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#sitaronkibaat #predictions #HumayunMehboob
Sitaron Ki Baat Humayun Ke Saath is a program on ARY Digital which come every Saturday at 11:00 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM that tells us about the horoscope and the prediction for the entire week.
ARY Digital Official YouTube Channel, For more video subscribe our channel and for suggestion please use the comment section.
#horoscope #HumayunMehboobPredictions #ARYHoroscopeShow
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#sitaronkibaat #predictions #HumayunMehboob
Sitaron Ki Baat Humayun Ke Saath is a program on ARY Digital which come every Saturday at 11:00 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM that tells us about the horoscope and the prediction for the entire week.
ARY Digital Official YouTube Channel, For more video subscribe our channel and for suggestion please use the comment section.
#horoscope #HumayunMehboobPredictions #ARYHoroscopeShow
00:00Peace be upon you, ladies and gentlemen.
00:14I am Humayun Mehboob, the host of Sitar-O-Ki-Baat.
00:17I welcome you to Humayun Qasad on ARY Digital.
00:23Your live calls will be my answers.
00:25Take this as a sign from Allah.
00:30If Allah wills it, it will happen. If He wills it, nothing will happen.
00:34Tell me the date of birth, time of birth, so that I can give you a better explanation.
00:39Everything else is in the hands of Allah.
00:42In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the ever Merciful.
00:44Let me talk to the caller first. Hello?
00:49Yes, yes.
00:50Yes, please go ahead. Peace be upon you.
00:53Peace be upon you.
00:54Yes, please go ahead. Whom would you like to ask?
00:5711th February.
01:0011th February?
01:03Give me a second.
01:0611th February, 1994, time of birth?
01:126pm, but the moon was out at 6pm.
01:18Look, I don't want the moon of Ramadan or Muharram. I want the time.
01:22Is this unique?
01:26Yes, this is mine. 6pm.
01:276pm. Where were you born?
01:31Pakpatan, Mashallah.
01:33Give me a second.
01:36You were born in Pakpatan.
01:45Khatun, if this is your horoscope and you are telling me that you were born at 6pm,
01:51then tell me, did you open your eyes to a strong family?
01:59A strong family, financially?
02:03In terms of respect?
02:05In terms of tolerance? Is this how it is with you?
02:08Yes, I am a married woman.
02:11I will come to that, Khatun.
02:13First, let me confirm that this is your horoscope.
02:17Do you belong to a good family that is financially stable?
02:22I will come to that at the wedding.
02:24Yes, that's fine. I just need to get confirmation that this time is right.
02:28Now, look, in a married life, there are many signs of your problems.
02:37May Allah make things better for you.
02:39May Allah bless you abundantly.
02:42But I have to fulfill the requirements of my knowledge.
02:48I have to speak the truth.
02:50I have to have fear of Allah.
02:51I have to not break anyone's heart.
02:53You have to keep many factors in mind when you talk.
02:55Look, this is a situation where there is a possibility of more than one marriage.
03:00But if Allah wills, nothing will happen.
03:02Now, your problem has become more serious after 2024.
03:11Now, what you have to do is,
03:13on every Tuesday, you have to apply small bones to the body.
03:18Put it on stray dogs.
03:20On every weekday, give 260 grams of black lentils to someone in the name of Allah.
03:26And according to this taste, Allah has given you benefits.
03:29Give 260 milliliters of mustard oil to someone.
03:34Stop wearing black and red after today.
03:37Now, what is your duty?
03:39If Allah wills, He can do everything.
03:42For example, our obligatory prayers are in their place.
03:46This duty is an additional thing.
03:48It is an additional thing to ask Allah and call upon Allah.
03:54First and last, the Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
03:56Read it eight times.
03:58In between, read it 107 times.
04:00Either as Wadood, Latif, or Jabbar.
04:05I am using the name Jalali.
04:07And along with this, read Yaqabiz.
04:11And after that, read Ya Salamo.
04:13And then, eight times Surah Fatiha.
04:16Eight times Surah Ikhlas.
04:18Eight times Surah Kausar.
04:20And once, read Ayat-ul-Kursi and pray to Allah.
04:24Allah has commanded me, He has blessed me.
04:27Everything happens by His command.
04:29So, God willing, Allah will bless you with the blessings of my Punjab.
04:33And a better night will come for you.
04:35God willing.
04:37Yes, please let me talk to the next caller.
04:41Yes, Assalam-o-Alaikum.
04:42Yes, Walaikum-as-Salaam. Go ahead.
04:44Sir, 15th December, 1990, at 7.30 in the morning.
04:47Are you speaking?
04:49Yes, I am speaking. Faizul Muram.
04:5115th December, 1990.
04:56And you are...
04:57At 7.30 in the morning.
04:58Just a second. Where were you born?
05:01In Lahore.
05:02You were born in Lahore. Just a second.
05:06Is it cold or hot in Lahore these days?
05:09The weather is changing. The cold is almost over.
05:12The cold is over. Okay.
05:14The cold will come suddenly.
05:16And it will come in the month that people are not expecting.
05:21Okay, brother, tell me something.
05:23Think about it and tell me.
05:27Allah has been very kind to us.
05:31But tell me, from 2022 onwards until now,
05:38does life feel like everything is locked?
05:43It is almost like that.
05:46Yes, it is almost like that.
05:50You will see it from the command of Allah.
05:52And especially, tell me, when it came to 2024,
05:58and then came the extremism,
06:00you must have gone to big people.
06:04Tell me honestly, have you gone to big people?
06:07For example, big people...
06:09I will tell you, to big people.
06:10To Baba's, to so and so, to an astrologer, to a numerologist.
06:17Because your horoscope is telling me
06:21that there is a person who is roaming everywhere,
06:26but there is no solution for him.
06:28And your horoscope is telling me that
06:33if it is the command of Allah, you don't have to go to anyone.
06:38Now, if Allah is kind to you,
06:42if He gives you a pure and pure horoscope,
06:44then you will also feel from where this person will get something.
06:49Now, let me tell you something.
06:51You live in Lahore, right?
06:53You live in Lahore, right?
06:55You go there.
06:56Look, if you ask for something, it is only from Allah.
06:59If you ask for something from someone other than Allah,
07:01then it is a great sin.
07:03You go to Hazrat Ganbakhsh Ali Hijweri's Mazar-e-Mubarak.
07:08After that, you go to Hazrat Bibi Pak Daman's Mazar.
07:14And you have to go...
07:15I am saying this for you.
07:16You can always go to Ahlullah's Darbar,
07:19but you have to go on Friday night.
07:22And when you go there,
07:23you buy 12 laddoos with your own hands
07:28and give them to the people who are sitting there.
07:31After that, I will tell you one thing.
07:33Do you have any empty land?
07:36Right now, I don't have any.
07:38It is in my mother's name.
07:39In your mother's name, do one thing on that empty land.
07:42Plant three trees of bananas.
07:45I am telling you very strange things.
07:46Plant three trees of bananas.
07:48And these people who are not Makhannas.
07:50Makhannas is a good word in Urdu.
07:52In our language, they are called Khwaja Sara.
07:59Transgender, those who are genuine.
08:01Give them something or the other.
08:02And you have to read...
08:04I have told you a different remedy.
08:08On every Mangal,
08:10you have to put small bones of meat on your body.
08:15Put them on stray dogs.
08:16If you put a pet, it will die.
08:18Keep this in mind.
08:20And you have to read Durood-e-Ibrahimi three times.
08:24In between, you have to read 100 times of Muqamal-e-Istighfar,
08:29100 times of Yaaz-ul-Jalal-e-Wali-e-Ikram,
08:32100 times of Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Bi-Rahmatika Astaghif.
08:36This will go up and down.
08:38I am telling you the truth.
08:39I do not show you false dreams.
08:40Until 2028-2029.
08:42After that, your life will start to boost.
08:45And God willing, even before that.
08:48Thank you very much, sir.
08:50Ladies and gentlemen, I am taking a break.
08:51After the break, I will talk to you again.
08:55Ladies and gentlemen, once again,
08:57Humayun Mehboob welcomes you to ARY Digital.
09:01Yes, please let me talk to the caller.
09:05Hello, As-Salaam-Alaikum.
09:06Yes, Wa-Alaikum-As-Salaam.
09:07Yes, ma'am.
09:09Yes, I want to know about my son.
09:11Tell me his date of birth.
09:1226th June, 2010.
09:1526th June, 2010.
09:197.26 pm.
09:24What time?
09:257.26 pm.
09:27Where was he born?
09:29Give me a second.
09:41A brilliant mind.
09:44A brilliant mind.
09:46And this child of yours, by the grace of God,
09:51is going through a difficult time.
09:53But life will give him everything.
09:55What is the problem with that?
09:57His mind changes very quickly.
09:59For example, people say,
10:00in a moment, he is Tola, in a moment, he is Ratti, in a moment, he is Masha.
10:04His thoughts change very quickly.
10:06And secondly, he will see everyone with a doubtful eye.
10:10The time he is going through right now,
10:12tell me, I am going back to the past.
10:16Was he bothering your son a lot from 2018 to 2021?
10:23Yes, yes.
10:24Now, I will go further.
10:26After that, in 2022, he got a little relief.
10:31He will love his mother a lot.
10:33He will be very attached to his mother.
10:36But the time he is going through right now,
10:39he is a little confused here.
10:43Did he have any problems in his education?
10:45Tell me this.
10:47In education.
10:48No, he didn't have any problems,
10:49but he is a little scared of exams.
10:53Yes, he doesn't feel at ease these days.
10:54Yes, that's what happened.
10:57He is scared in the matter of education.
10:59Tell him, there are problems, there are problems.
11:03Tell him, Inshallah, have faith in Allah.
11:05Things will get better for you.
11:07In which field are you thinking of putting him in?
11:10This computer.
11:11I will put him in the computer.
11:12Put him in artificial intelligence in the computer.
11:17Artificial intelligence.
11:18You have heard of AI these days, right?
11:20Yes, yes.
11:21Put him in that by closing his eyes.
11:24It will be set in that.
11:25Or put him in another number,
11:27in marketing or business management.
11:30Get him an MBA.
11:31It is still a long way off,
11:34but it is an early stage, but I am telling you.
11:36Now do one thing for him.
11:38Inshallah, tell him, there is no need to worry.
11:41Allah will bless me.
11:43What does he have to do?
11:45On every Tuesday,
11:48270 grams of red lentils.
11:51You can see it from the taste,
11:54so, if you can, open your eyes in your parents' house.
11:57270 grams of red lentils.
11:59Put your hand on it and give it to a poor person in the name of Allah.
12:03And recite one wazifa on it.
12:05If he recites it himself, then Subhanallah.
12:07First and last, Durood-e-Ibrahimi, five times.
12:10In between, 104 times.
12:11Ya Aleemu, Ya Khabeeru, Ya Naafiu, Ya Fattahu, Ya Salamu.
12:18Five times, Surah Fatiha, five times, Surah Ikhlas,
12:2250 times, Rabb-e-Zidni Ilama,
12:26one time, Surah Shams, and one time, Ayat-ul-Kursi.
12:29Work hard and recite it.
12:31Allah will qualify you for it.
12:33Thank you very much, Khatun.
12:36Allah Hafiz.
12:37Connect me to the next caller.
12:39Yes, Assalamu Alaikum.
12:41Yes, Walaikum Assalam, Khatun.
12:43I want to ask about my son.
12:46Yes, tell me his date of birth and time of birth.
12:4820th November, 2005.
12:532005, time of birth?
12:57He was born in Faisalabad, between 12-12.15pm.
13:01You said 12-12.15pm in the afternoon, and you said Faisalabad.
13:06Give me one second.
13:16Who is he to you?
13:20He is my son.
13:22If he is your son, then first of all, tell me,
13:24let me confirm his taste.
13:27Is his stomach usually affected, Khatun?
13:30Yes, his stomach is loose.
13:32He will usually have loose motions,
13:34sometimes he will have constipation.
13:36He keeps going up and down with this.
13:40Okay, tell me one thing,
13:41have you ever felt that this child is a little distant between his father and him?
13:50Between whom?
13:53Between your son and your husband.
13:56Do you feel a little distance between father and son?
14:01Yes, of course.
14:03He loves his mother more than I do.
14:04Yes, he will openly love his mother,
14:07but with his father, there is a hesitation.
14:11Now, what should I do?
14:12His horoscope tells me,
14:16that if these are the blessings and prayers of the father,
14:20then his destiny will start working.
14:23And my Aqas Sayyidina Maulana Ali says,
14:27that the anger of the father is the anger of Allah,
14:29and the happiness of the father is the happiness of Allah.
14:32He says, you don't need to do anything,
14:35just love your father and get attached to him.
14:39Then all the work of your life will start getting done.
14:43In addition to astrology, there is another thing that I am telling you.
14:49Secondly, now I will come to the remedies.
14:53On every weekday, he should eat 80 grams of beans and put the birds in his hand.
14:57On every Tuesday, he should eat 90 grams of lentils and put the birds in his hand.
15:03And he should read, he should read a lot.
15:06He should read Istaghfar and Kalima Tayyaba.
15:10La Ilaha Illa Allah Muhammadur Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
15:15And he should read Istaghfar Astaghfirullah Rabbimin Kulli Zammim Maatubu Ilayh.
15:20By the grace of Allah, he will not need to go to anyone.
15:24His father's prayers will start working.
15:27Ladies and gentlemen, I am taking a break.
15:29After the break, I will take more of your calls.
15:31Once again, Humayun Mehboob welcomes you.
15:34Ladies and gentlemen, I say to you on every show,
15:36please, on social media, whether it is Facebook, LinkedIn, Messenger, TikTok,
15:43any connectivity, except for the YouTube channel,
15:46which is made by me by the name of Humayun Mehboob Astrology.
15:50In addition to that, there are frauds and cheaters on everyone.
15:54You don't have to approach them.
15:56I do it here, on my YouTube channel.
15:59And apart from that, the personal private commercial consultation I do,
16:04there is only one place, that is Hotel Pal Continental, PC Hotel Karachi.
16:08I am telling you the number there with the court.
16:15And the second number is 021-3568-5021.
16:20From 2.45 in the afternoon to 6.15 in the evening,
16:24you can take an appointment with my assistant for a private commercial consultation.
16:28These are the landline numbers.
16:31And if you call from a foreign country,
16:34you can show it to Mr. Humayun on the video.
16:36I can see you, you can see me, so that there is peace on both sides.
16:40And if anyone has a doubt within Pakistan, he can check it.
16:43If I am there, he will show it to you.
16:45So, please take care of this.
16:48There is a lot of fraud.
16:49And apart from the landline number, you don't have to approach anyone.
16:52If there is any mobile number, assume that it is a cheater.
16:55Don't do it on Sunday.
16:56It is off on Sunday.
16:58The office is closed on Sunday.
16:59Rest, Monday to onward.
17:01Thank you very much for taking care of this.
17:05Now, I will talk to the caller.
17:08Yes, Assalamu Alaikum.
17:09Yes, Walaikum Assalam.
17:10Tell me, ma'am.
17:1114th August, 1999.
17:1614th August, 1999.
17:20At 11.35 at night.
17:23Where were you born?
17:27Where is it? Is there a place near it?
17:30It is on the side of Multan, Multan-Khanewal.
17:33Okay, okay.
17:34Near to Sahiwal.
17:37You said that it is near to Sahiwal.
17:40No, no, not Sahiwal.
17:42Multan, Khanewal and Kabirwala.
17:44Okay, okay.
17:45It is near to Khanewal.
17:46Okay, okay.
17:48Is this yours?
17:51Yes, yes, it is mine.
17:53Okay, ma'am, if this is yours, then tell me,
18:00is your writing and communication skills better than others?
18:11Yes, yes.
18:12Secondly, tell me,
18:13the time that has passed for you from 2017 to 2019,
18:19it has troubled you a lot in your life,
18:23in relation to the past.
18:24Then I will move forward from 2022.
18:27The time that has passed from January 25 to now,
18:30has it created confusion, problems and worries in your life?
18:35No, not at all.
18:36Yes, it has.
18:38Now, I am coming to one more thing.
18:39Even if I am wrong, you can tell me.
18:45Did you have any emotional connection with anyone?
18:48Yes, I did.
18:50Look, ma'am, I am trying to say this in a nostalgic way.
18:56There is no such thing as yoga in your horoscope.
18:58You will be deceived, you will be disappointed,
19:02and you get beaten up by having faith.
19:06I will not tell you more than this.
19:08Have faith in Allah.
19:10My Lord has blessed me with a pure soul.
19:14So, Allah will arrange for you.
19:18And look, Allah has given you a good-looking personality.
19:23Although you are not in front of me,
19:24but I am guessing from your horoscope,
19:28what should be the shape of your face.
19:31Your nose should be the most important and prominent on your face.
19:36Am I thinking right?
19:38Yes, absolutely.
19:40And secondly, don't think that I am saying this just because Allah has blessed me with a pure soul.
19:46Secondly, there is a prominent mole on your face
19:50which makes your face more attractive and beautiful.
19:54Now, let me finish here.
19:57You have to do one thing.
19:58On every Tuesday, there is a red lentil,
20:02I don't know what it is called in Urdu.
20:06You have to give 90 grams of it to the birds.
20:11Apart from that, you have to give up the red color for yourself.
20:16You will not wear red at all.
20:18Now, what do you have to read?
20:19Look at my Lord's blessings.
20:21First and last, the Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
20:24Nine times, and 108 times in between.
20:28O' my Lord, O' my Lord, O' my Lord, O' my Lord, O' my Lord, O' my Lord.
20:37Nine times, Surah Al-Fatiha.
20:39Nine times, Surah Al-Ikhlas.
20:41One time, Ayat Al-Kursi.
20:44And one time, you have to read Surah Al-Rahman and pray to Allah.
20:49If my Lord wills it, then Allah will bless you with a pure soul.
20:55And you don't have to go after anyone.
20:57There are such bad people sitting here,
20:58someone will cast a spell on you, someone will cast a spell on you.
21:02These things do exist, but not in the way people tell everyone.
21:07So, take care of this, and pray to Allah.
21:10And Allah will do your work, Inshallah.
21:13Have faith in Allah.
21:15Soon, you will have happiness in your life.
21:17Ladies and gentlemen, take care of the request I made regarding social media.
21:22And don't approach anything other than my YouTube channel.
21:26And I have already told you about my P.C. office.
21:28With this prayer, may Allah bless you, me, my country, Pakistan,
21:33the Pakistani nation, and every Muslim.
21:36After that, may He bless the whole world.
21:39Allow me to leave for next week.
21:42Thank you very much.
21:43Allah Hafiz.
21:44Fee Amanillah.
21:56Allah Hafiz.