• 2 days ago
Fortnite Dupli Kate Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00Fortnite just released a brand new update where you can unlock a free skin, get 6 new
00:03exotic weapons, and 2 classic mythic weapons that are absolutely overpowered.
00:07I'm also going to show you the fastest way to unlock the new skin free, so make sure
00:11to watch the whole video and let's jump into it.
00:14Now to start things off, I was a little confused how to find the outlaw keycard.
00:17Now if it's not in your inventory when you play your first game, just go ahead and rob
00:20a vault, and then the next game on you should have the outlaw keycard which you can upgrade.
00:24As you can see now, after I completed one game where I robbed a vault, I now have an
00:28outlaw keycard in my inventory.
00:30Also now I have these quests to rob vaults, eliminate bosses or guards, spend bars, and
00:34collect goons or medallions.
00:35I think by completing those, I will actually upgrade the outlaw keycard.
00:38So I think I keep this every game moving forward.
00:40We're just going to test it out by going to a vault.
00:43Somebody's landing on me.
00:45Okay, let's talk to Keisha Cross.
00:47All right, let's go ahead and head over to the vault here and open it up, first time
00:52Oh, there we go.
00:54What the heck is this?
00:56Very interesting.
00:57Let's go down here and you'll see, oh my gosh, it's outlaw Midas.
01:01Did you miss me?
01:02And then you can go ahead and talk to him about uniting the outlaws or Fletcher game.
01:05You can see over here he sells Midas's gilded eye drum gun.
01:09This thing is looking diffy.
01:10We also have this chest here, which requires, I have to complete outlaw keycard quest to
01:16access it.
01:17And in here you can buy for dill bucks, the lawless heavy impact tracking rifle exotic
01:20and the lawless stink rifle exotic.
01:22I'm going to go ahead and buy some stuff here.
01:23All right, let's go ahead and rift.
01:27Now, as you can see, I still have the key card.
01:30What the heck?
01:31Somebody's here.
01:37Let's get this vault open.
01:42Break this thing open.
01:43There you go.
01:44Okay, I'm going to head to a different vault since I checked out that one before.
01:50Oh my.
01:51All right, there should be another back room over here.
01:57Oh my goodness.
02:08I think everybody wants in over here.
02:10Nobody's opened this vault yet though.
02:11Let me go ahead and just block this off.
02:19Oh, awkward.
02:22Let's open this up.
02:24Oh my goodness.
02:26Oh, this one looks cool.
02:28You got the lawless blink pump and dump that I could buy and the lawless shockwave rocket
02:32launcher over here.
02:33We also have a mythic enhanced outlaw shotgun, which I think the outlaw shotgun sucks.
02:37So it's interesting that's available.
02:38And then this over here, we have to unlock a bit more to get it going.
02:41Upstairs though, nothing much.
02:43Just an ammo crate.
02:44All right.
02:45Well, I'm going to go ahead and buy the rocket launcher.
02:46Let's go ahead and rift out.
02:49Okay, it looks like whoever has the medallions going for the magic mosses black market.
02:53So I'm headed over there too.
02:55Ooh, double time.
02:57Double time.
03:01Oh my goodness.
03:03Brutus' minigun.
03:04Are you kidding me?
03:05Oh my goodness.
03:06The lawless trinity assault rifle.
03:08I got everything right now.
03:09What the heck?
03:10If you haven't seen this thing, I was trying it out in super reverse blue.
03:14It shoots like this.
03:15It actually is pretty crazy.
03:16I think this is going to be my loadout.
03:17I think I have the most broken loadout I've ever seen in Fortnite.
03:20Now they've opened up this black market area.
03:22Some more ammo crates up top.
03:23If we go down here, you'll see.
03:24Oh my gosh.
03:26You look surprised to see me.
03:27Oh, I can hire Brutus.
03:29And you can talk to him about Ghost of Shadow, Midas, Crime City.
03:31I'm recruiting him.
03:32You can buy the exotic lawless slap cannon.
03:34It looks like they bought both the other exotics here, which I'm rocking.
03:37I'm full of gold, baby.
03:38This update's crazy.
03:44Trying to take her out.
03:50My goodness.
03:51Get him, Brutus.
03:53It's time to test out the mini gun.
03:55It's as overpowered as I remembered it.
03:56Now, I think I've showed them all, but yeah, there was a total of six exotic weapons added
04:00in this update.
04:01Now, they're prefixed with lawless on everything.
04:03So we have the slap cannon, the Trinity Assault Rifle, Blink, Pump, and Dump, Heavy Impact
04:08Tracking Rifle, the Stink Rifle, and then the Rocket Launcher.
04:10It's time to keep moving.
04:14It's so fun.
04:17Oh, it's too good.
04:18Me and Brutus.
04:19And my Jeep Wrangler Rubicon.
04:21We also apparently have an April Fool's limited time event that returns this year.
04:24According to Hypefax, it has quests and possibly gameplay effects and rewards.
04:28There's a small surprise update on April 1st.
04:30And the last time we had an April Fool's limited time event was in 2018 when Fortnite boosted
04:35the impulse grenades so that they were 10 times more effective and then also made boogies
04:39boost your jump.
04:40So Fortnite's getting into the spirit.
04:42All right.
04:43They are wanting to do something really cool here.
04:45Oh, my.
04:46Hey, don't mind me.
04:51Shield bubbles?
04:53Oh, he's hucking grenades.
04:59Oh, man.
05:00Jumped on him.
05:01I am way too powerful with my loadout, honestly.
05:04This gun looks cool, though.
05:05Gold Midas, gold car.
05:06Now, of course, a lot of people are excited when you hear free skins.
05:10And Fortnite has just released the quest so you can start to earn towards getting the
05:14free duplicate skin.
05:15It's called the Party Up Spring Raid Quest.
05:18And it seems fairly simple.
05:20Oh, my goodness.
05:21I'm flying in.
05:26Oh, OK.
05:27I don't think I like this lawless trinity assault rifle.
05:29I've almost been eliminated twice while using it.
05:31I'm just using it wrong.
05:32All right.
05:33So let's open up our quest.
05:34And over here you will see the Party Up Spring Raid Quest.
05:36And you've got two weeks and three days to do them.
05:38Now, there appears to be nine different free rewards.
05:41Starting off, we have through the fire and flames jam track.
05:43We have a spray, a back bling.
05:45This one over here.
05:46Another spray.
05:47This loading screen.
05:48Her pickaxes.
05:50This emoticon for emote.
05:52And then finally, we have the duplicate skin, which you can get for free.
05:55Now, to complete this quest, you got to do two things.
05:57One, you got to earn XP and buy epic experiences in a party with friends.
06:01So, for example, duoing with your friend in Battle Royale.
06:04And each time you beat a stage, there's five of them, you will complete quest progression.
06:07So that means just from that, you can get up to level five.
06:09But to get to level nine, you're going to have to complete the second part over here,
06:13which is Party Up Spring Raid Creator Made Quest, which means you have to get XP and
06:18And I got the perfect one to give you a ton of XP.
06:20So, for the creator made quest part, you have to earn XP and creator made experiences in a party with friends,
06:25which means you and a friend or a squad of your friends got to match up and go ahead and go play
06:29Super Red vs. Blue if you want the most XP.
06:32But how do you find it?
06:33When you're in the lobby, go to the left of the play button.
06:35You're going to see a little search magnifying glass.
06:37Click on that.
06:38And then go ahead and type in typical gamer.
06:40Go to creators.
06:41Tap on me.
06:42Hit the favorite button if you haven't already.
06:43Follow me on Fortnite.
06:44We are the number one most followed creator in the game, which is awesome.
06:47So, thank you for your support.
06:48And I know that we can get to one million first.
06:50So, everyone go follow me.
06:51Then you're going to want to go ahead and click on Super Red vs. Blue.
06:54If you want to check out our other experiences like Toy Bed Wars or Super Red vs. Blue Zero Build.
06:58The list goes on and on.
06:59You can go ahead and do that.
07:00The Super Red vs. Blue over here is fantastic for XP.
07:02Click on that and select and then hit play.
07:04If you ever feel like you're getting less XP, just go ahead and head over to our TMNT Super Red vs. Blue map
07:09because it uses a similar XP system.
07:11And what you want to do is just turn around when you spawn and grab some weapons.
07:14You try out all the new stuff here as well.
07:19And just play with your friends and have fun.
07:21The one thing you can do is aim for headshots.
07:23You'll see a headshot there.
07:24Headshot there.
07:26Just from that, I mean, I've gotten, what, 35,000 XP?
07:2938,000 XP?
07:33So, go for headshots.
07:34Go for headshots if you can.
07:35It's going to give you a ton of XP.
07:37And even if you don't hit headshots, you're going to be just getting a lot anyway.
07:43Oh my goodness.
07:44I am just getting the most XP possible.
07:48Holy smokes.
07:51Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
07:52Make sure to hit the favorite button.
07:53Recommend if you enjoy it.
07:54Oh, there's somebody down over there.
07:58Oh my goodness.
08:00Let it rip.
08:01Oh, there's a guy up there.
08:05Let it spray.
08:06We just keep the good times rolling.
08:08I think the last two people are over here.
08:10This rocket launcher is so much fun, by the way.
08:15Oh, I'm here.
08:19It's better than I thought.
08:21This update is awesome.
08:22Let me know what you think.
08:23And GG.