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#pwr memesinfncs #fncs #meme #fortnitememes #fortnitememesinfncs #tournament #fortnitetournament #noskii
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Use Code Xamy In The Fortnite Item Shop #ad #epicpartner
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#fortnite #funny #xamy #challenge #fortnitechallenge #insane #newupdate #chapter6 #fortnitechapter6 #fortnitechapter6season2 #fortniteseason2 #fortnitechapter6
#pwr memesinfncs #fncs #meme #fortnitememes #fortnitememesinfncs #tournament #fortnitetournament #noskii
00:00FNCS is the biggest tournament of every single Fortnite season,
00:03where all the pros around the world come together and fight for the win.
00:07But today, we are not going to be playing normally in FNCS.
00:10We got four different meme strats to do, so let's see if we can complete them all.
00:14Make sure you subscribe and use code ZAMMY in the Fortnite item shop, and let's get into it.
00:17All right, boys, we are in FNCS, the biggest tournament of every single season.
00:22Now, listen, we are doing memes, and the first meme we got up is we have to beat 1HP.
00:27Okay, I think you summoned the best guys for this job.
00:30Sure. I mean, where do we land here? Do we go, like, Whiffy Wharf type of thing?
00:34We should go on the outskirts somewhere, right?
00:35Outskirts? Like here?
00:37Sure. We need a body of water, and we need some builds.
00:39What's down there?
00:41Soccer pitch.
00:41Let's loot up, and then get to 1HP.
00:44One burst from an AR will take us all out.
00:47Wait, how much does a thermite do?
00:49Oh, okay, that hurts. Wait, hold on.
00:51Wait, he's got the strat.
00:53Oh, okay, never mind. It doesn't work.
00:56Come on, get me to 1HP.
00:58Okay. Ah!
00:59Oh, okay, I'm 14 HP.
01:01The thermite 1HP strat.
01:04Oh, 48. Okay.
01:07Whoa, I'm 2HP.
01:08See ya.
01:10I'm dead. I'm dead.
01:12Bro is already dead.
01:13Okay, I'm 2HP. Now we go to the water.
01:15We might have to go back to the water strat, boys.
01:17Yeah, I think we should go to the water for the last bit.
01:20Guys, guys, we're gonna need so much math.
01:22Damn, Riz, bro.
01:231HP and a teammate that doesn't want to Riz?
01:25Yeah, this is doomed already.
01:29Yo, I don't even think we should fight anybody at this stage.
01:32How do you do this?
01:34Go onto your ramp.
01:35Oh, I'm not deep enough. I think the current's not.
01:38Yo, pause.
01:39Three, two, one.
01:42Oh, okay.
01:45How's it going, Noski?
01:46I'm getting there.
01:47Getting there?
01:47This should work, right?
01:48All right, so while Noski's getting 1HP,
01:50we need to get some materials, bro.
01:52This is FNCS.
01:53There's going to be sweats spraying at us.
01:55Yeah, there's going to be the best of the best in the region,
01:58and then there's us.
01:59Hey, Slazy, come here. What does that say?
02:00Use code ZAMMY?
02:03Use code ZAMMY in the photo item shop?
02:05Hell yeah.
02:05Why is this the hardest part, bro?
02:07No, I think the hardest part will be like when we get knocked,
02:11is to like redo it.
02:14Oh, wait, I can't use this.
02:16Oh, DekuBlockDumDum.
02:19Guys, we need metal.
02:20We need to build hard mats so people can't spray through our walls.
02:22And we're pushing into our POI here.
02:25We're going to a POI with...
02:27Dude, I don't know how I feel about this.
02:28My bums are sweaty.
02:29These weak arms are heavy.
02:31And the Tonka truck already.
02:33Oh, Mom's spaghetti.
02:34Also, Noski, I know you're like known to die in a fall damage,
02:37but like we gotta...
02:38What? Okay, that is not a thing.
02:41You know, you're 1HP here, bro.
02:42You can't take any fall damage here, Noski.
02:46Come on.
02:46Damn, I will take that, Noski.
02:48I'll do it on purpose for you saying that, bro.
02:50No, no, no, no, no, no.
02:52Okay, I'm sorry. Take it back.
02:53That's it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it.
02:54I'm ruining it.
02:54Noski, I'm doing it. I'll let you out.
02:56No, no, no, no, no. I'm good. I'm good.
02:59Yeah, that's what I thought. That's what I thought.
03:01My God, I'm getting so bricked up right now.
03:03Like 162 brick from one thing.
03:07Oh, almost broke his loot barrel.
03:08I do not do that.
03:10Would have been against the rules.
03:13Get back to the water, Slazy.
03:15Oh my God, Noski.
03:18And Noski.
03:19No, bro. Come on, bro.
03:21This is ridiculous.
03:23I'm sorry, Slazy.
03:24I'm sorry, bro.
03:25That's so good, man. That's so good.
03:27Like, guys, I swear I hired like good players to help me do this.
03:31Oh, wait. Okay.
03:32Oh, someone just rebooted.
03:37Oh, hold on. Hold on.
03:42You guys are noobs, bro.
03:43I'm sick of this.
03:44We're trying, bro. We're trying, okay?
03:47I got this. Trust me. Watch this. Look.
03:49So you go like this, wait a bit,
03:50and then you go like that because it'll explode again,
03:52and then you throw another one,
03:54and then...
03:57Oh, I don't want to talk about it.
03:58I don't want to talk about it.
03:59Guys, we are in FNCS.
04:01We're working on it, you know?
04:03I think we got to get back to the water.
04:04I'm going to be real.
04:05I don't think it's deep enough.
04:07Now, when you put your mind to it, anything's deep enough.
04:09Okay, here we go.
04:10Okay, I think I'm doing it.
04:11I'm drowning.
04:12Oh my God, I'm so close.
04:14Two, one.
04:16Oh my goodness.
04:19I got it.
04:20Nice, guys. Back to one HP.
04:22Okay, okay.
04:22Yeah, I'm nearly maxed everything as well.
04:24No, no, I'm good.
04:25No, definitely...
04:26I'm close.
04:28Yeah, I'm close.
04:29How close are we talking?
04:30You know what?
04:31I don't know.
04:32Zoom in on Eastmast right now.
04:33Don't do that.
04:34Oh, I'm going crazy right now.
04:35I got the gold effect.
04:37I kind of want to like try and eliminate something.
04:39Yeah, me too.
04:40I'm feeling juicy for it.
04:42Guys, I think we need a surge base.
04:43Talking about surge base.
04:45What do you mean?
04:45Oh my...
04:47We're getting patted on!
04:4921! Hit that one!
04:5325, wait!
04:54Oh my God.
04:55Get on that hill.
04:55Get on that hill.
04:56Get on that hill.
04:56Low key, they're white.
04:57Someone could just like spray an SMG and kill all three of us in a second.
05:01All three of us, bro.
05:02We'd be out like a light.
05:12Straight up!
05:13It's lit!
05:13We're doing this in an FNCS tournament, boys.
05:15Lock in, come on!
05:16Wait, I have a laser.
05:17Oh, it doesn't go that far.
05:18Bro, nine points right now in FNCS.
05:22Let's go!
05:24On one HP.
05:25Oh my God!
05:26Triple bats!
05:26Triple bats!
05:27Triple bats!
05:27Oh, we're dead.
05:28I'm in.
05:28What do you mean you're hiding, bro?
05:36I'm dead!
05:37Run, bro!
05:39Triple chugs, bro.
05:40Oh my God, bro.
05:41We just got pieced in like a second.
05:43Yeah, FNCS!
05:51The trog squad on us.
05:52What is that?
05:56They could smell the one HP, bro.
05:57Hey, we got double digits, so let's go, guys.
06:0212 points, 12 points.
06:03All right, boys.
06:04Game two, we have 12 points from being one HP.
06:07But listen, our next meme, we got to batter up because we are doing bats only.
06:11We are playing some baseball.
06:15Now, where do we go?
06:16Where do you do heist bags spawn?
06:19Where the thing is, we can't fight until we get a baseball.
06:22Do we try there?
06:24We could, and then go into Outlaw and all that.
06:26I'm down for that.
06:27Is there heist bags there?
06:29There better be.
06:30No one went shiny last time.
06:32Oh, we can also look at Outlaw as well, just in case.
06:35We'll see which one's not conned.
06:38No one is over here.
06:39No one is over here.
06:39No one is over here.
06:40Wait, no one's conning.
06:42No one's conning.
06:42Wait, wait.
06:43There's a secret vault here too, Sam.
06:45Batter up!
06:45Batter up!
06:46Outlaw is ours.
06:48Oh my god, I'm so keen to play some baseball.
06:52Nice shot!
06:53Bang, first chest.
06:55Damn it.
06:56Now, we can pick up anything except other weapons.
06:58We can do shields.
07:00We can use launch pads.
07:02Surely in the secret vault, right?
07:04Surely, surely, surely.
07:05How do you open it?
07:06Go bang, bang, bang, and then bada boom.
07:13See you later.
07:16Surely there's a bat in there.
07:17Oh, I just got a gold lich.
07:20Oh, I can't use it.
07:22Whoa, that is tough.
07:24There's no heist chest down there though.
07:26Nope, nope, and nope.
07:29Oh wow, that's uh...
07:30That's very fun, yeah.
07:31Legendary pump, Noski, you kidding?
07:34Oh, I know, bro.
07:35I know.
07:36I know.
07:37Where are the heist bags here?
07:38I don't know if there's any that actually spawned here.
07:42Maybe we creep over to uh, shiny?
07:44We need to make a move, boys.
07:45We need to get these bags.
07:48Oh, sub-zero combat kit.
07:50And now we are doing the no gun challenge.
07:52Oh yeah, 100%.
07:53Like, bro, it could be Loki, the FNCS trap.
07:56Who knows?
07:57We actually might be FNCS champions.
07:59Yeah, that's it.
07:59I haven't found a heist bag.
08:00I'm going on Google.
08:02Let's go.
08:03All right, Fortnite.gg, um, heist bags.
08:07Me and Noski will check out shiny.
08:12Oh, that sent you high.
08:13Oh my god, you went so high.
08:16Oh, oh god.
08:19No, there's, there's none at shiny.
08:22The closest one to us is crime city.
08:25Oh, you're kidding.
08:26There is people at shiny too.
08:28There's also one, uh, here.
08:31I landed at a little outskirts thing.
08:33I don't even know where I am.
08:34I'm on a mission, bro.
08:35I'm on, I'm in a, I'm in a wolf store.
08:37They're selling apparel.
08:40Wait, the, the alpha wolf?
08:42Did anyone landed on?
08:43Oh, oh my god.
08:45Okay. Crime city's out of the picture guys.
08:47Just saying.
08:49Wait, what?
08:49We can't sneak in?
08:51It's like 20 trillion people are fighting.
08:53Where else, where else are the closest bags?
08:55Uh, hold on.
08:56There's one on like the road, like over here or something.
08:59But surely we can creep into the vault of crime city.
09:02Oh no, I think that's a death rush.
09:04Or they're fighting on the vault.
09:05I know that.
09:06I don't see any fights.
09:07I think they would have finished fighting then.
09:09Cause they, they were shooting.
09:10Wait, we are so split.
09:14What was that noise?
09:15Oh, that was, must've been me.
09:16And my gold rush ran out.
09:17I got, I got so scared.
09:18Don't worry about me.
09:19I'm freaking out over here.
09:20Hearing voices.
09:21Why no voices in mine?
09:23Oh, the black market.
09:24Surely they'll have like someone, right?
09:26I don't think it has baseball bats, so.
09:28Where is this chest?
09:29Oh, it's on the bridge.
09:30Oh my god.
09:31The mythic's already been taken, bro.
09:33Think it's some nerds.
09:35I don't know about you guys, but I am so far away trying to get this, this heist bag.
09:39Yeah, yeah, bro.
09:40Where is it, bro?
09:40We're coming, bro.
09:41We're coming.
09:42Hey, I'm with you.
09:43I'm with you.
09:44If everybody hits the subscribe button right now, I should get it from this chest.
09:48Oh my god.
09:49Quick, subscribe, subscribe.
09:50I got a bat!
09:51People subscribed!
09:52We need the luck.
09:53We need the luck.
09:54Wait, wait, hold on.
09:55Do I get one?
09:56Oh, what the hell, man?
09:58How do I get a bat?
09:59Oh my god, guys.
10:00Thank you guys so much for subscribing.
10:02Wait, I might get one.
10:03I might get one.
10:04I actually got one!
10:06Oh, no way, bro.
10:10Let's go.
10:11It's working.
10:12Spam the subscribe button so Slazy can get one.
10:14Come on.
10:17I opened a heist bag and didn't even get one.
10:19It's over.
10:19It's so over.
10:21Oh, no, no.
10:22It's because they didn't subscribe.
10:23Come on, bro.
10:24Hey, we should group up.
10:25We should group up.
10:25The gas station looks unlooted, so we should be good.
10:28Oh, Lone Wolf lair.
10:30Oh, yeah.
10:30No, there's something there, but like, there could be a lot of people on there, though.
10:34There's a couple on the outside.
10:35We might just be able to sneak one or two, and then...
10:37Wait, legendary chest.
10:39Subscribe, everyone.
10:41Oh, are you kidding me?
10:44No way, man.
10:45We also shouldn't use it for movement, Noski.
10:47We shouldn't because it wastes the battery.
10:48Oh, guys.
10:50Oh, God.
10:51Oh, there's people.
10:52That's not good.
10:53Oh, no.
10:54Oh, no.
10:54Oh, no.
10:55I'm out, boys.
10:56Yeah, bring them to us.
10:57We'll bat them.
10:58Come here, Zaym.
10:58I'll splash us.
10:59We need to get close.
11:00Keep on building.
11:00Keep on building.
11:01Noski, get in here.
11:02We need to bat them at the same time.
11:04Wait, wait, wait.
11:05One's behind that tree.
11:05One's behind that tree.
11:06Oh, no, Noski.
11:12One is behind the tree.
11:14Okay, I'm going to go to the chest on the bridge real quick.
11:18Oh, my.
11:19Okay, these guys don't want me to leave.
11:21Let him go over, maybe?
11:22You gotta Zaym, I believe.
11:26No, bro.
11:26I only hit one for 20.
11:32Oh, I hit him for 40.
11:34Oh, my God, bro.
11:35They do no damage.
11:37Oh, no.
11:38Oh, no.
11:39Bro, what?
11:40FNCS is so sweaty.
11:43It's division three.
11:44Wait, hold on.
11:46Oh, no.
11:48Batting's not as possible as we thought.
11:50No, maybe we're doing it the wrong way.
11:52Maybe we need to change up our strategy.
11:54I think we should bait loot on a hill and swing them off the hill.
11:58That might be a good idea, actually.
12:00I like that, but I can't do that because they probably saw that.
12:05Oh, my God.
12:10See you later.
12:12We might have bats.
12:12They might not have picked them up.
12:14Surely, bro, if they pick them up, it's over.
12:15It's literally over.
12:17Please say they didn't pick up our bats.
12:19Come on.
12:20Surely, this is a spare bat.
12:21Oh, they took the bats and they're...
12:26Oh, no, they did not.
12:28And they're back.
12:28Oh, my God.
12:32Enjoy that.
12:34Oh, and there's another person landing.
12:36No way, that's not another team, is it?
12:39Oh, do you want pain?
12:43Just waste all your mats so they get nothing, bro.
12:50Oh, what nerds, bro.
12:52Oh, my gosh.
12:54Underage boys.
12:55What the hell is that name?
12:58Absolute freak.
12:59Pack them up.
13:00All right, game three.
13:01We are still on 12 points.
13:02Batting didn't really work, as you could just see,
13:04but we're going to land brutal boxcarts
13:06and we are going to glitch into the train
13:08and pretend to be golden statues
13:10and hopefully eliminate a team trying to get the train.
13:12The golden trap, baby.
13:14So we can actually grab any loot we want.
13:16This is a first.
13:17It's going to feel good to pick up a shotgun.
13:20Oh, chuggy off spawn.
13:22This is me.
13:24He's true blue.
13:26Basically, we're like...
13:27The train's going to go suck on Parcel
13:29and you're going to crouch and then go down
13:32and then you kind of like in here,
13:33then you go left into it.
13:35Yeah, because these poles here, like this shit.
13:38Hopefully, no one's actually on it.
13:40Yeah, so it's in this carriage bit.
13:41Yeah, you gotta watch out.
13:42The turrets are brutal.
13:43Okay, it's time to pick up.
13:48I'm in.
13:51I'm in.
13:54Of course, I'm not in.
13:55Like, it's always me, bro.
13:56It's always me.
13:57It's okay.
13:57You can try the same straight on the corner, bro.
13:59I swear, bro, I've done this with Lufu a thousand times
14:04and I can never get it.
14:05Hey, you can't do it.
14:06I don't think you can do it on that one, I think.
14:10I'm getting beamed.
14:12Oh, no.
14:12Oh, no.
14:13Wait, hold on, Sam.
14:15I think you can get knocked on the top.
14:16We can get you through.
14:17Try and get knocked above us.
14:21I couldn't even get up because they killed me.
14:23Oh, no.
14:25What do we do, Sam?
14:26Grab me to the wall.
14:27Get close to this bit, maybe?
14:29Oh, no way.
14:32No way.
14:33No way.
14:35Oh, my God.
14:37There is no chance that just happened.
14:40That's amazing.
14:41That is amazing.
14:42There is no chance, bro.
14:45Oh, careful, careful.
14:46Perfect zone for this, too.
14:48Oh, my God.
14:49The meme is alive, bro.
14:50The meme is alive.
14:51Oh, my God.
14:52We're in.
14:52We're good.
14:53We just need someone to open this chest now, bro.
14:55That's all we got to pray for.
14:56Does anyone have Thermite?
14:57Yeah, I do.
14:58Can we try it?
14:59Do we blow it up and stop the train in the zone, maybe?
15:01Like, on the corner?
15:02I reckon we go around one more time and then do it.
15:04Do you have-
15:05Does anyone have, like, whites?
15:07I have two mid-mist grenades.
15:08But I'm not sure they stick to the train.
15:11Could do one of these.
15:12Yeah, before the movie in Gold, though, I'll be very distracted, I think.
15:16I could do this.
15:17I'll never know.
15:18What are you doing up there?
15:20I found it.
15:22The train is so-
15:23Someone needs to loot this train, bro.
15:25Now stopping at FNCS Station.
15:27Yeah, we're going around one more time.
15:29We're gonna be in zone for a little bit, and then we'll try and stop it, like, at Crime City.
15:33So, uh, you guys come here often, or what?
15:36No, this is my first time.
15:39Oh my-
15:40Someone took out one of the turrets.
15:42Surely they didn't hear us.
15:43Nah, they're on it, I think.
15:45Perfect zone.
15:46Right here is where we stop it.
15:47Surely we survive this zone, right?
15:48Wait, footprints, footprints!
15:50Oh my god, people.
15:51Oh, we're in zone.
15:52We need some intense music.
16:00Rock and roll!
16:02Gold trap on a train.
16:05Make sure you subscribe.
16:06And... no we're not.
16:09No, we're fine, we're fine, we're fine.
16:11We've men missed, we're gonna go slow.
16:12We should make it in.
16:13Bosky, how much thermite do you have?
16:15You said you have some.
16:16No, Sleazy has it.
16:16Oh, I have it.
16:17They make us panic, bro.
16:19It's- it's slowed down, it's slowed down, it's slowed down.
16:24Oh, nice.
16:25It does stick.
16:26Oh, no, it doesn't.
16:26Look at it.
16:30I'm not getting anything.
16:31I didn't get anything.
16:34Are you kidding?
16:35Oh my god, we're dead.
16:36It stopped the thermite!
16:43I'm out, I'm out!
16:45I'm dead!
16:46What the-
16:47I'm out, I'm out!
16:48I'm dead!
16:49What was that?
16:51Bro, why does it make this work?
16:53I mean, we got three points.
16:55All right, this is game four.
16:57We are running it back.
16:59Listen, guys, we got to get an elimination.
17:02We got to get medkits, too, because medkits does not work.
17:04We've figured that out.
17:06So, yes, so.
17:07Hopefully, hopefully, I can actually get in the train this time without having to get knocked.
17:10Ah, but anybody.
17:12We might be conned, I think.
17:14We're up pretty high.
17:15Have they gone, like, gas station?
17:17I think we're chill.
17:21Get away from the POI!
17:23They went over to magic mosses.
17:25Bandages, anything.
17:25We just need to look for anything like that.
17:27Yeah, I'm dropping the med-miss grenade.
17:29I know where I'm getting met.
17:30Oh, I'm going to be inside a train vault.
17:32All right, good comms, good comms.
17:33That's facts.
17:35No printer.
17:36I do hear the train coming.
17:37I do not have a shotgun.
17:38Yeah, I think someone's activated it.
17:40It's going pretty fast.
17:41Or, no, is that normal speed?
17:43When you get to, like, when you get on this bit that I am,
17:46you go, like, backwards, so you fall in,
17:47and then hold left, and then hold forward, and then spam jump.
17:59We did it!
18:00They're still shooting.
18:01Watch out.
18:02Don't pop anything yet.
18:05Oh, it's easy.
18:07I got a big.
18:08Yeah, he does.
18:09What do you mean by that?
18:10What zone looking like?
18:12Kind of a good zone.
18:13Yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:14Juicy zone!
18:15Sorry, Nads.
18:16Surely there are people at T-port.
18:18Why are they shooting?
18:19What are they shooting at?
18:20I don't even know.
18:22What is Ro shooting at?
18:24These turrets have got to draw attention to the train.
18:26Come on.
18:27A hundred percent.
18:28All right, when they open the vault, I'll count down 3, 2, 1.
18:30That's when we all shoot.
18:31Surely just come for the train, bro.
18:32It's free loot, free deal coins, you know?
18:34Yeah, or so they think.
18:37I feel like it's...
18:38I feel like it's just going to be, like, super hard for someone to come get the train.
18:42Can we draw some attention here?
18:44No, the train's already doing that, I reckon.
18:46I'm thinking this from a pro perspective.
18:48Who's going to come get a little bit of loot from a vault,
18:51like, from the train vault when you have to fight a lot of turrets, you know,
18:54and draw a lot of attention?
18:55Well, no, one thermite breaks each turret.
18:58Yeah, but who carries...
19:00No, I think they just went to the black market.
19:02Are you kidding?
19:03I really wonder what these drones are shooting at, like, above us, like, the turrets.
19:08Don't you think they're just shooting it up?
19:09No, surely not.
19:10That would be the biggest grief.
19:12They're shooting inside it.
19:17No way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way.
19:20Okay, okay, get in position.
19:22It's broke, it's broke, it's broke.
19:23Oh my god, hold up, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill.
19:27Oh my god, I'm in the gold, bro.
19:30One dead!
19:32Travis weak!
19:34I don't know where they are.
19:37Oh my god, I'm stuck, bro.
19:42They're both...
19:45I'm dead to a bot.
19:47Yeah, they're both for me, they're both for me.
19:49We're getting great, bro.
19:52I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead.
19:54Bro, oh my god.
19:57Hey, yeah, no, we got one.
20:00I'm counting that, I'm counting that.
20:01We literally, we got one.
20:02All right, guys, this is our final game.
20:04We've not done too well, but this could change it all.
20:08This is our final meme, and it's the biome meme.
20:11We all have to land different biomes.
20:12Noski, your wheel got spun the snow biome.
20:16I got spun the worst biome in the world, so I'm going to the Shogun Solitude biome.
20:21And Slacey gets the whole gold biome, bro.
20:24Yeah, the juicy gold-looking biome, we'll take that.
20:28And no one got the grass biome.
20:29Like, we cannot go...
20:30If Zone pulls over here, we're all scum.
20:33We have to be skybasing.
20:34Oh, my biome kind of looks a bit like grass, though.
20:37Oh my god, people are shooting around me already, bro.
20:39No, no, no, no, this is not good.
20:41Oh my god, there's so many people going Canyon Crossing.
20:43Oh, if only I got a bat when we did bat only, man.
20:46All right, well, I'm going all the way over to Outlaw.
20:48It's looking like we're Uncon, actually.
20:50I'm Uncon here, but there are people on my next door neighbours.
20:53I can see you, Zam.
20:54Oh my god.
20:56Don't ask me.
20:56No way people landed here.
20:58There's people at Shogun Solitude, bro.
21:00I'm going to try and help you.
21:01Yeah, you guys are probably in hell right now.
21:04I'm just chilling.
21:05What do I even do, bro?
21:06I don't have Zone either.
21:08Do not die, Zam.
21:10Do not die.
21:11Oh, brother.
21:12You got a little bit of Zone.
21:13What are you talking about?
21:14I just have the worst spot.
21:15Oh my god, I see one.
21:16One's right here.
21:18Beamed, one at me.
21:19Oh my god, I'm getting landed on, bro.
21:33I'm getting landed on, bro.
21:34I'm out of here.
21:35Why are there sweats landing the edge of the map, bro?
21:38I gotta go.
21:39I'm sorry, Zam.
21:41This is a dream.
21:42Kenny, bro's in a hot tub.
21:44Bro, you're over the weight limit.
21:46It's gonna squirt you out.
21:50Hey, Zam, it says three mags, bro?
21:53Yeah, three people mag.
21:54You're four, okay?
21:55I'm like two and a half, okay?
21:57All right, let me open up this secret vault.
21:59I did beam these two guys here, so hopefully they leave me alone.
22:02Noski, please don't make me try and clutch.
22:05I cannot do that.
22:06Noski, when they leave, you could actually like skybase over to my car.
22:10That's not a good...
22:10Actually, I could.
22:14Give me that loot.
22:16Okay, like what is bro's loot?
22:18So juicy.
22:21They'll never know.
22:22Bro is a snow cactus.
22:24I'm going.
22:25I'm feeling a bit risky at the moment.
22:28I don't think there's anyone nearby.
22:29I think this is like a dead buyer.
22:31You're not him, bro.
22:32You're not 1v3.
22:33But I am.
22:34I'm the main character.
22:36No one's actually taking the vault there.
22:37What if I just get the vault?
22:39It's them there, bro.
22:40They're a duo.
22:41Listen, Noski, you can land on the building.
22:43That's the thing.
22:43If this one guy makes it, you can land on the building.
22:45I'm doing it.
22:46Activate the rescue mission.
22:48Oh my, I see Noski so high up.
22:51What are you doing out here?
22:53Oh my god.
22:54What a loser, bro.
22:56What's wrong with these people?
22:58I'm dead, bro.
22:59I'm dead.
22:59I've got no heals though, bro.
23:00I'm gonna die.
23:01Oh, poor little guy get eaten by a golden tiger.
23:05There's nothing, bro.
23:06There's nothing.
23:07Oh my god.
23:08You made it to the launch pad.
23:09You got it, Noski.
23:10I believe in you.
23:10I actually could reboot you, Sam.
23:16And he's getting shot.
23:18Why are there people out here?
23:20Oh, bro.
23:21If NCS players are freaks, bro.
23:22No, you're not getting my body.
23:23You're not getting my body.
23:24Come and get me.
23:25Come and get me.
23:25Come and get me, bro.
23:26Come and get me.
23:27Oh, damn, bro.
23:27Comp players are crazy.
23:29The thing is, like, none of them are quelling.
23:31At least I got your car.
23:32Let's go.
23:33Let's go.
23:33Floor is lava.
23:34This meme has turned into floor is lava, bro.
23:36Yeah, yeah.
23:37You're not even...
23:38Your bio's like out of storm as well.
23:40Oh, you can land on that truck.
23:42Land on the truck.
23:43I need some of your materials, Lazy.
23:44Just drive the truck around, bro.
23:45It's all good.
23:46Hey, what if I just leave you stranded?
23:49Hey, man, welcome to the biome.
23:50Okay, let me just...
23:51Yeah, let me just go on my grass and just keep mining.
23:57Hey, we can kind of play as a team, though.
23:58Can you guys get my car?
24:04I heard Zam said yes.
24:06I don't think I would actually...
24:07I don't think it's possible for me to skybase here.
24:11Ow, Zam.
24:13Why don't you go get it, mate?
24:14You can actually walk on the grass to go get it.
24:16Um, no.
24:17I don't know how to walk.
24:18How far is Noski?
24:19No, Noski is gone.
24:21Two minis.
24:21I have splashes, but I think I'm going to find a big pop.
24:24You can't go too far away from me.
24:26I've got to skybase there.
24:27Yeah, yeah.
24:28I know, but like...
24:29Just looking around.
24:31Where's the vault door?
24:36Nice, bro.
24:36And the vault's behind you.
24:37You got it.
24:38Wait, this is a good refresh, though.
24:39You did a good job here.
24:41Good, we're good.
24:4250, somehow.
24:47What? How did I just die?
24:50What just happened?
24:51Don't go there.
24:52Don't go there.
24:53You might die as well.
24:58Oh my god.
25:00I just popped, bro.
25:01Bro, reboot Slazy.
25:03Oh my god.
25:04What was that?
25:06What just happened, bro?
25:07You just got smited by god.
25:09I don't...
25:09I don't know what happened.
25:10Were you full health?
25:12Oh, yeah.
25:12Max HP and I just died.
25:14Like, what was that?
25:17Something's just going on, bro.
25:18What is going on, bro?
25:20You know what?
25:20I don't want to play FNCS anymore.
25:23I don't want to play FNCS either, bro.
25:26No way.
25:27You gotta be joking.
25:29You gotta be joking.
25:29Of course, bro.
25:30Of course.
25:36Wait, zambie him.
25:41Bro, I've cracked them all.
25:44No, you did so well, bro.
25:46Ah, nice.
25:47That has got to be the worst tournament in history, bro.
25:53Yeah, I don't even know.
25:54Make sure you click this video here,
25:56because this one's 100% a better video.
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