00:00where are you going just home why don't i give you a ride i don't know i don't worry about it
00:06i know your mom really my mommy said not to talk to strangers and i think you're a stranger because
00:10i never met you before don't worry about that i'll give you a ride i don't know i it's two
00:17two minutes away i know your mom don't worry about it i've never seen you before you live
00:22around here yes i just live around the block i don't know yeah and i don't know him you don't
00:27you can come with me buddy come on it's all right it's all right i can i can grab him over here i
00:31live around here too yeah i can just give him a ride this is my car right here that doesn't
00:35sound right uh it's no big deal do you know this man all right let's go over here it's all right
00:44come on