• 1 hour ago
In an interview on DZRH, former Sen. Ping Lacson answered questions on:
* Calls for partisan activity in PNP/AFP after former President Duterte arrest
* Anti-pork barrel stance
00:00Special on Saturday with Cesar Chavez.
00:12All right. We will continue with our program, Special on Saturday. In this part of our program, we will talk to former Senator Ping Lackson.
00:19Mr. Senator, good morning to you.
00:22Good morning to you, Cesar, and to all the SOS followers. Good morning.
00:27All right. Senators, the Manila Broadcasting Company released a second wave of surveys.
00:34Those of you who are listening to us know that since 1992, the Manila Broadcasting Company has conducted presidential campaigns and senatorial campaigns.
00:44It conducted three surveys before the election.
00:52In the last survey conducted by the Manila Broadcasting Company, you are number three in the top choices of our countrymen.
01:02What do you think is the reason behind this result of the MBC senatorial survey? Mr. Senator.
01:10First of all, it's encouraging. At the same time, it's challenging. You know, Cesar, this campaign has a large percentage of messaging because of the perception of the people.
01:25Whether it's surveys or the election itself, the perception is a big contribution. What message you're sending to the people,
01:35if this is going to happen, whether it's a camacross or not, that's the observation.
01:42We are continuously conducting campaigns as a group and individually.
01:50Senator, you're the only senator who didn't receive pork barrel, if we can call it pork barrel.
01:57In that process, more than two billion was saved by the government because...
02:05Senator, you didn't receive pork barrel.
02:12First of all, to those who don't know, to those young people who may not have followed your career,
02:18why in your two terms of office, from the beginning to the end, you didn't believe, you didn't avail and you didn't receive pork barrel? Senator.
02:31My reason and my belief is that if you receive pork barrel, even if you don't receive a commission,
02:39you are still under the impression that you received a commission or if not, there are enterprises of people who are close to you or your staff,
02:49they are the ones negotiating without your knowledge.
02:53For me, to make it clear that I will not receive a commission, I will not receive a commission because I didn't avail pork barrel.
03:03That's the view of our countrymen. As long as there is pork barrel, as long as you know the rules of the projects,
03:13if you receive pork barrel, it's likely that you will receive a portion.
03:17For me, to make it clear that I will not explain and I will not cause any problems, I will not receive a commission.
03:24This is also the reason why I didn't avail and I have no authority to criticize or scrutinize the countrymen.
03:35Didn't you receive a commission because of your 23 colleagues? There are reports that they are even bigger.
03:45It's not just the usual that they receive pork barrel. Didn't you receive a commission?
03:51Second, how will you explain this to the barangay?
03:56If you are invited as a speaker and you go to activities in the provinces, towns and villages, how will you do it?
04:06Since it has become commonplace among Filipinos that the relevance of congressman and senator is through pork barrel,
04:15how will you show that it's not through pork barrel?
04:38That's true. At first, it's hard because I heard comments that he didn't help us, he didn't provide assistance through his project.
04:49Those comments are painful and you need to explain it.
04:55At first, a lot of people know about it, especially when the issue of Napolis erupted, where our countrymen learned that the wrong use of national budget,
05:11the funds there. At that time, I was a campante. In fact, at that time, I was putting paschal at the door of my office,
05:22saying sorry I don't have pork barrel. That's the sad part.
05:28That's why we haven't explained for a long time that the job of the legislature is to approve bills,
05:36including the national budget because this is the single most important and indispensable bill that needs to pass every year.
05:44You know what's saddening here, every budget deliberation or budget season, there are a lot of people in the corridors of the Senate and Congress.
05:55There are holders, governors, mayors, barangay chairman, barangay officials, councillors,
06:02their own holders are knocking on offices. That's what we want to reverse.
06:07In particular, I am explaining that we need to have bottom-up budgeting where a large part of the funds can be invested in local development plans.
06:22There's a disconnect because in our studies, only 20 percent or sometimes up to 25 percent are included in the national expenditure program.
06:33This is the president's budget that is submitted to the Congress, especially when it's approved.
06:38Only that small percentage comes from regional and local development councils.
06:46That's why I assessed President Marcos when he signed Executive Order 82.
06:52He's saying that the participation of regional development councils can be strengthened and enhanced.
06:59I saw this, he's proving it because every time we have a rally that he attends, he meets the regional development councils of a region, the members.
07:13That's a good direction.
07:16There's a disconnect in the needs and priorities of local government units.
07:22In the national budget, it's not supported because there's a lot of insertions.
07:28There's no consultation, no coordination with the implementers.
07:33So it's not implemented. That's the reason why there's a lot of unused and misused in our Diyala Professors Act.
07:43All right. So if you will give the chance to our countrymen to return to the Senate, will there be a pork barrel again Mr. Senator?
07:53Yes, it will continue because that's what's being discussed.
07:57Even my staff, they already know what's going on in our office.
08:00I think each one of them, they take pride that in our office, there's no foolishness, no malicious activities and everything is fair.
08:15They will work hard in the evening during the budget season.
08:21Senator, can the Senate, the House, both houses of Congress survive without pork barrel?
08:27Yes, definitely. We should correct the budget process.
08:32The budget process should be implemented only by the executive.
08:39Our job is to oversee, whether there are amendments or not, to oversee the implementation of our Constitution,
08:50not only in the budget, but also the general measures that we will pass.
08:55All right. Senator, on another point and last point.
08:58Senator, if there are people who are encouraging the rank-and-file of the Philippine National Police or the Armed Forces of the Philippines
09:13to take partisan activity, like for example, arresting the former President and bringing him to justice.
09:25What is your message to the police?
09:29Because sometimes, we see people leaving the PNP, encouraging them to join any partisan activity.
09:40What should be the behavior of the PNP and what should be the behavior of the Armed Forces as a product of the Philippine Military Academy
09:50that has been in service for a long time?
09:52How should the PNP and AFP behave when there's political divisiveness in our country?
10:00They should remain professional and do their duty. That's the best message.
10:08We cannot understand that because of the DNA of information technology, many fake news are spreading.
10:16We know that it's in their training that they should always have fact-checking.
10:23If there are such rumors, they should not be involved.
10:28Before you were promoted to the high position of the Philippine National Police, you were once a seasoned intelligence officer.
10:40Your practice of validation, cross-checking of data in aid of operation, in aid of policy.
10:50If you were promoted to the high position, what kind of legislation do you see to combat fake news?
10:58Because fake news is not only about political stories, political content, but also about economy, culture, relationships, local government areas,
11:08and all aspects of human life of a society.
11:11It looks like we're seeing fake news. What can the Senate do in case you join the Senate again, Mr. Senator?
11:21Legislation. We need to study well and pass the law against fake news.
11:27Because now, the law is lacking in cyber libel. We should pay attention to give a punishment or sanction, whatever that is, to spreading fake news.
11:43It can be harmful to our culture. It can contribute to the destruction of our beautiful culture.
11:53All right. Senator, last point. One more question. How will you behave in the Senate, just in case you join the Senate again?
12:03Will you show your independence in the past? Now you're with a ruling party or coalition.
12:13How will you behave as a public official and as a senator, just in case you join the Senate again?
12:25I will not make any changes. I went to the presidents who are allies, sometimes not allies, but I have the same demeanor.
12:35If what I'm doing is right, I will praise and support. If it's wrong, I will point out or call out.
12:43During the time of President Pinoy, I was an ally of President Pinoy, but a few times, I called out.
12:50That's how President Duterte is. I would like to believe that when I was invited, even though I'm independent and I don't have a party,
12:58President Bongbong Marcos will join the alliance. He knows that it's natural for me to be a fiscalizer and I will continue that.
13:09And yet, I'm with the alliance. That's all I can say. I will not make any changes. If it's wrong, of course, we will find a way to correct it.
13:22All right. Senator Pinglason, thank you very much for your time. Good morning.
13:29Good morning. Thank you very much.
