Wallace High School head coach Derek Suffern reflects on historic Schools' Cup success
00:00I'm absolutely delighted with it. There's been a lot of hard work gone into it over the years, way before these guys' time.
00:07Credited to this group of players, they went after their own journey and have had a superb season.
00:13It's been finished off with an absolute top performance against a very, very good on-last side that put us under a lot of pressure.
00:19The boys are absolutely thrilled down there and you can see it in their celebrations afterwards.
00:23I was talking to you a few weeks ago and you said that history wasn't a monkey on your back, but they've won it and it must be a big relief for the school.
00:31Looking forward, I think it's Lawrence Locksett who are the first, but not the last.
00:36I suppose from the general public and people who have been involved in the past at the school, they can say it's a monkey off the back.
00:43But, as I said, for this group, I don't think it played into their thought process.
00:48But, yes, it is and hopefully the generations now are guys that are in the school that know that it can be done and will take great confidence from that moving forward.