Full Video: Things you DON'T need to have a great life || Acharya Prashant (2022)
00:00I want to go and live in a forest.
00:01I will only ask one thing and that is my security.
00:05Security of if I will survive or not.
00:07Degrowth does not mean that we necessarily have to go to the jungle and wipe out all
00:13civilization and dump all technology away.
00:18That's not really the thing.
00:19It merely means sustainability.
00:22Act in a way that is sustainable.
00:24The kind of resources we are using today, the earth simply does not have enough to provide
00:29for us.
00:30If the entire population of the world makes as much use of resources as the average American
00:37individual, we will need 17 of planets like ours.
00:4217 earths is what we need.
00:45From where will we get all that?
00:46Do we have those minerals?
00:48Do we have even fossil fuels are going to run out, right?
00:52They are anyway going to run out.
00:53Why not?
00:54Why not develop better technologies?
00:56Why not wean yourself away from them?