• 15 hours ago
Primary Care minister Stephen Kinnock visits Katharine House Hospice, Stafford.
00:00And we can help that to happen.
00:02Yeah, so important.
00:04We'll take you through if that's OK.
00:06Hi there. Your picture is from my baby's equipment.
00:09So your district nurse is coming out when she was experiencing quite significant pain.
00:13And you've had a couple of stays in here, I think, haven't you?
00:16I've had a couple, but I think about three, I think, in all of them.
00:19Yeah, so the one before this one, she was paralysed, so her tumour was pressing on her spine.
00:25But we managed to get you home for a short period of time, didn't we?
00:28We did indeed.
00:30But the nature of the bite symptoms just progressed too quickly.
00:35So we were really lucky to get you back in here then, weren't we?
00:38And you grew up there.
00:40I grew up in England. I was 21.
00:42Oh, when you were 21.
00:44I was 72 this year.
00:46Right, right.
00:48I'll be 72 years old this year.
00:50Yeah, but you never forget the country that you're from.
00:55But I think that you'll be contagious too.
01:05Hi, everybody.
01:06How are you?
01:07Let me introduce you to Stephen and Lee.
01:11Are you knitting or knittering?
01:18Are you knitting anything in particular?
01:20No, I'm knitting a baby.
01:22Oh, wow.
01:24Oh, my gosh.
01:25That's a bit of competition here.
01:29This is Kristen's baby.
01:31She's from Newark.
01:33Oh, wow.
01:35Are you absolutely from Scotch?
01:36That's it, yeah.
01:37You didn't shear the sheep.
