00:00Major League Baseball first pitch rapidly approaching first pitch
00:05Free 10 a.m. Pacific time 6 in the morning. I guess first pitch is
00:11610 what it's all said and done
00:13Eastern time in the morning the Dodgers and the Cubs Mookie Betts will not play in either game as Mookie Betts has lost weight
00:20He's sick
00:21He got an illness. So he's not gonna play in these two games been a little bit of live movement as well
00:28I you can make an argument of Mookie Betts is worth more than 10 cents to it to a line, right?
00:33But the Dodgers were minus 165. It's now minus
00:38155 the total though is what's more intriguing the total was sitting at eight and a half for the last like week and a half
00:44Or so, whatever since they posted the number it's now eight
00:47So, you know Mookie Betts his absence has affected the number a little bit as far as the total is concerned