When Calls the Heart S12 Episode 11 - Must Be Gold
00:00Previously on When Calls the Heart.
00:08Welcome to our first ever Harvest Festival.
00:10I hear you like baseball.
00:12Look what Mountain Asian gave to me.
00:15It's Little Jack. He disappeared.
00:19It could be dehydration, but I still want to run some tests to be sure.
00:23What else could it be?
00:25Jack has diabetes.
00:27But there's no cure for diabetes.
00:39There are no words.
00:41Or there's only one word.
00:58It's late.
00:59I have to find it.
01:02Can I help?
01:04It's this article. I read it about a month ago.
01:07It's about a treatment...
01:19I found it!
01:20There's a program at the University of Toronto. Here.
01:23It's a treatment. New treatment for diabetes.
01:25And they're calling it revolutionary. Using a hormone called insulin.
01:33They're still in the trial phase.
01:35Which means that they need patients. They need volunteers.
01:38They're not saying anything about the risks.
01:40They probably don't even know.
01:42It doesn't look like they're taking in children.
01:45I don't know, May.
01:47This might be hoping for a miracle.
01:49But with diabetes, there are no other options. Are there?
01:53From the onset of symptoms in virtually every case?
01:58Within a year or so?
02:02Then let's hope for a miracle.
02:20The End
02:46So it's a cure?
02:48It's a treatment that helps replace what Jack's pancreas can't produce.
02:53So he can process glucose.
02:55He'll still have diabetes, but the hope is that the insulin will help him live a normal life.
02:59Do you know anyone who's tried it?
03:01I don't. But I was able to speak with one of the doctors in the program this morning.
03:06The results are almost miraculous.
03:10They haven't started taking young children yet.
03:13But they are willing to consider an exception for little Jack.
03:17So we should go to Toronto.
03:19I don't think traveling that far is a good idea.
03:22But Mike and I can go and make the case in person.
03:26As Faith says, they're not taking little ones yet.
03:29But as a pharmacist, I could try to persuade them.
03:33Mike and May already have tickets to Toronto on the overnight train.
03:36But what about your trip to Niagara Falls?
03:38This is so much more important than that.
03:40You'll need to send a letter giving your consent for the treatment.
03:44Then we'll deliver the letter in person and if all goes well, we'll return with the insulin.
03:51Okay, so Elizabeth writes a letter and we hope that they say yes.
03:59It might help if you told them a bit about little Jack's story.
04:02Yes, sometimes scientists need to separate their work from the people that they're helping.
04:07But if you let them know who little Jack is and that he's strong, then he'll stick with the treatment.
04:12I understand.
04:15Is there anything else we should know?
04:18It's a new treatment. It's been remarkably effective in early trials.
04:23But we still don't know all the risks.
04:26Or if little Jack will tolerate it.
04:28But it's our only hope.
04:31All right, I will pack two sandwiches for Nathan.
04:35Oh, and extra carrots for little Jack. He loves carrots.
04:40So that's good.
04:41He's certainly going to have plenty of food and prayers.
04:44All right, and some soup for Elizabeth.
04:47She likes that.
04:48Mrs. Yost, I'm sober.
04:49Oh, wonderful. This is good.
04:51We're going to need more ice then for tomorrow.
04:54This is going to be a long day.
04:56Oh, this is good.
04:57We're going to need more ice then for tomorrow.
05:00I can tell Mr. Yost to order more.
05:02Oh, that would be such a help. Thank you.
05:06No, Allie.
05:16All right.
05:17So this will fill out breakfast for tomorrow.
05:22And then I have you for lunch.
05:23Of course. We can take lunch all week.
05:25No, no. I have Faith for the rest of the week.
05:28And then I have Florence on the weekend.
05:29It's all right.
05:30We can take care of the arrangements.
05:32Please don't. I just...
05:36I just need to keep busy.
05:40It's important to let ourselves feel, too.
05:45I just try to imagine...
05:47I know.
05:48But there's hope.
05:50We have to hold on to that.
05:56I am going to take this to Elizabeth now.
06:20I brought you lunch.
06:22What else can I do? Were there breakfast dishes?
06:26What is it?
06:30I have an hour to write a letter to some doctors explaining why my son deserves to live.
06:38I've always been able to write.
06:41It's like blood flowing in my veins.
06:44But this...
06:49How do I find the words?
06:52You can do it.
06:55What if it's not good enough?
06:58You just need to tell his story.
07:01How it began.
07:03How much he's already been through.
07:11You know what?
07:12We're going to play a game.
07:13It's called, I Remember.
07:15I want you to tell me ten things that you remember about little Jack
07:20from when he was just a little baby.
07:22Whatever comes to you.
07:23No thinking.
07:24All right?
07:25Let's go.
07:26I remember...
07:28I remember giving birth to him in a snowstorm in the middle of the woods.
07:37And when I put him in his crib for the first time,
07:42he looked like a little acorn.
07:48I remember his weight.
07:51On my chest when I'd sing him to sleep.
07:56I remember discovering his alarming talent for hide and seek.
08:03I was married.
08:09Keep going.
08:17I remember the first time he smiled at me.
08:20At me.
08:30Yes, I will, Superintendent.
08:35What are you doing?
08:36That was Hargraves.
08:38You've been approved for leave of absence.
08:40I never asked for one.
08:42For as long as you need.
08:43I've been cleared to return to active duty.
08:46Thanks, Bill.
08:48How's Elizabeth?
08:50It's a tough time.
08:52But, you know, she's keeping her head up.
08:54Elizabeth Thornton is as brave as they come.
08:58Gentlemen, I don't want to get anywhere wound up, but I think little Jack's pony's missing.
09:03It was at the stable. Stall's open and he's gone.
09:06Well, let's all split up. It's just a pony. We couldn't have gotten too far.
09:17Something for your journey.
09:18Thank you, Minnie.
09:26You didn't all have to come.
09:28You're not in this alone.
09:31Were you able to write the letter?
09:34Here it is. I hope it's enough.
09:38I'm sure it's perfect.
09:40Thank you for your help.
09:42We're all here for you.
09:46Precious cargo. Godspeed.
09:49We'll call as soon as we know anything.
09:52Maybe you could say a few words?
09:54Of course. Gather around, kid.
10:09Heavenly Father, we ask that you help guide Mike and me on their travels tonight.
10:16When my son was born, he was small.
10:19Asleep in his crib, he reminded me of an acorn, waiting until the spring would warm him from below and send him shooting toward the sky.
10:29When little Jack was nervous on his first day of school this year, he shared his father's medal of bravery with another little girl who was more scared than him.
10:38Little Jack never knew his father, but that day, finding his strength by helping someone else, I saw how much he'll grow up to be just like him.
10:48Just as the miracle of insulin might help him grow up to be the fine young man he's meant to be.
10:55I know he'd also find his strength from being part of your study, and so on my son's behalf, I offer my consent.
11:04Who can say how life pushes up from darkness?
11:07What I know is that little Jack's spirit is pushing me forward, and I hope that together we can give him a chance to find his strength and offer it up to the sky.
11:26Any word?
11:27On the medicine or the pony?
11:29Both nothing.
11:30Any word?
11:31Nothing. You?
11:35Any word?
11:39May as well sit. There's not much else to do.
11:46You still the governor?
11:47Oh, right. That.
11:49That? What exactly is that?
11:52Well, there was a recall poll this morning.
11:54It's not important, but you were right, Henry. Two to one against, and that's just my own party.
12:01Are you going to fight it?
12:02What's the point?
12:04Well, at least you're leaving the right sort of legacy. Goldie National Park, that's, that's something.
12:10I suppose. You remember all those things that I was hoping to accomplish?
12:16Your grand vision. Who could forget?
12:18Well, noble goals. They smacked right into political reality.
12:23What's to stop you, now that you don't have to worry about getting re-elected again?
12:30Didn't Henry figure out that executive order for the park?
12:33What do you say? You got any more tricks up your sleeve?
12:36Well, there's a solution to every problem.
12:39Well, I'll write that.
12:41I'll write that.
12:42You got any more tricks up your sleeve?
12:44Well, there's a solution to every problem.
12:47Well, I'll write that.
12:48I approve.
12:49Hear, hear to that.
12:51Nice seeing you, gentlemen. Back to the task at hand.
12:54Which is?
12:55Finding that pony.
12:57And I could use all the help I can get.
13:04Mom, can I talk to you?
13:06It's about little Jack.
13:08I bet you have a lot of feelings.
13:11I was supposed to be watching him when he got lost.
13:15Oh, sweetie.
13:17That's not your fault.
13:20The kids are making get well cards.
13:26I'm sure this will cheer him up.
13:29I just wish I could do more.
13:32Is there something you were thinking about?
13:34Is there something you were thinking about?
13:37Little Jack loves baseball.
13:39I was thinking maybe we can invite him to play.
13:44I think it might be hard for him to play.
13:48And truth be told, I'm not sure he can go out right now to even watch.
13:58Maybe he can listen.
14:05You want me to make you a cup of tea?
14:10I just feel so helpless.
14:13I wish I could do something.
14:17You did. You wrote the letter.
14:19What if it's not enough?
14:21Could I be doing more?
14:25You could wash me do the dishes.
14:27I mean, that's something.
14:30Hi, Mrs. Thornton.
14:32How's Little Jack doing?
14:34He's doing well.
14:36He's sleeping right now.
14:39I'll be sure to let him know you both stopped by.
14:42The kids made cards for him.
15:00These are so sweet.
15:02I can't wait to show him.
15:05He's already been saying how much he's missing playing baseball with you two.
15:09We were thinking, since Little Jack loves baseball so much...
15:12We thought we could put it on the radio?
15:15The kids could play a game and we can announce it on Mrs. Coulter's radio hour.
15:19Is that...
15:21Do you think that might make him feel better?
15:25That is a beautiful idea.
15:28And he's going to love it, I'm sure.
15:31You just have to promise me one thing.
15:38Promise me you'll have fun.
15:40I think we could all use a bit of fun right now.
15:43While we wait for news.
15:45We'll try.
16:09Come on, everyone.
16:11Let's get the game started.
16:17They're starting!
16:21And when someone hits a ball, it sounds like this.
16:23That's really neat.
16:25Oliver's all set.
16:27Can he see the whole field?
16:29He's on the balcony with his binoculars.
16:31Well, I hate to break it to you kids, but these microphone cables, they won't reach the field.
16:35They don't have to, Mr. Yost.
16:37Oliver will yell what's happening to me, then I'll tell Cooper and Toby what just happened on the field.
16:42Those are called plays.
16:44And this is called play-by-play announcing.
16:46I got the idea from Angela.
16:48That's how I follow the game.
16:50Well, all I can say is...
16:51I'll be listening.
17:00What do you think?
17:04And there's our opening band for everyone.
17:06Stand by to play ball!
17:09Play ball!
17:13Look who's up and about.
17:15You didn't want to miss the game.
17:18That is not going to happen on my watch.
17:24Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Valley Boys Sports Hour with Toby and Cooper.
17:32Who's ready for a ball game?
17:34Me, I'm ready.
17:36I'm ready too.
17:38First up to bat...
17:40Robert's up!
17:44Let's go, Robert!
17:46First pitch and...
17:48Foul ball!
17:49It's an out ball!
17:51What's an out ball?
17:53Foul ball!
17:55A foul ball!
17:57Foul ball!
17:59What do we do now?
18:01Wait, talk.
18:03About what?
18:07So, the Hope Valley...
18:09Hopesters, our local baseball team.
18:12Hopesters, where'd you get that from?
18:14I don't know.
18:16The Hopesters have quite a lineup.
18:17We've got...
18:19Timmy, maybe our best hitter.
18:21Strike two!
18:23Strike two!
18:25Okay, Robert, one last shot.
18:29Kimmy, it's a first!
18:31And we have it!
18:35Robert Bolt is running and running and, ladies and gentlemen, has made it to first base!
18:45Next up to bat...
18:49Here we go, Timmy, come on!
18:51Strike one!
18:53Swing and a miss!
18:55Strike one!
18:59Strike two!
19:02And that's strike two.
19:04It's his last chance.
19:07Oh, we're getting a message from the field.
19:13Timmy made his home run to our teammate, little Jack Thornton.
19:18I know, that's what I said.
19:20We all can't wait until you can play with us again, buddy.
19:23That's me!
19:25That's me!
19:27Yeah, that is you.
19:29Wait, Timmy hasn't made a home run yet.
19:31I guess he's about to make a home run?
19:33Come on, Timmy!
19:35Come on, Timmy, come on, Timmy, come on, Timmy.
19:37He swings and...
19:41It's a hit!
19:43It's going long!
19:45It's a hit!
19:47And it's going long!
19:49It's a hit!
19:51And it's going long!
20:01It's a home run!
20:18How about that?
20:20How about that?
20:30That was the best baseball game ever.
20:32Really sounded like a lot of fun.
20:35I especially enjoyed the music.
20:37Thank you, Mrs. Thornton.
20:39The whole thing was quite an operation.
20:41It'll be even more fun next time when you're all better.
20:43Soon you're going to be hitting the home run.
20:47And, uh, Timmy said you could use his lucky ball.
20:56Can I put this under my pillow for nap time?
20:59If you think you'll be able to sleep with it.
21:02Little Jack can do anything he puts his mind to.
21:10Thank you all so much.
21:13You really made today feel very special.
21:23What a kid, huh?
21:25Even with everything he's going through, a little thing can make him so happy.
21:31Maybe what?
21:34Maybe that's how I missed him.
21:37He's such a happy kid.
21:40How did I not notice anything in all the times I babysat him?
21:45Nobody noticed. He seems fine.
21:48Maybe if I'd been paying more attention.
21:51You don't think Mrs. Thornton was paying attention?
21:53Of course she was.
21:56What if we all did everything right, but there was nothing we could have done to stop it?
22:02Then that stinks.
22:05It does.
22:07But, take this from an expert in blaming myself, it won't help.
22:18I'm glad you're here.
22:27I wish we had better news.
22:30Tell me the worst.
22:32They won't let him in. They misunderstood and thought Little Jack lived in Toronto.
22:36Why would that make a difference?
22:38That's what I said.
22:40The insulin has to be used within a few days of being produced and it has to be kept cold the entire time.
22:44They said that they won't transport it for just one patient.
22:48That's it? That's their answer?
22:50They said that they're trying to get clinics built in remote areas where they can transport the drug.
22:54But they don't know when that will be.
22:56There has to be another way.
22:58We're meeting with the head of the lab tomorrow, so...
23:01If you have any ideas...
23:03I'll think.
23:12Just wanted to check on Jack Rue to see how he's doing.
23:15Shh. I'm sorry. He's sleeping.
23:18It's okay. I was just about to take him upstairs.
23:27Got him.
23:40How are things?
23:42Oh, it's all quiet at the Mountie office and Oliver is reorganizing.
23:47Did you find Pell yet?
23:49No, not yet. We'll keep looking.
23:51Does he know?
23:53No. No. We haven't told him.
23:56We hope we don't have to.
24:03How are you?
24:08I'm fine.
24:11I'm sorry.
24:13I'm fine.
24:28I'm a Mountie.
24:32My job is to keep people safe.
24:36To protect them.
24:39I stopped the bad guy.
24:43I came to O'Bally to protect Elizabeth.
24:48And to protect little Jack.
24:51But this...
24:57With him, I can't... I can't stop the bad guy.
25:02With her, I can't stop the hurt. I...
25:07I can't do my job.
25:08For the first time in my life, Bill, I just...
25:13I just feel...
25:24Your job is to be there when it counts.
25:29It looks like you're doing a pretty good job to me.
25:57Oh, Rosemary.
25:59I was just delivering breakfast.
26:01You're delivering good news, I hope?
26:03The lab turned us down.
26:05They said Hope Valley is too remote.
26:06Too remote?
26:08Half the territory is remote.
26:10They said they plan to open territorial clinics as soon as they can.
26:14That's not good enough.
26:16Well, could we be a territorial clinic?
26:19It's not something you can do overnight.
26:21All right, what's required?
26:23In this case, they're saying we need a minimum of ten patients,
26:26a facility, medical personnel who've been trained to administer insulin...
26:30Mae's medical personnel, and she's in Toronto.
26:33Couldn't she be trained by the lab?
26:34And then train you.
26:36We don't have access to the latest testing equipment.
26:39And obviously, we can't manufacture insulin here.
26:43But we do know the techniques.
26:45We could administer the doses and help them expand their trial.
26:49All right, then all we need is nine more patients.
26:51And we will find them.
26:59A clinic?
27:00Faith would run it out of the infirmary and monitor the patients for the university.
27:04So we need to find nine people with diabetes.
27:07Who are willing to try a brand new treatment?
27:10Eat is already being called a miracle.
27:12People would be lucky to have access to it.
27:14I've compiled a list of patients in the surrounding valleys who've been diagnosed.
27:18The challenge will be finding people who are willing to travel here every day.
27:23How can we help?
27:25Tell us how we can do.
27:27That's what I was hoping you would say.
27:28We need to get these flyers about the symptoms into every home in the valley.
27:33Oh, we can also go to hotels and all of the watering holes.
27:36And churches. They might help us reach folks.
27:39Oh, yes. I'll talk to Joseph.
27:41And I'll put a call out over the airways.
27:48Good morning from Hope Valley.
27:50Today, I would like to talk to our listeners about something very important.
27:55It's called diabetes.
27:58It's a very serious medical condition.
28:01With symptoms such as fatigue, feeling thirsty or hungry,
28:07sudden weight loss.
28:09But there is hope.
28:11Doctors have discovered what is quite possibly a miracle treatment.
28:16But we need volunteers.
28:19So, if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with diabetes,
28:23please contact us at the Queen of Hearts Saloon here in Hope Valley
28:28or go and visit Dr. Faith Carter.
28:38Queen of Hearts Saloon.
28:40Yes, it is.
28:43Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's great.
28:46Okay, let me just write your name down and I will get Dr. Carter to get back to you.
28:54Okay, thank you so much.
28:58Reginald P. Walker.
29:00Yep, our first one.
29:09You ready for your checkup?
29:11Do we have to walk?
29:15Well, what if instead I gave you a ride?
29:18Instead, I gave you a ride.
29:24Well, am I a bit taller than Pal, huh?
29:36He's so tired.
29:41Some good news.
29:43We're getting a steady stream of patients.
29:49I think it's best if little Jack stays here so I can keep an eye on him.
29:55For how long?
29:57For now.
29:59And it'll be good that he's here when the insulin comes.
30:04Okay, I'll go and collect some of his things.
30:07Would you please let him know? I'll be right back if he wakes up.
30:10Of course.
30:26All right, thank you.
30:28So we have a young girl from a farm outside of Buxton that makes, well, seven.
30:35Many? Anything?
30:37People are either nervous about the treatment or they can't make the trip every day.
30:41But we'll keep trying.
30:45How'd it go?
30:47Joseph Canfield is a miracle worker.
30:49We were only partially successful.
30:51Two sisters diagnosed just this year.
30:53I told him that insulin was a gift, and one of the sisters, Sophia, said she'd be willing to try.
30:57But what about the other one?
30:59She's not as sick, so she's convinced she doesn't need it.
31:01I think she might just be afraid.
31:03Okay, so that makes eight plus little Jack.
31:06We're so close.
31:08Close isn't enough.
31:10That has to be enough.
31:12I'll talk to him.
31:17Florence, patch me through to the clinic in Toronto.
31:23Good morning, this is Dr. Faith Carter calling from Hope Valley.
31:27Yes, hi.
31:29We have a confirmed list of nine patients.
31:32I know.
31:34Please, hold on a moment.
31:40This is Elizabeth Thornton.
31:42I wrote to you a few days ago about my son, Jack.
31:46You said that we needed ten patients before you would issue the insulin that could save his life.
31:52Well, we have nine lives that could be saved.
31:57One of whom has a sister who's also been diagnosed, and I'm quite sure once she sees her sister get better,
32:03you may very well have your tenth patient.
32:37He said yes.
32:40He said yes.
32:57The train is over an hour late.
32:59It's not likely to be this far off schedule.
33:01Do you think they got held up by the weather?
33:03I'm gonna call the station, find out what's going on.
33:10It's bad. It's really bad.
33:12What's wrong?
33:14One of my drivers just called from Summit Junction.
33:16The storm has caused a massive pileup crash on the crossing, so they've shut down the line.
33:20But Mike and May...
33:22They're gonna be delayed up to 24 hours.
33:24Along with the medicine.
33:26I can't wait that long. I'm going out there.
33:28Okay, I'm going with you. We're gonna take the four-seater, okay?
33:30I'll be right back.
33:32I need to be with Elizabeth. We should go.
33:35I'll wait by the phone.
33:37All right.
33:46You have a blanket if you're cold?
33:48No, I'm all right. Is he still sleeping? Any...
33:50No change.
33:52Are you sure you don't want to get some sleep?
33:54I need to be awake when they come.
33:56You will be.
33:58No one's sleeping tonight.
34:01I think I'll sit with him for a few minutes.
34:10I don't know how she does it.
34:12She's so strong.
34:14Going through what she's going through.
34:18Like what you went through.
34:21If something were to happen to Goldie, I don't know...
34:24But still, you do.
34:28When Angela got sick, there was no knowing what would happen.
34:34I felt so lost.
34:36Lost in so much doubt.
34:41But that's where you find faith.
34:43When it's all you've got.
34:46What do you do?
34:48You look at the ground under your feet.
34:51Not to the top of the mountain.
34:54You only think about what you know in that moment.
34:58That they are alive.
35:00That they're strong.
35:02And that there is hope.
35:10I love you.
35:38You had quite the trip.
35:40I've never been happier than when I saw Bill and Lee board that train.
35:44Thank you, Mae.
35:46Of course.
35:48How long until we know?
35:50Oh, it shouldn't take long.
36:11Alright, my sweet boy.
36:14I pray this makes you better.
36:18Be strong for Mommy.
36:25Please come back to me.
36:40I love you.
37:06They gave him the first dose.
37:08He's not awake.
37:10But he hasn't had a bad reaction, so...
37:13It's good news.
37:15What a blessing.
37:19So, um...
37:21Do we think this is working?
37:23We'll know by morning.
37:27So we wait?
37:29So we wait.
37:31I'll put some coffee on.
37:33I'll make some grilled cheeses. Anyone?
37:35Good idea, Hickam.
37:51His vitals are stable.
37:53No sign of rejection.
37:59Honey bear.
38:04Oh, my baby.
38:07Why are you so sad, Mama?
38:10I am the happiest I've ever been.
38:48We called.
38:50And our prayers were answered.
38:52We believed.
38:54And were rewarded.
38:56God provided medicine for Little Jack.
38:58And he brought Pal home.
39:00As we gather here today...
39:02In honor of St. Francis...
39:04Who so loved all of God's creatures...
39:06We ask him to bless and protect...
39:08The most vulnerable amongst us.
39:11May God grant us the grace to...
39:14Protect and sustain one another.
39:17Whether on wings or in water...
39:19Four legs or two...
39:21We are all God's creatures.
39:23Great and small.
39:25Now let's bless the animals.
39:34Good boy.
39:39We should get a dog.
39:43Our hands aren't full enough with Goldie as it is?
39:45Oh, just imagine walking on her namesake trail...
39:48With a little dog.
39:50Wouldn't that be fun, honey?
39:52In her namesake park.
39:54I see what you're saying. Maybe.
39:56We'll think about it.
39:58We're getting a dog.
40:00No, that's not what I said.
40:02I said we'll think about it.
40:04I said we'll think about it.
40:09He's finally asleep.
40:11Apparently, the bed in the infirmary is more comfortable.
40:16Well, I could go look for some new mattresses.
40:19No, you have more important things to do like getting back to work.
40:23Nothing is more important than this.
40:28I'm not sure what we'd do without you, Nathan.
40:32What I would do.
40:33Thank you for standing with me when I couldn't see the light.
40:40There's no way that I would rather be.
40:47You okay?
40:50I don't know.
40:52I am so confused about so many things.
40:56I don't know what to do.
40:58I don't know what to do.
41:00I don't know what to do.
41:01I'm so confused about so many things.
41:05Today feels like both the worst and the best day of my life.
41:13Well, we have a whole lifetime to figure it out.
41:21So does he.