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#Techy #AmongUs #AmongUsMods
#Techy #AmongUs #AmongUsMods
00:00Alright guys today. We are playing fortnight guess who am I it's me and Ashley versus you Ava and sage are you ready?
00:09All right, what should we do wait should we do anime?
00:12Oh, I went out voting for anime because Emma doesn't know anything about anime
00:18Well hopefully I get anime hopefully lands on mine
00:22Movies and TV yo Ashley mean you watch a lot of anime so if it lands on this we're cooking them, bro
00:28Oh, yeah, we are
00:35You guys got three people bro, okay, let's see what lands on all right movies and TVs or anime and oh wait
00:41What is this? I don't know. What are we supposed to do here? I'm pretty confused. Who's shooter. Oh, we got movies and TV. Oh
00:49Did we okay? Oh, I see who my pick is now. Okay. Wait. What is this? I'm just gonna do this one
00:55Wait, it's like you were supposed to ask questions. Wait, I'm not picking like that. Oh, I just get the pick like that. Oh
01:01Okay, so this is actually is this my character? I think so. Yeah, okay. Wait guys. Hold up before we start
01:06I'm I gotta paint my board. I don't like that. It's pink. Give me one second. I gotta make it red
01:09There we go. I don't can you paint it? Yeah, you can there's like a little paintbrush over there
01:12Oh, I might see you all the way down over there. You see me. Yeah. Hey big boy
01:15Hey, yo, shut up. All right. Anyways, am I you going first or am I going first? Oh, it's my turn
01:20So ask yes or no questions about your opponent. All right, Emma. I got you. Okay, is your character human?
01:30Actually, is this a human
01:33Yeah, are you sure? Okay. This is not a human. Okay. This is not a human. Uh, that's not a human
01:39That's definitely not a human. That's a human. Mmm, actually put a lot of cars down. Oh, yeah, because most of these aren't even humans, bro
01:45That's an anime character. Basically, it's kind of cartoon. I have an idea then. Okay, there we go
01:49Let's remove all these and all right the rest of these guys. That's not human either. Okay. All right, Emma
01:55You're I think it's your turn whenever you're ready for it. Okay, cool. Is your is your character human? Yes, he is human
02:02Okay, he is. Okay, so that's that's not human. That's not that's not. Nope. Does that count? That's what cow?
02:11Yeah, that was human
02:14No, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, I do not know what a human being is
02:28Okay, whatever I'm thinking like cartoon but wait listen cartoon characters are not human
02:44No guys, well that's in my book
02:48So, it's fine, okay cool at least you and I were thinking normally here techie
02:53Yeah, that's what I mean. That's why we're the players right because we're door. I mean
02:57Anyways, um, it's still your turn. I'm uh, so uh, I really sure I think we just wait cuz I can't really shoot anyways
03:02Yeah, cuz all mine are down now. So just click the intern button. Oh, oh
03:07Wow, all right. Anyways, Emma is your character a boy?
03:19Girl girl girl boy. Is this a boy?
03:32Is that a boy or girl that's a boy right awesome boy, that's a boy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah boy boy boy
03:37What how is this dude standing up still?
03:39Okay. All right. All right. All right. Where's the end turn button guys is I got it. Okay and your turn. There you go
03:44I'm on okay. I got a really good question for you. I'm ready for it
03:58Fine yes, it's a boy. Okay, that's not boy. Oh, no
04:04No, oh no actually look at their day
04:10Are you done I'm on your turn if you're done
04:13Actually actually help me out what question I asked look at how many people we got left
04:20Does your person have a beard no, I got something better does your person wear something on their head
04:25It is example like a hat or anything. No good one. They don't wear. Okay, wait
04:32Does hair count what's it? Yes hair counts or no, no, no, I'm saying like hair is normal
04:36No, that's not I'm talking about like a hat or like anything like a bandana item. Okay. Yeah. No, he doesn't know
04:41He doesn't wear anything like that
04:43Okay out out actually like that. Look at that question. Yeah
04:48Eliminated so many. All right. All right, let's end yours. Okay. I got a question. Okay. What's your question? Is your character wearing?
05:02All right, are you seriously keep copying my questions
05:09Yes, you wear something on his head, okay
05:18Actually, I think we should just guess I think we're ready to guess. Okay. How do you do that?
05:24Is there a way you can just sit there?
05:34Okay, so we put this one down and that is my final guess, okay
05:37Well, how do you how do you submit it? I just put in final guess. Okay. Yeah you you you lower everything else except for their guess
05:51Unbelievable she won by stealing my questions. All right, we're going again
05:54All right, let's look through dude, there's a lot of categories. Okay, so I'm oh we gotta go where you took round one dog
06:00Give you that. All right. All right. All right, Ashley. Did we go in with anime again? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah anime. Okay, we'll do
06:08All right, all right W fire, okay
06:12Okay, I'm asking juicy questions, okay, it is my turn so okay, that's my character Emma
06:17Let me let me let me think about this. Okay. Hmm. I actually got any good questions. I'm really trying to think here
06:24Is it a girl that has long hair? Actually, that's a terrible question. We're not asking that question guys. Hold up
06:30Let me rethink of a better question. I should look bro. Are they the main character?
06:34Hmm. Oh, that's a good. Oh, yeah, that's a great question
06:36Emma is your person a main character in the show actually that was a really good question
06:43The main the main character the main character
06:48Okay, guys. Well, this would be fun. Good thing. I have people cuz I
06:55Know I was not the main character. Oh, well, it's a stage just said she
07:10Boy boy boy boy. Yep. Thank you. Sage. You are the goat for that
07:16All right, and now she she's not the main character. So let's see. Yeah, she's not. Okay. Well all these are main care
07:21Okay, you know what you guys are so good. You're so good. Just guess
07:24What? No, I'm not guessing go ahead. You're so good. Look you got like five cards. Go ahead. I'm ending my turn
07:30Emma ask me a question. Okay. I got this. I know a lot about anime
07:38Does yours have
07:44Yeah, so they have dark hair, uh, yes
07:48Yeah dark hair
07:50So I know that when I know Kakashi, oh you do know my boy
07:57Who wouldn't he's a little he's a little adorable. Okay, this this one what do we do with that one?
08:06Okay that there that there that's there nope, nope, there's a lot of characters here, um
08:12Okay, that's weird. That's also weird and not Naruto. Okay, okay
08:18Okay, okay intern, all right, my question for you is
08:23Mm-hmm. I bet I know it. Does your character have natural colored hair?
08:38If you guys are
08:40Am I making it difficult I would say natural brown or black or not. I wouldn't say it's necessarily
08:48Unnatural, are you born with it? Can you be born with this hair? It is it likely?
08:59Okay, okay, there you go, it's got to be these two actually right no, actually
09:04No, I think I'm just gonna guess
09:09No, that means it's this one. I see trust me. Trust me. It's this one. Okay, how do I guess?
09:15Did I do it did I do it did I do it did I do I did it click final guess and click the card, okay
09:25I don't even know
09:28Okay, all right, I'm thinking next Emma we could go OG if you want to I want to go oh gee, yeah
09:48And we got the best one so in that case, oh, it's my turn
09:57Final guess
10:06Wait, hold up. Hold up. I'm gonna do that. I just need to take a look at them all one by one real quick
10:11You're taking a long time. No, I got 50 seconds left. I'm good. Okay, Ashley. It's probably not that it's probably not that
10:17It's one of these Ashley guaranteed
10:19I have no clue knowing Emma. I think it's this one. However, it could be this one. All right, I'm going with it
10:35Was close though, I had it off and the one the final four
10:39Black Knights the best. Okay, what should we do now, though? I kind of love pickaxes. I kind of want to do pickaxes
10:44Wow, it's gonna be hard. I love
10:47I'm going food, bro
10:51Do it big dude that would take forever and I don't nothing about pickaxes
10:55I love them the only pickaxe that I know and love a lot is the candy axe
11:02Really really I think food to help you out you literally zoomed in on food and you're like
11:07Wait, I just realized there's an icon category. I picked that one. Oh, we should get it. Oh my god. We got it
11:13We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. Oh my god. Look who I got Ashley
11:17He's uh, it's uh, it's a singer. Okay singer you say yeah, I didn't say that to trick you guys or nothing
11:39No, yes, yes
11:47Oops Ashley, I messed up
11:53What am I doing? Hey Emma Emma Emma, look at my fishy you ready pose
12:00Anyway, I can't see you I'm focusing on something very important. Yeah, I know all these are getting
12:10No, we could jump off if you want to I don't think you should really don't do it don't do it
12:14It's not worth it. No, no
12:20Okay, this is it I'm done, okay, it's not that bad. All right, I'm on hmm
12:24I mean, let me let me take a good little guess over here. All right, is your character a boy or girl boy?
12:29You can't ask it like that. Believe us. She's gonna give it to me. Anyways, you idiot, but it's a boy
12:37Let's do a Emma is it a girl?
12:45Important okay. All right, Ava, you know what you're right, you know, let's let's just go ahead and wait
12:49So it's not a girl. No, no, not a girl. Wow. Wow, Ashley. Wow, we have no girls. Wow. This is unbelievable
12:56I'm cooked. All right, I'm gonna go ahead. I'm a turn bro. I think
13:00Is your character wearing a shirt? No, is your character wearing sunglasses? I don't know. Hold on
13:08I'm trying to shoot this target right now. Give me one second. Seriously. Sorry. Okay. Is he wearing a shirt? Yes
13:12He's wearing a shirt. No, that's not my question. What was your question?
13:18Um, I don't know if I'd consider those glasses actually
13:29Should we just get we got it. Yeah, what do you think sage?
13:38Come on yeah, he wears glasses. Yeah, he wears glasses. Um, he wears glasses. Yep. Yeah
13:44Jackie, why are you saying it like that? You have to be you have to be honest
13:47Dude, he wears glasses. He's wearing glasses. Okay, he's wearing glasses. All right, definitely go ahead. Wait, that's it. Okay
13:54Yeah, I thought you were gonna guess. All right, I was
13:57But you're being annoying. All right, you know what? I'm gonna I'm gonna just go with the random guess here
14:02Is your character? Wait, actually, what do you mean? No, I
14:08Wait, Emma, you're never ended your turn. Okay, Ashley, Ashley, give me a good question here that can help us on the game. Okay
14:17Wait, can you zoom in real quick? Oh, yeah. Wait, wait, wait
14:21Okay, this might be an insane question ask but low-key. No, it's not gonna be I shouldn't do that
14:25I'd actually just help me is your person wearing a high accessory
14:30No, no, so he's not wearing a hat accessory, okay, okay
14:38Wait, does that count Ashley? I don't know why it does
14:43I'm just gonna turn it over. Never mind. Okay. Well, actually that wasn't that good of a question. I'm gonna be honest you suck
14:49All right, I'm ending my turn
14:51Yes, I ended my turn ammo. You can go is your character a DJ? I don't know Ashley
14:57I don't think so. No, it's not. No to my knowledge. No, okay
15:02Okay, all right, yeah, okay good good good. Okay. Now anyways, let me ask you the question next up Emma
15:08Does your character have blonde hair? Oh
15:19So he doesn't have blonde hair
15:23Okay, definitely not blonde
15:27Hey, it's not working bro, I got to go up more. Okay, so not blonde. So not that guy. Is that blonde?
15:33Actually, no, that's not blonde. No, it's brown. Wait, I'm ready to guess
15:37It took a total guess on one of mine earlier. They were wearing a sparkly shirt. So I assumed DJ
15:41I don't have any idea who that person was. Yeah, don't worry. I'm gonna win the game right now
15:51Oh, yeah kid Leroy, that's who it was you got kid Leroy cool
15:54I was gonna guess actually all of Emma's response. They had to be someone really weird hair or probably someone bald. So I
16:02Went with that one, oh no, he was bald. All right
16:05Anyways, if you guys did enjoy and do you want to see a part 2 like it subscribe?