• 3 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “In Italia ci sono 4,5 milioni di persone con il diabete (il 7% della popolazione), un dato destinato a salire. In Italia le stime prevedono un aumento al 9-10% della prevalenza nel 2040. Non solo. Per ogni 2 persone con diabete ce n'è almeno una terza che non sa di averlo: quindi abbiamo circa  1 milione di persone con diabete non diagnosticato”. Lo ha detto Riccardo Candido, presidente Amd - Associazione medici diabetologi, intervenendo oggi a Roma alla conferenza stampa 'Diabete di tipo 2: investire in salute, tra accesso all'innovazione ed efficienza del Ssn, è la sfida per il futuro', promossa da Lilly per annunciare la rimborsabilità da parte dell’Agenzia italiana del farmaco (Aifa) di tirzepadite,  il primo e fino ad oggi unico farmaco di una nuova classe terapeutica, agonista recettoriale di Gip e Glp-1.


00:00Diabetes type 2 is a very common disease and also in constant growth.
00:09In Italy there are about 4.5 million people who know they have diabetes,
00:14which corresponds to about a prevalence of 7%.
00:18The important fact is that this prevalence is destined to rise,
00:22to reach around 8-9% in 2030,
00:27and this causes incorrect lifestyles, sedentary lifestyle,
00:31hypercaloric diet and therefore an increase in obesity and overweight.
00:36Diabetes control is still deficitory.
00:39The data from ANALI-AMD, my scientific company,
00:42indicate that only a little more than half of people with diabetes
00:46reach a good glycemic control,
00:49and this is often linked to a delayed diagnosis,
00:52to the non-temporary use of drugs that can change the natural history of the disease,
00:58but also to the difficulty of management in everyday life of the person,
01:02which translates into reduced adherence to the use of drugs.
01:06Therefore, new therapeutic opportunities are welcome,
01:09which are able to have a significant impact on all these aspects
01:14and therefore allow us to cure this pathology at best,
01:18which has a strong clinical impact on the quality of life,
01:22but also on the sustainability of our national health system.
