An inquest into the death of a young Sydney woman has heard a former partner stalked her after she ended their short relationship and then rehearsed his premeditated killing. Lilie James was found with serious head injuries in the gym area of a school in the CBD in October 2023. An inquest is now examining her brief relationship with a Dutch citizen and issues around coercive control.
00:00Lily James met Paul Tyson, this 23-year-old Dutch national, through her work at St. Andrew's
00:09Cathedral School in Sydney's CBD, where they were both sports assistants.
00:14Now, the inquest has heard that this was a pretty brief relationship.
00:17It was somewhat casual, but that is one of the key questions that the coroner, Theresa
00:22O'Sullivan, will be looking at.
00:24What was the nature of this relationship?
00:26When did it start and when did it end?
00:28Now, Tyson's body was found at Cliffs in Vaucluse, days after Lily James was found
00:33in the toilet area of the gym in that school, with very serious head injuries in October
00:41So another issue for the inquest will be whether Paul Tyson died as a result of suicide.
00:47Now, today, on the opening day, counsel assisting the inquest, Jennifer Single, SC, has told
00:53the court that the evidence will establish that Paul Tyson killed Lily James with a hammer
00:58in the toilet area of that school soon after she ended this brief relationship.
01:04Ms. Single said the evidence indicates that after that relationship had ended, that Paul
01:10Tyson stalked Lily James.
01:12He carefully planned his attack and he rehearsed his attack by making a number of dry runs.
01:18Ms. Single also said the preparation was calculated.
01:21It wasn't a momentary loss of control.
01:23And she said this was a premeditated killing.
01:26Now, Ms. Single has referred to the police investigation into these deaths as incredibly
01:32We've heard that the evidence that will be heard over the next three days includes a
01:36very significant volume of documentary material, as well as video and audio exhibits, CCTV,
01:43witnesses who are experts in things like coercive control and psychology and psychiatry will
01:50be giving evidence as well.
01:53And the other part of the evidence will be direct communications between Lily James and
01:57Paul Tyson over social media, although we've heard that they are not complete records because
02:03we're really relying on what Snapchat messages, for example, were saved by Paul Tyson.
02:09So Ms. Single has said that there are a lot of key questions here about why he planned
02:14this killing and when he planned this killing.
02:17But she said the sad reality is that we may never know the answer to those questions because
02:21one of the only people who could answer them is Paul Tyson himself.
02:25We heard about two previous relationships that Tyson had, and one in particular was
02:29with a young woman who has recalled being asked by him to turn her location sharing
02:36services on her phone on so he could see where she was.
02:40Now, initially, she didn't want to do that, but she agreed, and she said when she turned
02:44that functionality off, he would, quote, blow up at her.
02:48Now, she's also recalled that she found eventually this relationship to be quite suffocating,
02:54and she felt like she was being controlled by Paul Tyson.
02:58At one point, he went back to the Netherlands, and he was sending her things like gelato,
03:03getting deliveries to her.
03:05At one point, while he was still overseas, she decided to move away from him, and she
03:11changed her social media photos and tried to block him, but he hacked into her Snapchat
03:17to continue this communication and said he was returning to Australia.
03:20Now, this same woman has recalled that when she later broke things off with him in a park,
03:26he punched some branches that were quite close to her head.
03:30And when he was asked why he did that, he said, because I can't punch the one thing
03:34that I want to punch.
03:35So there are a lot of behavioral issues to be explored here by this inquest, which we'll
03:40largely hear from friends who had things to do with Lily James and Paul Tyson.
03:46Lily James' parents are here today on the opening day, and the coroner, Theresa O'Sullivan,
03:51acknowledged them at the beginning of the proceedings and said that this will be an
03:54incredibly difficult three days for the family, but she said, we're all here to support you
03:59through this.