Inside 'extremely dangerous’ fake dentist office where woman allegedly targeted unsuspecting patientsSuffolk County Police Department
00:00And we're here this morning to announce the arrest of Yolani Mejia Carranza for
00:05unauthorized practice of a profession, which basically means Carranza was
00:10operating as a dentist without actually being a dentist.
00:12The investigation started when third precinct detectives received tips
00:17that Carranza had injured several patients and in one case
00:21caused severe nerve damage that led to partial facial paralysis.
00:24We think that there's probably many more complainants out there
00:28and we would strongly encourage them to come forward.
00:31We believe that she was targeting the Hispanic community,
00:35mostly people who did not have health insurance
00:38and many of whom may be in the country illegally.
00:41We want to ensure any complainants that the Suffolk County Police Department
00:45will never inquire about your immigration status. Please come forward
00:49and if you have been a victim of Carranza, please contact us.