• 20 hours ago
Today Tyler & Snowi TRANSFORM INTO FOOD in Roblox! ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ” Can we UNLOCK the SECRET MEME ITEMS at the end? This NEW ROBLOX GAME has SO MANY FUNNY MOMENTS !! ๐Ÿ‘‰Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & leave a like ๐Ÿ‘ if you enjoyed!

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#funnymoments #roblox #cartoon
00:00Here we are snowy we made to the drive-thru let's get some fast food, and then we'll be on our way
00:07Yay, I'm starving looks like they got burgers fries hot dogs pizzas. Oh my gosh
00:14I'm so hungry. Let's order. Hello. What would you like to order? I will have a burger and fries, please
00:21And I'll have a hot dog
00:23Okay, that'll be seven hundred dollars. Are you gonna be paid in cash or card?
00:29Hundred dollars, what is the food made out of gold? Oh, you want to know what it's made out of um
00:36I'm not allowed to tell you sir. Sorry. That's kind of weird
00:40No, I really want to know what the food here is made out of yeah me too, silly
00:45What are they hiding if you want to know what the food's made out of you'll need to go to the food
00:50Factory and see for yourself the foods not even made here why it's not even made at the restaurant
00:56Come on, snowy. Let's go to the food factory and find out what this food is really made out of wait
01:02You forgot your order. I don't really blame them for not eating this stuff. Oh here. We are snowy
01:08This is the food factory man. This place is huge
01:13Oh, it smells good like food, and I'm hungry. Let's go inside Tyler
01:18Hey food factory people I demand to know what's inside of the food
01:23I don't see anybody working here. Come on, so II let's go inside
01:28Whoa, I think we need to stand on this conveyor belt to get in
01:31Tyler are your feet stuck to this conveyor belt? Yeah, snowy. I can't even move what's going on
01:39And why is it going so slow right now what's going on look silly it says the conveyor speed is only one
01:47Let's speed it up guys hit the like button right now to speed up the conveyor belt
01:53Yeah, guys, this is too slow. So hit the like button to speed it up. The likes are coming in. Whoa, look snowy
02:01I think it's making us faster. Whoa
02:04Yeah, we're going way faster now. Oh, it says I will become
02:10Burger hot dog. Oh my gosh, so we what's going on? It's choosing what it's gonna turn us into
02:15Wait, we're turning into the food and this is the food we're gonna get
02:21Oh my gosh, I think so and we can't move what are they doing?
02:26They're spraying water on us guys to the fries. I was gonna order earlier. It's actually made of snowy's
02:32Oh my gosh, what so they're gonna turn me into a hot dog, but I'm already a dog
02:38I guess and they're gonna turn me to fries. Oh my gosh. No, this is crazy
02:43We're gonna turn into food today with this food factory. It says we're about 15% completed. Oh my gosh
02:49Where's it taking us? Whoa down a grinder?
02:53What the I'm a giant meatball now, and I'm a giant potato ball. Oh my gosh
02:58So you look hilarious as the potato ball, but where are we going now? It's just taking us along this conveyor belt
03:05I don't know Tyler. We're gonna have to be changed further because I don't think this looks like fries. Yeah, here we go
03:11So we were still going up the conveyor belt
03:14Yeah, I just look like a giant meatball, but I think they're gonna smash me into a hot dog
03:18Oh, no, and I'm a giant potato ball
03:22But I need the other step inside of fries to make it taste good like so in the fry part
03:28Oh my gosh, so we look at this room. We're in all of the lights are red now. I think danger is coming
03:33Oh, no, Tyler. I think gonna cook guys. I think so. Oh, they're gonna smash us look out
03:39Uh-oh. Uh-oh. They're smashing guys
03:45We gave flatter and flatter Tyler, yeah, so it looks like I'm taking some kind of new shape right now
03:52And what is this room? Oh my gosh, so we look at all the giant fries that are in this room
03:57Oh, that's what I'm gonna end up looking like Tyler. I hope I don't eat myself look silly. I'm flat and long
04:04I still don't quite look like a hot dog yet. I do look like a peeled potato though
04:09It looks like the longer we're on this conveyor belt the more cash we earn and we could use that cash to speed up
04:16The conveyor belt. Oh, let's speed this thing up Tyler. Whoa, snowy. Look at this room
04:21I think this is some kind of research lab, but I don't see any food scientists
04:26I think they all abandoned this place cuz it's too creepy. Oh, no, Tyler. There's a saw up ahead
04:31Oh the saws Oh No, silly. Oh, no, they're gonna grind me into a hot dog shape
04:36I look like a wiener now, but I'm not a wiener dog
04:41Whoa, you actually look like fries now snowy, that's hilarious
04:45Yeah, this is definitely looking more appetizing, but Tyler you look hilarious
04:50Look at this silly. We're passing some other fries. I think there's a burger patty right there. So dad's how the burgers are made
04:58Here we go. So we were going up. I wonder when I'm gonna get the ketchup and mustard today
05:03Yeah, I don't wonder when I'm gonna get put in a package. Oh my gosh, so we look we're going through another room right now
05:09And there's another hot dog over here. Hey Tyler. I wonder together. We're gonna make a full meal totally silly
05:15I think they're gonna package us up and send us out to all the fast-food restaurants
05:19This is how all of the food gets made. I wonder if this same person is gonna order ice Tyler
05:24Oh, no, silly. Why does it smell like smoke? It kind of smells like barbecue. Oh, no
05:30I think the next room is where they're gonna cook guys. Oh, no
05:37Whoa, it's super hot in here. Oh my gosh, Zoe. It's cooking us. Look at the fire down there
05:43Yeah, there's so much fire and it's so hot and I can see them getting more crispy on the outside
05:49Me too. So II I look a lot more brown now like a cooked hot dog
05:54Wait a second, so II I kind of look gross. Yeah, Tyler. I'm not sure that hot dog is what I would order
06:02I'm definitely never gonna order a hot dog from that fast-food restaurant ever again because it's made out of people
06:10I know I should be creeped out because I'm fries right now, but I'm kind of making myself hungry
06:16Oh my gosh, so we look we're going to another room and it says hot dogs that way burgers in the middle and fries that way
06:22They're gonna separate us snowy. No
06:25No, Tyler. I don't know what to do without you. I'm going through the hot dog way
06:29And I think they're coating me with salt in here Tyler. What are they doing to you? I don't know
06:34So we wait they're putting ketchup and mustard on me. Check it out guys
06:38I am solid pepper sprinkled on me right now. Hey Tyler. I see you over there. Yeah, I see you too
06:45So we look silly I got ketchup and mustard all over me. But what am I gonna get my body?
06:49I don't know Tyler. You're starting to look pretty good. Actually. Yeah, I guess it's just kind of gross to know how they make the food
06:57But I like the final product
06:59Yeah, me too
07:00And this smell of french fries and hot dogs smells really good right now
07:05But guys stick around because after we make it through all of the food conveyors
07:09We're gonna be able to transform into some crazy awesome other items today. Not just food
07:15Wait to see what else we could turn into
07:18Hey, look, so he's salt and pepper. They're putting salt and pepper on us guys. I've had so much salt put on me right now
07:24That's what makes fries taste. Yummy. Oh, yeah, snowy the saltier the fries the better. Whoa, Tyler. Look we're steaming
07:32Whoa, you're right. I'm a really hot dog
07:36Yeah, you're a hot hot dog. Oh look, so we here we go. Hey, what's this next room over here?
07:41Look at all these robots working on the food
07:44What are they gonna do to us? I hope they make the bun. I feel like a naked wiener without my buns
07:54That's not what I meant so we don't like that
07:57Wait, why did we stop right here? I don't know. What are they doing? That's weird
08:01We're still going through and I'm still smoking. Maybe they just added a little extra flavor to us
08:08Totally silly I did feel a needle poke when we were back there. Whoa, look, it looks like there's a drop coming up get ready
08:18Here we go, wait, what are they doing so we oh my gosh
08:21They package us up and they're sending us out to the fast-food restaurant
08:25I bagged us up Tyler and now we're being sent to that very restaurant that we were in the drive-thru of
08:31Whoa, look at this huge room. There's so many fries down there on the floor. Oh my gosh, so we look
08:36They're sending us out. I think we're gonna be food delivery. Oh, no, we're about to get delivered
08:42Whoa, here we go
08:46We're being delivered. Uh, where are we now snowy? It feels like we're moving
08:52Maybe I can angle my camera to see outside. Oh my gosh, so we look food factory deliveries
08:58I think we're being delivered directly to the restaurant over there
09:05Man I guess they're gonna deliver us to the restaurant. So we and then serve it to all the customers
09:12Now we know how the food is made here. And I hope nobody ever asks how the food is made ever again
09:19All right, so we we made it to the next
09:22Transformation factory. What do you think? This one's gonna turn us into I have no clue Tyler
09:28I guess we're gonna have to try and find out. Yeah, the last one said food factory, but this one doesn't say anything
09:34Come on, silly. Let's get on the conveyor belt. Here we go. Snowy. Oh my gosh
09:39I'm going pretty fast right now. Meet you Tyler. We're entering the first stages
09:44I wonder what it's gonna turn us into this time
09:47It's gonna be a really funny secret thing snowy, but it could be anything. Whoa, look out for the size
09:53Oh my gosh, there's so many. Oh my gosh, silly. It took my head off now
09:59I just have the default new bed. Yeah, Tyler. They have to break us down before they could build this up
10:04Oh my gosh, silly. I see some smashies over here. They're gonna smash this up. Oh gosh guys. Here we go
10:10Oh, it's smashing me. Hey, it made me look blocky now. That's weird. What does that mean?
10:16Wait, and then shape to the rest of my body, but not my arms
10:20What am I gonna be go? Oh, what is this stuff?
10:23I think they spray-painted me red. It's like some sort of gas. Hey Tyler
10:28We're starting to look kind of different from each other. Totally silly. We look way different now. Look out red
10:34I am I don't know why I still have these blocky arms though. I just look like a blocky human
10:39Yes, no, he me too. Maybe they're gonna turn me into rainbow friends red or something
10:44Oh, yeah, I could totally see that Oh silly this next area that we're going through has some lasers
10:51They're gonna be cutting us with precise precision with these lasers
10:55Oh, I can't wait to see what I look like after I'm all lasered up. Oh, I lost my arms
11:01Why are we both missing our arms? I think we're gonna turn into something that doesn't have any arms snowy
11:07Oh, yeah, both of us though. This is so weird. Oh snowy. It looks like they're gonna put us through fire now
11:14Oh, no, we're burning
11:16Whoa, this is crazy
11:19Oh my gosh, what the heck oh my gosh silly my head is on fire and it's completely charred
11:25We're becoming all roasted and toasty after we get out of this one silly
11:30Let's go back to the food factory and get some cupcakes. I want some vanilla cupcakes
11:35Oh, I want some chocolate cupcakes chocolate cupcakes. Everyone likes vanilla better snowy
11:41Yeah, that is not true Tyler guys vote in the comments down below
11:45Are you team chocolate cupcake like snowy or vanilla like me? You'll see by the comments. So we everyone likes vanilla better
11:52Whoa, look this room's filling up with water. I think it's gonna put the fire that's on our head out
11:57Oh my gosh, it did snowy
11:59What the heck? Why do we look like this now? And why are you still blocky?
12:03It looks like you're wearing red boots Tyler. Yeah, totally
12:07Oh silly the walls are becoming red. That means something super crazy is about to happen. Oh, no
12:13It's the danger zone. Oh gosh guys. We are in the danger zone. I feel myself starting to transform snowy
12:20Oh, no, Tyler me too. We're changing. Oh my gosh. And here comes a drop. Here comes a drop. Whoa
12:28What was that? Hey, give me my arms back. Oh, yeah me too. Hey, we still gotta look different
12:34I wonder what we're gonna turn into I kind of look like a ghost now snowy
12:39I think this is the ghost of my old self. Oh, here we go. Guys. The transformation is starting. What the I'm an among us
12:47Imposter what the I'm a skimpy man-faced toilet. No way. So you're skimpy toilet
12:54I heard whatever we turn into right now is what we're permanently gonna be. I did not expect to turn into a toilet
13:01I'm, definitely the imposter silly. I have the urge to be sauce and then and oof all the crewmates
13:08Hey, there's boxes. I wonder if they're gonna package us up. Where are they gonna send us to I have no idea
13:14So we hey, they put me in a box and they closed it
13:17I guess we're going somewhere Tyler look my face totally is peeking out through the box
13:22We're getting faster now snowy. And yeah, I totally see your face staring at me. That looks hilarious
13:28Did somebody order a skimpy man-faced toilet? I think someone ordered it among us imposter to snowy
13:35We're almost to the end. Here we go. Let's see where we get delivered. I can't wait to see where our new home is
13:41I think this is the last room and then we're gonna go out here to get delivered
13:46This is so funny. Whoa. Hey, we've been delivered. Oh my gosh, Joey and look we're stuck like this forever now
13:53I think we've been delivered to the land of the memes Tyler. I'm the imposter
13:59Papa Papa Papa
14:06Come on silly, let's get in our car and go home
14:12This is so funny guys while we're driving home with our new bodies you should click on one of those videos
14:20That's on your screen right now
14:22And subscribe if you haven't already
14:26See ya!