• 2 days ago
EVIL RIVER - Full Length English Movie - Horror Thriller - Hollywood Horror Movie - Marcella Braga
00:00:30I'm going to die.
00:01:00I'm going to die.
00:01:30Time flies.
00:01:49One week earlier
00:01:51Hello? Julia?
00:01:53Yes, hi!
00:01:56Well, I've just arrived.
00:01:58Which way is the parking?
00:02:00Oh, I see. Yes, I see the parking.
00:02:04No, no, no, no. The trip was fine. Just long, you know.
00:02:08And the jet lag is making me feel a bit groggy.
00:02:11Okay. I'll see you at the parking.
00:02:15See you in a little bit. Thanks.
00:03:27I'm Julia. It is so nice to finally meet you.
00:03:30My pleasure.
00:03:32Come. My car is this way.
00:03:58You have to be patient. My English is not so good.
00:04:01It was just fine to me.
00:04:03How did you find us?
00:04:05The Internet. I got an intern at home, at university.
00:04:09And she can probably get you a room right next to the Pope as long as she can get to her phone.
00:04:14Say, they don't let you sleep with the Pope, miss.
00:04:18Of course they don't. It was a hyperbole.
00:04:21A what?
00:04:22I was joking.
00:04:24You must be exhausted.
00:04:27Well, let's just say that between the intercontinental flight and the interregional train,
00:04:31probably I'll be sleeping for the next 12 hours and not even feel rested.
00:04:35I know exactly what you mean. Oh, and I have the perfect medicine for you.
00:04:40Here. Our wine. My family makes it.
00:04:44You'll drink this, you'll sleep much better and feel rested.
00:04:48Drink. Try it.
00:04:51Here in a car?
00:04:53Nobody's going to arrest you for drinking around here. Besides, I'm the one driving.
00:05:06How is it?
00:05:08It's pretty good, actually. Thank you.
00:05:10Told you. Keep the bottle. You can bring it in your room with you when we get to the hotel.
00:05:23You're welcome.
00:05:53You're welcome.
00:06:24Here's your room. The bathroom is a door that way.
00:06:29And for anything else, just call me, okay?
00:06:32Okay. Thank you.
00:06:34Get some rest. We'll talk in the morning.
00:06:37Okay. See you in the morning.
00:06:40Good night.
00:06:53Good night.
00:07:23Good night.
00:07:53Good morning.
00:08:12Good morning.
00:08:13Are you ready? Did you have breakfast?
00:08:15I'm fine. We can go.
00:08:17Let's go.
00:08:30Is it far from here?
00:08:31Not too far. Just 30 minutes with the car and then we start walking.
00:08:35We're actually waiting for someone.
00:08:38Just another customer. His name is Daniel. He's from Croatia and he will be joining us for the tour.
00:08:43I thought we were traveling alone.
00:08:45I know. He booked a trip last night. He paid double the rate. I couldn't say no.
00:08:50Hope it's okay for you.
00:08:52Yeah, it's fine.
00:08:53Oh, here he is. Hi, Daniel.
00:08:55Good morning, sweetheart.
00:08:56This is Emma, the professor I told you about the other night.
00:08:59Hi there. Nice to meet you, Emma.
00:09:01My pleasure.
00:09:04Are you ready to go?
00:09:05Sure. Pop the trunk for me, will you?
00:09:16So, why are you so interested in witches? Are you one?
00:09:21I am a professor in women's studies at university.
00:09:24So, you're a witch with a degree.
00:09:28I'm writing a book on the origins of women mutilations by the hand of a sect who performed blood sacrifices.
00:09:35I'm writing a book on the origins of women mutilations by the hand of a sect who performed blood sacrifices.
00:09:40I'm writing a book on the origins of women mutilations by the hand of a sect who performed blood sacrifices every Sunday.
00:09:49And what about you? Going location scouting for a Halloween porn shot?
00:09:54Something like that. I'm an investigative news reporter.
00:09:59What happened? A couple of teenagers were caught having sex on the site?
00:10:04No, not really. But they did murder a student.
00:10:10Ten kilometers from here. An archaeological site.
00:10:13They tied her up, drugged her and bled her out very slowly.
00:10:17How were they able to do that on an archaeological site?
00:10:20Hey, this is Italy. This very road is an archaeological site.
00:10:25So, why are you going to this site if the murder was kilometers away?
00:10:30Call it a hunch.
00:10:39How many more minutes till we get to the trail? Anyone wants to eat before we start walking?
00:10:45I'm kind of hungry.
00:10:47There are some sandwiches in the bag right there next to you.
00:11:00So, Giulia, why don't you tell us more about this cursed river?
00:11:04It's not quite a river. We call it Tarantino.
00:11:08What is it like?
00:11:09Like a very tiny river, but deep enough to drown a woman in it.
00:11:15The story goes like this. Shanda was a beautiful farmer, devoted to her land and her crops.
00:11:22Her farm and field were right next to a river.
00:11:25A torrente.
00:11:27Yes, a torrente.
00:11:30Around 1520, the area was hit by a mysterious outbreak, causing internal bleeding and several deaths.
00:11:37And so, the abbey of San Nicola nearby was turned into a primitive emergency room where the infected people were quarantined.
00:11:46Around that same time, Shanda starts to show up at the abbey.
00:11:50She helps attending the sick and provides medical herbs from her own field.
00:11:55Unfortunately, all efforts are in vain.
00:11:57The disease spreads, decimating all towns close by and the monks of the abbey.
00:12:02So, as a consequence, a rumor starts about Shanda and her medical herbs.
00:12:09The surviving families thought she was responsible for the spreading of the evil disease,
00:12:14so she would be drowned into her own torrente by a group of monks, led by the abbot.
00:12:22This is not accurate.
00:12:24What is not accurate?
00:12:26What you're telling about Shanda.
00:12:28I've been doing this tour for three years now. Are you telling me I don't know the story of the site?
00:12:58What is it? A flat tire?
00:13:01I don't know. But maybe we should go out and see if she needs some help.
00:13:18What's wrong?
00:13:21We're leaking some oil. I need to get the car out of here.
00:13:25My brother Mark is going to pick it up and lend us his car. He's on his way now.
00:13:40Is that him?
00:13:42No, that's not him.
00:13:50Daniel, come here!
00:14:13Are you okay?
00:14:17Are you okay?
00:14:19What the fuck happened?
00:14:24Daniel, what happened?
00:15:18What the fuck?
00:15:24What the fuck?
00:15:55...in Italy, yesterday.
00:15:58And I'm here to visit Shanda's river,
00:16:01the site of the death and life of one of the thousands of forgotten cases of an innocent woman killed by the hands of the Inquisition.
00:16:19I must have slept all day.
00:16:21I must have slept all day because of the jet lag.
00:16:27Now it's 4.30 in the morning and I just woke up from a very vivid nightmare.
00:16:34It must have been a shitty wine that was given to me by Julia, one of the locals here.
00:16:52We'll be leaving in a few hours for the site.
00:16:55Well, if anything, you can't say this place lacks of atmosphere.
00:17:05Good morning!
00:17:07Good morning.
00:17:08Are you ready? Did you have breakfast?
00:17:11Yes, I'm fine.
00:17:13Let's go then.
00:17:15It's just 30 minutes with the car and then we start walking.
00:17:22We're waiting for someone?
00:17:24In fact, yes. Just another customer. His name is...
00:17:42His name is...
00:17:44Right. How do you... Is he with you?
00:17:47No, he's not with me.
00:17:51Oh, here he is. Hi, Daniel!
00:17:53Good morning, sweetheart.
00:17:54This is Emma, the professor I told you about the other night.
00:17:58Hi there. Nice to meet you, Emma.
00:18:05Are you ready to go?
00:18:06Sure. Hold the trunk for me, will you?
00:18:24So, why are you so interested in witches? Are you one?
00:18:32Do you speak English?
00:18:38Yes, I do.
00:18:42For a moment there I thought you couldn't understand me.
00:18:47So, Daniel, what do you do?
00:18:51I'm an investigative news reporter.
00:18:54Are you investigating the murder of a witch that happened more than 500 years ago?
00:18:58No, I'm covering the Red River murders.
00:19:02Oh, is that the underground cult that is killing people on holy ground?
00:19:07The last one was 10 kilometers away. An archaeological site.
00:19:12They tied her up, drugged her...
00:19:13Can we talk about something else, please?
00:19:21Sure. Why don't we listen to some music?
00:19:37With a strand in my legs And the lights that breaks me
00:19:43As I run to you
00:19:48The desperation takes me And I'm afraid that it's not true
00:20:02What is it? A flat tire?
00:20:05Let's get out.
00:20:06No, no, no. Just stay here. Stay here. Daniel, please, come back in.
00:20:11What's wrong?
00:20:13We're leaking some oil.
00:20:17No, please. Julia! Daniel!
00:20:34Help me!
00:21:18Daniel! Wake up!
00:21:25What the fuck happened?
00:21:27The people with the masks!
00:21:29They're coming!
00:21:30How do you know?
00:21:31I dreamt about it!
00:21:36We gotta get out of here!
00:22:01Oh, no, no, please, no.
00:23:07It's 4 o'clock in the morning and I just had the worst nightmare of my life.
00:23:38Maybe it's jet lag, or the wine, or maybe this study about which hand is getting under my skin.
00:23:46But I've been traveling for two weeks by now, gathering pictures and documents,
00:23:53and jumping from plane to train, non-stop.
00:23:58And I need to take my mind off this research for one day.
00:24:08It might throw me out of schedule, but my brain is clearly sending me messages of stress overload.
00:24:18I need a break.
00:24:38I'm not coming, I'm feeling sick.
00:24:42Oh, do you have fever?
00:24:45No, I'm fine.
00:24:47I mean, I'm not fine, but I will be.
00:24:52Do you need anything?
00:24:54No, just go.
00:24:56I'll go back to bed and talk to you later.
00:25:02Well, I have to go.
00:25:03See you later.
00:25:07Well, I have to escort another client, so it will have to be tomorrow.
00:25:11You have my number, right?
00:25:15Yes, right.
00:25:17Yeah, goodbye.
00:26:35Hey, how are you feeling?
00:26:38Yes, I'm better, thanks.
00:26:40I had a cup of tea.
00:26:42Oh, I see.
00:26:45I'm going to bed.
00:27:03Where are you guys right now?
00:27:05We're camping in the woods right now.
00:27:07We're about two kilometers away from the site.
00:27:10Daniel here is telling me a scary story.
00:27:13Well, maybe you should come back.
00:27:15Why? Camping is the best part of my tour.
00:27:18Besides, we are several kilometers in the woods by now.
00:27:23Just try to be safe then, alright?
00:27:25We're fine, don't worry.
00:27:27Get some rest.
00:27:29I will.
00:27:46Hi, no.
00:27:48I was just calling to check on you guys.
00:27:51No, it's just that, you know,
00:27:53when you got a bad dream and you think you woke up,
00:27:56but you're actually still dreaming.
00:27:59Yes, I think I'm having one right now.
00:28:03Okay, got it.
00:28:05I'll talk to you tomorrow then.
00:28:07Try to be safe.
00:28:09Good night, Emma.
00:28:31Emma, I'll be needing your help next.
00:29:01I'm stuck.
00:29:11I'm stuck.
00:29:16I'm stuck.
00:29:21I'm stuck.
00:29:23I'm stuck.
00:29:28I'm stuck.
00:29:32I'm stuck.
00:29:44Go away!
00:29:50Go away!
00:30:01Go away!
00:30:31Go away!
00:31:02Go away!
00:31:14Now you're going to die.
00:31:31Now you're going to die.
00:31:38Emma, I'll be needing your help next.
00:32:01Go away!
00:32:31Now you're going to die.
00:32:41Now you're going to die.
00:33:02Help me!
00:33:04Please, please!
00:33:05Help me!
00:33:31Why do you keep killing me?
00:33:34Why are you doing this?
00:33:38Don't you see?
00:33:40We always kill you
00:33:42because you will never die.
00:33:46There's no way out of here.
00:33:54There's no way out of here.
00:33:59There's no way out of here.
00:34:29Michael's one-eyed.
00:34:34Michael's one-eyed.
00:34:39Michael's one-eyed.
00:35:00Michael's one-eyed.
00:35:12I never believed in witchcraft.
00:35:16Stories of curses and monsters.
00:35:20History was nothing but a series of crimes.
00:35:23Silent war conducted by men against women.
00:35:27Nothing else.
00:35:30It was like I was wrong.
00:35:33I should have believed.
00:35:35I should have kept an open mind.
00:35:39It's too late for me.
00:35:41I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:35:46Hopefully somebody else will learn from all this.
00:35:59I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:03I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:06I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:09I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:12I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:15I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:18I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:21I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:24I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:26I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:29I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:32I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:35I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:38I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:41I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:44I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:47I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:50I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:53I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:56I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:36:58I am trapped by my own skepticism.
00:37:29Emma, are you alright?
00:37:32It's time to go.
00:37:34Are you ready for the tour?
00:37:37What tour?
00:37:39What do you mean what tour?
00:37:42The one you came here for.
00:37:44Come on, we don't want to be late.
00:37:50We have to meet someone too.
00:38:01How do you know?
00:38:03It doesn't matter.
00:38:05You don't look great.
00:38:08What's wrong with you?
00:38:10I can't decide.
00:38:16Maybe you should take a break from your work, you know?
00:38:20Reading about all these new cops stuff can get to you.
00:38:25And you can't die either.
00:38:30Emma, I have no idea what's going on with you, but...
00:38:34you're starting to freak me out.
00:38:40Come with me.
00:38:55Come on.
00:38:56Come on.
00:38:57Come on.
00:39:22Come on, tomorrow you'll wake up and you're gonna be just fine.
00:39:27It's gonna be fine.
00:39:45Oh no, how many locusts?
00:39:57Come on.
00:40:27Please help me!
00:43:30No, it's impossible!
00:43:35You can't die.
00:43:37Then everyone has the answer.
00:43:39The answer is me.
00:44:54Hello YouTubers.
00:44:55My name is Daniel and I'm an investigative reporter.
00:44:58I have worked for several years for many television networks across Europe,
00:45:02covering the most mysterious cases of homicide you can imagine.
00:45:06Tonight, I'm here to talk to you about the latest case I'm investigating.
00:45:11And believe me, this story will give you chills.
00:45:16In the last two years, several mysterious deaths took place on notoriously cursed Italian archaeological grounds.
00:45:23These were reported to the authorities in Italy.
00:45:27The victims were usually tied or bonded to a pole or a tree,
00:45:31sometimes to a rock, considered as an altar.
00:45:34The murderers killed their victims in a ritualistic way,
00:45:38bleeding them to death,
00:45:40swapping their body parts with animal limbs,
00:45:43or even by burning them alive.
00:45:47On a first look, these killings might look like the work of yet another sick serial killer
00:45:52or a group of insane individuals.
00:45:55What sets this case apart from your usual sociopath, though, is a rather unsettling detail.
00:46:02In fact, even though the location of the crime scene and the type of victim changes every time,
00:46:07the police force have found one recurring trait that connects all these homicides.
00:46:13A symbol.
00:46:15And this is how it looks like.
00:46:20I know what you're thinking.
00:46:21Most of the serial killers out there are infamous for signing their ill work,
00:46:26and that is the official interpretation of authorities and criminologists as well.
00:46:31But I have done some research on my own and found clear evidence
00:46:35that there might be a much darker secret behind this mark.
00:46:39According to my study,
00:46:41this symbol was used by a cult that found its roots in northern Italy
00:46:46and southeast of France during the Middle Ages.
00:46:49They used to call themselves the Revenants,
00:46:52and they believed in a specific death ritual
00:46:55that could, with these marks, trap the victim in a path of endless deaths.
00:47:03According to their belief,
00:47:05the victim of the sacrifice will undergo a hellish series of sacrifices,
00:47:09suffering over and over again until the path of the marks is completed,
00:47:14thus satisfying the cult deity.
00:47:18While digging for books and ancient tomes within the archives of Milan's library,
00:47:23I found this drawing,
00:47:26depicting one of the masks they used to wear during their human sacrifices.
00:47:35what do you think?
00:47:37Is this the work of a serial killer,
00:47:40or are we dealing with an ancient cult?
00:47:43Surviving for centuries,
00:47:45she also killed people practicing dark magic.
00:47:51Please like this video,
00:47:53and leave a comment below.
00:48:03I'll see you today.
00:48:12I'll see you tomorrow.
00:48:42I'll see you tomorrow.
00:49:12I'll see you tomorrow.
00:49:42I'll see you tomorrow.
00:50:12I'll see you tomorrow.
00:50:38I'm sorry, do I know you?
00:50:41Well, you don't know me, but I do know you.
00:50:45Are you some kind of stalker?
00:50:49I'm here to talk about the revenants.
00:50:56In your YouTube video, you talk about a ritual,
00:50:59a path of many deaths their victims go through.
00:51:03Yes, it's supposed to be some kind of spell.
00:51:06And it starts with this.
00:51:10Why do you ask?
00:51:12I think I got trapped in it.
00:51:22They keep coming,
00:51:24since I'm here.
00:51:28I saw the marks, and since then,
00:51:30they wear those masks,
00:51:32and they come, they kill me and everybody around.
00:51:35And I keep waking back up again,
00:51:37and again.
00:51:40And again, and again, and again, and again,
00:51:43and there's nothing I can do about it.
00:52:05The marks.
00:52:07You saw more than one?
00:52:09I saw one at the station when I arrived,
00:52:12and one in the hotel.
00:52:14That's where I keep waking back up.
00:52:17Are you here for the Shanda Swimmers too?
00:52:22This is how I knew you.
00:52:24A few hours from now,
00:52:26Julia is supposed to pick me up to take me to the river.
00:52:31What happens next?
00:52:34We get to the edge of the woods,
00:52:39something happens to the car,
00:52:41and then they come,
00:52:44and they take us to the woods, and they kill.
00:52:46I'm there too?
00:52:50I saw you dying, I think.
00:52:55That seems really fucked up.
00:52:58I tried to stay in my room, you know,
00:53:00because I figured, well,
00:53:02if I don't go, maybe they will not come.
00:53:06But they come where I am,
00:53:09and they kill me anyhow.
00:53:19Can I have one of those?
00:53:29I even tried to kill myself.
00:53:36But it doesn't work.
00:53:39I can't get past this day, and I can't die.
00:53:44That's their wish.
00:53:47The remnants.
00:53:49They want you to get to this point.
00:53:51To be this desperate.
00:53:53Longing for a final death.
00:53:55Praying for life to stop.
00:53:58The whole ritual is supposed to be
00:54:01an act of preparation.
00:54:03Preparation for what?
00:54:09It works like this.
00:54:11The first mark chooses the victim.
00:54:14The second mark traps her in a path of endless deaths.
00:54:19The third mark is where the victim exits the path,
00:54:23and the final sacrifice is made.
00:54:26It's an ancient ritual.
00:54:28It's supposed to force the offered reality
00:54:31to be sacrificed willingly.
00:54:35and where is the third mark?
00:54:41my guess,
00:54:43it's on this river.
00:54:50These people
00:54:52have been sacrificing their victims on cursed grounds.
00:54:56And you guessed it,
00:54:58well, anyone can find it on the internet.
00:55:01She even posted pictures of her hotel
00:55:03and a map to get there from the train station.
00:55:07what happens if I get to the last mark?
00:55:12I can say for sure,
00:55:14this time
00:55:16it's all coming from notes from some real ancient shit.
00:55:20But you should get out,
00:55:22out of the loop,
00:55:24or else
00:55:26they will be there,
00:55:28waiting for you.
00:55:30That's the whole point.
00:55:31They should have been so that you would not get there yourself,
00:55:34to your own sacrifice.
00:55:41And the alternative is
00:55:43keep waking up and
00:55:46being killed every day.
00:55:52Do you believe me?
00:55:55I don't know.
00:55:57You could be a crazy lady with a passion for the occult.
00:56:00All this information
00:56:02is available in public libraries.
00:56:04They are hard to find,
00:56:06and hard to look.
00:56:08You know, there is this sentence they keep saying.
00:56:12Homo homin lupus.
00:56:14It's Latin.
00:56:20What would it take?
00:56:23To believe you?
00:56:25I guess you could stay here for the rest of the day.
00:56:27If the revenants show up,
00:56:29then I will drive you to the river myself,
00:56:32and we can take our chances.
00:56:34If they don't,
00:56:37you're officially crazy and I can take you to a doctor.
00:56:40Why doing it?
00:56:43Why not kicking me out?
00:56:45Why taking the risk?
00:56:50I've been chasing serial killers and ghost stories for a decade.
00:56:53I have a natural inclination for taking the worst decisions.
00:56:59Very well.
00:57:07What are you doing?
00:57:10I'm going to get sacrificed tonight.
00:57:13I want to feel alive for the last time.
00:57:19What are you doing?
00:57:21What day is it?
00:57:23Same day.
00:57:24You just fell asleep.
00:57:25No, we're supposed to go to the river.
00:57:28Don't worry, it's late afternoon.
00:57:30I've been here writing all day what you were storing.
00:57:32And there was no sign of killers with masks.
00:57:42He must be crazy.
00:58:00Hello, who is this?
00:58:07Holy shit, you are not lying to me.
00:58:20It's impossible.
00:58:27It's impossible.
00:58:34Get down here.
00:58:46What are you doing?
00:58:48Trust me.
00:58:51It's better this way.
00:58:55I believe you.
00:59:20I believe you.
00:59:50I believe you.
00:59:52I believe you.
01:00:20I believe you.
01:00:50I believe you.
01:01:16I don't know where I'm going anymore.
01:01:18I think I got lost.
01:01:20Where are you?
01:01:29Don't trust them.
01:01:31Who are you?
01:01:33Don't become like them.
01:01:50Don't become like them.
01:02:21I am recording this last account in case things go wrong.
01:02:31I would like this record to be made accessible to Daniel Ross and his research.
01:02:38A few days ago I've been caught into a web by the killer cult of the revenants.
01:02:43They used some kind of black magic to put a spell on me.
01:02:46And trapped me into a series of repeating days where they would stab me, torture me, beat me to death.
01:02:54The experience brought me to such a deep point of sorrow that I tried to take my own life several times.
01:03:03I have made researches for many years on crimes against women in the dark ages by superstitious people.
01:03:09But only now that I am deeply into witchcraft I know how lonely and hopeless and desperate they must have felt.
01:03:22I'm heading towards my own sacrifice now.
01:03:25That's what they want.
01:03:27That's the reason for all of this.
01:03:29If I don't, if I try to escape, they will kill me again and I will be back to square one.
01:03:37A friend told me that they will be waiting for me.
01:03:40That doesn't give me much hope to be able to put up a fight.
01:03:44But I'll try.
01:03:46And if it goes bad for me, if I will have to die again today by the hands of the cult, I hope it's going to be the last time.
01:03:57I hope I will find peace.
01:04:00One way or another.
01:04:37To be continued...
01:05:07To be continued...
01:05:38To be continued...
01:05:50You've come a long way, Emma.
01:05:56Well, it was the easiest explanation, wasn't it?
01:06:01After all, I knew where you would arrive.
01:06:05I told you where to wait.
01:06:07Where to sleep.
01:06:09And I introduced you to Daniel.
01:06:11Didn't I?
01:06:14How do you know I talked to him?
01:06:17It happened yesterday.
01:06:19I mean, today.
01:06:22Of course, it might have took you a long time to put the pieces together.
01:06:27But time was not an issue, was it?
01:06:32So you want to kill me now?
01:06:36Sacrifice me to your god or some shit like that?
01:06:41Well, you might make it.
01:06:44But I'm gonna take some of you with me.
01:06:47It ain't gonna go easy.
01:06:49Is that what Daniel told you?
01:06:53I guess he doesn't have the full picture of what we're doing here.
01:06:58Let me tell you a story.
01:07:01There was once a scourge on this land, centuries ago.
01:07:07Plagues, famine, infertility were making the lives of the people unbearable.
01:07:15And what was the cause of that evil?
01:07:23You might think so.
01:07:24After all, you've been studying all your life, advocating on these cursed women of the past.
01:07:31But it's true.
01:07:33Their power was real.
01:07:36And so their ability to curse and bend time and space to their every whim.
01:07:43You've experienced some of it yourself, didn't you?
01:07:48Are you still trying to deny dark magic after dying and suffering so many times?
01:07:59What are you?
01:08:02Witches from the past?
01:08:04Who made it through the centuries?
01:08:07Oh no.
01:08:09We are the ones that fought back.
01:08:13In the beginning we were nothing.
01:08:16But an order of believers that tried to fight back against the dark power of witchcraft.
01:08:21Then, one day, one of our masters, the very first one of our order as it is today,
01:08:30had to face an entire coven.
01:08:33The witches were fighting back.
01:08:37They killed many of us.
01:08:40One after another, after another.
01:08:45Their killings were awful and cruel.
01:08:49From their blood and sacrifice, the coven would draw even more power from the dark forces to themselves.
01:08:57So, with our numbers shrinking, the victory of the witches seemed inevitable.
01:09:05Until our master figured out a way to turn their own power against them.
01:09:11While he was hunting one of their leaders, he found the instruction of an ancient ritual.
01:09:16Something that would be able to turn a witch's power against herself and steal her soul to serve our cause.
01:09:25So, one by one he hunted them down and turned each one of them into one of us.
01:09:33And that's why you're here.
01:09:36I am not a witch.
01:09:38I am not a witch.
01:09:41Are you sure?
01:09:45Well, times have changed.
01:09:49There are not so many witches left.
01:09:52And the ones that survived are way too powerful.
01:09:56And they're careful.
01:09:58Or, they don't know they're witches.
01:10:02We need to grow our number.
01:10:04We need more people than ever.
01:10:06The ritual is the way to fight them.
01:10:13What do you mean?
01:10:15You're not here by accident, Emma.
01:10:18Your origins have influenced your studies.
01:10:22And that's why you're here.
01:10:24So, after...
01:10:27You cursed me.
01:10:30You killed me.
01:10:32You tortured me.
01:10:33You tortured me.
01:10:35You told me that I'm a witch.
01:10:38You want to kill me one more time?
01:10:42Not just to kill you.
01:10:44But make you reborn.
01:10:47If you join us, you will be given the dark weapons of witchcraft.
01:10:53You will not age.
01:10:56You will not suffer.
01:10:58And you will be able to come back, even from death.
01:11:03And did they come back too?
01:11:08And what if I refuse?
01:11:12Well, then it would be the end of the path for you.
01:11:23You know what?
01:11:25Here is what I think.
01:11:28I think you're really badly shitty crazy.
01:11:33And if this was the Middle Ages,
01:11:36I would be on the witch's side.
01:11:39And not on yours.
01:11:41And you can take your masks,
01:11:43your wiggles,
01:11:45and your creepy chins,
01:11:47and stick them up your ass.
01:11:51You made your choice.
01:11:53Now you'll die.
01:11:56Like the monsters you've been defending your entire life.
01:12:00This is what you wanted all along.
01:12:03Admit it.
01:12:05Deep down, you always wanted to end up like this.
01:12:08Just like Shanda.
01:12:10Another woman martyr.
01:12:13Another case of kill in a long path of murders.
01:12:18But we are the silent will.
01:12:22Because we fight for the living,
01:12:24not for the forces of darkness.
01:12:34What a disappointment.
01:12:36We'll be luckier with the next one.
01:12:39Let's pack it up.
01:13:03Wake up.
01:13:21Wake up.
01:13:33Something is wrong.
01:13:35Go find her.
01:14:28You wanted a war.
01:14:30Now, I'll give you a war.
01:14:34For Revenant's come.
01:14:36Death is just a door.
01:14:39Let me open it.
01:15:19This is Daniel Goode.
01:15:22Yes, I am.
01:15:24I'm Inspector DeGeneres.
01:15:26Do you speak Italian?
01:15:27Do you speak Italian?
01:15:29No, sorry.
01:15:32Sorry for my English.
01:15:40We found the corpse.
01:15:42A woman named Julia.
01:15:44We found her body at Shanda's river.
01:15:48We think the killing happened there.
01:15:51Am I in trouble or something?
01:15:53No, she is.
01:15:54She was dismembered yesterday.
01:15:58I was on my pension all day.
01:16:00The owner can testify for it.
01:16:03I know.
01:16:05You have a solid alibi.
01:16:08Did you sign it up for one of her tours?
01:16:14We were supposed to go there yesterday,
01:16:16but she never showed up.
01:16:18I tried to call, she didn't pick up.
01:16:21Did you ever meet this woman?
01:16:32Dumb stranger.
01:16:34Who is she?
01:16:36We also booked a tour
01:16:39of the river with Julia.
01:16:42According to the record
01:16:45we found in her computer
01:16:47she was supposed to come with you two yesterday.
01:16:52Never met her.
01:16:54In the story she was writing a book.
01:16:59Research on witch persecution.
01:17:03Sounds like my type.
01:17:06That is exactly what I told.
01:17:12I don't know her.
01:17:14I really don't.
01:17:16But I can tell you something.
01:17:18You are taking this kind of homicide too lightly.
01:17:20Are you going to tell me one of your ghost stories now?
01:17:26Let me guess.
01:17:28You found traces of unbelievable violence on the crime scene.
01:17:32Maybe signs of torture
01:17:34or large quantities of blood.
01:17:37There were probably signs of rituals,
01:17:40like cymbals or candles.
01:17:46And you found a strange mark on the ground.
01:17:48Something like a circle
01:17:50with a dot in the middle.
01:17:52I think you know what I'm talking about.
01:17:54I think you have seen it before,
01:17:56in recent cases.
01:17:58And I think you don't have the slightest
01:18:00motherfucking idea of what really is going on.
01:18:07I'll tell you what I think.
01:18:09I think there are no ghosts or witches.
01:18:12Just really sick individuals.
01:18:14I think you know more than you what you tell me.
01:18:18And I think sooner or later
01:18:21I will find a way to connect
01:18:24your sorry ass
01:18:26to one of these murders.
01:18:29Should I call my lawyer in London?
01:18:32No, no, no.
01:18:34You are free to go for now.
01:18:39I'm sorry.
01:18:40You are free to go for now.
01:18:47One last thing.
01:18:51If I see you
01:18:56close to my crime scene,
01:18:59where is this going
01:19:02to experience some Italian Jane Love?
01:19:10Police motherfucker.
01:19:40This is the time I get arrested for real.
01:20:10I have a message in a box.
01:20:17I am recording this mass account
01:20:20in case anything goes wrong.
01:20:22I would like this record to be made accessible
01:20:25for Daniel Ross and his research.
01:20:30This might be the time I get my story.
01:21:10You are free to go for now.
01:21:40You are free to go for now.
01:22:10You are free to go for now.
01:22:13You are free to go for now.
01:22:16You are free to go for now.
01:22:19You are free to go for now.
01:22:22You are free to go for now.
01:22:25You are free to go for now.
01:22:28You are free to go for now.
01:22:31You are free to go for now.
01:22:34You are free to go for now.
01:22:37You are free to go for now.
01:22:40You are free to go for now.
01:22:43You are free to go for now.
01:22:46You are free to go for now.
01:22:49You are free to go for now.
01:22:52You are free to go for now.
01:22:55You are free to go for now.
01:22:58You are free to go for now.
01:23:01You are free to go for now.
01:23:04You are free to go for now.
01:23:07You are free to go for now.
01:23:10You are free to go for now.
01:23:13You are free to go for now.
01:23:16You are free to go for now.
01:23:19You are free to go for now.
01:23:22You are free to go for now.
01:23:25You are free to go for now.
01:23:28You are free to go for now.
01:23:31You are free to go for now.
01:23:34You are free to go for now.
01:23:37You are free to go for now.
01:23:40You are free to go for now.
01:23:43You are free to go for now.
01:23:46You are free to go for now.
01:23:49You are free to go for now.
01:23:52You are free to go for now.
01:23:55You are free to go for now.
01:23:58You are free to go for now.
01:24:01You are free to go for now.
01:24:04You are free to go for now.
01:24:07You are free to go for now.
01:24:10You will not age.
01:24:13You will not suffer.
01:24:16You will be able to come back.
01:24:19Even from the death.
01:24:26Revenge has come.
01:24:30Shatter is back.
01:24:34Death is just a goal.
01:24:37Death is just a goal.
01:24:48Amo Ami Niyukus.
01:24:52Amo Ami Niyukus.
01:24:56Amo Ami Niyukus.
01:25:00Amo Ami Niyukus.
01:25:06Amo Ami Niyukus.
01:25:10Amo Ami Niyukus.
01:25:18The time has come.
01:25:21The time has come.
01:25:24We have to fight.
01:25:27We have to fight.
01:25:30I hope you will be victorious.
01:25:33I hope you will be victorious.
01:25:36I hope you will be victorious.
