• 4 hours ago
Bank Strike News: देशभर में बैंकिंग सेवाएं 24 और 25 मार्च को बंद रह सकती हैं. यूनाइटेड फोरम ऑफ बैंक यूनियन्स (UFBU) ने दो दिवसीय राष्ट्रव्यापी हड़ताल(Bank Strike) का आह्वान किया है. बैंक यूनियनें दरअसल नियमित भर्ती, संविदा कर्मचारियों के स्थायीकरण और बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में पांच दिवसीय कार्य सप्ताह जैसी मांगों को लेकर विरोध कर रही हैं.

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00:00Banking services across the country may be shut down on March 24 and 25.
00:05The United Forum of Banking Unions, or UFBU, has called for a two-day national strike.
00:11The bank unions are actually protesting against the stabilization of contract employees and
00:16five-day working in the banking system.
00:20The UFBU, which represents nine major bank unions, announced a strike on March 13.
00:28This decision was taken after the failure of the talks with the Indian Bank Association, i.e. the IBA.
00:34According to NCBE Chief Elchandra Shekhar, the main demands behind the strike are as follows.
00:43All cadres must be filled.
00:45This has been asked to remove the shortage of staff in the banking sector.
00:49In the public sector, bankers will have to fill the workmen and officer director designations.
00:54The Ministry of Finance will also have to take back the exhibition fees, which may affect the security of the employees' jobs.
01:02Micro-management has also been opposed because the Unions Department of Financial Services, i.e. DPS,
01:09is opposing more interference, which affects the autonomy of the bank boards.
01:14After that, the amendments go under the Gratuity Regulation.
01:17Actually, the limit of Gratuity has been asked to be increased to 25 lakhs so that it can be equal to the benefits of government employees.
01:24Gratuity has also been asked to be exempted from income tax.
01:28Performance-based incentive plans and reviews are also being opposed because this can increase uncertainty among employees.
01:37Now, if we talk about what will be the impact of this strike, then if the strike continues,
01:43it can affect banking services across the country, check clearance, cash loans, and other bank-related work.
01:51Now, if we talk about which unions are included in the UFBU, i.e. United Forum of Bank Unions,
01:57then AIBEA, i.e. All India Bank Employees Association, AIBOC, All India Bank Officers Confederation,
02:05NCBE, National Confederation of Bank Employees, AIBOA, All India Bank Officers Association,
02:12BEFI, Bank Employees Federation of India, INBEC, Indian National Bank Employees Congress,
02:18INBOC, Indian National Bank Officers Congress, NOBW, National Organization of Bank Workers,
02:25and NOBO, i.e. National Organization of Bank Officers.
02:29So, these 9 unions are included in the UFBU, i.e. United Forum of Bank Unions.
02:35And United Forum of Bank Unions has announced this strike.
02:40So, if you also want to solve the work of the bank, then do it before 24th and 25th March,
02:46so that you don't have to face any problems.
02:48What is your opinion on this video?
02:50Give us your opinion in the comment box and don't forget to share this video as much as possible.
