Inanimate Insanity PLUSH TOYS and MORE:
See the entire INANIMATE INSANITY series here:
Fifteen contestants receive a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to compete for one million dollars! Sounds like a no-brainer, until they meet their host MePhone4, who's full of surprises- and voices. Many voices.
Inanimate Insanity created by Adam Katz.
Series directed by Adam Katz and Brian Koch.
Series inspired by Jacknjellify's "Battle for Dream Island."
Featuring music by Kevin MacLeod.
See the entire INANIMATE INSANITY series here:
Fifteen contestants receive a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to compete for one million dollars! Sounds like a no-brainer, until they meet their host MePhone4, who's full of surprises- and voices. Many voices.
Inanimate Insanity created by Adam Katz.
Series directed by Adam Katz and Brian Koch.
Series inspired by Jacknjellify's "Battle for Dream Island."
Featuring music by Kevin MacLeod.
00:00Greetings and salutations! I'm your host, Mephone 4, and this is Inanimate Insanity,
00:09a show where these 15 objects compete for one million dollars! You see, the team that
00:16loses each episode will have to vote off a contestant, and that contestant will leave
00:21the game, never to return, ever. So, it's time for their first challenge!
00:30Okay, so, the first challenge will be- I'm sorry, I just, is that how you actually
00:44sound? Yeah! Isn't it professional?
00:48Yeah... Uh, no, it sounds like crap!
00:53And now, these 14 contestants will compete in their first challenge!
00:58So, we're stuck with the voice, then? Fine, I'm willing to change it, but only
01:03if you're willing to face the consequences! We'll take a vote!
01:07Sound claim! The ayes have it!
01:10There! I can't imagine any problem with this!
01:12Try again! No, I'm committing to this!
01:15Then I'm committing to death! You might just be, because in this challenge
01:19I brainstormed just 5 seconds ago, you'll be jumping off this 60-foot clip!
01:24The first two contestants to jump off this clip win, and get to pick this season's teams!
01:28This should be easy! What about that is easy?
01:32Oh yeah, one more thing! You must land into the safe zone filled with clean spring water,
01:37because if you don't, you will never land! What? What do you mean, never?
01:45Ever. Wow, that is one crappy cliff.
01:52So, everyone ready? Well actually, I had a question about-
01:55Start! Don't worry guys, I have loads of experience
01:58in jumping off cliffs. And it looks like Pickle is out, in 3 seconds!
02:04That's just sad. That's existentially terrifying!
02:07This challenge is mine! Oh crap, this is not good!
02:14Come on Salty Salt, let's jump together! I'm sorry Pepper, but there is no way,
02:19no way that I am doing that! But we are BCFFs, we have to be together!
02:25You're right, let's continue to be codependent! Hooray!
02:32Marshmallow's failure to use gravity correctly eliminates herself, so keep going!
02:36Wait Taco, don't do it! No!
02:40Wow, Lightbulb actually wins, thanks to Taco!
02:44Thanks a lot Taco, it's your fault Lightbulb won!
02:54Whoa dude, this doesn't seem right! Well, what do you suggest?
02:58Much better, and you're next!
03:01Okay, okay, I'll make you a deal, I will change my voice, if you jump and lose on purpose.
03:09How's this? I like the other one.
03:12Yes, I'm so close!
03:21Balloon also wins, which means they can pick the teams!
03:27But next episode!
03:30Yeah, you heard correctly, next episode!
03:33Oh, come on!
03:36So, is this the rest of our lives now? Falling, forever?
03:44Well, at least we have each other!
03:47I mean like, I could kill all of us if that's battle!
03:50Settle cream!
03:52I'd have it!
03:57Hello? Hello?
04:06If you're a new viewer, we'd really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button
04:09so we can continue making animations on this channel.
04:11And if you're a returning viewer or a longtime fan, first of all, thank you for your viewership,
04:15and second of all, we did want to make it super clear that the continuation we talked about in December,
04:19the remaster is not that project.
04:21We also want to make it really clear that as we're remastering the show,
04:24the original uploads will still be up on this channel, so don't worry about those going away.
04:28More info on that continuation will be coming soon, so please stay tuned,
04:31and thank you so much for watching.