WHEN Krys moved in with his mom as a teen, he had no idea it would lead to him finding love with Tookie, who was his mom's stepdaughter. Tookie confessed to Love Don't Judge: "I realised I was attracted to him when he walked in the house." Soon enough the couple got together, but it wasn't revealed to their family straight away. Krys explained: "It stayed a secret until she got pregnant." When the baby news came out, the couple were worried about how their family would react. "I was scared to death. I hadn't spoken to my mom in years. Just to come back and have a baby right away, I thought it was the end." In this episode of Love Don't Judge, the pair will be sitting down with Krys' mom, Jamie, to find out what she thought when she discovered they were dating. Jamie explained, "I expected Tookie and Krys to behave towards each other like brother and sister."
00:00I'm Tookie.
00:01I'm Chris.
00:02And we met as step-siblings.
00:04It stayed a secret until she got pregnant.
00:06They tell me a lot that I'm not good enough for her.
00:09I'm not a black king.
00:11I pray that worthless A-word baby
00:13y'all have chokes on its own vomit.
00:15Today, my mom's gonna be coming over.
00:17I expected Tookie and Christian to behave
00:20towards each other like brother and sister.
00:22What'd you think whenever me and Tookie
00:23first told y'all that we were together?
00:25I was hurt.
00:26Y'all were being raised as siblings.
00:29I'm sorry.
00:33Not too much.
00:36Damn, boy.
00:41I'm Tookie.
00:42This is my soulmate, Chris.
00:43And we met as step-siblings.
00:45So we met because I had moved in
00:48with my step-dad and his wife.
00:50When she told us she had a son coming,
00:52I'm thinking he about to be weird.
00:54You wanna kiss?
00:55I'm just looking.
00:57When I first seen her,
00:58I thought she was way too good for me.
01:00I didn't wanna talk to her
01:01because I was too nervous.
01:02Because look at her and then look at me.
01:04It don't add up.
01:05Look at me and look at you.
01:07You look good.
01:08I realized I was attracted to him
01:09when he walked in the house.
01:11He tall.
01:12I don't know, he had a hat on.
01:13And he just looked so nerdy.
01:15You know, I like boys with glasses.
01:17And when he spoke, I was like,
01:18what's your name?
01:19I'm Chris.
01:20Like, damn.
01:21You know, I had to give me something.
01:23He was so sexy.
01:25When we met, I was 17 and he was 15.
01:29But don't think I'm a cougar.
01:30He's 06 and I'm 05.
01:32Now, I wanna hear from you
01:33how we ended up sleeping together.
01:35I'm sitting there, playing the game.
01:37It's late as hell.
01:38Everybody's asleep.
01:39I was right here,
01:40pretending to be asleep.
01:42Put your head right there.
01:45Like I said, booty was pointed towards me.
01:48I kinda like got up and I was like,
01:51I'm tired.
01:52I saw you come right by me.
01:55And then that's when you opened your legs
01:57and you was like,
01:58you could come like lay right here.
01:59And like I lay like this.
02:01Just like this.
02:03And I looked up at you.
02:06She looked at me.
02:07She looked at me.
02:08That's initiation.
02:09And then one thing led to another
02:11and we made a baby.
02:14I love you.
02:15I love you too, baby.
02:16It stayed a secret until she got pregnant.
02:18Today, my mom's gonna be coming over.
02:20We're gonna ask her some questions
02:22about how she feels about our relationship.
02:24I know Tookie's got some questions
02:26she's been wanting to ask her.
02:27See, me, I talk with my mom all the time
02:29and I still don't ask her questions
02:31about our relationship.
02:32So I'm kinda nervous about this,
02:35if I'm being honest.
02:36Christian is my son
02:38and Tookie is my daughter-in-law.
02:41I found out they were dating
02:43when Tookie's mom called me
02:44and told me Tookie was pregnant.
02:46I expected Tookie and Christian
02:48to behave towards each other
02:49like brother and sister.
02:50His mom kinda knew
02:51we had something going on,
02:53but she didn't wanna say nothing
02:54because she wasn't really sure.
02:56She would give us this look
02:57anytime we was together.
02:58That's why I didn't really wanna
03:00be in the same presence as him
03:01when we was in front of the parents
03:03because they always thought
03:04I was on to Chris.
03:06I was scared to death.
03:07I hadn't talked to my mom in years.
03:09Just to come back
03:10and then have a baby right away,
03:12I thought, thought it was the end.
03:14What'd you think
03:15whenever me and Tookie
03:16first told y'all that we were together?
03:18I was hurt.
03:19I wish y'all had came to me
03:20and told me.
03:21We were scared.
03:22I was scared especially.
03:24I didn't really want y'all
03:26to think any less of me.
03:28My mama called me.
03:30I was like, hello?
03:31And she said, son,
03:32you got Tookie pregnant?
03:34I didn't respond.
03:35I just sat there in silence.
03:37It was so weird for everybody.
03:39My stepdad barely knew me.
03:41I barely knew my mama for real
03:42because she only knew me
03:43when I was little.
03:44She did not talk to me.
03:45Nobody talked to me
03:47until I was a week away
03:48from giving birth.
03:50But I understand
03:51why you was hurt
03:52because that is your son.
03:53And I felt like
03:54we was coming to the point
03:55where you was really thinking
03:56of me as a daughter, you know?
03:59I still do think of you
04:00as a daughter.
04:01It never changed.
04:02I was just hurt at the time.
04:04I appreciate everything
04:05you do for my siblings,
04:06but I just feel like
04:07for some reason,
04:08I just couldn't come close to you
04:11how I wanted to, you know?
04:13And I really wanted
04:14to be close to you
04:15especially being the fact
04:16we got blue,
04:17but I feel like us
04:19not being as close,
04:20it stopped that, you know?
04:22It ain't stopped nothing, Tuka.
04:26I love you.
04:27I love you like you my own, okay?
04:29I'm sorry.
04:32I'm sorry.
04:33It's okay, baby.
04:35Was your anger
04:37directed towards me specifically?
04:41Was it directed
04:42at me and Chris?
04:43No, it wasn't directed
04:44at y'all at all.
04:46I mean, I was hurt
04:47by what y'all did,
04:48but I wasn't angry
04:49at you guys.
04:51You was disappointed?
04:53I was disappointed, yeah.
04:55You might have not knew
04:56at that time
04:57that you could talk to me,
04:59but Tuki, I told y'all
05:00multiple times,
05:01you and them girls,
05:02your sisters,
05:03that no matter what,
05:04y'all can come to me.
05:06I want that type
05:07of relationship, okay?
05:08I want us to be disconnected
05:11because we have blue in common,
05:12and that's your only grandchild.
05:14And I love blue to death.
05:16I know.
05:17It is what it is.
05:18I don't care
05:19what other people think.
05:21I mean, y'all were being
05:22raised as siblings,
05:24but y'all...
05:26We had only met
05:27like a month prior.
05:28Yeah, so I'm just
05:31ready to move past all that.
05:33I appreciate you
05:34for telling me,
05:35for letting me know
05:36how you feel.
05:37I appreciate y'all
05:38telling me how y'all felt.
05:41Now you gotta have rhythm,
05:42because you know how you are.
05:46Judgment we get online
05:47is mostly about our race,
05:49about our age,
05:50about our ring.
05:51Bae, you gotta roll.
05:53I am, bae, what you mean?
05:55When we posted a video
05:56about how we met
05:58and about our sibling relationship,
06:00they had some people
06:02telling other people
06:03who were ignorant
06:04in the comments,
06:05like, they're not related.
06:06He's white, she's black.
06:07It just don't make sense.
06:09They tell me a lot
06:10that I'm not good enough for her.
06:12I'm not a black king,
06:13like they say.
06:14And white people tell me
06:15I'm a bad witch.
06:16So this one says,
06:18I know for a fact
06:19moms and dad don't approve,
06:21but this they daughter
06:22so they tolerate.
06:23You ain't nothing
06:24but his fetish.
06:25You my fetish
06:26and my soulmate.
06:27You're a worthless
06:28blank, blank,
06:29blank, blank,
06:32I pray that worthless
06:33A-word baby
06:34y'all have
06:35chokes on its own vomit.
06:37Now that's crazy work.
06:39Doesn't really bother me.
06:40You can't tell me
06:41nothing about blue.
06:42If somebody comments
06:43something like that
06:44about a baby,
06:45they got personal issues
06:46they need to deal with.
06:47Enjoy your time
06:48with your white boyfriend.
06:49Y'all won't be together long.
06:50I wonder if you'll
06:51hate white men next.
06:53I hate when people say that.
06:54They say that all the time
06:55like in our comments.
06:56Give them
06:57two to three years.
06:58You way too pretty
07:00to be dating on your race.
07:02Like it don't even look right.
07:03So fix it,
07:04no hard feelings.
07:06I don't believe
07:07in race loyalty.
07:08I believe God
07:09put us on this planet
07:10for a reason
07:11and it's not to be
07:12just dating.
07:14We try to ignore it
07:15the best we can
07:16and troll back
07:17and just let them do
07:18how they do,
07:19being idiots.
07:20I argue with them.
07:21I hate the fact
07:22we share siblings.
07:23Yeah, it is kind of awkward.
07:24We share a family
07:25through marriage.
07:26This is our daughter, Blue.
07:28The one we've been
07:29talking about the whole time.
07:30She's 20 months.
07:31Say hi.
07:34I love the way he is.
07:35He's a good father.
07:37When I was going
07:38through postpartum,
07:39he did everything.
07:40I didn't even have
07:41to lift a finger.
07:42She's like a mother
07:43and I love that about her.
07:44How she's always
07:45trying to tell me
07:46what to do.
07:47Anybody who sits around
07:48and studies somebody
07:49just to have
07:50a negative opinion
07:51is miserable.
07:52That's my opinion.
07:53If you're still judging,
07:54then honestly,
07:55you're miserable.
07:56Yeah, I was about to say,
07:57you don't got nothing
07:58better to do in life.