• il y a 3 jours
Film de noël Rosa une petite fille impatiente de recevoir ses cadeaux suit une lumière mystérieuse et découvre un musée magique où les souvenirs de Noël sont immortalisés dans des sculptures de glace. Sa rencontre avec le Père Noël lui apprendra une précieuse leçon Noël ne se résume pas à ce que lon reçoit mais à ce que lon vit avec ceux que lon aime.
00:00On Christmas Eve, in a small mountain chalet in the Basque country, Rosa was waiting for
00:21her Christmas gifts by the fireplace and the sparkling tree.
00:26Suddenly she heard the sound of the front door.
00:29Her heart raced.
00:37But it was only her father, bringing in logs to keep the fire going.
00:43Disappointed she went up to her room.
00:51That's when a strange golden light caught her eye through the window.
01:02Rosa put on her coat and stepped into the frosty night to follow the magical light.
01:10It seemed to guide her through the snowy path, softly illuminating her way.
01:25Suddenly, large blocks of ice rose around her, towering and imposing compared to her
01:33small frame.
01:35Rosa started to run, but she bumped into a tall figure.
01:41What are you doing here all alone, Rosa?
01:43Where are your parents?
01:44This is neither the place nor the time for a little girl to be alone here.
01:50Ok, come with me, I'll walk you back to your house.
01:54Santa Claus smiled at her, led her through the ice blocks, revealing an incredible Christmas
02:06Each block of ice holds a magical memory of a past Christmas.
02:11The larger the block, the older and more precious the memory.
02:16These memories are the true treasures of Christmas, far more valuable than any presents you might
02:22find under the tree.
02:24They are beautiful, but why are they here?
02:27Sometimes people forget what makes Christmas special.
02:31It's not the presents, but the present moments spent with loved ones.
02:35These statues protect those memories so that the magic of Christmas never disappears.
02:42But they are fragile, Rosa.
02:44If a statue breaks, the memory it holds vanishes forever.
02:49Take this Rosa, plant it somewhere in the Museum of Memories.
02:54It will grow over time, preserving a precious Christmas memory with your parents.
03:02This isn't what I asked for Christmas!
03:04I don't want your rock!
03:05Give me my presents!
03:08In that case, young lady, you will never see your parents again, and you will never remember
03:21Oh, what?
03:22What's wrong, my dear?
03:24Did you hear that noise?
03:25Where is Rosa?
03:29I love you!
03:31What's happening to her?
03:32I realize that it's not about the presents.
03:36She really scared me!
03:40It's about being together.
03:53To be continued...


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