
01:18John Cena!
01:20John Cena!
01:22John Cena!
01:24John Cena!
01:26John Cena!
03:28Letztlos siegen, letzlos siegen, letzlos siegen, letzlos siegen!
03:58Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Sieg!
04:19Wenn jemand in seiner Leben richtig aufgerastet ist...
04:28Sie sollten sich nicht außerhalb von sich selbst für eine Veröffentlichung achten.
04:33Sie sollten sich nicht außerhalb von sich selbst für eine Veröffentlichung achten.
05:03Ich bin seit 25 Jahren der Täter.
05:12Ich bin der Täter eines abhängigen Verhältnisses.
05:17Nein, nein, nein, Sie haben Ihren Zeitraum verloren.
05:34Ja, okay, gut. Nehmt den Boden und was macht ihr damit?
05:39Ihr macht nur Schmerzen.
05:42Ihr seid nur abnutzbar.
05:44Und alles was ihr jemals getan habt, war mich zu verarschen und mich zu verurteilen.
05:48Und ihr wartet, dass ich es mit einem Lächeln auf meinem Gesicht mache.
05:53Kein weiterer!
06:03Abnutziger! Abnutziger!
06:20So very classy. Thank you.
06:27Look, I am not a baby face.
06:33I am not a heel.
06:38I'm a human being.
06:42And each and every one of you has been awful to me.
06:47Go ahead, go ahead. You've been awful.
06:56And it's been the same damn noise for 25 years.
07:00When I first got here into the WWE, you let me know really loud that you hated me.
07:19Moments of embarrassment, moments of shame, just like this.
07:24You let me know that I wasn't worthy of your attention.
07:27So what did I do? I went and I changed myself, hoping that you would like me a little bit.
07:32And it worked for a second, but then it wasn't enough.
07:39So what did I do? I worked hard like I always do and I started to win.
07:45And win. And win. And win. And win. And win. And win. And win. And win.
07:55Oh, I won a lot and you hated it. It wasn't enough.
08:03So what did I do? I spent the next 10 years of my life trying to give away everything I possibly could and it wasn't enough.
08:24And in my final moments, what's the only thing I can do, right? I can walk away.
08:55What a great example. They go from chanting shut the F up to cheering when I say I'm gonna walk away.
09:04So I announced my retirement in a move that has never been done before. I'm actually walking away at the end of this year.
09:14I tried one last time to get along with you guys. I tried one last time to do something nice for you and you ruined it.
09:22Just like you ruined everything.
09:26Because just like right here tonight, for two seconds it was great and then it's never enough.
09:52Each one of these idiots is proving my point with every breath. My point is, no matter what I do, it is never enough and you should all be ashamed of yourself.
10:12All you ever do is take. You take, you take and you take and you only care about yourselves.
10:28I put my values on the line to make a very important choice in my life and all you could think was what do we get?
10:38My story changed. What do we get? John Cena is coming to my town. What do we get? This is trending. What do we get?
10:49Not one of you sons of bitches asked me how I feel. No one.
10:57It's just what do we get? What do we get? What do we get? What do we get?
11:04You get nothing. You get what you have earned and what you have earned is nothing.
11:17You don't get a new look because you dress like me. I don't dress like you idiots.
11:25You don't get new music. That is my voice on that song and your time is finally up and my time is finally now.
11:40The only thing you get is to take a long look in the mirror to see how awful each and every one of you has been for 25 years to me.
11:54We want Cody! We want Cody! We want Cody!
12:01Wir wollen Cody!
12:18Ihr schreitet für Cody?
12:22Natürlich, natürlich!
12:24Ihr brandneues, scharfer Spielzeug,
12:26denn ihr werdet diesen hier auf den Boden legen.
12:31Wie ich gesagt habe, mit jedem Atemzug,
12:33habt ihr meinen Punkt gezeigt,
12:35dass ihr schreckliche Menschen seid.
12:37Und das ist jede Person in diesem Zimmer.
12:40Keiner ist sicher, keiner kann sich verstecken,
12:43besonders die Menschen, die ich in einem Publikum herausfinden kann.
12:47Ja, ja, ja, ich sehe euch!
12:50Und ihr in der Vorderseite,
12:52und ihr in der Vorderseite,
12:54ja, ich kann euch sehr einfach identifizieren.
12:58Ihr seid die Let's-Go-Siena-Menschen.
13:04Ja, ihr seid die Menschen, die sagen,
13:06Mann, ich unterstütze euch!
13:32You hear that, world?
13:34The Siena Sucks Jack-Offs,
13:36they've already proven themselves awful people.
13:39I'm about to tell you why
13:41the Let's-Go-Siena-People are just as awful.
13:47You claim to support me?
13:52What have you ever done?
13:55You, what have you, you, you,
13:59what have you ever done to support me, huh?
14:04What have you ever done for me?
14:07All you ever do is steal from me.
14:11You steal.
14:13You steal my personal moments.
14:16You steal my time.
14:18You have made me your freaking toy.
14:21I am an object to you.
14:23You have made me the butt of a stupid invisible joke
14:27for 15 years and you still think it's funny.
14:30It is not funny.
14:33It is pathetic.
14:38You are pathetic.
14:48Oh, you don't want to hear this.
14:49This is tough for you.
14:51Oh, you're not ready to hear this.
14:53You're not ready to lean into
14:55an uncomfortable conversation.
14:57The truth is, you don't wear this for support.
15:01You wear it to make you feel good.
15:04You wear words like hustle, loyalty, and respect.
15:08I live them every day.
15:13You think you can buy the words never give up?
15:17I am the definition of perseverance
15:19and every person here knows it.
15:27You, you do not support me.
15:30What you do is you use me as an excuse
15:35for your pathetic failure of a life.
15:41Because all you've ever done there for 25 years
15:45is sit on your ass and watch me be great.
15:50No more.
15:53This, this, everybody including that one kid right there
15:58is a toxic, dysfunctional relationship.
16:05Oh, you don't want to hear it.
16:06It's too tough for you, huh?
16:13Well, listen to this.
16:14I'm breaking up with you.
16:16I'm done.
16:17I'm breaking up with every single person.
16:21Whether you like me or you don't, you're dumped.
16:26I don't need you anymore.
16:28I don't care about you and you don't matter to me.
16:33And here's the thing.
16:35There's no noise you can make.
16:37There is nothing you can do because you know I'm right
16:41and you know you are wrong.
16:46I'm sorry.
16:48I'm sorry.
16:50I'm sorry.
17:15I'm sorry.
20:15Alli, alli, la, o!
20:18Oli, oli, la!
20:21Alli, oli, la, o!
20:24Oli, oli, la!
20:27Alli, oli, la!
20:46Alli, alli, la, o!
20:52Alli, oli, la!
20:57Die EU ist eine Nation!
21:15Ich denke, jeder von euch ist bereit, euch herauszuhören.
21:20Selbst ich.
21:21Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, was ihr gerade gesagt habt,
21:25sie haben euch ihr Schlimmstes gegeben.
21:30Klar, sie haben euch ihr Schlimmstes gegeben.
21:32Sie haben euch auch ihr Bestes gegeben.
21:34Für 25 Jahre.
21:36Und sie haben das getan.
21:42Sie haben das getan, weil ihr speziell seid.
21:45Sie haben das getan, weil ihr es nehmen könntet.
21:47Sie haben das getan, weil ihr es tragen könntet.
21:56Hör auf, Kind.
22:02Und es ist sicher nicht ein Kind.
22:06Es ist der WWE-Champion.
22:14Und lasst mich euch fragen.
22:17Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie.
22:25Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie, Bowie.
22:32Wer zur Hölle bist du?
22:39Wo ist der Typ mit diesem Shirt?
22:46Selbst nachdem, was du getan hast, war ich gespannt
22:48auf die Prognose, Woche für Woche,
22:51face to face mit John Cena zu gehen.
22:54Und stattdessen habe ich das hier.
23:01Nun, das sollte nicht bei Wrestlemania zeigen.
23:06Denn wenn es das tut,
23:08werde ich es überlassen,
23:09werde ich es auslassen,
23:10weil ich bereits seinen besten Schuss genommen habe
23:13und es nicht gut genug war.
23:14Ich retiere es früh.
23:18Also, findet John Cena,
23:21weil ich ihn bei Wrestlemania 41 kämpfen will,
23:25nicht diese weinende Schlampe.
24:47John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena, John Cena
25:17Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
25:47O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O
26:17SWR 2021