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Welcome to the official Saffron Barker YouTube channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of lifestyle, beauty, and challenge videos including routine videos, q&as, makeup & beauty tutorials, clothing and American hauls, and more! Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications so you never miss a video! For instant updates, follow on social media accounts.
00:00You're different now that you've lost weight.
00:02You'll have kids soon.
00:05Definitely not.
00:06You base your worth on your appearance.
00:08Oh, totally true. No.
00:10Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel.
00:13I am joined with my mum.
00:15It has been so, so long.
00:17Since I've seen you.
00:18Well, yeah, since we've seen each other.
00:21My mum thinks unless I come round hers, we can't see each other.
00:25Even though I'm in every day and she could also come round mine.
00:28She's never in.
00:28But we do have these same conversations every single time that we see each other.
00:32I have actually decided you can come round mine.
00:35I can, you're right.
00:37But when you're in, you're in because you're busy doing stuff.
00:40No, I'm not.
00:40Yeah, you are.
00:41I've done nothing the last week.
00:42I've just been at home by myself.
00:45Honestly, anyways, I feel like when we come on here, it's like therapy for both of us.
00:49It's like the camera turns on and all of a sudden we feel like we can just tell each other how we really feel.
00:53I feel like it's therapy for you.
00:54What do you mean?
00:55I'm joking.
00:56Anyways, here we are back to the regular schedule.
01:00Yeah, joined with mum.
01:01We are just spending the day together today and we thought why not film an old school sort of YouTube video.
01:06I miss doing videos like this so, so much.
01:10Must have a good old little chat, isn't it?
01:12Yeah, have a nice little chat.
01:13Get it off our chests.
01:14Like I said, therapy.
01:15Yeah, absolutely.
01:16Free therapy for us when we do these videos.
01:17Yes, yes.
01:18No, so I was just going to do like a hot topic sort of like discussion with mum.
01:22However, I was going to answer assumptions about myself.
01:25I thought who better to answer assumptions about me than my mum because your mum, anyone knows this.
01:30Well, my mum especially has my back more than anyone else and I think sometimes we all.
01:35However, I'm always honest.
01:36Oh, yeah.
01:37I wouldn't say something just to have your back if it wasn't true.
01:40Yeah, to be fair, I say you have my back more than.
01:42Of course I have your back, yeah.
01:43But I think, I don't know, I think a lot of us take our parents for granted.
01:47And actually, our parents are the most honest people for us because like when I say you have my back, I think it's.
01:53I'll tell you as it is.
01:54Yeah, you'll tell me as it is.
01:57More than anyone else would.
01:59And also, yeah, you would have my back too.
02:00Oh, wow.
02:01I'm really just rambling on.
02:03So anyways, I asked for your assumptions about me on Instagram and it's funny because I just knew all the questions that were going to pop up because I hear new rumours and new assumptions about me almost every single day.
02:14And actually, there were so many lovely ones saying.
02:16I'm just laughing and you just sat there.
02:18You sound surprised.
02:19You sound surprised.
02:20There were so many lovely ones.
02:21Of course there is because you're bloody lovely.
02:23Thanks, mum.
02:24It's alright.
02:25No, but there really were some really nice ones saying like, why are you even bothering answering these?
02:29But it's the same as me really doing a Q&A and I just know that my mum will go in and it's kind of just for my own entertainment as well.
02:36The first one's a pretty obvious one.
02:38I feel like we all knew this was coming and I've answered it a million times before.
02:41But we can answer it again.
02:43And that's that I'm on weight loss injections.
02:46No, she isn't.
02:47I know this because I've asked her the same thing at the beginning when you first started losing weight.
02:51I said to you, you're not doing those injections, are you?
02:53And we are very honest with each other.
02:54We always tell each other everything.
02:55And I know that you're not on them.
02:56And I've seen how you changed in what you eat and how you, you know, even just going to the gym and stuff.
03:01I feel like you used to go to the gym so much for so long, work out and then you just eat loads of crap afterwards.
03:06You don't now.
03:07Well, I think I always thought that I could outwork my diet.
03:10That was my mindset.
03:11And I've learned that you can't do that.
03:13Like, it's not, I don't even think that's possible for anyone to be able to do is outwork your diet.
03:18Well, no, it's a scientific fact.
03:20And also, I understand.
03:22My mum and I have had this conversation so many times.
03:24Like, I genuinely understand why people assume I'm on it because I know so many people that are on it.
03:31And I see people that lose weight.
03:32And I think, well, they're probably just taking injections.
03:34Oh, anyone I see that's lost weight now, I just go, oh, you're on Zempic.
03:37Straight away, that's immediately what I think.
03:39Like, I don't even think it's offensive to ask that one.
03:40I don't just go like, you know, some people go, oh, God, I bet you're on Zempic.
03:42I'm just like, oh, you're taking Zempic.
03:43You've lost loads of weight.
03:44You look great.
03:45Or, you know, you don't look great or whatever.
03:46Obviously, if people are overweight, which you're not, you weren't overweight.
03:49Like, you have, you fluctuate so much.
03:52Like, I've seen pictures of you when you're so much bigger.
03:55And then, I mean, this, obviously, you're tiny now.
03:57And you've been this size before.
03:59So, it's, yeah, it's just fluctuating.
04:00And you're growing up.
04:01And you're changing.
04:02And your lifestyle changes.
04:04I've lost like a stone and a half in the last year.
04:06But I've done it really gradually because I'm like 50 now.
04:08So, if I was younger, people might say that to me because they'd notice it more.
04:12Do you know what I mean?
04:13So, it's just, and obviously, I don't wear little crop tops and whatever else.
04:15So, people don't really notice it.
04:16I think the thing that's frustrating for me, though, is when people say that I'm underweight
04:21because I am not underweight.
04:23Like, that's the thing that I find.
04:24You just had a full health check.
04:27From head to toe, everything.
04:28And everything was absolutely perfect.
04:30And I think that's the thing that's frustrating.
04:32Like, I understand that I did lose weight last year.
04:34However, it's annoying.
04:36But do you know what it is?
04:37When I'm like standing next to my friends that are like smaller than I am.
04:39And they're not underweight either.
04:41But they don't get comments saying that.
04:43But because I've lost weight.
04:44Honestly, I can't believe how many people comment on people's weight, to be honest.
04:48I just find it absolutely crazy.
04:50But also, do you know what it is?
04:51People keep going, oh, she's lost so much weight so quickly.
04:54No, you haven't.
04:56It was like over a year and a half ago.
04:57It was a year and a half ago when we was in LA.
04:59And you'd already lost like quite a bit of weight.
05:01But not enough for anyone to notice.
05:03But then you was in LA.
05:04And you came back and you were gradually losing less and less.
05:06And it seemed like suddenly you were really tiny.
05:09But actually, it wasn't sudden.
05:11It was a process.
05:12But people just see what they want to see, don't they?
05:14And I think, anyway, whatever.
05:15She's not on it.
05:16And move on.
05:17That's it.
05:18If she was, I'd be the first person to come down at her.
05:21Not that I think there's anything wrong with that.
05:23I think it's amazing for people that are overweight.
05:24But for her, obviously, that would be absolutely ridiculous.
05:27Somebody's written, you're different now that you've lost weight.
05:30Again, just baffling for me.
05:32Because I don't feel like I've changed at all.
05:34I don't either.
05:35I feel like people just...
05:37Probably different to when she was 15.
05:39Yeah, because she's a woman now.
05:42Like, what are you comparing it to?
05:43What, what?
05:44Like, different to what?
05:46You tell them.
05:47Different to when?
05:48She'll punch the camera in a minute.
05:50If you're different, it's just because you're different.
05:52It's not because you lost weight.
05:53No, exactly.
05:54It doesn't make you a new change of personality.
05:56Your boyfriend has moved in with you.
05:57Yes, he has.
05:58You would be correct in assuming that.
06:01Yeah, that happened...
06:02I was going to say, it did happen pretty quickly, to be fair.
06:04It kind of just made sense.
06:06But it was gradual, wasn't it?
06:07He stayed a lot, and then it made sense for him to move in because he's always there.
06:11Yeah, we didn't want to spend time apart, yeah.
06:13Unless I'm in love.
06:15And also, I'm really happy about that, because I'm so glad that she's got someone there that's big and strong,
06:20that can look after her, and I haven't got to worry about her anymore.
06:23I don't have to ring and make sure the doors are locked and everything else before she goes to bed,
06:26because I know that he would have done that.
06:29Yeah, and Josh is great, because he does...
06:31I don't know, I just feel like I needed to live with someone, honestly,
06:35because even last night, I couldn't be bothered to cook dinner.
06:39And honestly, because I so badly couldn't be bothered, I had a bowl of cereal, and I thought...
06:42Oh yeah, that's my favourite.
06:44Sometimes Dad's not there, I always have a bowl of cereal.
06:46I know, but then Josh is like, no, you need to...
06:48He nourishes you all the time, doesn't he?
06:50You need to fuel your body, Saf.
06:51So he makes me this amazing meal.
06:54Which is good, yeah.
06:55Yeah, so it's really great, actually, having someone to live with.
06:59You're always so confident.
07:02No, no, no, no, no.
07:04No, no.
07:05I am far from it.
07:06I think I used to be more confident than I am now.
07:08I think you used to be more confident than you are now.
07:09I think you're just scared now, because it's just like...
07:14You can't say or do anything, can you?
07:15I don't care, because I am 50, and I really don't give a s***.
07:19Come for me for whatever you want, because honestly, everything I say, I'm happy to say it,
07:24and I don't think I ever say anything offensive to anyone.
07:27I wouldn't on or off camera.
07:28That's not me.
07:29Saffron, I think, is very me, but is just scared to be herself, which is fine.
07:34Do you know what I mean?
07:35You just don't need it, do you?
07:36Yeah, I think I'm more confident.
07:37I think you're talking about confidence within what I do.
07:39Yeah, I am talking about confidence.
07:41However, if we talk about another type of confidence, you are confident now,
07:45because if you think...
07:46When you first went to LA, you was a nervous wreck,
07:49and now you're going off, you're flying on your own, you're doing these things,
07:52you're putting yourself on courses you never, ever would have done a couple of years ago.
07:56You would have done when you were younger, but then as you become an adult,
07:58you're like, oh, I'm not doing that, because you didn't have your little bubble around you.
08:01But now, you've challenged your confidence.
08:05Over and above.
08:06I think my confidence in certain areas have definitely grown, and in certain areas haven't grown.
08:12I could definitely pinpoint certain things.
08:14Yeah, like you say, me going to LA last year was a really tough thing for me to do.
08:19It was very outside of my comfort zone.
08:21I'm not very good at speaking to new, random people.
08:25I mean, I am.
08:26If I'm in a group environment, I wouldn't go up to somebody, would I?
08:29I wouldn't have the confidence just to go up and start speaking to somebody new.
08:33I would never have the confidence to do that.
08:35But in a group setting, I absolutely would speak to anyone, and I wouldn't feel nervous or anxious.
08:40So I think, yeah, in what you're saying, in that way I have.
08:42I think within myself, my confidence dips a lot because of social media,
08:47because of comments that people say about me,
08:49and I question things about myself, which isn't a good way to be,
08:52and I don't recommend it to anyone, and I wish I did that less.
08:55And I feel like each day I'm trying to do that less.
08:58But it's like I said the other day.
08:59Stronger women lift other women up.
09:01It's the weak ones that criticise, and that's what you just need to remember.
09:04Everyone needs to remember that.
09:06If someone's criticising you or you're criticising someone else,
09:08take a look at yourself or them.
09:09There's something wrong in their life.
09:11Because I just wouldn't do that.
09:12No, I know.
09:13You wouldn't do that.
09:14I know.
09:15So we're quite happy.
09:16But it's still hard.
09:17It's still hard.
09:18The comments about your appearance, or the way that you act,
09:20or the way that you – whatever.
09:22I definitely do have times where I can be almost at my worst enemy
09:26and pick myself apart, and I don't have that much confidence.
09:29But I feel like each day is different for me, if I'm being honest.
09:33It's very up and down, isn't it?
09:34It's very up and down.
09:35You've literally been on the floor before,
09:36and then the next day you can be up on cloud nine.
09:39Yeah, and I'm like,
09:40I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I'm going to be more confident.
09:42Can we have that one, please?
09:43Deep down.
09:44We want that one more.
09:45Deep down I'm confident.
09:46I think as a child I was confident.
09:47I think your internal confidence has grown as a person.
09:51You know who you are.
09:52You know what you want.
09:53You know where you want to be in life.
09:55All of that is completely confident.
09:57But no one really – I mean, I say I don't care, and I don't care.
10:01But obviously there's times when you sort of think,
10:03oh God, did I do – am I – you know, whatever.
10:05You question things, and that's what it is.
10:07There's always that little doubt, isn't there?
10:09I think if social media wasn't a thing, I think I'd be the most confident person.
10:13I think I blame all of my insecurities because of social media.
10:17Like 100 billion percent.
10:19But yeah, I think it's one of those things I'm just learning to each day to become more confident.
10:23I think also just having self-love just makes you more confident, doesn't it?
10:27And that's something I'm really trying to have.
10:29That's something I'm really grateful for Josh for as well,
10:31because I've never been with somebody that's made me love myself more as well,
10:36which I'm really grateful that he's given me that
10:38and just loves me in every single way.
10:40That's his heart, because sometimes, don't know how.
10:44But yeah, no.
10:45He's very encouraging.
10:46That's what it is.
10:47Yeah, which is cute.
10:48So for you, really, you're in a really good place emotionally now
10:51because you've got someone that you absolutely love and loves you to bits,
10:54and you're very compatible and it's just lovely.
10:56And you're growing up, obviously.
10:58You're doing your new career path, which is going amazingly well.
11:01So everything is good for you.
11:03So there's no reason why you shouldn't be confident.
11:05So just be confident.
11:06Thank you. Thank you, Mum.
11:07See, sometimes you just need your mum.
11:09You need a little pep talk from your mum is what you need.
11:11Are you going to have kids soon?
11:13I don't think so. Not yet.
11:14I think you'd like to, but I think you've got a little career path going on.
11:18And I think that we might just interrupt it all.
11:21So we've got to do the little career path thing first.
11:23Give it a couple of years.
11:25Okay, I like the sound of the career path thing.
11:27I think you've actually hit the nail on the head.
11:29I actually would love to.
11:30I know you would have had one two years ago
11:31if you'd have met the right person two years ago.
11:33But I feel like you've been so focused for so long on this one career path,
11:38that you're cracking it, you're knocking on doors now.
11:41And it's starting to pay off a little bit, isn't it?
11:44And I feel like now would be not a good time to get pregnant.
11:47No. Not that any time's a good time, though, really.
11:49There's never a bad time to get pregnant.
11:51No, never a good time.
11:52There's never a right time, yes.
11:53But that's more like it.
11:54There's never a right time to be pregnant, really.
11:56You can always find reasons not to or to.
11:58But yeah, I just feel like definitely not this year would not be a good time.
12:02You were over social media.
12:05I would say you're not over it because you love it,
12:10because it's been part of your life for so long.
12:12However, like I just said, your career path,
12:14you want to go in a different direction.
12:16But then every career now is part, social media is part of it, isn't it?
12:20So I feel like it will always be part of your life,
12:22even if you became the biggest actress in the world.
12:26Still, social media is going to be part of your life, isn't it?
12:28You just don't want that to be the full focus.
12:31I think I'm over parts of social media.
12:34Well, there's so much hate and stuff, isn't there?
12:36Yeah, I'm over how everyone takes everything so personally nowadays.
12:40I mean, there's so many things I am over social media, to be honest.
12:43Yeah, but everyone is.
12:44The sad people that really just find hate on other people
12:46and putting down, you know, and just questioning everything
12:48and just you can't say anything right,
12:50you're not allowed an opinion and all of that.
12:52It's those people that we don't really care about them anyway.
12:54You do.
12:55Yeah, it's like I said.
12:56But yeah, I was going to say, a huge part of me still loves social media.
12:59I've always loved social media.
13:01I loved sitting and making YouTube videos.
13:03I mean, the reason I first started it is because I fell in love with it
13:06and that's why I've stuck by it for so, so, so long.
13:08But yeah, I mean, there's definitely parts I'm over
13:11because I feel like cancer culture is at its peak at the moment
13:14and everyone's very offended by everything at the moment
13:17and it is a bit like treading on eggshells.
13:20But at the same time, I still love it.
13:22I love consuming it, I love watching it.
13:24There's a really nice side to it, isn't there?
13:26Exactly, and there's such a nice side to it, which I absolutely love.
13:29Life, that's everything in life, isn't it?
13:31There's good and bad in everything and everyone, so that's just life.
13:34But it is crazy how much it has changed since when I first started out 10 years ago.
13:39I don't remember there being this much negativity.
13:42I mean, there wasn't.
13:43Oh no, the world's changed in 10 years as well.
13:45The whole world's changed.
13:47So yeah, it's completely different.
13:49And now everyone wants to do it, so it's jealousy.
13:51So if it's not working for you, then not necessarily in that,
13:54but everyone has social media now, don't they?
13:57So back then, it was like not everyone had it.
13:59Well, they had it, but they weren't trying to make it as a career.
14:02But now it's kind of everyone.
14:04Everyone's doing social media.
14:05Who wouldn't want to do it as a career?
14:07Because at the end of the day, it's a great job, isn't it?
14:09You earn good money, you go to great places.
14:11Of course, who wouldn't want to?
14:13If I was young, that would be my full focus.
14:16I'd be doing it too.
14:17You are doing it.
14:18I'm here on YouTube.
14:19And you're kind of young.
14:21You're as young as you feel.
14:22I'm a spring chicken.
14:23You base your worth on your appearance.
14:26That's totally true.
14:29No, as if.
14:30That is so far from the truth, I can't tell you.
14:33Yes, you want to look nice, I take it.
14:35You like looking nice.
14:37And you like being healthy.
14:40That is not who she is.
14:41Anyone that knows her knows,
14:42and I don't want to be like doing that YouTube video mum thing,
14:45but she's the nicest person you'll ever meet.
14:47What's the YouTube video mum thing?
14:48No, just like the mum on YouTube that's going,
14:50oh, she's really nice, she's really kind, she's really...
14:52But she is.
14:53Anyone, I don't know anyone that's ever met her
14:55in real life that hasn't said that.
14:57My thing is, I genuinely cannot pretend to like people.
15:00That, I think, is my problem.
15:02If you're not a nice person,
15:03I won't pretend to like you because it would get me more views
15:06or anything like that.
15:08Morally, I can't do that.
15:10A lot of people in this industry do do.
15:12You literally know that they are slating that person.
15:15They'll be like, oh, my God, hi!
15:17And you're literally like, that's not me either.
15:20No, it's just not me.
15:22I just can't fake it.
15:23I don't want to connect someone's backside
15:25because they've got more followers or whatever else.
15:28If they're... No. No.
15:30And also as well, I just...
15:31I mean, maybe this is like totally going off topic,
15:33but this morning I was on FaceTime to Anna
15:35and there was this video made about Anna and I
15:37and it wasn't like a very nice video.
15:39And Anna said to me, oh, I met this girl
15:41and I filmed with her like a couple of years ago
15:43and she was so nice.
15:44And she was the last person I ever expected to make this video.
15:47And she was doing normal, like typical influencing,
15:49stuff like that.
15:50And then the second she makes like a video
15:52that isn't very nice about people,
15:54obviously it blows up
15:55because naturally people are drawn to negativity.
15:58And now I just know for a fact
16:00that all of her videos are going to be that,
16:02even though that's not even her as a person.
16:04It is her as a person because I'm not that as a person.
16:06Nothing would drive me to do that.
16:08So that is her as a person.
16:09True, deep down.
16:10So feel sorry for her.
16:11If that's how you're going to make it,
16:13you do you, hun, because you've got to live with that.
16:16Anyways, moving on.
16:17Okay, this one's actually pretty cute.
16:19And I actually have had a lot like these,
16:21I don't want to be reading this about myself
16:22because it looks like I'm just trying to,
16:24lots of great things about myself, you know.
16:26This is amazing.
16:27You are a loyal friend
16:28because you have kept the same friends since school.
16:30Not since school, since she's about three.
16:32So Libby, Harriet, Grace, Amy, Jasmine,
16:36the six of you have been friends since you were so-
16:38Well, Grace I met later on.
16:40Oh yeah, Grace was senior school,
16:42but she was already friends with Jasmine, wasn't she?
16:44But yeah, you didn't know them all together
16:45because you weren't all at school.
16:46You were friends with Harriet
16:48because we were friends with her parents.
16:49You were friends with Libby
16:50because you went to nursery with her
16:51and then Jasmine,
16:52and then you all sort of became friends, didn't you?
16:54But that, I didn't actually realise how rare that was
16:57and how lucky I was.
16:58I have the same friends.
16:59Yeah, which is crazy
17:00that you have the same friends.
17:01Actually, this weekend,
17:02I'm going out with all my school friends to spa
17:04and Saffron's coming with us.
17:05Yeah, which will be really cute.
17:07Love that.
17:08You keep getting into a relationship
17:10because you were scared of being single.
17:13Like, you are the independent queen
17:15that's lived on her own for years.
17:17I don't understand that,
17:18why anyone would assume that.
17:19You've had like three relationships.
17:21Honestly, I find it crazy
17:22how many people assume that I can't be single
17:25because, I mean,
17:26I know I had a very short relationship last year
17:29but before that, I was single for two years.
17:32Yeah, literally.
17:33I honestly don't understand
17:35but I think it's also because I get rumoured
17:36that I'm dating people when I'm not.
17:38Yeah, that's true.
17:39Like, that's also a thing
17:40or if most people are like seeing someone
17:42having a talk on stage
17:43and no one knows about it.
17:44You don't even date people really, do you?
17:45Not really, no.
17:46You've been on a couple of,
17:48I don't know, I'd say that I know of
17:49and I'm sure that's probably all it is,
17:51like four dates or something in those two years
17:53because you just don't,
17:54not that bothered, are you?
17:55You're quite happy on your own.
17:56Well, no, I've had three relationships
17:58and I'm 25.
18:00I mean, unless you count my relationship
18:01when I was 14.
18:02Yeah, when I was four.
18:03But most people wouldn't count that.
18:04Yeah, more than that,
18:05but I've met Dad
18:06and I've been with Dad since I was 17.
18:07Most people wouldn't even count
18:08their relationships at 14
18:09but obviously because my relationship was online.
18:11I guess it's different.
18:12Meeting Josh has changed your career plans
18:15and derailed plans to move to the US.
18:18No, definitely not.
18:20This is what I mean.
18:21People don't know you.
18:22Nothing is going to derail her plans.
18:26She is so determined.
18:27I've never known anyone
18:28that's determined as this girl.
18:30Literally, the law of attraction thing,
18:32she's making me believe it
18:33because she says this stuff
18:35and it just happens to her
18:37and it doesn't just happen.
18:38She works bloody hard for it.
18:39You spent three years now training,
18:41just being amazing
18:42and it's paying off.
18:43Do you know what I mean?
18:44It's paying off.
18:45She's talking about acting here.
18:47It hasn't paid off yet.
18:48No, but it is
18:49because people within the industry
18:50are seeing you and saying amazing
18:52and whatever.
18:53I'm not going to go into it.
18:59Jed asking how long I'm going to be.
19:01What did you do, five?
19:02I was going to go 10 but I did five.
19:04What you're doing
19:05and where you put your goals,
19:07I've thought a few times
19:08that's not going to happen
19:09and now you've made me believe
19:11this is going to happen.
19:12You're going to do whatever you want.
19:15I do believe.
19:16There's no one changing that.
19:18I always believe in you
19:20but it doesn't necessarily mean
19:21I think that these things
19:22will necessarily happen.
19:24Not because I don't believe in you
19:25just because I just think
19:26what are the chances or whatever.
19:28Your determination
19:29and your drive,
19:32I'm just like,
19:34whatever she wants to do,
19:35she's going to do it.
19:36Yeah, it's funny
19:37because we talk about confidence
19:38and we talk about the fact
19:39that sometimes I'm not confident
19:40or I get scared of what people think
19:41but actually if I have my mind
19:42set to something,
19:43no one would derail me.
19:45There is actually no one
19:46that can talk me out of it.
19:47I also
19:48because I think,
19:49although I'm not always confident,
19:50I think I have more self-belief
19:52than anyone
19:53because I think if you don't
19:54have self-belief,
19:55honestly, what do you have?
19:56I think it's the most important thing
19:58to have in life
19:59is believing
20:00within yourself.
20:01You've taught me that.
20:02I mean, I literally had it
20:03in my merch back in the day.
20:05Ten years ago,
20:06I had believe in yourself
20:07and I will always say that
20:08it's the most powerful thing.
20:09I'm so big
20:10with law of attraction
20:11and manifestation
20:12and I just think,
20:13yeah, honestly,
20:14no one could derail me.
20:15Like, at all.
20:16And also,
20:17if she was with someone
20:18that she thought would
20:19or could derail her,
20:20you wouldn't like them.
20:21I wouldn't be with them, no.
20:22You wouldn't be with them.
20:23No, no, 100%.
20:25I'd only be with somebody
20:26that would support me
20:27in anything that I wanted to do,
20:28you know,
20:29so that would never be the case.
20:30And wants the best for you,
20:31which she does.
20:32I would never try
20:33and get in the way of that
20:34or dare.
20:35She'd drag him down.
20:36Okay, well,
20:37I feel like we've answered
20:38a lot of questions.
20:39I mean, there were questions,
20:41but assumptions about me.
20:42I don't really know
20:43what else to say,
20:44to be honest.
20:45No, it's been fun.
20:46It's been fun.
20:47It's been like the old days.
20:48It really has.
20:49She bribed me to come out
20:50with her to get some nice goodies
20:51on the way,
20:52but we actually haven't
20:53moved off this spot
20:54because we're actually
20:55still going.
20:56I said I'd get my matcha,
20:57but we will get you a matcha.
20:58I hate matcha.
20:59So do I,
21:00but I'm really trying to like it
21:01because it's meant to be
21:02good for you.
21:03Oh, you have tried it.
21:04I thought you hadn't tried it before.
21:05I feel like I've tried it once,
21:06I did think it was really good.
21:07This one had like,
21:08just syrup.
21:09Yeah, I just not.
21:10Don't think I'm going to get
21:11behind the matcha trend
21:12if I'm being honest.
21:13I don't care about the trend.
21:14It's meant to be really good
21:15for your brain.
21:16And you know,
21:17I'm all about my brain
21:18at the moment.
21:19I need as much help
21:20as I can get.
21:21Well, I don't care about
21:22the trends, okay?
21:23No, I don't care about the trends.
21:24I don't care about drinking
21:25fancy drinks
21:26because they're trendy.
21:27I care about my brain
21:28and my memory,
21:29which is going rapidly.
21:31Thank you guys
21:32for watching this video
21:33and we shall see you soon.