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Shooting Star In Karachi - Astrologer Important Talk

First Embrace of Solar Energy, Now Discouragement

Tailor Protest in Pakistan - Eid ul Fitr 2025

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ARY News is a leading Pakistani news channel that promises to bring you factual and timely international stories and stories about Pakistan, sports, entertainment, and business, amid others.
00:00:00Bismillah-e-Rahman-e-Rahim, Assalam-o-Alaikum.
00:00:03Welcome to the evening of Ramadan.
00:00:05I am Sadaf Abdul Jabbar.
00:00:07Hopefully, everyone's fasting is going well.
00:00:10If we look at the weather in the country, it is very nice and beautiful.
00:00:15It is a cool weather.
00:00:17Especially in our upper areas, it is raining and snowing.
00:00:21Except Karachi.
00:00:22The situation in Karachi is a little different.
00:00:24There is no snowfall here.
00:00:26Except Karachi.
00:00:27The situation in Karachi is a little different.
00:00:29Sometimes it is snowing here.
00:00:31Sometimes it is snowing here.
00:00:32So the weather here is different.
00:00:35But let's move ahead in the program.
00:00:38And let me tell you that last night we saw a very amazing sight in Karachi.
00:00:43And we say that it was a celestial experience.
00:00:47And how was it?
00:00:48At night, people witnessed Shahab-e-Saqib.
00:00:51And his videos started going viral on social media.
00:00:55And this is one of the videos that came out.
00:00:57People were very surprised.
00:00:59And people were very surprised to see this scene.
00:01:01And this was Shahab-e-Saqib falling in the sky.
00:01:05So at 2 o'clock at night, people who saw Shahab-e-Saqib's beautiful scenes were amazed.
00:01:12And this star, which is called Shahab-e-Saqib, came to the earth very quickly.
00:01:17And of course, after that, a whole trail was made of it.
00:01:20And the sky was shining in that place.
00:01:23And astrophysicists say that such incidents happen regularly.
00:01:28And in hundreds of thousands, not just thousands, in hundreds of thousands, Shahab-e-Saqib falls on the ground.
00:01:35Now what happens is that you see this scene.
00:01:39Actually, what is being reported is that in which areas of Karachi was it seen?
00:01:43It is in Nazimabad, North Nazimabad, Orangi Town and its surrounding areas.
00:01:48While a lot of people have uploaded these videos on social media.
00:01:52Now what happens is that when such a star comes to the earth due to gravity,
00:01:56then the atmosphere of the earth, i.e. the atmosphere of our atmosphere,
00:02:00there are different gases in it, so it creates friction.
00:02:03And then you see a kind of rays and you see a kind of whole trail.
00:02:08Because of which the sky is shining and this scene of the falling star is presented.
00:02:14So this is very interesting.
00:02:16And it is said that 100 to 300 tons of debris fall on the ground.
00:02:23But they are very fine particles and it is very rare that we get to see such a scene.
00:02:29So let's talk about what is this phenomenon and what are its effects?
00:02:35And why does this happen?
00:02:37Let's talk to the expert in astronomy, Humayun Mehboob is with us.
00:02:41Thank you so much Humayun for joining us.
00:02:43Tell us a little bit about Shahab-e-Saqib,
00:02:46and coming so close to the ground and then becoming a trail.
00:02:50What kind of activity is this?
00:02:53Yes, Assalamu Alaikum.
00:02:56Are you able to hear me?
00:02:57Yes, I can hear you.
00:02:59Look, there are different aspects to it.
00:03:02If you look at it from an Islamic point of view,
00:03:04those who know about Islam,
00:03:09that after the birth of the Prophet,
00:03:14Allah Almighty, the Shayateen, Jinnat,
00:03:17the story that used to happen in that time,
00:03:19story is a different thing, astrology is a different thing,
00:03:22keep the difference in mind.
00:03:24So the news that they used to hear from the angels in the sky,
00:03:28they used to come and put it in the ears of their disciples,
00:03:32or they used to tell them,
00:03:34so they used to add more to it and tell people.
00:03:37But Allah Almighty, after the birth of the Prophet,
00:03:40made that chain of events impossible.
00:03:42And Allah Almighty Himself says that when they try to ascend to the sky,
00:03:46then they are set on fire.
00:03:48This is the Islamic point of view.
00:03:50In terms of astronomy, you have said that there are thousands like this,
00:03:56and in Qutban, in Antarctica, in Siberia, there are such Jinn.
00:04:01And one thing I would like to tell for the knowledge of your viewers,
00:04:05that in 2032, there is a NASA report,
00:04:08that there is a metroid.
00:04:10Generally, it is half percent or quarter percent or one percent,
00:04:16that it has the ability to cross the ground,
00:04:20but it has come to about three and a half percent.
00:04:23And it happens as if a whole city is destroyed,
00:04:27that is, like the explosion of an atom bomb,
00:04:29may Allah keep it safe.
00:04:31Now there is a third aspect to this,
00:04:33which is related to my field,
00:04:35that is Astrology, Vedic Astrology.
00:04:38So for us, it is more important than this,
00:04:42that it is a normal thing to descend to the sky,
00:04:45where the sky is clear, people have seen it a lot.
00:04:48If you go to Antarctica,
00:04:50then you will see very clear there,
00:04:52especially in the months.
00:04:54But before that,
00:04:56now if I decode this,
00:04:58then there was a lunar eclipse,
00:05:00now this happened after the lunar eclipse,
00:05:02now the sun is setting.
00:05:04So this is a sign,
00:05:07and especially you note one thing,
00:05:10because we will see,
00:05:12at what time, at what time,
00:05:14on which day this happened,
00:05:16being an astrologer.
00:05:18So this is a normal thing,
00:05:20as a Muslim, Allah is going to bless,
00:05:23but Allah has made a science,
00:05:25so whoever can benefit from it.
00:05:28So what I think,
00:05:30that when this thing happened,
00:05:32at that time, the planetary position,
00:05:34so in the future,
00:05:36in the future, in the world,
00:05:38water, air,
00:05:41related to these two things,
00:05:44natural disasters,
00:05:46or natural calamities,
00:05:48as they are called,
00:05:50there is a sign of their coming.
00:05:53And you see one thing,
00:05:55it was seen in Karachi,
00:05:57Karachi is a coastal area,
00:05:59so it is not only Karachi,
00:06:01the coastal areas of the whole world,
00:06:03with that reference,
00:06:05Allah forbid,
00:06:07a natural calamity,
00:06:09in which air and water,
00:06:11both are mixed,
00:06:13those things can create problems for the world.
00:06:17So when you are talking about impact,
00:06:19we talk about the political situation,
00:06:21we talk about the economic situation,
00:06:23we often talk about the governments.
00:06:26So does this also have an impact,
00:06:28of this kind of activity?
00:06:32this activity does not have that much impact,
00:06:36many times more than this,
00:06:38which has just ended,
00:06:40lunar eclipse and sun eclipse is coming,
00:06:42that in the world,
00:06:44in politics,
00:06:46in the economy,
00:06:48and as it should be said,
00:06:50in the situation of law and order,
00:06:52it has a lot of impact.
00:06:56if I am on my YouTube channel,
00:06:58then I can speak openly,
00:07:00but why should I put someone in trouble,
00:07:02for no reason,
00:07:04but yes,
00:07:06I will sum it up,
00:07:08that in the world,
00:07:10the events that are coming,
00:07:12in politics,
00:07:14and my followers keep watching,
00:07:16from an economic point of view,
00:07:18there is going to be a big recession in the world.
00:07:20You are,
00:07:22with ARY,
00:07:24but in 2019,
00:07:26I said one thing on ARY,
00:07:28that a new world order,
00:07:30is starting in the future,
00:07:32and a disease is coming,
00:07:34which is going to blow up,
00:07:36the whole world's economy,
00:07:38I will read it in the archive,
00:07:40I think I can start it now.
00:07:44a cycle has started,
00:07:46which will bring,
00:07:48very big changes in the world.
00:07:50This is the beginning of a new world order.
00:07:52We have seen a change in America,
00:07:54which happened,
00:07:56and the way we are seeing their statements,
00:07:58and intentions,
00:08:00will there be a change from there?
00:08:02What will happen?
00:08:04Overall, we are talking globally.
00:08:06The same change,
00:08:08I said on my channel,
00:08:12that in 2022,
00:08:14Trump will come,
00:08:16and after his arrival,
00:08:18there won't be any problem.
00:08:20It's not that there are no problems for America.
00:08:22There are many problems for America.
00:08:24Water, hurricanes,
00:08:26tsunamis, storms,
00:08:28will come with great intensity.
00:08:30There will be a natural calamity.
00:08:32The situation of law and order,
00:08:34people can come on the roads.
00:08:36So, as you know,
00:08:38whichever position Allah makes,
00:08:40even if America sneezes,
00:08:42the whole world's economy starts to shake.
00:08:44Allah has made a system,
00:08:48the time that is starting now,
00:08:50in the future,
00:08:54the whole world,
00:08:56not just Pakistan, India, China,
00:09:00there is a big testing time for everyone.
00:09:02May Allah have mercy on us.
00:09:04May Allah have mercy on us.
00:09:06And the rest,
00:09:08this is,
00:09:10this is a curse, Saqib,
00:09:12which I have discussed with you on every aspect.
00:09:14This is not a big thing.
00:09:16Yes, it happens at that time.
00:09:18May Allah not do it.
00:09:20May Allah not do it.
00:09:22When it falls on the ground,
00:09:24it is a blast.
00:09:26This is the light.
00:09:28Now it is seen in Karachi.
00:09:30Yes, the awareness,
00:09:32which is a separate knowledge,
00:09:34that is a separate thing.
00:09:38let me tell you a little bit about it.
00:09:40When Hazrat Isa was being born,
00:09:42he saw a star in the sky.
00:09:44The astrologers of that time said,
00:09:46a prophet is going to come into the world.
00:09:50inside Malabar,
00:09:52which is now called Kerala,
00:09:54the king of that time,
00:09:56he was sitting
00:09:58on the roof of his palace.
00:10:00He saw a star.
00:10:02He asked his astrologer,
00:10:04what is he talking about?
00:10:06He said,
00:10:08according to him,
00:10:10the last incarnation of Prophet Noah is coming.
00:10:12So he,
00:10:14from the side of Prophet Allah,
00:10:16I am telling this according to him,
00:10:18when he came to know that
00:10:20the Prophet of Allah
00:10:22has been born,
00:10:24now for your knowledge,
00:10:26tell me,
00:10:28one Najashi and the other,
00:10:30whose Prophet of Allah
00:10:32had offered the funeral prayer.
00:10:34Because they had brought Islam.
00:10:36And you,
00:10:38for your knowledge,
00:10:40it will be of interest to the viewers.
00:10:42Now see one thing,
00:10:44for Kerala,
00:10:46the special prayer of the Prophet of Allah
00:10:48and you,
00:10:50in the whole of India,
00:10:52will see the greenest,
00:10:54financially strong state of Kerala.
00:10:56And that is the only state
00:10:58where Muslims,
00:11:02are better in every way.
00:11:04There are many reasons.
00:11:06I will tell you the research.
00:11:10Thank you very much,
00:11:12Mr. Mahmood.
00:11:14Your voice was getting distorted.
00:11:16Everything is from the side of Allah.
00:11:18It is in the hands of Allah.
00:11:20We are looking at things
00:11:22on the basis of science.
00:11:24The rest of the decisions
00:11:26are from the side of Allah.
00:11:28Let's move ahead and talk about
00:11:30the current situation in the country.
00:11:32We have seen that
00:11:34the electricity bill has increased.
00:11:36People have been transferred to solar energy.
00:11:38People have gone to solar energy
00:11:40so that the cost
00:11:42does not increase.
00:11:44First, Kabil-e-Tajdi will claim
00:11:46and announce the sale of solar energy.
00:11:48And now we can see
00:11:50the encouragement of solar energy.
00:11:52The government has taken a U-turn
00:11:54on the solar policy.
00:11:56What is this U-turn?
00:11:58The commercial community and solar experts
00:12:00have not only expressed their concerns,
00:12:02but have also rejected the new net metering policy.
00:12:04What do the experts say?
00:12:06What do the businessmen say?
00:12:08They say that the new policy
00:12:10is a hindrance in the sale of green energy
00:12:12and alternative energy.
00:12:14Kabil-e-Tajdi will jeopardize
00:12:16the future of solar energy in the country.
00:12:18And the use of solar energy
00:12:20for domestic and commercial consumers
00:12:22will be impractical.
00:12:24The government has
00:12:26adopted its decision
00:12:28that the net metering
00:12:30experts should not pay
00:12:32fixed charges and
00:12:34capacity payments
00:12:36due to which
00:12:38the government will face financial losses.
00:12:40According to the Ministry of Electricity,
00:12:42in 2024,
00:12:44a burden of Rs 169 billion
00:12:46was transferred to other experts
00:12:48due to net metering.
00:12:50If this continues,
00:12:52this estimate will reach
00:12:54Rs 4,240 billion
00:12:56in 10 years.
00:12:58This is the current situation.
00:13:00Consumers are also in trouble.
00:13:02The government is saying that
00:13:04the losses are increasing.
00:13:06They have come up with a solution
00:13:08as a result of this policy.
00:13:10Let's talk about
00:13:12its implications
00:13:14and whether we can find a solution
00:13:16or not.
00:13:18Energy Economist Dr. Khalid Wali
00:13:20will talk to them.
00:13:22We are joined by
00:13:24Pakistan Solar Association
00:13:26Thank you both.
00:13:28Dr. Khalid, I will come to you.
00:13:30First of all, tell me
00:13:32what will be the long-term
00:13:34impact of the government's
00:13:36net metering policy?
00:13:40Thank you so much.
00:13:42The first long-term impact
00:13:44will be that there will be
00:13:46a negative signal in the market
00:13:48which will reduce
00:13:50the incentivization
00:13:52for solar net metering.
00:13:54The indirect impact
00:13:56will be that
00:13:58given the capacity
00:14:00and excess supply in the market
00:14:02and when the demand
00:14:04decreases, the prices of solar
00:14:06will go down and
00:14:08there will be mass adoption again.
00:14:10The ultimate objective
00:14:12the government wants to achieve
00:14:14will not be achieved.
00:14:16The ultimate objective
00:14:18is to bring back the demand
00:14:20on the national electricity grid
00:14:22which has decreased
00:14:24due to the exponential increase
00:14:26in the tariff.
00:14:28The government has to think
00:14:30about reducing the buyback rate
00:14:32and whether it will bounce back
00:14:34or not.
00:14:36The government should avoid
00:14:38such short-term solutions.
00:14:40One solution could have been
00:14:42to give awareness to the net meterers
00:14:44to increase their consumption
00:14:46and bring their kitchen appliances
00:14:48to solar
00:14:50to solve the gas crisis.
00:14:54short-term planning
00:14:56and integrated planning
00:14:58has been lost.
00:15:02the drive of Pakistan
00:15:04regarding the solar boom
00:15:06has been positively reported
00:15:08by the international media.
00:15:10Pakistan is a climate vulnerable country
00:15:12and we have invested in renewables
00:15:14for climate resilience.
00:15:16There will be a big drawback
00:15:18in Pakistan's fight
00:15:20against climate change.
00:15:22The green financing
00:15:24and renewable energy landscape
00:15:26will be disincentivized.
00:15:28We need to understand this
00:15:30in a broader perspective.
00:15:32If the government
00:15:34had integrated planning
00:15:36and a long-term vision,
00:15:38it would have been better.
00:15:40Dr. Khalid, we have seen
00:15:42that rental power plants
00:15:44have become a burden
00:15:46and we have not seen
00:15:48a solution for this.
00:15:50The dollar is becoming more expensive
00:15:52and we are seeing
00:15:54a loss.
00:15:56But when a person
00:15:58is contributing individually,
00:16:00it is helping the consumer
00:16:02and the burden
00:16:04of electricity
00:16:06is also reducing.
00:16:08This was not helping
00:16:10the government in a way.
00:16:12This was not a better way.
00:16:16You need to understand
00:16:18the power sector of Pakistan.
00:16:20The consumption mix of electricity
00:16:22in Pakistan is contrary
00:16:24to the world trends.
00:16:26The developed countries
00:16:28have used their energy
00:16:30for development
00:16:32and the productive economy
00:16:34and the industrial sector.
00:16:36In Pakistan, 50% of electricity
00:16:38is used by residential consumers
00:16:40and around 18-20%
00:16:42is used by industrial consumers.
00:16:44This means that dollars
00:16:46are used to generate electricity
00:16:48and it is used for unproductive
00:16:52Net metering or solar rooftop
00:16:54provides a tool
00:16:56to reduce the grid ratio
00:16:58of residential consumers
00:17:00through rooftop solar
00:17:02and fill the demand
00:17:04with industrial consumers
00:17:06so that the productive cycle
00:17:08of the economy can run
00:17:10through the electricity sector.
00:17:12One thing that was missed
00:17:14by the government
00:17:16was to link the protected
00:17:18and lifeline consumers
00:17:20with solar.
00:17:22If this was linked,
00:17:24the subsidies could be reoriented
00:17:26and the tariff could be reduced.
00:17:28Your question is
00:17:30whether an individual
00:17:32is contributing.
00:17:34If you buy electricity
00:17:36at the rate of Rs. 27,
00:17:38you have to pay
00:17:40a lower price
00:17:42compared to the grid.
00:17:44You have to pay
00:17:46capacity charges
00:17:48for the grid.
00:17:50You have to understand
00:17:52this in a broader context.
00:17:54Dr. Khalid, stay with us.
00:17:56Afaaq Ali Khan is with us.
00:17:58Afaaq, thank you for being with us.
00:18:00Please tell us
00:18:02how do you see
00:18:04the government's policy
00:18:06regarding solar energy?
00:18:08In the last 2-3 years,
00:18:10how many farmers
00:18:12have shifted to solar energy?
00:18:14The majority of them
00:18:16have opted for solar.
00:18:20Thank you very much
00:18:22for inviting me
00:18:24to talk to you.
00:18:26First of all,
00:18:28I would like to tell you
00:18:30about the concept of wet fitting.
00:18:32The current
00:18:36is very drastic.
00:18:38It has not increased
00:18:40from Rs. 27 to Rs. 10.
00:18:42The units
00:18:44are export and import
00:18:46and are nullified.
00:18:48After that, the excess units
00:18:50are carried forward for 3 months
00:18:52and then they are cashed at Rs. 27.
00:18:54Right away,
00:18:56they said that whatever you
00:18:58export, you will get it
00:19:00converted to Rs. 10.
00:19:02This has increased
00:19:04from Rs. 50 to Rs. 10.
00:19:06If anything
00:19:08is so abrupt,
00:19:10it is shocking for anyone.
00:19:12For the consumer
00:19:14and for the investors as well.
00:19:18The perspective they have given
00:19:20is that the people who used to
00:19:22use solar energy,
00:19:24they have now started
00:19:26portraying them as villains.
00:19:28Because of them,
00:19:30they have to pay
00:19:32Rs. 1 or Rs. 2 or Rs. 1.5 extra.
00:19:36This method has been
00:19:38defined by them.
00:19:40There are losses of Rs. 500 billion
00:19:42in transmission and distribution.
00:19:46Rs. 150 billion
00:19:48has been overbilled.
00:19:52You are not addressing
00:19:54the main things.
00:19:56You are not addressing
00:19:58the main things.
00:20:00If you point out
00:20:02the increase in the prices
00:20:04of solar panels and batteries,
00:20:06what will happen?
00:20:08The things to be addressed
00:20:10are transmission and distribution
00:20:12losses and overbilling.
00:20:16whenever a policy is introduced,
00:20:18it is given time
00:20:20to phase out.
00:20:22This is a cut-off time.
00:20:24In the Netherlands,
00:20:26they have said that
00:20:28they will phase out in 2027.
00:20:30This is the case.
00:20:32If a policy is introduced in Pakistan,
00:20:34there should be a cut-off time.
00:20:36You have suddenly
00:20:38uploaded a news
00:20:40which has shocked the market.
00:20:42Do you know that
00:20:44the current consumer
00:20:46of solar energy
00:20:48is middle class?
00:20:50He does not have money.
00:20:52If he takes a loan
00:20:54to buy solar energy,
00:20:56his operating expenses will be cut.
00:20:58The electricity bill
00:21:00has increased
00:21:02from the rental value.
00:21:04People were planning
00:21:06to shift to solar energy
00:21:08with a loan.
00:21:10The middle class
00:21:12has already invested.
00:21:14This is a very
00:21:16rash decision.
00:21:22I want to ask Dr. Khalid.
00:21:24Dr. Khalid,
00:21:26you have introduced
00:21:28a net metering policy.
00:21:30Will there be a burden
00:21:32on off-grid
00:21:36Will there be a tax on them?
00:21:40The current rules
00:21:42encourage people
00:21:44to go completely
00:21:48They should invest in battery storage
00:21:50and the electricity
00:21:52surplus they generate
00:21:54during the day
00:21:56should be consumed at night.
00:21:58The government is
00:22:00incentivizing this.
00:22:02The ultimate objective
00:22:04of the government
00:22:06is to increase
00:22:08the grid demand.
00:22:10This will backfire.
00:22:12People will shift
00:22:14from grid to off-grid
00:22:16and the demand
00:22:18will increase.
00:22:20Climate vulnerability
00:22:22is increasing.
00:22:24The trade component
00:22:26is linked to climate change.
00:22:28The European Union
00:22:30has introduced
00:22:32the Carbon Border Adjustment
00:22:36A tax will be imposed
00:22:38on the exporting sector
00:22:40if it is generated
00:22:42with fossil fuels.
00:22:44The net metering
00:22:46will benefit
00:22:48from the EU regulations.
00:22:50This has been
00:22:54If the government
00:22:56wants to implement
00:22:58this as an integrated
00:23:02they should
00:23:08who are
00:23:10protected and
00:23:12can't afford it.
00:23:14The banking sector
00:23:16can provide support.
00:23:18If you reduce
00:23:20buyback rates
00:23:22for vulnerable
00:23:24and protected consumers,
00:23:26the subsidy burden
00:23:28of 90 billion rupees
00:23:30can be reduced.
00:23:32This will help
00:23:36and increase tariffs.
00:23:38The government
00:23:40needs to think
00:23:42about knee-jerk
00:23:44reactions and
00:23:46ad-hoc decisions
00:23:48in the long-term horizon.
00:23:50Only then will the economy
00:23:54Dr. Khalid Waleed,
00:23:56thank you.
00:23:58The government
00:24:00should design policies
00:24:02for all sectors.
00:24:04We saw that the CNG
00:24:06was introduced in the market.
00:24:08But the CNG
00:24:10has to be reduced
00:24:12because of low interest rates.
00:24:14The policy should be clear
00:24:16for all sectors.
00:24:18Green energy
00:24:20is a positive thing
00:24:22that we need
00:24:24for our environment.
00:24:26Let's see what happens.
00:24:28Stay with us.
00:24:30Welcome back.
00:24:32They say
00:24:34it's a matter of choice.
00:24:36The time will come
00:24:38for you to decide.
00:24:44There are many issues
00:24:46before Eid.
00:24:48People protest against
00:24:50lack of water, electricity
00:24:52and gas.
00:24:54But the tailors
00:24:56are protesting.
00:24:58They say the rates are low.
00:25:00My personal experience
00:25:02is that
00:25:04the price of a dress
00:25:06is the same
00:25:08no matter how expensive it is.
00:25:10If you buy a dress for Rs. 5000,
00:25:12it will cost you Rs. 2000-3000.
00:25:14You are right.
00:25:16Karachi is cheaper.
00:25:18We know the rates
00:25:20in Azad Kashmir.
00:25:22Tell me the rates.
00:25:24The second half of Ramadan
00:25:26is about to end.
00:25:28Sajjad is with us.
00:25:30He will tell us
00:25:32about the
00:25:36opinion on Eid.
00:25:40Let's start with Sajjad.
00:25:42Let's ask him about the rates
00:25:44in Azad Kashmir.
00:25:46People are protesting
00:25:48against the rates.
00:25:52what are the rates?
00:25:54Why are they protesting
00:25:56against the rates?
00:25:58This is the first time
00:26:00in Mirpur's history
00:26:02that people are protesting
00:26:04against the rates.
00:26:06People are protesting
00:26:08against the rates.
00:26:10People are protesting
00:26:12against the rates.
00:26:14People are protesting
00:26:16against the rates.
00:26:18People are protesting
00:26:20against the rates.
00:26:22People are protesting
00:26:24against the rates.
00:26:26People are protesting
00:26:28against the rates.
00:26:30People are protesting
00:26:32against the rates.
00:26:34People are protesting
00:26:36against the rates.
00:26:38People are protesting
00:26:40against the rates.
00:26:42People are protesting
00:26:44against the rates.
00:26:46People are protesting
00:26:48against the rates.
00:26:50People are protesting
00:26:52against the rates.
00:26:54People are protesting
00:26:56against the rates.
00:26:58People are protesting
00:27:00against the rates.
00:27:02People are protesting
00:27:04against the rates.
00:27:06People are protesting
00:27:08against the rates.
00:27:10People are protesting
00:27:12against the rates.
00:27:14People are protesting
00:27:16against the rates.
00:27:18People are protesting
00:27:20against the rates.
00:27:22People are protesting
00:27:24against the rates.
00:27:26People are protesting
00:27:28against the rates.
00:27:30People are protesting
00:27:32against the rates.
00:27:34People are protesting
00:27:36against the rates.
00:27:38People are protesting
00:27:40against the rates.
00:27:42People are protesting
00:27:44against the rates.
00:27:46People are protesting
00:27:48against the rates.
00:27:50People are protesting
00:27:52against the rates.
00:27:54People are protesting
00:27:56against the rates.
00:27:58People are protesting
00:28:00against the rates.
00:28:02People are protesting
00:28:04against the rates.
00:28:06People are protesting
00:28:08against the rates.
00:28:10People are protesting
00:28:12against the rates.
00:28:14People are protesting
00:28:16against the rates.
00:28:18People are protesting
00:28:20against the rates.
00:28:22People are protesting
00:28:24against the rates.
00:28:26People are protesting
00:28:28against the rates.
00:28:30People are protesting
00:28:32against the rates.
00:28:34People are protesting
00:28:36against the rates.
00:28:38People are protesting
00:28:40against the rates.
00:28:42People are protesting
00:28:44against the rates.
00:28:46People are protesting
00:28:48against the rates.
00:28:50People are protesting
00:28:52against the rates.
00:28:54People are protesting
00:28:56against the rates.
00:28:58People are protesting
00:29:00against the rates.
00:29:02People are protesting
00:29:04against the rates.
00:29:06People are protesting
00:29:08against the rates.
00:29:10People are protesting
00:29:12against the rates.
00:29:14People are protesting
00:29:16against the rates.
00:29:18People are protesting
00:29:20against the rates.
00:29:22People are protesting
00:29:24against the rates.
00:29:26People are protesting
00:29:28against the rates.
00:29:30People are protesting
00:29:32against the rates.
00:29:34People are protesting
00:29:36against the rates.
00:29:38People are protesting
00:29:40against the rates.
00:29:42People are protesting
00:29:44against the rates.
00:29:46People are protesting
00:29:48against the rates.
00:29:50People are protesting
00:29:52against the rates.
00:29:54People are protesting
00:29:56against the rates.
00:29:58People are protesting
00:30:00against the rates.
00:30:02People are protesting
00:30:04against the rates.
00:30:06People are protesting
00:30:08against the rates.
00:30:10People are protesting
00:30:12against the rates.
00:30:14People are protesting
00:30:16against the rates.
00:30:18People are protesting
00:30:20against the rates.
00:30:22People are protesting
00:30:24against the rates.
00:30:26People are protesting
00:30:28against the rates.
00:30:30People are protesting
00:30:32against the rates.
00:30:34People are protesting
00:30:36against the rates.
00:30:38People are protesting
00:30:40against the rates.
00:30:42People are protesting
00:30:44against the rates.
00:31:12People are protesting
00:31:14against the rates.
00:31:16People are protesting
00:31:18against the rates.
00:31:20People are protesting
00:31:22against the rates.
00:31:24People are protesting
00:31:26against the rates.
00:31:28People are protesting
00:31:30against the rates.
00:31:32People are protesting
00:31:34against the rates.
00:31:36People are protesting
00:31:38against the rates.
00:31:40People are protesting
00:31:42against the rates.
00:31:44People are protesting
00:31:46against the rates.
00:31:48People are protesting
00:31:50against the rates.
00:31:52People are protesting
00:31:54against the rates.
00:31:56People are protesting
00:31:58against the rates.
00:32:00People are protesting
00:32:02against the rates.
00:32:04People are protesting
00:32:06against the rates.
00:32:08The gold price has increased
00:32:10from Rs. 1100 to Rs. 3,14,800.
00:32:12The gold price has increased
00:32:14from Rs. 1100 to Rs. 3,14,800.
00:32:16The gold price has increased
00:32:18from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:20from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:22The gold price has increased
00:32:24from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:26from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:28from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:30from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:32from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:34from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:36The gold price has increased
00:32:38from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:40from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:42from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:44from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:46from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:48from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:50from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:52from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:54from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:56from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:32:58from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:33:00from Rs. 943 to Rs. 2,69,890.
00:33:02Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:33:04Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:33:06Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:33:08Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:33:10Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:33:12Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
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00:41:18Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:41:20Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:41:22Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:41:24Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry,
00:41:26Red Chilli Powder 1 tbsp,
00:41:28Soya Sauce 2 tbsp,
00:41:30Vinegar 2 tbsp,
00:41:32Vinegar 2 tbsp,
00:41:34Mix well
00:41:36Mix well
00:41:38Corn Flour 1 tbsp,
00:41:40Corn Flour 1 tbsp,
00:41:42Mix well
00:41:44Orange Peel 1 tbsp,
00:41:46Orange Peel 1 tbsp,
00:41:48Jalapenos 2 tbsp,
00:41:50Sesame Seeds 1 tbsp
00:41:52Sesame Seeds 1 tbsp,
00:41:54Add Fried Chicken Strips
00:41:56Add Fried Chicken Strips
00:41:58Cook for 1 minute
00:42:00Cook for 1 minute
00:42:02Garnish with
00:42:04Garnish with
00:42:06Garnish with
00:42:08Garnish with
00:42:10Orange Chicken
00:42:12Orange Chicken
00:42:24Orange Chicken
00:42:54Financial Scandal
00:42:56Financial Scandal
00:42:58Financial Scandal
00:43:00Financial Scandal
00:43:02Financial Scandal
00:43:04Financial Scandal
00:43:06Financial Scandal
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01:09:30We took the leap in limitless time
01:09:44There is a beautiful memory
01:09:46There is a beautiful memory
01:09:48Those memories can't be forgotten
01:09:50These memories
01:09:52Those memories
01:09:56Its the age of whatsapp
01:09:58Now people make a four-colour design,
01:10:01and then whatsapp it and invite people for Eid.
01:10:05So, because of this, the Eid card has reduced.
01:10:07The time has changed, so now the demand for it has reduced.
01:10:11But it is still going on, and people buy it and distribute it.
01:10:16But now the demand for it is less, it is not the same as before.
01:10:19Technology has changed everything,
01:10:22but those who remember have still held on to the memories of the past.
01:10:28We just send a message, happy moon, happy Eid,
01:10:31but we still remember our childhood.
01:10:33That's why I came to buy it for my sisters.
01:10:35The old union, all these things are coming to an end.
01:10:39Now, these cards are such that love grows from them.
01:10:43In preparation for Eid, even today, with changing seasons,
01:10:46breathtaking traditions and the depth of life take their place.
01:10:52But on the way, the Eid cards and Eidi envelopes
01:10:57reduced their importance, but did not lose it at all.
01:11:02On Eid, happiness is the most important thing.
01:11:04For which happiness, which medium is important?
01:11:07With the passage of time, that medium changes.
01:11:11With cameraman Mohammad Adnan, Ishaq Khan, ARY News, Karachi.
01:11:15What a thing, such beautiful cards used to be there.
01:11:17It is said that nowadays, envelopes have come, very beautiful.
01:11:20Because, it is said that money, notes,
01:11:23they are not digital, they have just come.
01:11:25So, you have to give them in physical form.
01:11:27For that, you need an envelope.
01:11:28Last time, when I said that no one should send me less than 5000 Eidi,
01:11:32I was mistakenly told that I want Eidi in Bitcoins,
01:11:35I want Eidi in Crypto, I want Eidi in Rupees, I won't accept.
01:11:37Then, you are not getting Eidi.
01:11:39We are moving ahead on this.
01:11:41Now, we are talking about fasting.
01:11:43Obviously, people's eating and drinking routine changes completely.
01:11:47Even the food becomes different.
01:11:48Some people are eating only parathas in Sehri.
01:11:50And, they are not able to fulfill the amount of vitamins and minerals.
01:11:56Because, intake has become different.
01:11:58In Iftar, you are eating fritters, you are drinking sweet juice.
01:12:01So, what should be done?
01:12:02And, taste is in its place.
01:12:04But, you should also see the taste.
01:12:07You should also see how many nutrients are there in it.
01:12:09So, to talk about this, we have joined in the studio,
01:12:12Hakeem Nazeer.
01:12:13Thank you very much for joining us in the program.
01:12:16Hakeem Sahab, people see the taste in fasting, but not the taste.
01:12:19Now, you tell me,
01:12:21people who have not taken care of their diet in Ramadan,
01:12:24have eaten fritters, samosas, fried oily things,
01:12:27and they have BP issues,
01:12:29and fizzy drinks,
01:12:31how will they cope up with all these things?
01:12:34Ramadan is about to end, and we don't even know about Ramadan.
01:12:37How will they maintain the deficiencies in their body?
01:12:41Saeem, you are right.
01:12:43You are right.
01:12:45But, let me tell you one thing.
01:12:47We still have two weeks.
01:12:5015 days.
01:12:51Yes, we have two weeks.
01:12:52Half of it is fasting, and half of it is not.
01:12:54You are still taking care of yourself.
01:12:56You must have seen, since Ramadan has started,
01:12:58we are facing a lot of stomach issues.
01:13:00We are getting acidity, because we are using more gram flour.
01:13:03Gram flour causes acidity in the stomach, which causes gas,
01:13:05and then it makes you bloat.
01:13:07And, because of that, we eat this,
01:13:09and then we lie down.
01:13:11You are doing it wrong.
01:13:13You see, eat everything, but eat little by little.
01:13:15Eat fritters, eat samosas, eat little by little.
01:13:18Eat some fruit, and then go and pray.
01:13:20Come back, eat proper Roti and Salan,
01:13:22and then walk 40-50 steps, which is the most important.
01:13:26Minerals are decreasing in the body.
01:13:28Now, how will we complete the minerals?
01:13:30For example, calcium is decreasing in your body.
01:13:32So, you have to take Singhara.
01:13:34You can keep it at home.
01:13:35Take Singhara and make a powder out of it.
01:13:37Mix a teaspoon of it in a glass of milk,
01:13:39and drink it once.
01:13:40Drink it at any time.
01:13:41Drink it at any time.
01:13:42Drink it after Iftar.
01:13:44Drink it after Taraweeh.
01:13:45Or, drink it during Sehri.
01:13:47Its taste will be right.
01:13:48Its taste will be right.
01:13:49It will give you the taste of milk.
01:13:51You drank a glass.
01:13:52If vitamin D is decreasing in your body,
01:13:54then take white musli.
01:13:56White musli contains a lot of vitamin D.
01:13:58Make a powder out of it.
01:14:00Mix a teaspoon of it in a cup of curd,
01:14:02and eat it after Iftar.
01:14:04Is it available easily?
01:14:06You can get it easily at any shop.
01:14:08And, if vitamin B12 or B6 is decreasing in your body,
01:14:11like your bones are weakening,
01:14:13you feel pain in your bones,
01:14:16then you can take Ashwagandha.
01:14:18It is called Asgandha Gori.
01:14:20Make a fine powder out of it.
01:14:22Take a teaspoon of it after Iftar
01:14:24and a teaspoon of it after Sehri.
01:14:26It is also available in supplements.
01:14:28It is very famous.
01:14:30You can make it in tablet form.
01:14:32You can make a powder out of it.
01:14:34It is also available in paste form.
01:14:36You can make it in majun form.
01:14:38But, it is better to make a fine powder out of it.
01:14:40But, it is better to make a fine powder out of it.
01:14:42How long can we eat it?
01:14:45You can take it in summers also.
01:14:47You can take it in summers also.
01:14:49You can take it in summers also.
01:14:51What are the benefits of it?
01:14:53Vitamin B12 and B6 will be complete in your body.
01:14:55Your bones will become strong.
01:14:57It gives strength to the whole body.
01:14:59If calcium, vitamin D,
01:15:01vitamin B12, B6,
01:15:03and vitamin K are less in your body,
01:15:05due to which you feel pain in joints,
01:15:07to cure that, you can take these four things.
01:15:09White musli, Singhara,
01:15:11Ashwagandha Gori,
01:15:13and Satavar.
01:15:15Make a powder out of these four things.
01:15:1750 grams.
01:15:191 tea spoon after Iftaar,
01:15:211 tea spoon after Sehri.
01:15:23Your hands and feet will become soft.
01:15:25Your body will become weak.
01:15:27You will become lethargic.
01:15:29There is one more symptom.
01:15:31When I am sitting,
01:15:33if I am standing,
01:15:35or I lie down,
01:15:37I feel dizzy.
01:15:39It will be back to normal after 2-3 seconds.
01:15:41This is called terminal weakness
01:15:43And this is also due to lack of blood
01:15:47In such a case, those who feel dizziness while getting up
01:15:50and feel dizziness in front of the eyes
01:15:52Then take a cucumber, grate it and put it in a cup of yogurt and take it after Iftari
01:15:57You will get up again and all this dizziness will be gone
01:16:00This will also fulfill your lack of blood
01:16:03As soon as Ramadan is over, you will get a hemoglobin test
01:16:07You will get a lot of points
01:16:09It will taste good with yogurt
01:16:11It is very good
01:16:12You can grate a cucumber and put it in a cup of yogurt and eat it
01:16:15As a side dish
01:16:16Very nice
01:16:17It gets much better
01:16:18And if you want to give some advice for patients with high blood pressure
01:16:21Because of gram flour, gases are formed, acidity is formed, blood pressure is also high
01:16:27And usually people have a complaint of blood pressure
01:16:30So please don't leave your doctor's medication for a day
01:16:33Reflect on it with your doctor's advice
01:16:36Don't do it yourself
01:16:37There is a wood called Asrol
01:16:40Make a fine powder from it
01:16:42After Iftari, put a pinch of water in your mouth and drink it
01:16:46One pinch is enough
01:16:47You will see that your blood pressure will be 120 by 80 in a few days
01:16:54It is very good
01:16:55And there is one more thing in this season
01:16:57When we are eating a lot of oily things
01:17:00Our cholesterol and triglycerides are increasing
01:17:03Because of which we feel a burden on the chest
01:17:05To cure that and to improve the heart
01:17:09There is a wood called Arjun's skin
01:17:11Arjun's skin
01:17:13Put a 1 inch piece of it in 1.25 cups of water and boil it
01:17:16It will become Kewa
01:17:17And drink it after Taraweeh
01:17:20Drink it once a day
01:17:22Drink it for 2 months and get your triglycerides and acidity
01:17:24That is, you will get lipid profile
01:17:26You will get all kinds of cholesterol under control
01:17:28Tell us a good Kewa for digestion
01:17:30For digestion
01:17:31To get rid of gases
01:17:33And you must have seen that people are having cough these days
01:17:35Dry cough
01:17:36If you cough, you get a little bit of acidity
01:17:38And you feel bad
01:17:39And gases are also formed
01:17:41So you have to take 5-7 mint leaves
01:17:44And 5 cloves
01:17:45Put it in 1.25 cups of water and boil it
01:17:47It becomes Kewa
01:17:48Take a few drops, strain it and drink it
01:17:51Drink it once after Iftar
01:17:53Drink it once during Sehri
01:17:54You will see
01:17:55Your stomach will also be less
01:17:57Acidity will also be less
01:17:58Digestive system will also be good
01:18:01Very nice
01:18:03Thank you so much
01:18:26Welcome back
01:18:28What is tomorrow?
01:18:30The second T20
01:18:32May Allah protect us
01:18:33We can only pray for miracles
01:18:35We can't do anything else
01:18:37We can only pray for the first match
01:18:40Tomorrow is our second match
01:18:41New Zealand
01:18:42And Mashallah
01:18:43There are 5 T20 series
01:18:45We will play the second one tomorrow
01:18:48Now what happened
01:18:49There is one more thing
01:18:50Let's talk about it
01:18:52And that is
01:18:53First made a deal with PSL
01:18:55Then joined IPL
01:19:28Pakistan is a young team
01:19:30In these 5 series
01:19:31I think
01:19:324 matches
01:19:33New Zealand will win
01:19:34And 1 match
01:19:35At least
01:19:36It will rain
01:19:38It will be a very one-sided series
01:19:40But there are new players
01:19:41Team management is making some mistakes
01:19:43I don't understand
01:19:44When Usman Khan is an experienced player
01:19:47Why didn't he play him?
01:19:48Abbas Afridi
01:19:50He is one of the best bowlers
01:19:51Why didn't he play him in the first match?
01:19:53Experiences are happening
01:19:54So we have to look at these experiences
01:19:56And as far as
01:19:57All-Rounder Kaurvir Bosh
01:19:59His story
01:20:00Before that
01:20:01He signed Peshawar Zalmi
01:20:03That I will take part in PSL 10
01:20:05And he signed through his agent
01:20:07And then when he was in IPL
01:20:09With a three-fold big ceremony
01:20:11In Mumbai Indians
01:20:13Found a friend
01:20:14His own
01:20:15Lizard Williams
01:20:16When injured
01:20:17He replaced him
01:20:18Signed him from Mumbai Indians
01:20:20So Kaurvir Bosh did this against Mohideh
01:20:22So in Pakistan Super League
01:20:24He sent a notice
01:20:26That after making an agreement
01:20:28How can you play with him?
01:20:31So this second T20
01:20:32Shahid sir
01:20:33Tell us
01:20:34You had included new players
01:20:35Along with Samad Harish
01:20:37Couldn't give a performance
01:20:39So what do you think
01:20:40About the team combination tomorrow?
01:20:42We will have to see Pakistan
01:20:44Because when you have an experienced player
01:20:46Like I said
01:20:47Usman Khan is present
01:20:49He has been playing T20 cricket
01:20:51From Pakistan
01:20:52Give him a chance
01:20:53Abbas Afridi
01:20:54He is formatted
01:20:55He is one of the best bowlers in Pakistan
01:20:57In 18 matches
01:20:58He has won T20
01:20:59So when you have an experienced bowler
01:21:02Give him a chance
01:21:03Harish is present on the bench
01:21:05Give him a chance
01:21:06So I think
01:21:07One bowler and one batter
01:21:10Is possible
01:21:11But team management
01:21:12Along with that
01:21:13Think that
01:21:14We have given only one match
01:21:15So give those players
01:21:16At least one more chance
01:21:18At least one fast bowler
01:21:19I think will change
01:21:23Mr. Shahid
01:21:24Tell us
01:21:25What is the real problem
01:21:26Of Pakistan's batting?
01:21:27I know that
01:21:28We have discussed this
01:21:29Many times
01:21:30And you have given
01:21:31Many suggestions
01:21:33Two things
01:21:34Which you think
01:21:35Are the biggest
01:21:37Of Pakistan's batting
01:21:38These are the two
01:21:40We will have to watch
01:21:41The players
01:21:42If the game is
01:21:44And the wind is strong
01:21:46Turn the bat
01:21:47Without giving the ball
01:21:48Don't turn the bat
01:21:49We will have to watch
01:21:50And try to set
01:21:51The ball
01:21:52After that
01:21:53Like the New Zealand
01:21:54Batsmen did
01:21:55Shahid Shah
01:21:56Made only one run
01:21:57In the first over
01:21:58After that
01:21:59He went to the full
01:22:00He saw
01:22:01How the ball
01:22:02Was coming to the pitch
01:22:03And then
01:22:04He completed
01:22:05The target
01:22:06In one over
01:22:07So we will have to
01:22:08Watch and play
01:22:09If there are new players
01:22:10Many players
01:22:11Go to New Zealand
01:22:12For the first time
01:22:13It will be difficult
01:22:14For them
01:22:15To make the condition
01:22:16Mr. Shahid
01:22:17I think
01:22:18You are giving me
01:22:20Thank you very much
01:22:21Mr. Shahid
01:22:22For joining us
01:22:23It's okay
01:22:24Just watch
01:22:25And swing the bat
01:22:26If you don't swing the bat
01:22:27In the wind
01:22:28You will get bored
01:22:29That's all for now
01:22:30We will take your leave
01:22:32Till then
01:22:33Allah Hafiz
