00:00I'm lying, I'm crying.
00:50By the time I told Lightning about the time, I used to be a fire truck.
01:20The roads got real jammed up on the way there.
01:23Shoot, there was cars and stuff everywhere.
01:41Woo-hoo! Feel the wind on your mirrors!
01:50Woo-hoo! Feel the wind on your mirrors!
01:53The factory was a few blocks away, but I know them roads drivin' backwards and forwards.
02:20Town was full of short cut.
03:20The bright orange glow of that fire was on the horizon,
03:28and the only way for me to get there faster was to take some pretty big risks.
04:20When I made it to that burning building, I got right to work.
04:48It don't get much better than that.
05:18All sorts of stuff was gettin' destroyed by that fire.
05:40Firefighters was goin' in and carryin' out as much as they could.
05:44I had to move fast and be careful not to drop nothin'.
06:44The building seemed to be comin' down in all directions.
06:52It was one of the meanest fires I done ever seen.
08:03Now that was sweet!
08:53I tried to save as much as I could, but that fire was growin' faster and rustin' the junkyard.
09:24Before I knew it, the entire city block was on fire.
09:26We had to blast water in all the windows as fast as we could.
09:29Remain calm!
09:44Remain calm!
10:27That's gum!
10:29You're good!
10:35Pull out all them fires!
12:29Your dad gum! You won this round!
12:59You're good!
13:18Folks was droppin' all sorts of stuff from the windows, and we had to catch it off from nothin' and get busted.
13:28Go, go!
13:38Keep on catching!
13:48Don't let nothing hit the ground!
13:50Keep on catching!
14:08Keep on catching!
14:18Go, go, go!
14:20Keep on catching!
14:28Don't let nothing hit the ground!
14:42Finally got that fire out. Some folks needed medical attention.
14:51Keep on catching!
14:59You know what's better than being a winner?
15:20We had to get them injured folks to the hospital S-T-A-T and A-S-A-B.
15:41Now I know it's right to stay as close to an ambulance as you can, but I still felt like an ambulance chaser.
15:51Keep on catching!
15:54Don't let nothing hit the ground!
15:58Keep on catching!
16:04Keep on catching!
16:12Keep on catching!
16:15Don't let nothing hit the ground!
16:16Keep on catching!
16:21Don't let that ambulance out of your sight!
16:23Keep on catching!
16:44Got a big jump coming up!
16:47Don't let nothing hit the ground!
16:51Keep your eyes on that damn ambulance!
16:57Don't let nothing hit the ground!
17:03After getting to the hospital, folks were rushed to the ER, and I know they'd be well took care of.
17:10Keep on catching!
17:14You know what's better than being a winner?
17:41Keep on catching!
17:47Keep on catching!