Nilai tukar rupiah berhasil memangkas pelemahan, namun masih bertahan di level Rp16.300-an per USD. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Senin (17/03) siang, rupiah melemah tipis di 0,05% ke level Rp16.352 per USD.
00:00We turn to the information of the value of the exchange of shares, where the value of the exchange of rupiah managed to break the weakness, but still held at the level of 16,300 shares, 13,600 per US dollar.
00:20Because quoted from the TRT until the trading on Monday afternoon, where the rupiah returned to a weakening of 0.05% at the level of 16,352 per US dollar.
00:30Where intraday rupiah managed to strengthen to the level of 16,326 per US dollar, where before the rupiah was opened to a weakening of 0.09% at the level of 16,330 per US dollar.
00:44Rupiah strengthened in the middle of the US dollar index to a weakening of 103.68 in the trading on Monday morning.
00:52A positive sentiment in the middle of the Asian market followed a report released by the Chinese news agency Xinhua, which quoted the statement of the State Council of the Chinese government to revive re-consumption through an increase in public income.
01:06Meanwhile, on the other hand, the market players are waiting for the release of the Indonesian Central Bank's Suku Bunga Acuan and Suku Bunga Tufek on Thursday, West Indonesia time.
01:16We will try to update the movement of intraday rupiah to the next main currency.
01:26For the US dollar, it moves to the level of 16,400 rupiah.
01:33Then for the euro, at 17,767 rupiah.
01:38Ponster Link at 21,207 rupiah.
01:41Yen Japan at 110.11 rupiah.