Today, Johnny has to prove to Marty that he can take care of himself and become the best HACKER of all time! Watch to see Johnny prove Marty wrong!
#roblox #johnny
#roblox #johnny
00:00Daddy today, I'm becoming a hacker in Roblox. Oh, no, I don't think your dad likes that. Oh my god
00:07Wait a minute. You just kicked me out of the house daddy cuz I wasn't making enough money
00:11Yep, you're poor. So I'll always be a failure. Oh
00:15My gosh, look at you sitting in the rain. I only have one dollar left daddy
00:20What am I gonna buy with one dollar you're buying a house? It looks like daddy. That is it
00:24I'm gonna prove you wrong and tell you that I'm gonna make a lot of money
00:27It looks like you're living in a house that has no windows
00:31Has a lot of bugs in it. Well daddy with my $1.00. I could just fix this building up. Oh, yeah
00:38Let's go. No way
00:43Dollar makes this place look this good. Yep. $1.00 is all I needed now. I own all of this
00:48What are you gonna do? You're gonna hack people. Of course. I am daddy. I don't know how to do anything else
00:53I don't know how to work in McDonald's. I don't know how to work in Walmart
00:56All I'm good at is playing on computers. So if I just go in here and hack a little bit zero
01:02What am I doing? I'm breaching a firewall. What does that mean? I mean you're hacking something that shouldn't be hacked daddy
01:07Wait, I think I'm working. It's working. Yes, it's doing it. I hacked it. Oh my god. I'm a genius. Oh my gosh
01:13But what happens how do you even make money? You're just hacking people's accounts to get the money. Of course, daddy
01:17I'm stealing their money, but I'm real life just in roblox. Okay, so let's calm down
01:21Here is you hacked a victim you got $2. Yeah, I got $2
01:26Oh, you could upgrade to a second floor. Wait. No, how about I go to upgrades? Yes
01:31This is what I need to do typing speed Wi-Fi hack skills
01:35Let me just hack someone else real quick gotta break through the firewall again. Boom get hacked again daddy
01:40I need better Wi-Fi cuz this is taking too long to hack people
01:43I need to be able to hack so many more people than this. Hmm. Yeah, you have to get the Wi-Fi. I think bro
01:49I need more money. We got four bucks. It's taking a very long time to get money. I'm not gonna lie
01:55You can't even get an ice cream cone now. Hold on daddy. If I just upgrade it'll be way better
01:59Let's see. Am I gonna get another $2? Oh great. I have $6 now still have not enough money friends upload hacks faster
02:06Yo, I can get a friend increase your typing speed more money per hack. Oh, I need hack skill
02:12I need to upgrade that so you need to do it two more times. I'm gonna try to hack grandma
02:17Now that poor grandma you're gonna take her money I'm gonna hack our grandma that that's the funniest part
02:21No, can't prank Nan. All right, just uploading some codes three victims already daddy. It's gonna be four by the time
02:28We're done with this little section daddy. What if I hack you you probably are hold on. I gotta check my phone
02:32I think I'm just transferring all the money into my account. Oh my money glitched out. Yeah, let's go
02:38No, no, no, no, no, no, no, my password's changed. That's a part of the hacking process. Okay, daddy. Guess what?
02:44I got 10 bucks now. Boom. We have level 2 hacking skills. Let's go
02:47Okay, now let's hack someone else and let's see how much more money we actually make not gonna make that much
02:52Here we go. Last time we were making $2. Let's see how much money we're making. Maybe it'll be $4
02:58Let's see. Let's see. We're making
03:02You got a hack oh my god, daddy
03:04I got scammed you got hacked by the hacker
03:07We won million dollars to prove my parents wrong and then we win gonna be here forever
03:12I might have to spend some real bucks daddy. Okay. No, you don't know you don't know you don't let's try legit
03:16We have to get to the second floor. Maybe there's something at the second floor. Yeah, maybe there is something second floors $1
03:21Here we go. Just got an expansion. Oh, that's what they meant. That's what they meant the friend
03:26The friends gonna hack with you. Wait, why that's what the upgrade meant cuz it means you get two times. Oh, I get it now
03:33Okay. Okay. Let me just hack a little bit more and get $5 and then I'm gonna buy a friend
03:38Sure, you do that. Then. Hopefully he could just constantly be hacking for me. All right, let's see how much money I made
03:43Yep, three bucks. Great. Let me hack one more person. All right, we got five bucks now
03:48Let's run up here and let's just boom. Yeah. Yeah, bro. Yeah, you're part of the team now
03:54You're hiring another version of yourself. It's me. It's me in pajamas. Oh my gosh
04:00What the heck uploading code? Let's see how much money he makes us. All right
04:04I want to make sure you know what you're doing up here before I leave you alone to work
04:08Made us two bucks. That's what I was talking about. What are you doing here, bro?
04:11You want he wants a job 28 bucks. We got another friend. Do not rat us out, bro
04:15Do not tell the Popo if you tell the Popo I swear we're gonna have a big issue probably in on it
04:20All right. So now if I hack and then he hacks also can make double the amount of money daddy true
04:26But I still think this is taking way too long. So I think I'm gonna spend some Roblox daddy
04:31No, you don't have to we only have 11 victims right now. We need more sounds horrible
04:35Hey, he's a big butt in my face giant butt in my face. Stop it, bro. You are not allowed to be here
04:41What is this loot virus boxes around the map for a cool boost just happen. We have to go somewhere. Hold on
04:46It's it's taking me to this box. Yo two times the cash for a minute. Let's go
04:52Making two times the money I could probably get like one hacking in that amount of time
04:56That's how slow my hacks are. You gotta move faster. You get those fingers moving and grooving. I'm trying daddy
05:02Alright, let's see. Let's see. I should be making $4 right now. And then maybe we could use it to do another upgrade
05:07All right. Here we go. I got $20. Okay, instead of doing that. I'm gonna do another hack
05:13Come on, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Hurry up. Hurry up. Okay, you gotta relax
05:16This is this stuff does take time. Come on 18 seconds. Oh my god. I have $24 right now
05:22I'm about to have 30. Oh 28. Never mind. Hey, what do I get here? Daddy? What do I upgrade?
05:27Both of these typing speed and Wi-Fi. Hey, whoa and Wi-Fi again. That is what I am talking about right there
05:35It doesn't work. Okay, let's see how fast it goes. Let's go in like the same speed. No, I think I'm being scammed
05:40There's just no way my game is not upgrading. Maybe you need a hack the computer that you're playing roblox on
05:46No, daddy, that's stupid. Okay, that's it. We spend robux again two times the cash
05:51I'm definitely gonna buy two times the cash for 30 minutes. Definitely want that. Well, you've got a lot of robux
05:56Ooh two times the victim each hack is complete. Okay, definitely want that
06:00Oh, you probably want the instant hacking by the way instant hacking is four hundred seventy nine robux. Yep
06:05Want that I'm just gonna absolutely max out my account
06:07Is this like hacking the hacking game makes your servers unable to break? What does that mean?
06:12I don't know what this means, but I'm gonna buy it
06:14Anyways, we're hacking the hacking game daddy, and then we want godly hacker, which I think makes everything just times five
06:20What oh my gosh, we just spent like so many robux daddy. Well, let's see if it works
06:25Hi, you're an elite hacker. That's five times better than normal hacker. Where is he? Where's the elite hacker? Hey, wake up
06:31He's sleeping on a job. Are you kidding me sleeping on the job? Oh daddy. Here. He is the elite hacker
06:37Yeah, we just got $20
06:40But still so slow. Hold on. No. No, look I could buy this now. Look at that
06:44I got two people thinking up here now. That's pretty good $4. This guy just made $4. Oh my god
06:48I want like 300 we're gonna get a number three friend as well. Wow, yo
06:53No, that's actually insane need access to that who is this guy bro get out of my house
06:58You're not allowed to be here. Yo, we should get another one of these loot boxes, too. Let's do it
07:02Let's see anything good. Well, I'm nothing we have $100, but now we just lost it all but now we have three hackers up here
07:09It's fine. Okay, maybe I'll help them out and I'll hack as well. Come on. Come on. I thought we got an instant hack
07:14What the heck what happened? Oh
07:16Did you see that? No, check this out too quick. Look I put these in instant hack. Did you see that? Oh, yeah
07:23No, that's actually insane. That's actually crazy. Okay, let's spend it on some upgrades skill. Boom. Let's get another hack skill
07:29Let's get some Wi-Fi's. Oh, I see. So when I upgrade it, it just slowly upgrades it, but it does make it better
07:35Okay, let me just do it again real quick. See how much money's we make
07:38I just want you to know like I'm proud of you, but I'm not proud of you
07:40Why are you not proud of me? Daddy scamming people, but you're making good money. It's fine. It's fine
07:46People don't know they're being scammed. Yo, check out this map, too
07:50I want to go check out the rest of this map. Let me just go collect this box over here. Yo, who's this house?
07:55Well, it's a nice bib. I want to live there. Okay, let's just go inside knock-knock. No, but we have 218 bucks
08:01Yo, our money is going up. Who's this guy some weird boss guy go away or I'll kill you. Hey
08:07I'm gonna ask him. Who are you? I kill people for money. Could I hire you sure for two million dollars?
08:13I don't have that type of money. I don't have that type of money. We found an Easter egg instead
08:16Maybe we can get some money bro. The Easter egg does nothing. What the heck? Well move on to the next
08:21What is this daddy? Can I claim this building too? No, you can't can't claim that building. Yo, there's an Easter Bunny
08:26Hold on daddy with an egg to your right too. Oh, maybe he wants his eggs. Well, there's an egg right there
08:31All right. Here you go. Boom. They do nothing. It says eat it interact. Nothing happens
08:35Maybe you need to hit a certain level. What is this thing? Hold on. Hold on. I'm getting something
08:39It's like a nuke. Yo, hold on. This could be good. Hold on. Hold on. Oh, yo, what happened?
08:45Actually a whole lot of nothing like what is wrong with this game and this still does nothing
08:50It's making me really angry stupid Easter Bunny. Oh take a fart in your head. How about a box?
08:54All right. Yeah, we got to go back home got too much money not to spend. All right
08:57Let's just go up here. What is this? There's like a little lock in there. Do you see that?
09:00Oh, we can maybe upgrade it. Well, guess what buying a manager? Yes, mr. Manager. Make sure they don't sleep. Oh, it's goobie
09:07Goobies my manager and daddy you're working. Are you kidding me? I don't want to work. So it's sleeping right there, by the way
09:12Is that your mom? Hey everyone wake up. What is my manager doing? Yo manager do something, bro
09:18They go to bed goobie. Then you need to wake them up. Okay, we go to the right. It said a hundred victims
09:23Oh, what is this decoration?
09:26There's an expansion for 500. I'm so smart daddy. I might spend all of our money on these upgrades. You could try it
09:31I'm telling you this will just make it so we make a lot more money per half
09:35Sure, whatever you think right since I have the really overpowered instant hack
09:39I'm gonna do some hacking. I do have a lot of people working for us right now. It's a little insane
09:43I'm not gonna lie. It's very insane. We are making monies
09:47We're gonna get to that hundred thousand dollars in no time. No, we're not. I think we are daddy. This is so slow
09:52I'm gonna prove you wrong. Oh, that's the whole point of this game, right?
09:55Yep to prove my daddy wrong and you're gonna get so proved wrong. It's not even funny
09:59I'm getting very close to $500. All right should be there now. Please exit this nice
10:04That fridge you can sit on that fridge. Look I just bought another fridge. Yo
10:08There's some more stuff out here. Oh, I didn't know I could buy stuff your victims. Oh my god
10:13I can get a pool trampoline. Okay, I can't get any of those stuff yet. Here we go expansion
10:18Yeah, and then I can hire more friends. Oh my gosh, this is insane. Let's go
10:24Wait, did I buy this auto hack before? No, no. No, I think I did instant hack
10:27Yeah, I did and I have the godly one already have that. What is this instant hack? Yep already bought that
10:32What's the difference between auto hack and instant hack do the same thing do we put auto on road I actually got scammed
10:39I thought there was a way to I thought there was a way to automatically do it. We're back at 600 bucks 700 bucks
10:43Oh, yeah, we making monies daddy quicker now. All right, daddy. That means we're buying another friend. Oh my gosh
10:50Anyone sleeping in here? Nope. Goobies make sure everyone's in order managers doing pretty good pretty good any $500 for another friend?
10:57Yep, I'll buy that. So why are these little lock things? I'm not a coat thing or a daisy. I hired Daisy
11:04Daisy is not working for us. Let's go. This is getting insane. Is it not a big operation?
11:09Yeah, this is getting actually crazy. Got a lot of people working for us
11:13I'm just gonna keep trying to make money so we can keep upgrading think we're at the point where we're just making so much money
11:18We don't know what to do with it. We're gonna have to use it to wipe our butts when we poop. What?
11:22What did you just say daddy? Nothing. I've always wanted to try it
11:25How much more money do we need to get another friend?
11:27Oh, we need a hundred more dollars almost there. One more hack should get there. Come on guys. Come on
11:31I need one more hack. Hey, wake up. I'll wake up. We got it. We got it. All right, we got it
11:36Oh my gosh, let's go thousand dollars for the next one. Let's go
11:40Then we can expand it again. Also daddy. I gotta make it so I could sprint
11:43I can't not sprint in this game through hack all shuts down all player servers
11:47Let's see what happens when I buy this makes all servers. Maybe it's for other people. Yo
11:52What just happened what did I just waste my money on I think you made so no one else could hack in the server
11:57We what I think that's what that meant. Are you serious? Let me see. Let me go to someone else's house
12:01Wow, are you able to hack in here daddy? Look their PCs off? Yep. Super mom can't do it. Yeah, let's go
12:07I'm the best hacker on the server. Also daddy. We almost have 400 victims hacked right now. That's getting a little insane
12:14Yep again kind of scary
12:16Hmm do I spend all my money on upgrades? I think we do it
12:19Increase some of these speeds. Let's buy this too. Let's just max this out. We're going crazy. Our hacker skill is number 17 now
12:26That's insane. Oh, yeah, the money is starting to pour in. I think I'm addicted to playing this game
12:31It's so much fun hacking people. You've almost hacked 400 people. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, we did it. We did it
12:37Let's go. I think you have a problem. What do you mean? I have a problem
12:41You have a problem and you don't have to prove me wrong. It's okay. I do need to prove you wrong
12:46I need $100,000
12:50Daisy wake up. We gotta make that money. Anyone else sleeping? Hey, there's goobie, man
12:54He's right here. But I think I need a different manager for this section. I just hired my friend Gaara. Oh my god
13:00I'm literally just hiring all my youtuber friends to start hacking. That's good. You're putting them to work
13:04Look at that daisy's made me 34 bucks. That's actually really good. Remember when it was $2 now you're back at a thousand
13:10Oh my gosh, it's going up like crazy. Oh my god. No, it's actually jumping. It's jumping
13:14I don't even think I need a hack anymore. Daddy. I think I just wait for everyone else to do it
13:17I heard another friend. Let's see who this friend's gonna be. It's Ruby
13:21Ruby's super awesome
13:23Girl, just got it by one more friend. And then I think that room is completely done. So you have to expand again
13:29Oh, yeah, the expansion might be coming daddy. Come on. Come on. Just gotta do a few more hacks here
13:33Don't mind me just hacking it up away doing nothing. What if someone's gonna call a popo on us soon, please?
13:39Yeah, don't even mention that daddy what we're doing is not right, you know, it's very illegal not legal
13:46I'm just doing it a little bit just so I could prove you wrong and then I'll give all the money back
13:50Don't worry. Come on. We just need some more monies, bro. Just taking too long. Oh my god
13:55This one is all ones one one one one one one. There you go. There you go. All right, I think we're good
14:00$2,000 got enough moolah. Here we go. She could bang. Yeah
14:04Now we just need $2,000 to buy a manager and none of these people sleep and then we have the extension not making me money
14:10You guys are not making me any money. Wake up. I'll fire you. Yeah, I will fire you
14:15The boss will fire you if you sleep on the job. I'm gonna throw you out that window
14:19Oh, yeah, one one one one one. There we go. Come on see $2,000. This game is a grind, bro
14:26Yes $2,000. We did it. We did it. We did it and boom wake up and it's time to wake up
14:31You guys have a manager now. So if you sleep and you're gonna get hit by
14:36Ruby right here Ruby's working and she's the manager. Yeah. Wait, what she cloned herself. Oh, look at this decorations
14:44$2,000 for another expansion. Oh, the expansions are crazy. Yeah. Yo, how much is this guy making us? Let's see
14:51$170 this guy makes us now. I want 30 million of him. We actually daddy
14:55I think it's worth me just doing more upgrades because now I think I have so many people that if I upgrade the Wi-Fi
15:01They can go super fast. Oh, you're probably right. So, let's see. Let's upgrade the poop out of the Wi-Fi friends upload hacks faster
15:08Yeah, we need to upgrade that increase your speed. No, I need the friends one. Yeah, and then you would do the the hack skill
15:13I think it's these two that we've got to max out unless the typing skill is more like with the ones and the zeros like
15:19Finding them quicker. Yep. That's exactly what it is. But daddy we literally spent robux. We don't even need to do that
15:24No, what Johnny after you know thinking about it a bit? I think you don't have to prove me wrong anymore
15:28You can give all the money back to the people you hacked all
15:31743 victims daddy. Hold on. We're doing really good. We're making a lot of money here, Johnny
15:36If you don't I'll call the cops you're gonna call the cops, you know, I'm calling him right now. I'm calling him right now
15:41No, no, no, daddy, please. Please. Please. I'll give all the money back. Hold on. I just gotta hop in this pool first
15:46Oh, yeah, I got a pool police officer. My son's hacking people and he's not giving the money back
15:54Yeah, if you want to come to my house right now and take my kid you can you can bring him to jail for a
15:59Few days, it's okay. No, no, we just got an expansion though, daddy
16:06Okay, everyone close it down close it down I gotta I gotta fire all of you guys Johnny have fun at prison eat mash potatoes
16:13That's it. Daddy. I'm running away. I don't own that house anymore. I'm going over here to the Easter Bunny. Okay, it's not my house
16:19It's not my house