• 2 days ago
Our Top 5 Horror Games Of All Time
00:00Want to be scared this Halloween? Try playing any one of these outstanding horror games.
00:04Alan Wake 2. You won't find anything else quite like Alan Wake 2 this generation.
00:09It has everything you could possibly want as a horror fan. Terrifying foes, atmospheric dread,
00:14slick third person action and a gnarled storyline split between its two protagonists.
00:19Resident Evil 2 Remake. A perfect retelling of Leon and Claire's original attempts to escape
00:25a zombie filled raccoon city with all the monsters, set pieces and story beats you remember.
00:30But it's also built with today's horror sensibilities, merging an almost beautiful
00:35level of indulgent gore with tight gunplay, clever puzzles and some beautiful levels.
00:41Alien Isolation. This may be the Alien series greatest gaming triumph. The atmosphere the game
00:46sustains is impressive enough and it deserves even more credit for taking the xenomorph,
00:51a movie monster bordering on cliche due to overexposure and making it terrifying once again.
00:57Layers of Fear. This game rearranges itself in such a way to recreate the main character's madness
01:03that only a few hours in and you'll find yourself questioning everything. Was that desk on that side
01:08of the room the last time you looked? Are you sure? Add to that the nature of the protagonist's
01:13illness, an obsessional painting made from less than savory materials and you'll have one of the
01:18greatest horror games of all time. Resident Evil 7. This game is a triumph, smartly feeding off the
01:25best horror movies of the last 20 years, effortlessly easing all that edgy new into a recognizable
01:30modern reinvention of the series. The central story is fantastic, the mysteries artfully concealed and
01:36your tormentors the bakers are brilliantly subversive. It's not the scariest or most
01:41subtle game on this list but a brilliant and chilling rebirth.