• yesterday


00:30what the fuck is in this I have no idea I don't know what the fuck is in this what I
00:40would love to know what is what's in it I would too bro I have no idea what it is because
00:45myself primers setting sprays we don't go we don't do it I have no idea what that means
00:53I am Sicilian I put on a drop of foundation one pinch ten minutes later pastrami sandwich
00:58I know what foundation is that's makeup yes and pastrami sandwiches are good that's that's
01:05a bad thing I look like I'm cutting up meats in a meat shop greasy oh that's that's not
01:11good you guys won't shut the fuck up but I bought it I was like shut up I put on my makeup
01:21at 8 in the morning 8 what time is it I could talk now it's 10 1043 it's 806 in the evening
01:31I'm going to dinner before dinner my Sicilian ass brought all my jug of powder into the
01:35bathroom and I'm like here we go I don't I don't know what's happened I don't what powder
01:43what there's nothing it wasn't there was nothing do you know what I did what did you do I put
01:48on mascara and I fixed my lip okay what the fuck is it I don't know